[607] _He first, etc._: Cagnazzo. See line 106.
[608] _He the most, etc._: Alichino, whose confidence in his agility had led to the outwitting of the band.
[609] _No power_: The foolish inept.i.tude of the devils for anything beyond their special function of hooking up and flaying those who appear on the surface of the pitch, and their irrational fierce playfulness as of tiger cubs, convey a vivid impression of the limits set to their diabolical power, and at the same time heighten the sense of what Dante's feeling of insecurity must have been while in such inhuman companionship.
Silent, alone, not now with company We onward went, one first and one behind, As Minor Friars[610] use to make their way.
On aesop's fable[611] wholly was my mind Intent, by reason of that contest new-- The fable where the frog and mouse we find; For _Mo_ and _Issa_[612] are not more of hue Than like the fable shall the fact appear, If but considered with attention due.
And as from one thought springs the next, so here 10 Out of my first arose another thought, Until within me doubled was my fear.
For thus I judged: Seeing through us[613] were brought Contempt upon them, hurt, and sore despite, They needs must be to deep vexation wrought.
If anger to malevolence unite, Then will they us more cruelly pursue Than dog the hare which almost feels its bite.
All my hair bristled, I already knew, With terror when I spake: 'O Master, try 20 To hide us quick' (and back I turned to view What lay behind), 'for me they terrify, These Malebranche following us; from dread I almost fancy I can feel them nigh.'
And he: 'Were I a mirror backed with lead I should no truer gla.s.s that form of thine, Than all thy thought by mine is answered.
For even now thy thoughts accord with mine, Alike in drift and featured with one face; And to suggest one counsel they combine. 30 If the right bank slope downward at this place, To the next Bolgia[614] offering us a way, Swiftly shall we evade the imagined chase.'
Ere he completely could his purpose say, I saw them with their wings extended wide, Close on us; as of us to make their prey.
Then quickly was I s.n.a.t.c.hed up by my Guide: Even as a mother when, awaked by cries, She sees the flames are kindling at her side, Delaying not, seizes her child and flies; 40 Careful for him her proper danger mocks, Nor even with one poor shift herself supplies.
And he, stretched out upon the flinty rocks, Himself unto the precipice resigned Which one side of the other Bolgia blocks.
A swifter course ne'er held a stream confined, That it may turn a mill, within its race, Where near the buckets 'tis the most declined Than was my Master's down that rock's sheer face; Nor seemed I then his comrade, as we sped, 50 But like a son locked in a sire's embrace.
And barely had his feet struck on the bed Of the low ground, when they were seen to stand Upon the crest, no more a cause of dread.[615]
For Providence supreme, who so had planned In the Fifth Bolgia they should minister, Them wholly from departure thence had banned.
'Neath us we saw a painted people fare, Weeping as on their way they circled slow, Crushed by fatigue to look at, and despair. 60 Cloaks had they on with hoods pulled down full low Upon their eyes, and fashioned, as it seemed, Like those which at Cologne[616] for monks they sew.
The outer face was gilt so that it gleamed; Inside was all of lead, of such a weight Frederick's[617] to these had been but straw esteemed.
O weary robes for an eternal state!
With them we turned to the left hand once more, Intent upon their tears disconsolate.
But those folk, wearied with the loads they bore, 70 So slowly crept that still new company Was ours at every footfall on the floor.
Whence to my Guide I said: 'Do thou now try To find some one by name or action known, And as we go on all sides turn thine eye.'
And one, who recognised the Tuscan tone, Called from behind us: 'Halt, I you entreat Who through the air obscure are hastening on; Haply in me thou what thou seek'st shalt meet.'
Whereon my Guide turned round and said: 'Await, And keep thou time with pacing of his feet.' 81 I stood, and saw two manifesting great Desire to join me, by their countenance; But their loads hampered them and pa.s.sage strait.[618]
And, when arrived, me with an eye askance[619]
They gazed on long time, but no word they spoke; Then, to each other turned, held thus parlance: 'His heaving throat[620] proves him of living folk.
If they are of the dead, how could they gain To walk uncovered by the heavy cloak?' 90 Then to me: 'Tuscan, who dost now attain To the college of the hypocrites forlorn, To tell us who thou art show no disdain.'
And I to them: 'I was both bred and born In the great city by fair Arno's stream, And wear the body I have always worn.
But who are ye, whose suffering supreme Makes tears, as I behold, to flood the cheek; And what your mode of pain that thus doth gleam?'
'Ah me, the yellow mantles,' one to speak 100 Began, 'are all of lead so thick, its weight Maketh the scales after this manner creak.
We, Merry Friars[621] of Bologna's state, I Catalano, Loderingo he, Were by thy town together designate, As for the most part one is used to be, To keep the peace within it; and around Gardingo,[622] what we were men still may see.'
I made beginning: 'Friars, your profound--'
But said no more, on suddenly seeing there 110 One crucified by three stakes to the ground, Who, when he saw me, writhed as in despair, Breathing into his beard with heavy sigh.
And Friar Catalan, of this aware, Said: 'He thus fixed, on whom thou turn'st thine eye, Counselled the Pharisees that it behoved One man as victim[623] for the folk should die.
Naked, thou seest, he lies, and ne'er removed From where, set 'cross the path, by him the weight Of every one that pa.s.ses by is proved. 120 And his wife's father shares an equal fate, With others of the Council, in this fosse; For to the Jews they proved seed reprobate.'
Meanwhile at him thus stretched upon the cross Virgil,[624] I saw, displayed astonishment-- At his mean exile and eternal loss.
And then this question to the Friars he sent: 'Be not displeased, but, if ye may, avow If on the right[625] hand there lies any vent By which we, both of us,[626] from hence may go, 130 Nor need the black angelic company To come to help us from this valley low.'
'Nearer than what thou think'st,' he made reply, 'A rib there runs from the encircling wall,[627]
The cruel vales in turn o'erarching high; Save that at this 'tis rent and ruined all.
Ye can climb upward o'er the shattered heap Where down the side the piled-up fragments fall.'
His head bent down a while my Guide did keep, Then said: 'He warned us[628] in imperfect wise, 140 Who sinners with his hook doth clutch and steep.'
The Friar: 'At Bologna[629] many a vice I heard the Devil charged with, and among The rest that, false, he father is of lies.'
Then onward moved my Guide with paces long, And some slight shade of anger on his face.
I with him parted from the burdened throng, Stepping where those dear feet had left their trace.
[610] _Minor Friars_: In the early years of their Order the Franciscans went in couples upon their journeys, not abreast but one behind the other.
[611] _aesop's fable_: This fable, mistakenly attributed to aesop, tells of how a frog enticed a mouse into a pond, and how they were then both devoured by a kite. To discover the aptness of the simile would scarcely be reward enough for the continued mental effort Dante enjoins. So much was everything Greek or Roman then held in reverence, that the mention even of aesop is held to give dignity to the page.
[612] _Mo_ and _Issa_: Two words for _now_.
[613] _Through us_: The quarrel among the fiends arose from Dante's insatiable desire to confer with 'Tuscan or Lombard.'
[614] _To the next Bolgia_: The Sixth. They are now on the top of the circular ridge that divides it from the Fifth. From the construction of Malebolge the ridge is deeper on the inner side than on that up which they have travelled from the pitch.
[615] _No more a cause of dread_: There seems some incongruity between Virgil's dread of these smaller devils and the ease with which he cowed Minos, Charon, and Pluto. But his character gains in human interest the more he is represented as sympathising with Dante in his terrors; and in this particular case the confession of fellow-feeling prepares the way for the beautiful pa.s.sage which follows it (line 38, etc.), one full of an almost modern tenderness.
[616] _Cologne_: Some make it Clugny, the great Benedictine monastery; but all the old commentators and most of the mss. read Cologne. All that the text necessarily carries is that the cloaks had great hoods. If, in addition, a reproach of clumsiness is implied, it would agree well enough with the Italian estimate of German people and things.
[617] _Frederick's, etc._: The Emperor Frederick II.; but that he used any torture of leaden sheets seems to be a fabrication of his enemies.
[618] _Pa.s.sage strait_: Through the crowd of shades, all like themselves weighed down by the leaden cloaks. There is nothing in all literature like this picture of the heavily-burdened shades. At first sight it seems to be little of a torture compared with what we have already seen, and yet by simple touch after touch an impression is created of the intolerable weariness of the victims. As always, too, the punishment answers to the sin. The hypocrites made a fair show in the flesh, and now their mantles which look like gold are only of base lead. On earth they were of a sad countenance, trying to seem better than they were, and the load which to deceive others they voluntarily a.s.sumed in life is now replaced by a still heavier weight, and one they cannot throw off if they would. The choice of garb conveys an obvious charge of hypocrisy against the Friars, then greatly fallen away from the purity of their inst.i.tution, whether Franciscans or Dominicans.
[619] _An eye askance_: They cannot turn their heads.
[620] _His heaving throat_: In Purgatory Dante is known for a mortal by his casting a shadow. Here he is known to be of flesh and blood by the act of respiration; yet, as appears from line 113, the shades, too, breathe as well as perform other functions of living bodies. At least they seem so to do, but this is all only in appearance. They only seem to be flesh and blood, having no weight, casting no shadow, and drawing breath in a way of their own. Dante, as has been said (_Inf._ vi. 36), is hard put to it to make them subject to corporal pains and yet be only shadows.
[621] _Merry Friars_: Knights of the Order of Saint Mary, inst.i.tuted by Urban IV. in 1261. Whether the name of Frati G.o.denti which they here bear was one of reproach or was simply descriptive of the easy rule under which they lived, is not known. Married men might, under certain conditions, enter the Order. The members were to hold themselves aloof from public office, and were to devote themselves to the defence of the weak and the promotion of justice and religion. The two monkish cavaliers of the text were in 1266 brought to Florence as Podestas, the Pope himself having urged them to go. There is much uncertainty as to the part they played in Florence, but none as to the fact of their rule having been highly distasteful to the Florentines, or as to the other fact, that in Florence they grew wealthy. The Podesta, or chief magistrate, was always a well-born foreigner. Probably some monkish rule or custom forbade either Catalano or Loderingo to leave the monastery singly.
[622] _Gardingo_: A quarter of Florence, in which many palaces were destroyed about the time of the Podestaship of the Frati.
[623] _One man as victim_: _St. John_ xi. 50. Caiaphas and Annas, with the Scribes and Pharisees who persecuted Jesus to the death, are the vilest hypocrites of all. They lie naked across the path, unburdened by the leaden cloak, it is true, but only that they may feel the more keenly the weight of the punishment of all the hypocrites of the world.
[624] _Virgil_: On Virgil's earlier journey through Inferno Caiaphas and the others were not here, and he wonders as at something out of a world to him unknown.
[625] _On the right_: As they are moving round the Bolgia to the left, the rocky barrier between them and the Seventh Bolgia is on their right.
[626] _We, both of us_: Dante, still in the body, as well as Virgil, the shade.
[627] _The encircling wall_: That which encloses all the Malebolge.
[628] _He warned us_: Malacoda (_Inf._ xxi. 109) had a.s.sured him that the next rib of rock ran unbroken across all the Bolgias, but it too, like all the other bridges, proves to have been, at the time of the earthquake, shattered where it crossed this gulf of the hypocrites. The earthquake told most on this Bolgia, because the death of Christ and the attendant earthquake were, in a sense, caused by the hypocrisy of Caiaphas and the rest.
[629] _At Bologna_: Even in Inferno the Merry Friar must have his joke.
He is a gentleman, but a bit of a scholar too; and the University of Bologna is to him what Marischal College was to Captain Dalgetty.