[584] _A hundred hooks_: So many devils with their p.r.o.nged hooks were waiting to receive the victim. The punishment of the barrators bears a relation to their sins. They wrought their evil deeds under all kinds of veils and excuses, and are now themselves effectually buried out of sight. The pitch sticks as close to them as bribes ever did to their fingers. They misused wards and all subject to them, and in their turn are clawed and torn by their devilish guardians.
[585] _Formerly, etc._: On the occasion of his previous descent (_Inf._ ix. 22).
[586] _The sixth bank_: Dante remains on the crown of the arch overhanging the pitch-filled moat. Virgil descends from the bridge by the left hand to the bank on the inner side of the Fifth Bolgia.
[587] _What will this, etc._: As if he said: What good will this delay do him in the long-run?
[588] _At Cap.r.o.na_: Dante was one of the mounted militia sent by Florence in 1289 to help the Lucchese against the Pisans, and was present at the surrender by the Pisan garrison of the Castle of Cap.r.o.na.
Some make the reference to be to a siege of the same stronghold by the Pisans in the following year, when the Lucchese garrison, having surrendered on condition of having their lives spared, were met as they issued forth with cries of 'Hang them! Hang them!' But of this second siege it is only a Pisan commentator that speaks.
[589] _The next rib_: Malacoda informs them that the arch of rock across the Sixth Bolgia in continuation of that by which they have crossed the Fifth is in ruins, but that they will find a whole bridge if they keep to the left hand along the rocky bank on the inner edge of the pitch-filled moat. But, as appears further on, he is misleading them. It will be remembered that from the precipice enclosing the Malebolge there run more than one series of bridges or ribs into the central well of Inferno.
[590] _Yestreen, etc._: This is the princ.i.p.al pa.s.sage in the _Comedy_ for fixing the date of the journey. It is now, according to the text, twelve hundred and sixty-six years and a day since the crucifixion.
Turning to the _Convito_, iv. 23, we find Dante giving his reasons for believing that Jesus, at His death, had just completed His thirty-fourth year. This brings us to the date of 1300 A.D. But according to Church tradition the crucifixion happened on the 25th March, and to get thirty-four years His life must be counted from the incarnation, which was held to have taken place on the same date, namely the 25th March. It was in Dante's time optional to reckon from the incarnation or the birth of Christ. The journey must therefore be taken to have begun on Friday the 25th March, a fortnight before the Good Friday of 1300; and, counting strictly from the incarnation, on the first day of 1301--the first day of the new century. So we find Boccaccio in his unfinished commentary saying in _Inf._ iii. that it will appear from Canto xxi.
that Dante began his journey in MCCCI.--The hour is now five hours before that at which the earthquake happened which took place at the death of Jesus. This is held by Dante (_Convito_ iv. 23), who professes to follow the account by Saint Luke, to have been at the sixth hour, that is, at noon; thus the time is now seven in the morning.
[591] _Alichino, etc._: The names of the devils are all descriptive: Alichino, for instance, is the Swooper; but in this and the next Canto we have enough of the horrid crew without considering too closely how they are called.
[592] _Unbroken_: Malacoda repeats his lie.
[593] _Each bit his tongue, etc._: The demons, aware of the cheat played by Malacoda, show their devilish humour by making game of Virgil and Dante.--Benvenuto is amazed that a man so involved in his own thoughts as Dante was, should have been such a close observer of low life as this pa.s.sage shows him. He is sure that he laughed to himself as he wrote the Canto.
Hors.e.m.e.n I've seen in march across the field, Hastening to charge, or, answering muster, stand, And sometimes too when forced their ground to yield; I have seen skirmishers upon your land, O Aretines![594] and those on foray sent; With trumpet and with bell[595] to sound command Have seen jousts run and well-fought tournament, With drum, and signal from the castle shown, And foreign music with familiar blent; But ne'er by blast on such a trumpet blown 10 Beheld I horse or foot to motion brought, Nor ship by star or landmark guided on.
With the ten demons moved we from the spot; Ah, cruel company! but 'with the good In church, and in the tavern with the sot.'
Still to the pitch was my attention glued Fully to see what in the Bolgia lay, And who were in its burning ma.s.s imbrued.
As when the dolphins vaulted backs display, Warning to mariners they should prepare 20 To trim their vessel ere the storm makes way; So, to a.s.suage the pain he had to bear, Some wretch would show his back above the tide, Then swifter plunge than lightnings cleave the air.
And as the frogs close to the marsh's side With muzzles thrust out of the water stand, While feet and bodies carefully they hide; So stood the sinners upon every hand.
But on beholding Barbariccia nigh Beneath the bubbles[596] disappeared the band. 30 I saw what still my heart is shaken by: One waiting, as it sometimes comes to pa.s.s That one frog plunges, one at rest doth lie; And Graffiacan, who nearest to him was, Him upward drew, clutching his pitchy hair: To me he bore the look an otter has.
I of their names[597] ere this was well aware, For I gave heed unto the names of all When they at first were chosen. 'Now prepare, And, Rubicante, with thy talons fall 40 Upon him and flay well,' with many cries And one consent the accursed ones did call.
I said: 'O Master, if in any wise Thou canst, find out who is the wretched wight Thus at the mercy of his enemies.'
Whereon my Guide drew full within his sight, Asking him whence he came, and he replied: 'In kingdom of Navarre[598] I first saw light.
Me servant to a lord my mother tied; Through her I from a scoundrel sire did spring, 50 Waster of goods and of himself beside.
As servant next to Thiebault,[599] righteous king, I set myself to ply barratorship; And in this heat discharge my reckoning.'
And Ciriatto, close upon whose lip On either side a boar-like tusk did stand, Made him to feel how one of them could rip.
The mouse had stumbled on the wild cat band; But Barbariccia locked him in embrace, And, 'Off while I shall hug him!' gave command. 60 Round to my Master then he turned his face: 'Ask more of him if more thou wouldest know, While he against their fury yet finds grace.'
My Leader asked: 'Declare now if below The pitch 'mong all the guilty there lies here A Latian?'[600] He replied: 'Short while ago From one[601] I parted who to them lived near; And would that I might use him still for shield, Then hook or claw I should no longer fear,'
Said Libicocco: 'Too much grace we yield.' 70 And in the sinner's arm he fixed his hook, And from it clean a fleshy fragment peeled.
But seeing Draghignazzo also took Aim at his legs, the leader of the Ten Turned swiftly round on them with angry look.
On this they were a little quieted; then Of him who still gazed on his wound my Guide Without delay demanded thus again: 'Who was it whom, in coming to the side, Thou say'st thou didst do ill to leave behind?' 80 'Gomita of Gallura,'[602] he replied, 'A vessel full of fraud of every kind, Who, holding in his power his master's foes, So used them him they bear in thankful mind; For, taking bribes, he let slip all of those, He says; and he in other posts did worse, And as a chieftain 'mong barrators rose.
Don Michael Zanche[603] doth with him converse, From LoG.o.doro, and with endless din They gossip[604] of Sardinian characters. 90 But look, ah me! how yonder one doth grin.
More would I say, but that I am afraid He is about to claw me on the skin.'
To Farfarel the captain turned his head, For, as about to swoop, he rolled his eye, And, 'Cursed hawk, preserve thy distance!' said.
'If ye would talk with, or would closer spy,'
The frighted wretch began once more to say, 'Tuscans or Lombards, I will bring them nigh.
But let the Malebranche first give way, 100 That of their vengeance they may not have fear, And I to this same place where now I stay For me, who am but one, will bring seven near When I shall whistle as we use to do Whenever on the surface we appear.'
On this Cagnazzo up his muzzle threw, Shaking his head and saying: 'Hear the cheat He has contrived, to throw himself below.'
Then he who in devices was complete: 'Far too malicious, in good sooth,' replied, 110 'When for my friends I plan a sorer fate.'
This, Alichin withstood not but denied The others' counsel,[605] saying: 'If thou fling Thyself hence, thee I strive not to outstride.
But o'er the pitch I'll dart upon the wing.
Leave we the ridge,[606] and be the bank a shield; And see if thou canst all of us outspring.'
O Reader, hear a novel trick revealed.
All to the other side turned round their eyes, He first[607] who slowest was the boon to yield. 120 In choice of time the Navarrese was wise; Taking firm stand, himself he forward flung, Eluding thus their hostile purposes.
Then with compunction each of them was stung, But he the most[608] whose slackness made them fail; Therefore he started, 'Caught!' upon his tongue.
But little it bested, nor could prevail His wings 'gainst fear. Below the other went, While he with upturned breast aloft did sail.
And as the falcon, when, on its descent, 130 The wild duck suddenly dives out of sight, Returns outwitted back, and malcontent; To be befooled filled Calcabrin with spite.
Hovering he followed, wishing in his mind The wretch escaping should leave cause for fight.
When the barrator vanished, from behind He on his comrade with his talons fell And clawed him, 'bove the moat with him entwined.
The other was a spar-hawk terrible To claw in turn; together then the two 140 Plunged in the boiling pool. The heat full well How to unlock their fierce embraces knew; But yet they had no power[609] to rise again, So were their wings all plastered o'er with glue.
Then Barbariccia, mourning with his train, Caused four to fly forth to the other side With all their grapplers. Swift their flight was ta'en.
Down to the place from either hand they glide, Reaching their hooks to those who were limed fast, And now beneath the sc.u.m were being fried. 150 And from them thus engaged we onward pa.s.sed.
[594] _O Aretines_: Dante is mentioned as having taken part in the campaign of 1289 against Arezzo, in the course of which the battle of Campaldino was fought. But the text can hardly refer to what he witnessed in that campaign, as the field of it was almost confined to the Casentino, and little more than a formal entrance was made on the true Aretine territory; while the chronicles make no mention of jousts and forays. There is, however, no reason to think but that Dante was engaged in the attack made by Florence on the Ghibeline Arezzo in the early summer of the preceding year. In a few days the Florentines and their allies had taken above forty castles and strongholds, and devastated the enemy's country far and near; and, though unable to take the capital, they held all kinds of warlike games in front of it. Dante was then twenty-three years of age, and according to the Florentine const.i.tution of that period would, in a full muster of the militia, be required to serve as a cavalier without pay, and providing his own horse and arms.
[595] _Bell_: The use of the bell for martial music was common in the Italy of the thirteenth century. The great war-bell of the Florentines was carried with them into the field.
[596] _Beneath the bubbles, etc._: As the barrators took toll of the administration of justice and appointment to offices, something always sticking to their palms, so now they are plunged in the pitch; and as they denied to others what should be the common blessing of justice, now they cannot so much as breathe the air without paying dearly for it to the demons.
[597] _Their names_: The names of all the demons. All of them urge Rubicante, the 'mad red devil,' to flay the victim, shining and sleek with the hot pitch, who is held fast by Graffiacane.
[598] _In kingdom of Navarre, etc._: The commentators give the name of John Paul to this shade, but all that is known of him is found in the text.
[599] _Thiebault_: King of Navarre and second of that name. He accompanied his father-in-law, Saint Louis, to Tunis, and died on his way back, in 1270.
[600] _A Latian_: An Italian.
[601] _From one, etc._: A Sardinian. The barrator prolongs his answer so as to procure a respite from the fangs of his tormentors.
[602] _Gomita of Gallura_: 'Friar Gomita' was high in favour with Nino Visconti (_Purg._ viii. 53), the lord of Gallura, one of the provinces into which Sardinia was divided under the Pisans. At last, after bearing long with him, the 'gentle Judge Nino' hanged Gomita for setting prisoners free for bribes.
[603] _Don Michael Zanche_: Enzo, King of Sardinia, married Adelasia, the lady of LoG.o.doro, one of the four Sardinian judgedoms or provinces.
Of this province Zanche, seneschal to Enzo, acquired the government during the long imprisonment of his master, or upon his death in 1273.
Zanche's daughter was married to Branca d'Oria, by whom Zanche was treacherously slain in 1275 (_Inf._ x.x.xiii. 137). There seems to be nothing extant to support the accusation implied in the text.
[604] _They gossip, etc._: Zanche's experience of Sardinia was of an earlier date than Gomita's. It has been claimed for, or charged against, the Sardinians, that more than other men they delight in gossip touching their native country. These two, if it can be supposed that, plunged among and choked with pitch, they still cared for Sardinian talk, would find material enough in the troubled history of their land. In 1300 it belonged partly to Genoa and partly to Pisa.
[605] _The others' counsel_: Alichino, confident in his own powers, is willing to risk an experiment with the sinner. The other devils count a bird in the hand worth two in the bush.
[606] _The ridge_: Not the crown of the great rocky barrier between the Fifth and the Sixth Bolgias, for it is not on that the devils are standing; neither are they allowed to pa.s.s over it (_Inf._ xxiii. 55).
We are to figure them to ourselves as standing on a ledge running between the fosse and the foot of the enclosing rocky steep--a pathway continued under the bridges and all round the Bolgia for their convenience as guardians of it. The bank adjoining the pitch will serve as a screen for the sinner if the demons retire to the other side of this ledge.