The Collector - The Collector Part 9

The Collector Part 9

aWell, I donat care you learned this. Youare a blast, Remmy!a The brunette grinned over at her new friend, amused at the childish glee in his eyes. Remmy slid the car into a perfect parallel to the curb, the car rocking to a stop, a whoop from within as Roman expressed his joy. It was a weekend, so the large, empty parking lot of the school made for the perfect place for fun on four wheels.

Remmy was about to release her seatbelt to relinquish the wheel to the caras owner when suddenly she was hit with something, a very strong something. For the past two weeks, since Grace had come to her at work, Remmy had been trying her best to force connection with Julie. Before, other than the dreaming, shead only gotten images when Julie had inadvertently sent them her way, never able to initiate contact. Shead been trying, trying to the point where she thought she was about to break something important. No good. Only once had she been able to discern quick, very blurry images, then they were gone.

It had been frustrating, but she was trying her hardest. Sitting at the wheel of Romanas car, she suddenly felt her body become infused with a warmth, her stomach feeling full, content. Even so, she could more feel the cold fingers of the most intense anger and hatred that shead ever felt. She could see nothing, no vision to go along with it, nothing. Only a feeling.

Roman, who had his door opened, cried out in surprise as the car lurched to life. He slammed the door shut, glancing over at his friend, the oddest look of confused determination on her face.

aUh, Remmy,a he reminded, adonat you need to go to work?a Remmy didnat answer, not even hearing the words spoken two feet next to her. She drove out of the parking lot, stalling at the corner, not sure which way to go-left or right? Straight ahead, maybe? Unsure, she concentrated, trying to get a tap on the feelings she had, trying to feel the strength of that anger. She felt a strong pull towards the left. Absently hitting the turn signal, she got them headed south.

Roman watched the neighborhoods flow by, unsure what was happening inside Remmyas head. She hadnat said a word, instead the white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel the only evidence of her emotions at all.

Remmy turned right at the stop sign, the anger inside her feeling stronger, burning hotter in her gut. She almost had her jaw clenched as the emotion tried to consume her. She was heading toward the highway, the need to be there so strong, she could think of nothing else. She put her foot to the gas, the car speeding along toward an unknown destination, Remmyas jaw muscles clenching and unclenching behind the wheel. She nearly growled as she saw the yellow traffic light ahead, which she knew shead never make.

Pulling the car to a sudden stop, Roman stopping the forward motion of his body with a hand to the dashboard, she seethed. Fingertips tapped steadily on the wheel, the red of the traffic light seeming to mock her, to stick its tongue down at her and wish her well in her luck to proceed.

aCome on, fucker!a she yelled, startling her passenger. The light turned green, and the need to pounce through the intersection died. Remmy blinked several times, looking around her in confusion and mild fear. A honking horn behind her alerted her to the fact that she needed to move.

aRemmy! Itas green,a Roman said, looking over at his friend. He watched as she blinked rapidly, getting the car moving again, only to pull off onto an exit ramp, then the parking lot of a hardware store.

aHoly shit,a she breathed, hands trembling. She felt empty and cold, the gentle hand on her shoulder making her start. She met Romanas concerned gaze.

aYou okay?a he asked, not sure what to make of his friendas weird behavior.

Remmy nodded. aYeah. Fine.a She climbed out of the car, walking around the front and waiting at the passenger door for Roman to get out. He did, and she claimed his seat, pushing far down in it, resting her head against the seatback. She had a pounding headache and felt nauseous. Whatas happening to me? Do I have a brain tumor?

Remmy pushed through the glass door of the store, ignoring Joshas glare as she made her way toward the backroom, where she grabbed her apron from the peg, just outside Joanas office door.

aWhere were you?a her boss asked, stepping to the doorway of the small room. Remmy glanced briefly at her as she penned her nametag to the apron.

aSorry. Got held up.a aJosh needed to leave a half hour ago, Remmy.a aI said Iam sorry!a Remmy snapped, surprising both of them. The events of that afternoon had left her feeling confused and slightly afraid. She felt as though she had lost total control of herself during that period of time. She remembered very little of it, other than staring up at the stop light, wondering how the hell shead gotten there. Her fears had not eased when Roman told her what had happened. It left her feeling unsteady and uncertain.

Joan hid her anger and hurt at Remmyas words, nodding and ducking back into the office. Shead speak with her about it later. For now, it was more important for the clerk to get on the floor and relieve Josh before he blew a gasket.

Remmy felt bad as she made her way through the store to the bullpen, and would apologize later, but for now, she needed to try and sort things out in her own head at her own time.

aaBout time you showed up,a Josh grumbled, handing her the register keys, and slipping past her before slamming out the front door, not even bothering to remove his apron first.

Remmy got herself settled in, checking to see what Josh had done-very little-during his shift, and what would need to be completed during her late shift. It was already after six, and she had until two a.m. She was grateful for the hours that Joan was giving her, but she hated to work nights.

It was already ten, and slow, when Remmy was restocking the soda, bringing it up from the back. The Coke or Pepsi guy would come and stock the back room, the employees of the convenience store restocking the front as was needed. They were having a good sale on Coke products, so the 12-packs had sold down to next to nothing. Of course, Josh hadnat bothered to refill them. She was grumbling under her breath as she carted out a dolly of the red and white boxes when Joan caught up to her.

aSo, you wanna tell me what earlier was about?a Remmy didnat look at her as she continued to work. aNot really, honestly.a aAnd why not? Itas not like you to be late, then to be a bitch about it, Rem.a Joan helped, removing a 12-pack of Mountain Dew that someone had set down, noticing the Coke was cheaper. She opened a nearby cooler, putting the soda where it went, then turned back to her employee. She studied her, watching how diligently she worked. Remmy was an excellent worker under normal conditions, her best, but there was something more intense about her work at the moment, a determination set in stone upon her face. aDoes this have to do with Julie?a Joan asked, unable to think of anything else that would bother the girl so much. Shead never, in all her life, known anyone who could just shirk off the problems of the world like Remmy could. Except when it came to Julie Wilson.

Remmy nodded, unable to voice her response. She thought she might dissolve into tears right there if she did. Instead, she continued working, rebuilding the display, which had become her specialty in the store. She tried to make the next more creative than the previous. The Coke display was no exception.

Joan stood back, watching, knowing not to interfere. At least not interfere with the work. aMaybe you should talk about, Remmy. You look upset. I donat mean to push-a aThen please donat,a Remmy said softly, getting to her feet, standing right in front of Joan. Tortured blue eyes looked deeply into the older womanas.

Joan sighed with a sad nod. aOkay. Iall leave it be.a She kept Remmyas gaze, needing to make sure that the girl understood something. aI donat want to be insensitive to whatas going on with you, Remmy, and your abilities, but understand that this is still a business. I canat afford to give you special privileges or schedules. Okay?a Remmy nodded, irritated that Joan felt she had to tell her that, but she understood why she did. She watched her boss walk away, only to return a moment later with her purse and keys in hand. aHave a good night, Remmy. Call if you need anything.a aThanks,a Remmy said absently, turning back to her work.

Chapter 20.

Sergio rubbed hands together, warming the lotion between them. His newest prize lay on his bed, freshly bathed by his own hands. She was still out as he gazed upon her firm, perfect flesh. He began his ministrations at her feet, rubbing the lotion into the pads of her toes, then worked it into the hardened, calloused undersides. He figured she must enjoy being barefooted quite a bit. His gaze settled on the three tattoos she had-a unicorn on her ankle, a scorpion, in the image of an Astrological Scorpio sign, on her pubic bone, just above neatly trimmed pubic hair, which had started to grow back in over the past week that shead been his, and then finally a mermaid perched atop her right collarbone. Sergio couldnat help but wince at that one-mustave hurt, considering there is no fat there, only bone.

He moved his way up soft calves, squirting more lotion into the palms of his hands. The thighs were thin, very little muscle or definitely. Not like Julieas. It didnat matter. He loved all types, shapes and sizes. He remembered when his first had arrived. She had been plump, the belly and sagging breasts of a woman who had left youth behind, and hadnat prepared or taken care of herself for middle age. Head quickly taken care of that. She now was thin and streamlined.

Gentle, yet firm hands made their way up over narrow hips, the hip bones jutting a bit too much for good reason and health. He wondered why the girl was so thin. Head have to feed her a little extra, perhaps. Squirting more lotion, he ran his hands over the concave belly, thumbs caressing the bellybutton and noting the gold ring that hooked into the flesh, before his gaze moved up to her breasts. They were small, the nipples dark and puckered in the cool confines of his bedroom.

As he massaged them, he realized that this one reminded him of her, from very long ago. She had been built much the same way, with much similar features, though her skin wasnat quite the tanned shade of this girlas. She had been slender, with slightly larger breasts. Shead only allowed him to marvel at those breasts just the once, and that was because head given her all his milk money for a quick peek. At only 13 years old, thatas all head had- $0.75. Shead lifted her shirt, giving him the tiniest flash before turning and sauntering away.

Tossing the memory away, he returned to the prize lying on his bed. Her nipples were responding nicely to his hands, and he liked that. She sighed quietly in her semi-unconscious state, but did not move. He used a thumb to roll over the hardened bud, eyes quickly glancing up at her expressionless face. He noted with mild excitement that her hips moved just a bit, readjusting on the bed.

He left her nipple-plenty of time for that-and continued on, massaging the lotion into the skin of her shoulders and upper chest, followed by her neck. After he finished, head have to leave her for a bit. He was running low on supplies and would have to go into town. At least shopping on a Sunday morning wouldnat be bad-everyone was in church. He hated to leave her, and just when they were becoming acquainted. With a sigh, Sergio squirted some more lotion onto his hands.

The school gymnasium was filled with flowers, the pull-out bleachers on either side filled with students, community members, family and friends. A podium had been set up underneath the basketball net on the north side of the large room, the floors polished to a shine. Those that were going to be speaking sat in chairs that were set up along the free-throw line.

Matt Wilson, dressed in jeans and a dark blue sweater stood behind the microphone, waiting for the hour to hit nine-thirty before he began, give everyone a chance to get settled. He looked around, pleased with the numbers that had shown up, winking at Skylar, who sat at the end of the bleachers, nearest his father. He recognized most of the faces, and felt it was a real testament to his sisteras loveable nature for the numbers. There were already people standing all along the back wall of the gym, not enough seating available.

aEveryone,a he said into the microphone, voice echoing off the walls in the large space. aIf we can get started, please.a The quiet murmuring began to fade, everyone finding a seat or place to stand. aThank you. I appreciate it.a He stood back, giving it another minute, then he stood back up to the podium. aI want to thank everyone here for coming. I know Julie would be extremely pleased and proud of the numbers who came to rejoice in her memory. This is truly a testament to the kind of person she is. I also want to thank those who have brought Skylar and I their best wishes and Mrs. Hinkle for her sinfully good dinners.a A small chuckle sounded through the crowd.

Deloris Hinkle stood from her seat in the fourth row. aAnytime, Matty,a she called out, giving him the thumbs up.

Matt sighed. aI canat say that the last few months havenat been the most difficult that Iave ever had to face. Youave all helped my son and I to stay strong, and for that I am forever grateful. Julie touched a lot of lives, not only as a sixth grade teacher, but as a friend, sister, aunt,a he said, indicating his son, aand just as an all-around great human being. Julie always stood for what is right in the world, and fought hard to make sure those in her care, her beloved students, had a wonderful teacher, and a friend to talk to, someone who cared.a He was quiet for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts. Random coughs dotted the crowds as he removed the microphone from its holder. He stepped away from the podium, mindful of the long cord that was strung across the gym floor to its electrical source.

aJulie went into teaching,a he continued, abecause she loved children. I didnat think she quite knew what she was getting into by going into middle school.a Matt grinned at the round of laughter that earned. aBut, she loved it. The other day I was in her house, watering plants, cleaning, keeping it fresh,a he cleared his throat, trying to recover when his voice broke slightly. Hold it together, Wilson. aI noticed in her study upstairs, all the pictures she had on the walls-pictures of all her old students. Plus, there were framed letters of thanks from those she has taught over the years. Small gifts. She kept them all, because each and every one of them were special to her, just like each and every student was special to her.a Many of the young faces in the bleachers were tear-streaked, as many had had Julie as their teacher, or at least knew the popular teacher. Memories of the kind, beautiful and sometimes goofy teacher filtered through their minds. Julieas disappearance was heavily felt by all.

Chapter 21.

Julie adjusted her arms, trying to bend them just the tiniest little bit more to make herself more comfortable. She was back down in the pit, darkness and quiet all around her and Pamela. The dark seemed even darker than usual, especially since she hadnat been downstairs in, well, she wasnat sure how many days.

Pam had been less than welcoming when she was brought in, the new girl taken out. Julie felt bad, as it had been a very long time since the older woman had escaped. Figuring her silence meant she was angry, Julie allowed her to keep it, instead closing her eyes and trying to relax. She needed to escape.

Remmy had worked for Josh this morning, to try and appease him of her being late the other day. He was such a woman when it came to holding grudges. It was beyond slow. Remmy had learned that Sunday mornings in Woodland were dead-everyone was either at church, still in bed, or that particular Sunday morning, at Julieas memorial service. Shead been invited, but declined. There was no way she was about to celebrate Julieas life when it wasnat over yet, just because she was the only one who knew and believed that. Well, the only one other than Grace Cowan, that is.

Remmy bent over the bullpen counter, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. She casually turned on the pump for tank number 4, the customer using his credit card to pre-pay at the pump itself. Instead, she turned her attention internally, focusing on nothing in particular. Suddenly her vision began to fade, the sounds of birds chirping filling her internal ears, as well as the sound of lapping water and a gentle breeze could be felt on her skin.

The sun was so bright and high in the sky, which had the most beautiful color of blue to it that Julie had ever seen. She couldnat keep the smile from her face, raising it to the heat of the sun, almost able to see the ball of fire blazing through the thin covering of her eyelids.

Opening them, she saw the familiar figure walking toward her, arms out in invitation. Julie didnat hesitate, feeling herself wrapped up in the strength of her dream-friend.

aRemmy,a she murmured, feeling the embrace tighten.

aI brought a friend,a Remmy said into her neck before gently pulling away.

Julie looked just past her friend, whom she still could not make out any features. She wished she could-she wanted to see the face of her savior, but it wasnat to be. Julieas gaze fell upon a figure moving through the trees, just beyond the field. She could hear raucous barking, two tiny figures running after the larger one. Her heart began to beat loudly within her breast, breath catching.

Bursting through the trees was a little boy, no older than 8, grinning huge as he ran, looking back behind him at the two barking dogs that chased him. Two small dogs who looked nearly identical to the other.

Remmy watched Julie closely, noting the recognition in the green eyes, the face curling into a gentle, loving smile. The blonde gasped, running to the boy who called out for his aunt. She looked on, unable to hide her own smile. She was glad she was able to bring some friends with her this time.

Julie gathered the boy in her arms, swinging him around, the two dogs barking at her feet, pawing at her as they begged for attention.

aExcuse me? Whatas my total?a Remmy blinked several times, nearly gasping as she was pulled back from herself, looking into the face of the man who stood across the counter from her.

Julie felt the warmth of the sun leave her body, the coldness of the cement and damp cellar filling her body once more. She blinked several times, confused as she took in the familiar surroundings once more. When she realized where she was, that Skylar, Bonnie and Clyde were nowhere to be found, she felt hot, bitter tears sting her eyes.

It was only a dream. Only a fucking dream!

Remmy felt her chest tighten as she looked into the dark eyes that stared at her from a handsome, familiar face. He was the first in a line of three people who waited patiently for her to get to them. She looked down at her hands, shocked to find that she had already scanned the few items that he had set on the counter-a chocolate milk, pack of gum and bag of diapers.

aForget to grab these at the grocery store,a he said with a charming smile, indicating the diapers. aWhatas my total?a he asked again.

Remmy looked from the diapers to his eyes again, and suddenly the air was sucked from her lungs, her skin cold and prickly. She brought a hand up to her throat, fingers caressing the soft skin there Canat breathe! Tight. So very tight. Tightening. Soft skin, cool flesh. Lie still for me. Such beauty Dark room, naked light bulb. The deadly teeth of a saw cutting through the meat easily, the motion stopping, something hard, something difficult to cut through Carpeting, stained gray with red. Stained Open can of something, stirring, stirring, heat, smells, dog barking Brown hair, brown eyes, dark brown, almost black pubic hair, blonde arm hair, brows darker blonde. Amazing. Beautiful .

Canat breathe! I canat breathe!!

Remmy gasped, falling back against the other counter, her hands clutching at her throat, eyes unable to leave him, unable to see the concern in his eyes, the flicker of fear the flicker of uncertainty and curiosity.

aGet away from me,a she whispered, voice barely audible. She reached behind her, desperately scrambling to try and get out of the bullpen, hand blindly tugging at her open polo shirt she wore, bearing the store logo and name. Distantly she heard the sound of ripping material. Even more distant, she felt a hand on her back, words spoken that she couldnat understand. aGet away from me!a she screamed, his dark eyes burning a hole into her very soul. aGet away!a

Part 11.

Quiet murmurs filled the space around Remmy. Slowly she began to discern the individual voices-Grace Cowan, and a stranger. Blue eyes slowly blinked open, then closed at the sight of the intense light placed right over her. Squeezing her brows together, she tried to figure out what she was feeling. She had the worst headache of her life, centralized in a quarter-sized area dead center of her forehead. With a soft groan, she brought a hand up, surprised when she didnat feel some sort of wound there.

aTake it easy, Remmy.a Remmy opened her eyes, Grace entering the ring of light above her. She could see the concern on the womanas face. aWhere am I, and why am I here?a aYouare in the Emergency Room of Saint Mercyas,a Grace said softly, a warm hand resting on Remmyas shoulder. aWhatas the last thing you remember?a aI was at work,a Remmy said, concentrating on trying to remember, trying to bring back her day. aI turned on the pumps. Some guy paid outside, with his card a he voice trailed off. She knew there was more after that, but just couldnat bring it up. It was almost as though there was a haze or a fog in her brain, sitting right on top of the events right after. aShit. I donat know, Grace.a Remmy squeezed her eyes shut, bringing her hand up to her forehead. aMy head hurts too bad to think straight.a A question came to her. aWhy the hell am I in ER? Isnat that a little drastic?a Grace smiled. aYou scared the hell out of your customers-they thought you were having a seizure or something. Someone called the paramedics.a aShit,a Remmy groaned. aJoan is going to have my ass.a Grace told the girl her boss was waiting right outside, but left out some of the choice, colorful comments shead made as theyad waited to see Remmy. Joan had told Grace that she was about at the end of her rope. Yes, she understood Remmy had aspecial issuesa, as shead put it, but also stated that it was a business, and anything couldave happened while Remmy had her episode, and that they were lucky they hadnat been robbed blind before Joan could get there and get someone to cover.

aSend her in,a Remmy said after a long sigh. She dreaded this, especially after the conversation theyad had the other day. aShit,a she murmured after Grace had left her alone in her little cubicle. Of course, this just made her head even worse. How the hell was she supposed to explain to Joan what happened when she had no idea herself? The only thing she did know was that she felt so exhausted-mentally, emotionally, physically aUgh.a There was a knock on the wall outside of Remmyas curtained-off cubicle. aRemmy?a aCome on in, Joan.a Within a moment the curtain was pushed aside and Joan stepped around it. Her face was a mixture of concern, affection, and irritation. aHow are you?a she asked softly, standing next to the narrow bed. She looked her employee over, taking in her still body and very pale face. Dark circles underneath Remmyas eyes were stark against the pallor.

aI guess Iam okay. Got quite the migraine right now, but other than that, just peachy keen.a Joan sighed, trying to hide her frustration with the woman who, not a week ago, she was considering a promotion to shift manager. aThis isnat the time, but we need to talk about the situation, Remmy. Figure something out.a Remmy nodded, turning away. She knew shead disappointed her boss, but couldnat help feel the slight anger. Shead never felt so out of control in all her life, and for someone whoad always been self-reliant, never leaning on anyone or anything, this was one of the most difficult things to swallow. She very much felt she was a prisoner alongside Julie. aI know,a she said, her voice soft. aI didnat mean for this to happen, Joan.a aI know that, Remmy.a Joan took one of the girlas hands in both of hers. The skin was cool to the touch, so she warmed it. aGet some rest. Weall talk later.a Remmy nodded, trying to keep her tears in. She chewed on her bottom lip to keep it from trembling like a childas. Once she was left alone, she took a deep breath, a single, bitter tear making a lazy trail down her cheek, and into her ear, making her shiver.

Grace waited outside of ER, waiting for Joan. She saw the bottle blonde step back into the waiting room, Grace standing to get her attention. They met halfway across the large space.

aWhat happened, Detective?a Joan asked. She thought the dark woman looked as haggard as Remmy did.

aIam not sure. Remmyas not sure, either.a aIam worried about her, Grace. I think she needs to be taken off this case. You guys have put so much damn pressure on her.a Grace met the womanas eyes, knowing that Joan really didnat know what she was talking about, so she pushed her anger down, though couldnat keep it completely out of her voice. aMrs. Watson, Remmy came to us with her abilities. Weave got three women right now who need her. I donat think I could make Remmy walk away from this anymore than she could make herself. She canat control this ability she has. You have to understand that.a aI do understand that, but you have to understand that I have a business that needs to be run. I canat have her freaking out every couple days, or waltzing in whenever the hell she wants to because sheas had some vision!a Grace crossed her arms over her chest, listening to the other womanas rant. She understood it, and racked her brain, trying to think of some way to compromise. They needed Remmy desperately on the case, but she also couldnat allow Remmy to destroy her life in helping them.

aRemmy is a wonderful person, and an amazing worker, but I canat have her in the store by herself if sheas not going to be reliable anymore. It seems this is getting worse for her.a She met dark eyes. aIs it?a Grace nodded. aI believe it is, yes.a aI donat know what to do. Iam not a heartless bitch, Detective. Iam not going to just fire her. But a her voice trailed off, unsure what to say anymore.

aRemmy rents a room from you, right?a At Joanas nod, she continued. aWell, she has to have a place to stay, with no job. What does she pay in rent every month?a Joan looked at the woman, baffled. aThree hundred. Why?a Grace reached into the inside pocket of her wrinkled blazer, pulling out her checkbook. She flipped it open to a blank check. Clicking her pen into action, she quickly scrawled out a check for six hundred dollars. Handing it over, she met Joanas gaze, daring her not to take it. aI need her.a Joan took the check, unsure what to think. aYou want me to fire her?a aDo whatever you need to do. Give her some time off, a leave of absence, whatever. It may actually help us speed things up, if Iave got her full-time, with no other distractions.a Joan stared at the check, still uncertain. Was this fair to Remmy? With a sigh, finally she nodded. aAlright.a

Chapter 22.

Julie opened her eyes, blinking away the headache she always woke up with when she was brought upstairs. She had no idea what the hell he used, but ugh! She could feel she wasnat alone. Shocking.

Turning her head to the left, Julie saw him stepping out of the bedroom, rubbing freshly washed hair with a clean, white towel. He smiled when he saw she was awake. aGood morning, Julie,a he said, walking over to the bed, dressed in jeans and bare-chested. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her cheek. aI need you to get showered, and quickly. Iave got a treat for you.a His wide smile made Julie flinch internally with uncertainty. Now what?

She was unbound, her arms immediately coming down, one hand rubbing the opposite wrist. With a groan, she pulled herself into a sitting position. Her head felt fuzzy and thick, her mouth like the Sahara. She watched as he opened and closed drawers in the tall dresser for a moment, pulling a t-shirt from one, socks another. Finally she found the strength to stand, though she was wobbly. He hurried over to her, catching her at the waist.

aEasy,a he said, making sure she was steady before releasing her.

Slowly, Julie made her way to the bathroom, steam from his recent shower filling her lungs, making it difficult to breathe for a moment. She went to the toilet, lifting the lid and sitting. Resting her elbows on her thighs, she rested her head in her hands for a moment, trying to get her fuzzy thoughts in order. Looking up, she glanced at the bathroom window, noting with bitter amusement that bars had been applied to the outside.