The Collector - The Collector Part 10

The Collector Part 10

aBastard,a she whispered.

The warm water on her skin felt wonderful. She was so thirsty, she opened her mouth and allowed a mouthful to land inside. Running her hands over her greasy hair, smoothing it back from her face, she turned her back to the spray, lowering her head so it pounded on her upper back, which hurt constantly from her arms being always raised over her head. She rolled her head around her shoulders, moaning softly at the relief.

aQuick. Make it quick,a Sergio said from the bathroom doorway before leaving her alone again.

Julie used every bit of willpower she had to not tell him to go fuck himself. Instead, she began to scrub her body, not only grime, but his touch. She wondered if she would ever feel clean again, even if she had seven showers a day.

Remmy had been kept for more than two hours, the doctor insisting she rest. She was rested out, and just wanted to get out of there, and go home. She made her way through ER, glad the nurses and doctors were too busy to notice. Slipping into the waiting room, she was equally glad to see that everyone had left. While she slept, she thought she remembered Grace coming in and telling her shead be back for her later. No matter-Remmy didnat want to wait, nor did she want to hear a lecture about leaving before it was time to leave.

She walked over to the front desk and asked the nurse if she could use the phone. After getting instructions on how to use it, she put the earpiece to her ear and dialed Romanas cell number.

aHey,a she said when he answered. aCan I get a lift from you real quick?a Smiling into the receiver, she thanked her friend, and hung the phone back up. She was ready to leave.

Julie stepped out of the shower, glad to be clean again for the moment. She used the brush she saw on the counter and brushed the shaggy strands into some kind of order. She needed a haircut, the blonde hair in her eyes and tickling her nose. She wished so badly she could put some clothes on, something, anything. She was surprised that he wasnat waiting for her, but she didnat hear anything coming from the bedroom at all.

Stepping around the corner, Julie felt her stomach seize when she realized the bedroom was empty, the door leading to the rest of the house open. She figured it would be too much to hope that head had a heart attacked and died. Her quick gaze around the room showed no sign of him, though she noticed a ring of keys lying atop the dresser, casually tossed. She didnat have time to contemplate that, as he was suddenly standing in the doorway, watching her.

Julie began to walk to the bed, not waiting to be told to lie down so he could cuff her. She was surprised when her wrist was caught, which made her flinch, as the skin was so raw.

aCome with me,a he said.

Sergio was nervous as he led Julie through the bedroom doorway, down the hall and toward the kitchen. She had asked nicely, so he would be nice in return.

Julie watched, wide-eyed as they passed through to new parts of the house. She noticed the living room, and the front door-a deadbolt lock on the inside, no doubt locked, as well as iron bars on the large picture window. Everything was meticulous, though she was surprised to see everything lined so neatly on shelves.

aYou have quite the collection,a she said quietly, once theyad entered the kitchen. She was forced to sit in a kitchen chair, but noticed the shelves filled with old newspapers, beer cans, clean bottles of all types. She was intrigued by the rows of quarters that were glued to one wall. What the hell is that about?

Sergio said nothing to the observation. He preferred to think of his things as just that-his things. He placed a sizzling steak onto a plate for himself, half of one on a second plate, along with mashed potatoes, peas and a roll. Setting the plate in front of Julie, he was pleased to see her reaction-her eyes widened, and her nostrils flared, as though taking in the wonderful aromas.

Julie couldnat take her eyes off the feast that lie before her. It looked like so much food! Her mouth had begun to water, which made her angry at herself, almost like she was betraying herself by wanting anything he would offer. He sat across from her at the table, made for two, scooting his chair closer. She wasnat bound, and wasnat sure what to make of that fact. She had no idea what his intensions were, or what to do or say. Would she say something that would anger him? Make him tie her up? Rape her some more? Kill her? The fear of uncertainty made a thin layer of cold sweat bead on her forehead.

aEat,a Sergio said, nodding at the place setting that was laid out on a folded napkin next to the plate. He watched with satisfaction as Julie did just that. He loved to watch her, and knew that allowing her this pleasure today was very generous, and very out of character for him. But, everything was locked up well, so she wouldnat be able to wander and get lost outside his protective sights.

Roman pulled up out front of the main entrance to ER in record time, his car slightly skidding to a stop. Remmy climbed in, exhausted and mentally drained.

aWhere to?a Roman asked, watching as his passenger buckled herself in.

aI guess home,a she murmured, head resting back against the seat. She sighed heavily, glad to be in familiar territory again. She really hated hospitals. As the car began to move, the gentle rocking was lulling her quickly to sleep.

Julie took her time with the steak, though not necessarily to savor its rich flavor, which she had to admit, tasted like a little bit of heaven on earth. She was trying to forestall the after dinner activities. She had no desire to have that monster touch her.

aAre you enjoying yourself?a Sergio asked, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand, his dinner long ago eaten. He watched, charmed as Julie took each bite slowly, chewing the succulent meat and swallowing. He watched her every move, enchanted by it.

Julie heard the question, nearly choking on her current bite as she nodded. aVery good,a she murmured.

aGood. I figure, weall relax for awhile when you finish, then later I have dessert.a Sergioas heavy brows drew. aYou do like chocolate, donat you?a Julie swallowed some water before answering. aDid you get enough for us all?a she asked quietly, sparing a glance for him, trying her best to not look away, or let her true feelings show through. For a moment she regretted her words immensely-a darkness seemed to fall over his already dark eyes, but then it passed, followed by a smile.

aThat would be a nice treat, wouldnat it? Iam sure theyad enjoy it.a Julie did her best to smile. It was hard, but she managed.

Silver and shiny. Suffocated light creeps in through heavy, dust-covered drapes, bouncing off row upon row of quarters, glued to the plaster behind them. Like little, round soldiers, they march across the wall, ending on a calendar, heavily marked in small, red writing. Nothing discernable, nothing making sense. The sink, a double stainless steel model, is spotted and heavily fingerprinted.

A kitchen. Linoleum tile is old, bubbled up in places, the pattern long since rubbed away by shoe tread and bare feet. The piss-yellow fridge door is covered with alphabet magnets, some forming words, mostly just jumbled together to form incoherent sentences-no real rhyme or reason, other than theyave been grouped according to color: red blends into blue, which leads to yellow, then green and finally orange with purple as the caboose. An army of plastic letters to perhaps go to war against the quarters, all heads up.

Remmyas eyes opened, a gasp released from her throat. She sat up in the seat, looking around, but only saw the quarters, so shiny.

A table, set for two. Light from a window glinting off a fork, raised to a mouth. Stead, juicy, tender. Steak.

Remmy gasped again, her mouth working on instinct at the taste of the meat in her mouth. She looked around again, this time seeing the scenery whiz by. She saw they were on the main street of the town, about to turn off onto the road that would lead to her house.

aPull over, Roman, and give me the keys.a ***

Julie lay on her back, wondering if she was to spend the rest of her life that way, as he roamed over her body freely with hands and mouth. She wanted to buck her hips and knock him toe the floor, but that was just insane. She knew retaliation would come quick, and likely, deadly. Instead, she lay there, wrists bound to the headboard, eyes glancing up toward the window. The blinds were open, so she could see the sky beyond. It looked cold out, the sky gray with heavy clouds, promising snow. She would do anything to feel the snow against her at that moment, the fresh air.

Sergio took his time, wanting to explore every inch of Julieas flesh. She was so beautiful, skin pale and soft. His excitement was rising with every touch, every taste of her skin, which mingled with the remnant taste of the steak, making him want to eat her alive.

She felt him kiss his way up her stomach, fondling roughly at her breasts, his intent scraping along her leg the entire way. Finally he reached her, looking down into her face. To her surprise, he reached up, using one hand to unlock the handcuffs, his hand sliding down her arm before it rested once again on the mattress below them.

aI want you to touch me,a he said, his voice low and gravely, excited.

aThis is crazy, Remmy!a Roman argued, stopped at the curb. He was shocked by the look in his normally fun, laid-back friendas eyes. athen again, so are you,a he muttered, climbing out of the car, jogging around the front, passing Remmy as he did. He got into the passenger side as Remmy slammed the driveras side door.

aBuckle up,a she said, gunning the engine as she squealed away from the curb. She felt her heart pounding, a need buried so deeply within her bones that she couldnat ignore it anymore than she could forget to breathe. She headed toward the highway.

Julie could feel him moving between her legs, her hands resting tentatively on his shoulders. She continued to stare out at the sky. It didnat take long before he groaned loudly, his movements stopping. She returned his gaze to his, knowing head expect her to. He grinned, sweat beading his brow. She kept her face expressionless.

aI canat seem to get enough of you,a he whispered as he nuzzled her neck. She rolled her eyes. She winced as he pulled out of her. He raised himself up on his arms, looking down between their bodies, liking the look of it. He was insatiable as he looked back into her face, and could feel himself becoming hard again. An idea grew with his smile.

Remmy hit the turn signal that would get them onto the highway. aCall this number,a she gave him Graceas phone number, which the redhead dialed on his cell. aYou tell her exactly where weare going.a Roman nodded, putting the phone to his ear.

Grace sat in the quite audience, the sound of her Goddaughteras piano playing filling her ears. The girl was 11, and already quite the little maestro. As much as she enjoyed watching her, she kept glancing down at her wristwatch, trying to fight the need to get back to the office. LaTisha had asked her months ago if she would attend the recital, and there was no way she could tell her no. She could never refuse the girl anything. Grace and LaTishaas mom, Andrea, had been best friends since they were 8 years old. She loved Andreaas daughter like she were her own.

aSheas really good,a Graceas husband whispered in the dark auditorium, their fingers tightly entwined. He was so happy to have his wife to himself for a little while.

Grace nodded. aSheas great.a The silent audience was disturbed for a moment when Achey, Breaky Heart began to play, which was in direct opposition to Beethovenas Moonlit Sonata. Grace snatched her cell from her inside pocket, glancing at the visual display before flipping the phone open. She ignored her husbandas glare as she put the phone to her ear. aDetective Cowan.a Grace listened to the impassioned plea of the young man on the other line. aOkay. Stay with me. Hold on a minute.a Grace leaned over, placing a kiss of apology on her husbandas cheek, then hurried out of the auditorium.

Sergio straddled Julieas hips, careful not to put too much weight on her. He ran his hands over her stomach and chest, spending ample time on her breasts. Finally he scooted himself up, having put a couple pillows behind her head.

aI want you to take it in,a he said, voice trembling with his excitement. He reached for her hands, placing them on him, eyes closing at the wonderful sensations as she began to stroke him. aOh, yeah, just like that,a he groaned.

Remmy could feel her anger building, a hot wave scorching her brain, but just out of reach that she had to concentrate on it, reach for it. As she sped down the highway, she vaguely heard Roman speaking into his phone, giving the name of the road marker theyad just passed. She drove on, her head pounding, a steady beat inside keeping her going, keeping her following the line of anger and fire that stretched out before her.

Grace jumped into the Ford Explorer that her husband had driven them to the local community college in for the recital. Eyes on the road as she pulled out of the parking lot, she reached over, opening the glove compartment to find the service revolver that she kept there. It was loaded. Setting it on the passenger seat, she returned her attention back to the phone.

aOkay, Roman. Now where?a ***

Remmy sped down the highway, suddenly the intense anger beginning to wane, feeling as though shead left it at the last exit. No, no, no. No you fucking donat! She didnat see Roman reach out to grab for anything he could to hold on as she flipped a bitch, cars honking at her as she turned around, the small compact caras tires squealing in protest.

aWait, now weare headed back south,a Roman gasped into the phone. aJesus! Sheas gonna kill us.a ***

Julie stared down at his manhood, so close to her face, her fingers eased around it, stroking it back into life. She could feel his weight on top of her body, his need pulsing within her hand. Closing her eyes, she raised her head from the pillows, opening her mouth and taking him inside, just as he asked.

Sergio groaned loud and deep, his hips thrusting weakly as the warmth enveloped him. He brought one hand down to Julieas head, the other holding onto the headboard, where shead been cuffed so many times. aGod, yes,a he moaned.

Grace swung the explorer around in a parking lot, trying to picture what Roman was telling her. His directions were erratic and crazy. She plowed down the highway at ridiculous speeds, a swirling red beacon mounted to the roof of the explorer with magnetic force.

Remmy barely had time to flip her turn signal on as she turned left, taking them off the highway, and out of Woodland. She pressed harder on the gas, the caras engine groaning with the exertion of trying to keep up with the demands she was putting on it. She could feel a pulse, drawing down the street, almost a living, breathing creature that whispered in her ear, pulling her further and further.

Stopping at a stop sign, Remmy saw she could go left or forward, right cut off by an Off Limits sign, and a field beyond. She chewed on her bottom lip, uncertain. She could hear her heart pounding in her head, the now-familiar pain pulsing dead center of her forehead. She glanced to her left, and felt cold. Looking straight, she heard a soft whisper, a pleading. She gunned it.

Julie bobbed her head, nearly gagging more than once. His hips were moving near non-stop now as she continued, her hands resting on hairy thighs. She opened her eyes and looked up along the length of his torso. She saw his Adamas Apple as his head arched back, then back down again, eyes closed and mouth open in rapturous pleasure.

Outside the window, Julie could hear the laughter of a child, one calling out to another.

Skylar grinned at her, his smile melting her heart. He ran towards her, two barking shadows behind him. She felt safe, warm, a presence standing next to her.

Remmy She bobbed her head again, taking in the length of him, feeling his skin against her tongue.

aWait, wait, no, I lied. Donat turn right on Gacey, turn left, turn left!a Roman yelled into the phone, trying desperately to keep up with Remmyas driving. aThen go slight right! Go slight right onto Ridgeway.a ***

Grace was fighting with the phone, trying to keep it in her hands, no time to attach her Bluetooth ear piece. She sounded the siren as she plowed through a red traffic light, switching it off the moment she was through, the red light continuing to spin. The tires on the Explorer squealed as she took the hard right onto Gacey Avenue, gunning the engine once she was on the street.

Julie used her tongue to figure out how far the shaft was into her mouth. She could feel the tip bumping into the roof of her mouth. Looking up again, she saw his head fall back once more, her hands tightening their grip on his thighs, then with every ounce of strength the steak had given her, she bit down. She did everything she could to not gag as her teeth cut through the skin, warm, salty blood filling her mouth.

Sergioas eyes shot open, a scream escaping his lips. Head never felt such pain as the hot fire that engorged his penis, a pain that shot all the way into his stomach. He felt blackness enter into his vision, shooting red streaks across his closed lids.

Julie used every bit of her strength, shoving him off her, the man rolling onto his side as she clutched his ruined member. She spat out the mouthful of blood and flesh, then got her bearings. She shot up from the bed, whimpering in fear as he screamed again. She was just barely able to dodge his arm as it swung blindly for her. She snatched the keys from the dresser and ran.

Roman was startled as Remmy suddenly cried out, her chest heaving with every breath she took. aYou okay, Rem?a he asked. She did not answer, instead taking a left turn at an insane rate of speed. aLeft on Fish!a he barked into the phone.

Julie was nearly hysterical as she reached the front door, trying desperately to keep herself together long enough to figure out how to get out. She could still hear his screams from the bedroom. Trembling hands wrestled with the key ring, crying out as she dropped it onto the hard wood floor.

aFuck,a she hissed, picking them up, sparing a glance over her shoulder. She heard movement in the bedroom, something slam. aFuck, fuck, fuck!a She inserted the first key on the ring, which didnat even side in at all. She continued down the ring, trying every single key until one slid into the lock.

Sergio was trembling from pain as he slid his jeans up his legs, nearly falling over faint as they were tugged up over his crotch. Almost instantly blood was seeping through the denim. He staggered over to the dresser, yanking open the top drawer. His .38 gleamed back up at him.

Grace was shocked, and worried, when she saw the burned rubber from Remmyas tire tread as she turned onto Fish Street. She at least knew she was on the right track.

She took a moment to look at where they were, an area shead never been in. There were lots of trees, almost a woodsy-type atmosphere. The houses were becoming further and further spread apart, the houses rustic and hidden by trees and foliage.

aRight on Rader Boulevard, not Avenue. Thereas two,a Roman said, his voice high-pitched and sounding extremely stressed across the line.

aGot it,a Grace said, plowing on.

Remmyas mind was in a whirlwind, single-minded determination drawing her closer and closer. She was sweating profusely, her hands almost losing their grip on the steering wheel. She felt like she could have a heart attack, it was beating so fiercely. Fear filled her, almost to an incapacitating level. She brought a hand up, wiping at the sweat that threatened to fall into her eyes.

Julie screamed with frightened victory as the lock clicked open. Leaving the keys in the door, she swung it open, faced with a glass screen door, which at first wouldnat open.

aCome on!a she yelled, slamming her fist into it, then she saw the lock, and quickly switched it over to unlocked. The air was frigid against her naked skin, the blood on her mouth and chin catching the chill and making her face even more cold. She looked around, the street empty before her, except the house she could barely see through some dense trees, the childrenas voices still heard.

Julie didnat even feel the snow as she stepped down onto the porch, her heart racing.

Remmy saw a figure up ahead, a woman, a naked woman, running across one of the yards. She pulled the car to a stop, tires squealing in protest as she swung the driveras side door open, running to her.