The Collector - The Collector Part 4

The Collector Part 4

aOops.a Water turned warmer, Julie was ushered back to the spray, and given the simple command of wash. She couldnat help but keep an eye on the form that sat on the closed toilet lid, watching as she washed her body and hair. She was grateful for the shower, but felt her skin crawl as the manas gaze roamed freely over her.

aSo tell me more about you,a Grace said, tapping the tip of her pencil on the pad. aHave you always had visions?a Remmy nodded. aYeah. Ever since I can remember. But, as I told Perry Mason, theyare usually old stuff, something the person is carrying around with a'em.a aSo, you pick up on something, a particular issue or memory?a aYeah! Exactly.a Remmy grinned. At least this oneas got a brain.

aOkay,a Grace said, leaning back as she studied the girl. aTell me something about me. What am I carrying?a Remmy rolled her eyes. aItas not something I can just call up. I canat just say, a'Abra cadabra, Scooby Doo, tell me something about youa and then shazam!a Grace chuckled at her choice of words. aIt doesnat work that way,a Remmy continued. aI canat control who or what I pick up.a aBut, for some reason, you picked up Julie Wilson?a aYes.a ***

Julieas skin was warm and tingly, though her blood ran cold as the shower door was slid open, the man holding out a hand to help her out of the tub. She took it, hand trembling. She was quickly dried, hair brushed back away from her face, then with a look of steely determination, the man led her from the bathroom, back into the bedroom.

Without warning, Julie was shoved to the bed, her body bouncing slightly on the mattress. Like a tiger, the man was on her, wrists roughly handled as she was handcuffed to the brass headboard.

Remmy stopped mid-sentence, her eyes opening wide. Grace watched her, unsure what was up. aRemmy?a she said, glancing behind her to see what the young woman looked so terrified about. Seeing nothing, she turned back to look at her. aHey, is everything okay?a ***

Julie watched with horrified eyes as her attacker undressed, his intent very clear as it bobbed into view. Jesus, no He climbed onto the bed, forcing her legs apart. Julie didnat resist, too stunned and weak from lack of proper food or water. In a brief moment of clarity, she wondered if maybe that was the purpose all along.

Sergio moved between her legs, pinning her petit frame to the bed with his own much larger one. He looked down at her, bringing a hand up to brush some drying blonde hairs from terrified green eyes. aSuch a beautiful face,a he murmured, almost lovingly. He caressed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. aLovely.a ***

Grace had moved over to sit next to the girl, the blue eyes still wide open, mouth following suit. Her face had turned ashen, and her body seemed to convulse mildly, almost as though she were choking on something.

aRemmy?a she said, fear beginning to trickle coldly down her spine. Unsure what to do, she reached inside the pocket of her jacket, cursing silently when she didnat find her cell phone, and remembering that it was attached to the car charger. There was no way she could leave the girl. aRemmy? Can you hear me?a ***

Julie cried out in part shock and part pain as her body was invaded, the manas hot breath upon her cheek as he held her close, his groans loud in her ear. Tears of fear and humiliation flowed freely from her eyes.

Remmy squeezed her legs closed, trying desperately to get rid of the unwanted sensation. A sob burst from her throat as tears fell down her cheeks, unchecked. Vaguely she could hear the sound of someoneas voice, a ghostly hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles.

Sergio groaned loud and obscene as he finished, resting nearly his full body weight upon the blonde beneath him. His heartbeat finally finding its normal cadence, he pushed up on powerful arms, looking down into the tear-streaked face. He smiled, placing a soft kiss to the cheek, ignoring the flinch-this time.

aDonat cry,a he murmured. aI know the first time is painful. I tried to go slow.a He pushed himself up full, feet touching the carpeting on his bedroom floor. He grabbed his bathrobe from the back of the bedroom door, shoving his arms into the velvety sleeves. aI hope you like omelets,a he said, smile big and bright.

Left alone, Julie tugged on the handcuffs, straining to look up at her bound hands. There was no way-she was a captive. The tears came hard, her body hurting almost as much as her head and heart. The despair was truly beginning to set in.

Remmy got herself under control, finally coming back into herself. She felt the warmth of Graceas hand on her back fully, and no longer as a phantom touch. She gabbed the tail of her long work shirt, brought it up to wipe her face clean of embarrassing tears. After a moment, the detective spoke.

aIam absolutely baffled. What just happened?a Remmy sniffled, then released a very heavy sigh. She was unable, and unwilling, to unclench her thighs. aYou guys really need to find her,a she said, voice low and thick from her tears. She tuned eyes turned electric blue from the crying to the older woman. aI think sheas been taken by a monster.a ***

Julie lay on the bed for how long, she wasnat sure. She could hear the mundane sounds of someone cooking in a distant room. She closed her eyes, trying desperately to forget they existed, that he existed. She allowed her mind to race, to replay the last day shead had her freedom. She thought back to that Saturday when shead spent the entire day with her brother and Skylar. She smiled despite herself as she thought of the little boy. She had looked so forward to having him stay with her for that last week.

Fresh tears streamed down Julieas pale cheeks as the realization hit her that she should be in the classroom right now, in the second week of the new school year. Who had taken over for her? Where did everyone think she was? Did they think she was dead? Maybe she was. Maybe this was all some elaborate scene laid out for her. Maybe Pamela was right-maybe she was in hell.

Remmy took the business card that was extended to her. aYouare positive youare alright?a Grace Cowan asked, not feeling right about leaving the girl at all.

aYes, Iam sure,a Remmy reassured. She tucked the card into the back pocket of her jeans. aAnd, as promised, I will be down at the station tomorrow morning.a She met concerned brown eyes. aI just canat leave today. My boss isnat around, and I canat leave the new girl alone,a she indicated the store behind her.

Detective Cowan nodded. aI understand. Iall see you tomorrow morning, then. Nine-thirty, and donat be late.a Remmy saluted. aNine-thirty. I wonat be late.a She watched as the dark woman walked out of sight, turning the corner at the side of the building. Blowing out a huge breath, she collapsed back down to her seat. aHoly shit,a she whispered.

Chapter 10.

Remmy looked up from the magazine she had been reading, bought from the store that afternoon. aCome in,a she called out in answer to the knocking on her apartment door. Within moments, Joan peered in. aHey,a the brunette said, flapping the magazine closed and tossing it aside. She sat on her bed, back against the headboard, socked feet planted firmly on the mattress.

aHey,a Joan said, stepping into the space and closing the door behind her. aYou gotta a minute?a aSure.a Remmy pushed herself to sit up straight, pulling her legs in Indian style. aWhatas up?a The older woman sat on the edge of the bed, glancing at the glossy so carelessly tossed before turning her gaze to her employee. aI want to talk to you about what happened the other night. At dinner.a Remmy groaned inwardly, hoping this conversation wouldnat come up. aWhat about it?a aWhat happened? Iam truly concerned for you, and want to make sure something isnat up. Nothings wrong, is it, Remmy?a The brunette pulled her legs up until they rested against her chest, arms hugging her shins. She was definitely feeling slightly cornered. She couldnat keep the rueful chuckle down.

Confused, Joan asked, aWhat?a Remmy glanced at her, trying to decide what she wanted to do. What should she do? More than likely Joan, like the rest of them, would think she was nuts and send her packing. Why not? It was okay, had certainly happened before. Taking a deep breath, she spoke. aYou know, itas funny. I spend my whole life with this thing, trying to figure out what the hell it is, and now suddenly Iam explaining it to three different people, two of which in one day.a She met Joanas gaze, which had become even more confused. Remmy sighed. aI donat have seizures, Joan, I donat have epilepsy, I donat even have a brain tumor. I donat think.a aThen what do you have?a aVisions. Plain and simple, visions. I get these crazy images in my head, and once in awhile I get to feel the wonderful emotions behind them.a It wasnat difficult to see that her boss wasnat following her. aAs Iave explained to two cops already, both of which looked at me very much like youare looking at me right now, I might add. I pick up strong emotion, something someone has been carrying with them. I canat control who itall be, or whatall itall show me, but it does. And for some crazy reason, Iam picking up loud and clear on Julie Wilson.a Joan looked at the younger woman, trying to decide whether she wanted to laugh or send the brunette packing. aJulie Wilson?a aYes. Julie Wilson. She started out invading my dreams, but now sheas invading my waking moments, too. I have no idea why.a She turned away from her boss, no longer wanting to see the doubt in her eyes.

So, at dinner the other night, were you having one of these episodes?a Remmy burst into laughter, Joanas word choice bringing back her own words to Detective Wong that this thing with Julie was like live TV.

aYeah. I was. And it happened again today when one of the detectives on the case came to talk to me at the store.a aSo,a Joan said, trying to get her thoughts together in some sort of coherent semblance of order. aAre you some kind of psychic, Remmy?a The brunette turned very red-rimmed blue eyes on her. aNo, Joan, Iam very tired. Thatas what I am. That took a lot out of me today. I just want to close my eyes and see my own head, not someone elseas dungeon.a aBut-a aPlease, Joan? We can talk about this later, I promise. I just want to sleep.a Finally the older woman nodded, rising from the bed. aOkay. Weall talk later.a Left alone once again, Remmy flopped back against the stacked pillows shead been resting against before. aSo tired.a

Part 5.

The fields were green and lush, wild flowers waving in the soft breeze. Julie walked along, hands brushing over the tops, the soft petals tickling her palms. She could feel the flow of a dress around her legs as she walked. She felt happy. She felt safe. Closing her eyes, she raised her face to the warming sunlight, allowing it to reach inside and touch her deepest parts.

Sensing someone close, green eyes opened, and Julie looked around. Standing off in the distance, she saw a lone figure-a woman. She could not make out the face, nor any details of the dress she wore, but a slow smile spread across Julie's features. She's here to help me. The words echoed in her head, even as she began to walk toward the woman. Though still lost in distance, the blonde knew in her soul that the woman would not hurt her, that she was watching over her.

Remmy watched as Julie raised a hand in welcome and greeting. She smiled, raised her own hand.

Breathing hard, Remmy sat bolt upright in her bed, face pale and bangs glued to her forehead from sweat. She could feel her heart pounding, a quarter-sized pain dead center in her forehead. Closing her eyes, she brought her hand up to it, feeling the clamminess of her skin. Running a hand through her hair, pushing it back off her forehead, she stared out over her apartment.

"Holy shit," she breathed. Shoving the covers aside, she stood, stretching her back and arms before padding over to the kitchen area. She grabbed a bottle of cold water from the fridge, taking in mouthfuls at a time, quickly finishing the sixteen ounces of liquid. Crushing the flimsy plastic, she tossed it into the trashcan, watching as the sun slowly peaked over the rooftops.

She was due at the police station in a few hours. What was she supposed to tell them? What good was she to Julie Wilson when she couldn't tell them a damn thing? She had no idea where the woman was. No idea who had taken her. All she got were torturous visions. Visions. Remmy couldn't help but be bitter about them. What was the point of them? They'd never done her a damn bit of good but turn her into even more of a freak in society's eyes.

Then she thought of the dream. It had been so real, so vivid. She knew that had been Julie Wilson she'd been watching. She had felt the woman's fear, had felt her relief when she realized she wasn't alone in that field. She had felt her.

"Damn it all," she growled with a heavy sigh.

Julie gasped softly as she woke, trying to bring a hand to her pounding heart, but realized that she couldn't move it. Contorting as much as she could, she saw that it was handcuffed to the headboard. That's right. How could I forget that? Lying still so as not to awaken the monster sleeping beside her, she squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, praying that the sense of peace and safety she had in the dream would come back to her. Sadly, it eluded her at every turn. She was left with the sick feeling in her gut and the stinging pain between her legs.

She had finally been allowed to go to sleep at close to two in the morning, the man collapsing to the bed, exhausted after their extreme sessions of . Julie squeezed her eyes shut again. She couldn't even bring herself to give a name to what she'd been forced to experience. To her horror, hot tears leaked from her eyes.

Julie gasped, startled as a large hand suddenly covered her bared left breast. She didn't dare look as the mattress shifted beneath her. Her bedmate was awake.

"You're up early," he murmured against the skin of her neck. Julie squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to be utterly revolted by his touch-five-o'clock shadow scratching against her tender flesh.

"I need to go the bathroom," she whispered, barely able to hear her own voice.

Sergio lifted himself to an elbow, looking down at the beauty in his bed. Her eyes were closed, a wrinkle formed between her brows. When he didn't speak, she finally looked at him, pleading in her eyes. He finally nodded, scooting off the bed and walking naked across the room. He dug the key out from underneath his underwear, sure to cover what he was doing with his body from possibly prying eyes.

Crawling on the bed, he straddled her body, reaching above her to unlock her restraints. Couldn't risk losing her. One wrist free, Sergio took her hand in his, kissing the palm before resting the hand on the blonde's chest. He quickly turned to the other hand, releasing it.

Julie sighed in relief, her hands and arms tingling horribly from being in the same position for so many hours. She brought both arms up to cover her breasts, one moment of modesty.

"Go," the man said, giving her permission.

Julie winced as she stood from the bed, wanting so badly to soak in a hot tub of water to soothe her abused sex, but knew that wasn't an option. She made slow progress to the bathroom, shocked that he wasn't following. Sitting on the toilet, she held her breath, desperately wanting to hold back, as she knew it was going to burn. Need overtook pain, and Julie whimpered softly as her body relieved itself, trying to ignore the pain. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd been torn.

As she sat on the toilet, she looked around the cramped bathroom, noting the window just to her right. She glanced toward the doorway of the bathroom, not seeing him anywhere, nor could she hear him. Turning back to the window, she studied the latch, then raised up to her tip-toes, trying to see through the frosted glass. It looked as though the window would lead to the side of the back of the house. She couldn't see details, but she could make out the stripped colors of what looked to be an umbrella with a patio set.

Julie cried out as her head was yanked back by her hair, then her forehead was slammed into the window, knocking the daylights out of her, and causing her to see stars.

"I said you could take a piss, not get stupid," the man hissed in her ear, just before her forehead was slammed again. Julie groaned just before all went black.

Chapter 11.

Remmy strolled into the police station, right on time. She was ushered back to where the detective's desks were, as Det. Wong hadn't come in yet, and Det. Cowan was on a call. The brunette wandered over to a case on the wall where various medals and trophies were locked up. It looked like softball trophies.

"Won the league last year," Grace Cowan said from behind her. Remmy glanced at the detective from over her shoulder, nodding acknowledgement of the factoid. "Glad you could come. Come with me."

Remmy followed the dark woman through the office space, into an interview room, much like the one she'd been in with Brian Wong. No need to explore this time, she flopped into the chair across from Grace, who sat, tapping the tabletop with her fingers, and glancing at her watch.

"So, what exactly are we waiting for?" Remmy asked.

"Not a what, but a who. My partner, Brian Wong will be here any minute, along with Julie's brother, Matt Wilson. He wants to meet you."

Dark brows drew over narrowed blue eyes. "Why?"

"He has some questions for you," Grace said simply. She was interrupted from explaining further when the door opened, and Brian Wong appeared, carrying a bag from a Sonic restaurant, but first he allowed a good looking guy to enter, his sandy-colored hair falling into his eyes. Remmy would've known immediately who he was, even if she had happened upon him on the street. She was suddenly filled with a sense of peace, of pure joy, and knew it was coming from Julie, her energy. For a moment she worried that perhaps Julie had been killed, and was in the room with them right then. After a moment, allowing her senses to stream out, searching with finger-like radar, she felt her in the form of a sudden and massive headache, seeming to extend all across her forehead.

Shaking off the ill-effects, Remmy concentrated on the group that was making the small room feel downright claustrophobic.

"Well, I guess we're all here," Detective Wong said, setting his bag down on the table and slowly pulling out his breakfast, caring little about the three pairs of eyes that watched him. He set his coffee and breakfast sandwich off to the side, pouring the container of tator tots on a napkin.

Remmy was amused by the daggers Grace was sending his way. "That we are, Colombo." She ignored the glare she got from him. "Why, exactly, are we all here?"

"Brian? How about you do the honors?" Grace said, turning hard eyes to her partner. He refused to look at her, instead taking his time fixing his coffee-three sugars and a touch of honey.

"That's disgusting," Matt commented, watching the Asian man.

"Don't knock it," Brian said, still not looking at one of them. Finally he sighed and looked across the table at Remmy. "We need help in this investigation, and we'd like to ask you some questions. About your visions."

Remmy kept his gaze, not wavering as she reached across the table and snatched a tator tot. Popping it into her mouth, she sighed as she chewed, then spoke. "Okay. I'll help you."

Grace sat in the recliner where she'd been planted all night, once again looking over the notes she'd taken that day. She closed her eyes in pleasure as her husband leaned down, giving her a tender kiss on the cheek.

"Don't stay up too late," he warned, headed off to bed.

The detective turned her attention back to the yellow legal pad, flipping back a couple pages and re-reading what she'd already gone over: Another person there--- Chained to the wall--- Cold, gray area, cement-like--- Basement?- Suspects sexual violation--- Does not know offender--- Grace came back to the first point of more than one person with Julie. She tapped her pen against the pad, brows drawn in thought. What does that mean? Is the other person alive or dead? Male or female? Remmy felt it was another woman, but wasn't sure.

Grace sighed in frustration. "Where are you, Julie?"

Matt was nervous, sitting across the table from the very strange young woman he'd met earlier that morning at the police station. The two of them, and the two detectives, had sat in that little room for more than four hours, Remmy grilled by Grace and Brian. He could tell that the man was still unsure, and not entirely taken by Remmy's information, but the woman detective seemed to buy the girl's story hook, line and sinker. Matt wasn't sure, so he had invited Remmy to have coffee with him. She agreed to meet him after she got off work.

He sat at a back table, heels of his shoes hooked onto the bottom rung of the tall stools, tall enough to reach the bistro table. A young, redheaded man stepped up to the table.

"Can I get you a refill, sir?" he asked Matt, nodding at the near-empty mug sitting on the table.

"That'd be great, thanks." Matt smiled his thanks.

"Carmel macchiato, right?"

Again Matt smiled. The waiter grabbed the mug and hurried off to do his bidding. The bells chimed above the door, and Matt was glad, though nervous, to see Remmy step through. She looked around the coffee shop until she saw him waving at her. Smiling in acknowledgement, Remmy headed over to Matt's table, climbing up onto the high seat.

"Hey," Remmy said, allowing her light jacket to slide down her arms. It was starting to get chilly out after dark. "Sorry I'm late. My relief was late."

"Hi. No worries." Matt smiled, waving the redheaded waiter over. The boy held up his mug in recognition, but then his gaze fell on Matt's companion. Matt was amused as the boy seemed to trip over himself to get to their table.

"Hi, Remmy," he smiled, trying to lean his hand on the table, but it was wobbly, nearly knocking the enamored young man to the floor. He managed to catch himself, but not before his face matched his hair.