The Collector - The Collector Part 3

The Collector Part 3

Everything shead done today, the work and promises, allowed herself to maybe find some peace and happiness for at least three months. She swore to herself that she would not fink out on Doug and Joan, two of the most decent people shead met in a long time.

Slopping more aloe onto her fried shoulders and arms, Remmy absently used the remote to flick through the channels, looking for anything interesting. Doug had to go to work, so couldnat run the cable up to her room yet, leaving only the five local channels for entertainment. She passed by Wheel of Fortune, stopping just long enough to guess three wrong letters, then moved on to find the evening news. She was about to flip back to the game show when Julie Wilsonas image caught her attention.


be reached, though police say theyall keep trying to contact Lambert,a the news anchor said, glancing briefly down at her notes. aIf you have any information on Julie Wilson, please call police.a The gaudy music began, indicative of a commercial break. Remmy gazed at the screen, but was no longer seeing it. Chewing on her bottom lip, she made a decision.

Brian Wong watched, mystified as his fellow detective made an entire stack of playing cards disappear. The group that surrounded the man murmured amongst themselves, trying to figure out how he did it. A round of aWhoa!a erupted as suddenly the deck reappeared. A round of applause followed.

A uniformed cop, whom Brian recognized as one of the front desk officers, weaved her way through the gathered crowd, and up to him. aDetective Wong, thereas a woman here who would like to speak to you about the Wilson case.a aReally?a he said, surprised. In the weeks since it had happened, they had gotten nowhere.

aSheas waiting in Interview Room 1.a aAlright. Thanks, Linda.a The desk officer nodded, then hurried back to her post. Brian watched her go, always thinking Officer Linda Tate had the greatest ass known to mankind. Pulled from his perusal as duty called, he grabbed a pen and pad and paper from his desk, making sure his tie was straight and hair slicked back as he made his way to Interview Rom 1.

Inside the small room, decorated with only a small, square table and two chairs, Brian saw the woman standing in front of the two-way mirror. He stood in the open doorway, unsure what to say. The woman with long, dark hair flowing down her back, was looking into the smoky mirror, hands cupped around her face, trying to look through to the other side. Brian cleared his throat to get the womanas attention.

Remmy whirled around to see a man in a dark brown suit standing in the doorway to the small room. She grinned. aI uh, I always wondered what was on the other side of those,a she explained, hitching a thumb over her shoulder toward the two-way.

aWell,a Brian said, entering the room and closing the door behind him. aI hope your curiosity has been laid to rest.a He slapped his pad of paper down on the table and sat, glancing up at the brunette, nodding toward the chair across from him. aMy name is Brian Wong, and Iam one of the detectives working the case.a He grabbed his pen, removing the cap as he poised the instrument above the pad. aAnd, who might you be?a aMy name is Remmy Foster,a Remmy said, getting settled across from the curt man.

aAlright, Remmy. I hear you wish to talk about the Julie Wilson case.a He looked into Remmyas face, studying her with shrewd, dark eyes. aDo you know Julie Wilson?a The brunette shook her head. aNope. Met her once, though.a aOh? And when was that?a aNot long before she disappeared. She gave me a ride,a Remmy explained, watching as the man scribbled some notes on the yellow legal pad. She sat still, waiting for him to stop, hands clasped properly in front of her. After a moment, dark eyes met hers again, silently prompting. aI havenat seen her since.a Brian Wong sat back, sighing quietly as he did. aSo, what have you got for me that was so important for you to take time out of your day, and mine, to tell me? Cuz, I gotta tell you,a he tapped his pad with a finger. aThis ainat it.a aYou guys are going after the ex-boyfriend, right?a Remmy asked.

aWead like to question him, yes.a aDonat bother.a The woman had stated this so matter-of-factly that it got Brianas attention. aAnd, whyas that?a aBecause he didnat do it,a Remmy said simply, as though that should explain it all.

aHe didnat do it,a the detective said slowly, eyeing the girl sitting across from him. He took in her ill-fitted t-shirt, slightly disheveled hair, and remembered the torn jeans head noticed before sitting down. aLook, Miss Foster, unless you can give me something to truly sink my teeth into, youare wasting both our time, here.a aNo, you have to listen to me,a Remmy said, leaning forward, one elbow resting on the table. aIam telling you. It isnat this Ray Lambert guy.a Brianas dark brows drew. Rayas name hadnat been released to the press. aYou said you donat know Julie Wilson.a aCorrect.a aDo you know Ray Lambert?a aNegative, Houston.a The harsh light above made the womanas feature seem far harsher than they were, almost giving her an eerie, malicious look. Brian knew it was his mind playing tricks, but he couldnat shake it. Grace Cowan so often teased him about his lack of gut instinct, but with this one, it was zooming off the charts. He took in her face, then his gaze fell to her hair-long and dark. Suddenly he remembered the long, dark hairs that had been found in Wilsonas car. Yes, Remmy had said shead been given a ride by Wilson, but was it just simply a likely story to explain anything they may find in the car? His suspicious nature perked to life.

aSo, you donat know Julie Wilson, you donat know Ray Lambert, yet youare telling me that Ray Lambert isnat responsible for Wilsonas disappearance.a Remmy nodded. aThatas exactly what Iam trying to tell you.a aOkay,a he drawled, setting his pen down and entwining his fingers upon the pad. aLook, Miss Foster-a aRemmy-a aWhatever.a He could no longer hide his irritation. aIall call you Mother Theresa if you want, as long as you can give me something, anything, remotely concrete or useful.a aAnd Iall call you Colombo, if you want, if youall pick up your pen and write down what Iam trying to tell you,a Remmy said, her own hackles raised. Her gaze was steady as it held the detectiveas for a long moment, a battle of the wills.

With a heavy sigh, Brian Wong finally broke the contact and did as asked. aAlright. And what makes you believe that Ray Lambert isnat involved?a aI canat tell you that.a Brian was thoroughly pissed now. He threw the pen down and rose to his full height, fists resting on either side of his legal pad. aListen, Remmy, this is a womanas life weare talking about here, okay? This isnat some goddamn game Iam playing.a aI know itas crazy, but Iam telling you, Det. Wong, youare going in the wrong direction! See, I get these visions,a aVisions a.

aYes. Visions. Sheas in a place right now thatas cold, and sheas scared. Confused. She doesnat know where she is-a Remmy was on a roll, all her visions and the one dream shead had, coming back to her in a torrent of words. She stopped herself, however, when she saw the look on Brian Wongas face. Jesus, this guyas a hard sell!

aI donat understand, visions,a he said, stopping his pen, as head written down all she had said.

aHell buddy, wish I understood a'em!a Remmy grinned.

aSo, what, you see yourself as some kind of psychic? Some sort of Sylvia Browne?a the detective smirked, but the girl didnat crack a smile.

aI donat know who that is, and no, I donat.a aYou donat see yourself as psychic?a Brian asked, voice dripping with doubt. At the shake of the womanas head, her probed further. aSo, what is it like you have some sort of TV show playing in your head or something? Is that what these visions are?a aWell, typically itas more like re-runs, like I pick up on older stuff. I donat know, itas almost like when someone is carrying around some pretty serious emotions-guilt, sadness, fear, whatever-from something previous, I pick up on it, and sometimes itall form an image in my head. But with this,a she shrugged. aItas like live TV. Iam seeing things as they happen, feeling them.a Brian tapped the end of his pen on the table as he listened. Personally, as soon as this whack job left the station, he intended to look her up, see just what kind of record she had.

aWell,a he said, slapping his pen down. aThanks for coming in. Iall look into this cold, dark, foreign place. See what we can come up with.a Brian pushed back from the table.

Am I being dismissed? Remmyas brows drew. aAlrighty then.a She stood, heading out of the door the detective held open for her.

aIf you think of anything else, give us a call,a Brian Wong said before turning and heading toward his office.

Chapter 8.

Weeping. It was quiet, muffled, but weeping all the same. Julie blinked open her eyes several times, opening the wide for a moment to try and get rid of a sticky residue that seemed to act as a glue. The flaky a'rocksa that seemed to be pouring into the corners of her eyes led her to suspect the gluey substance might be dried tears. This was the most shead been awake in what felt like months, though she knew must have been a smattering of days or weeks.

After a moment of clarity, Julie took inventory of her situation: cold metal was wrapped around her wrists, which were held above her head, elbows slightly bent, hands dangling over the shackles. She was standing, though her feet were separated by a foot of heavy chain, which clinked every time she moved. Her feet were bare, as was the rest of her. Something cool, yet not solid was beneath her feet. Dirt?

As she looked around, Julie couldnat see much-it was very dark, though as her eyes slowly began to adjust, she could see the tiniest bit of a blue hue of light near the floor off to her left. From the small amount of light, she could tell that there was a bit of a crack in the wall near the floor.

Hearing the whimpering again, Julie tried to peer through the darkness to her right. She could only see a dark shape against a velvety black backdrop.

aShh, Roxie, itas okay,a someone whispered from directly in front of Julie, whoas eyes were now huge to try and pierce the dark.

aI canat die here,a another womanas voice said from the right, whom Julie assumed was the whimpering Roxie. aI just canat.a The teacher tried to open her lips, but winced as they cracked from dryness and lack of use. Bringing her tongue out, she washed it over them against and again before croaking out a sentence. aWhere am I?a There was a sudden silence that made Julie extremely uncomfortable. It was broken when the woman in front of her spoke. aYou survived.a It was a statement, not a question. aYouare in hell.a That got the whimpering started again. aRoxie, knock it off.a Julie wasnat sure what to think of her two companions, but she couldnat help but think the more talkative woman was amazingly insensitive. aIs she hurt?a she asked after some time listening to the quiet whimpers.

aNah,a the still-nameless woman said with a sigh.

Julie chewed on her bottom lip, a habit when she was nervous. She grimaced when part of her lip skin came off with her top teeth. Delicately spitting it out, she closed her eyes, trying to concentrate on her surroundings again. There was a dripping sound from somewhere nearby, a dripping she thought she remembered hearing before. Slight creaks, as though a house or building were settling in for the night. After a few moments, Julie realized she was hungry and incredibly thirsty.

aIs there,a she cleared her throat as her voice cracked. She tried again. aIs there any water?a aWhen he brings food, but he already did today,a the woman across from her explained. aYou were out, I guess.a Julie allowed her mind to flip over this new information, trying to sort it all out, but her weakened, dehydrated state wasnat making that easy. Her head also still ached, though it was fairly dull in the back of her skull, now. Other than Roxieas soft crying, silence fell again. Finally Julie spoke again.

aWhere are we? Who is this person?a Julieas heart stopped, her stomach falling as she heard something-metal grading against metal. Within moments, and with the heightening of Roxieas whimpering, she figured out the sound was a lock being disengaged. Suddenly she was blinded by a seemingly bright light brought from the dim wattage of the naked bulb hanging near the opened door.

The thick, rich sauce of Joanas lasagna was a delight for the palate, thatas for sure. Remmyas eyes slipped closed, the fork slowly leaving her lips as she savored the taste of the individual spices, tomatoes and garlic. She loved garlic, and anything that required it. Basically Italian food was a staple in her life, but rarely did she ever get homemade anything, let alone Italian!

Joan watched their new tenant closely, amused with just about anything Remmy did. She was saddened, however, by just how much the girl savored every single morsel of her dinner, as though it would be the last she had for awhile. She had the feeling that wasnat too far off the truth. Remmy was on her second helping, though where she kept it in that tall, thin body, the manager had no idea.

Her musings were interrupted abruptly as Remmy suddenly stopped eating, fork halfway to her mouth, almost as though her hand were frozen. Her eyes widened, face taking on a strange expression, lip curling up slightly.

aRemmy? You okay?a Doug asked, taking a sip from her grape Kool-Aid. He glanced at his wife to see if she knew what was wrong, but Joan looked as surprised and concerned as he was.

aRemmy?a Remmyas body stiffened, her five senses one by one disappearing: she no longer heard the clattering of flatware against dishes. No longer heard the evening news in the background. She could no longer taste the garlic on her tongue. She could no longer feel the smooth metal of the fork in her hand, nor the hard dining chair under her flannel-clad butt. She could no longer smell the freshly baked rolls that were in a covered basket at the center of the table. She could no longer see Joanas concerned face across from her.

Things are blurry, almost as through the eyes of someone who wears glasses, but theyad been removed. Bright light shines in from the left, painting everything in a blurry, buttery gold. Across the way, someone is there. Who is it? Flesh-color. Are they naked? The form looks like a aTa- arms spread out, body line straight down, though one leg bends, almost like a flamingo. Maybe the leg is tired? Thereas a gray background behind the flesh color.

Julie tore her eyes off the nameless woman across from her, turning terrified green eyes to the man entering into what she now saw was a tiny cement and dirt cave, it seemed. He was featureless as the light was over his head and slightly behind him, so he was mostly one big, eerie silhouette. A big, eerie silhouette that was walking toward her.

aYouare awake,a he said, voice soft and deep. She could smell his cologne as he got closer, mixed with sweat and garlic. aGood, good.a He brought a hand up, very soft, almost like a womanas, brushing the side of her face with the backs of his fingers. Julie was too afraid to move. So up close, she could see the dark pockets that were his eyes, as well as the paleness of his face. She could tell he had short-cropped dark hair, but that was about it. aHere.a Julie was grateful despite herself, the cold bottle of water raised to her lips. She drank unashamedly, the cold liquid spilling down her chin to her bare breasts, making her pull away from the water in a surprised cry. The man took the bottle away, to her dismay.

aIam so glad youare awake,a he whispered, moving in close. The hand that didnat hold the bottle was brought to her left breast, a quick caress to the rounded edge that made her recoil instinctively. He pulled his hand away, looking into her face. A slow smile spread across his lips. aOur lessons will start later. But,a he leaned in close, inhaling her scent, which she imagined wasnat great considering she hadnat had a bath in more days than she cared to remember. aThey will begin soon.a He walked over to the woman who was chained across from her. The womanas red hair was flattened to her head from lack of proper bathing. She stood there, arms suspended out, hands dangling limply. Her brown eyes were filled with heavy shadows as she watched the man walk up to her.

Julie watched in horrified fascination as the man, whose back was now to her, reached down, unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. Julie looked away, not able to bear watching what she knew he was about to do. The woman made not one sound, but he more than made up for it, as well as the obscene slap of his flesh against hers. His thrusts were short and quick, the assault over quickly with a loud groan from him. Soon his clothing was adjusted, and he left as head come, taking the light with him.

A silent tear made a trail down Julieas cheek, dripping off her chin.

Remmy gasped for air, her hands reaching out blindly to grab whatever was closest. Finding nothing, she cried out in surprise as her hand was taken in a small, cool one. She blinked rapidly, a sharp pain slicing through the center of her forehead. Finally her surroundings came into view, and she saw that she lay on a couch, Doug and Joan hovering over her.

aI think sheas coming around,a Joan said, though in Remmyas ears, the sound was distant, and far slower than life speed. Doug, who stood just behind his wifeas seated form, looking over the womanas shoulder, nodded, brows drawn in deep concern aRemmy? Remmy, honey, can you hear me?a Joan asked, bringing the cool cloth to her employeeas forehead, which seemed to help bring the girl back.

Remmy took several deep breaths, trying to get her bearings. She had no recollection as to when shead been moved to the couch. The last thing she remembered was sitting at the dinner table, nearly having a foodgasm over the lasagna.

aI wonder if we should get her to a doctor,a Doug said.

aNo,a Remmy said, though her voice was slurred and thick. aNo doctor.a aHoney, what happened?a Joan asked, brushing dark strands of hair away from Remmyas face. aDid you have a seizure or something?a Remmyas mind raced. Seizure? Confused, she tried to sit up, finding herself too weak. With her bossa help, she was finally able to lean back against the arm of the couch. She felt sick to her stomach from the centralized pounding in her forehead. Shaking her head, she finally got herself somewhat under control.

aNo. No seizure.a aThen what the hell what that?a Doug asked. aOne minute youare sitting there enjoying the hell out of your dinner, the next your damn near drooling at the mouth.a aDoug, she was not.a Joan glared up at her husband before returning her gaze back to Remmy. aIt sure seemed like you had something.a aNo. I I.a Remmy tried to think of what to tell them. She didnat feel safe telling them what she thought it was, what she deep-down knew it was. aI just had a spell. Iad really like to go to bed now, if thatas okay. Iam pretty wiped out.a That was no lie. Emotionally she had reached her limit, and physically she felt nauseous. She could only remember ever being hit so hard one other time, but that had been a long time ago.

Joan nodded, reluctantly helping Remmy to her feet and removing the cloth from the girlas forehead. aDo you need any help up the stairs?a she asked softly. The brunette shook her head, quietly making her way out of the room. Joan met her husbandas gaze, shrugging her shoulders.

Once in the safety and privacy of her own apartment, Remmy locked the door behind her and threw herself on her bed. She lay on her side, curling up in a ball. She felt so sick, so utterly frightened. What had she witnessed? What had called out to her so strongly that it had literally taken her from the conscious realm?

She remembered another time, about four years ago, when shead been working as a cashier in a small grocery store. She couldnat even remember the town, now. Shead serviced an older woman, ringing up all her purchases, and sent her on her way with a smile and a wish for a good day. The man who was next in line set his basket on the roller belt, politely stepping back as he waited for Remmy to empty it and ring everything up-all six items.

Looking into his eyes, Remmy was suddenly hit between the eyes: from the profound sense of guilt the man carried, she was able to see fifteen years into his past, and witness the night head driven home from a work party, having too much to drink to navigate through the rain very well. His senses had been too numb to react to the two young girls who had stepped off the curb, attempting to cross the street on a green light.

The last thing Remmy had remembered was the sound of the shattering glass jar of pickles as she freaked out at the immense burden upon the manas shoulders, the pain of the girlsa last moments on earth, and the loss of innocence for all involved. Shead been fired on the spot, the manager calling her crazy, and fearing that she should scare off customers. Similar scenes in school from a young, immature girl who didnat know how to handle the invasion into her thoughts and dreams, had earned the nickname of Remmy the Retard from her fellow classmates. Ultimately she had dropped out of school, no longer able to take the isolation and ridicule.

Remmy reached up, wiping at the lone tear that made its way down her cheek and tickling her nose. Was she doomed to be forever a freak?

Part 4.

Chapter 9.

Grace Cowan sat at her desk, phone to her ear as she listened to the results of the blood testing that had been done on the spot found in the parking lot of Woodland Elementary. The lab was behind, so their results were weeks behind. Brian Wong sat on the edge of her desk, as usual, waiting for her to explain.

aOkay, Cathy. Thanks.a The dark woman hung up the phone and sighed, tossing her pencil to the desktop. She glared up at her partner. aItas hers.a Dark brown eyes opened wide. aYouare shitting me?a aNo, Brian, I am not. Julieas blood was spilled in that parking lot, and I want to know why.a She slammed her fist into the desk. aWeave been wasting the last two months, goddamn it! I want to know where this woman is, and I want to know what happened to her.a Brian studied the woman before him, chewing on his bottom lip. The progress on the Wilson case had been incredibly slow, and had gone nowhere. That fact was not his fault, but perhaps he shouldave been more forthcoming with information. Running a hand through neatly cut black hair, Brian cleared his throat. aRay Lambert came by the station this morning. Said head gotten all of our messages, as well as one from his daughter.a He met the glaring coffee-colored gaze from his partner. aHe had a rock-solid alibi for the day Julie was taken, as well as the days before and after.a Grace Cowan felt a wave of rage race through her. She slammed her fist into the desk, getting to her feet and shooting daggers into Brianas eyes. aWhy didnat you tell me this?a she growled. She couldnat help but feel a bit of satisfaction as the prick stood from her desk, stepping back slightly. He had no answer to that, so decided he might as well come clean totally.

aThere was also someone who came in last week, a young woman came in. She said she was having visions.a aVisions?a aYes. Visions. Of Julie Wilson.a Grace could feel the pulse in her neck pounding painfully, a headache beginning. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to get herself under control. Finally she spoke, her voice deadly calm. aGive me her name, phone number, address, and then get the fuck out of my face.a ***

aGood morning, my beautiful ladies!a a chipper voice rang out, echoing in Julieas head. She opened her eyes, groaning as she lifted her head from where it had rested against her raised arm. Her neck was killing her, so completely kinked, she had a constant headache from it. Sure enough, the little door had been opened, the light from the naked bulb blinding as the man entered their hell. aI bring good tidings and breakfast.a Julie watched as first Roxie was unshackled, the 41 year old housewife and mother of threeas body collapsed to the dirt floor, too weak and muscles to atrophied to work properly and hold her up. A stainless steel bowl was placed before her, as well as a Styrofoam cup.

aHurry, my love,a the man said, his voice deep and resonating. Roxie nodded, and beginning to cry, again, she ate her fare as quickly as possible.

Julie watched in morbid fascination, the smell coming from the bowl in front of Roxie, as well as the other waiting on the tray, made her stomach turn. It smelled like Alpo mixed with tuna. She glanced at the woman across from her, whom shead learned was Pamela Beecham, a 46 year old dental assistant, twice divorced. She was also watching Roxie eat, then glanced at the tray, seeing the single bowl left, then her gaze met Julieas. her smile was profoundly sad.

aYour turn,a she mouthed.

Remmy had been stocking the beer section all morning, and was about to freeze her butt off, standing back in the refrigerated part of the stockroom for the better half of an hour, and she still had the light beers to go. She cursed Joshas name yet again, as he was supposed to have done this two nights ago. Luckily the new girl, Mabel was working the front so Remmy could get them caught up. She had the distinct feeling that Josh would be quitting soon; he was just not a happy boy.

As she peered between the shelves of beer, she saw a familiar redhead waltz through the front doors, the chimes warning someone had entered. Crap. Remmy hurried with the rest of the cooler, trying to get out there before Roman drove Mabel crazy with a million questions about where the brunette was.

aIave got this one, Mabel,a she said, hurrying from the backroom, pulling the thin gloves from her hands. Roman watched her, a question in his eyes. aStocking the coolers,a she explained, hitching a thumb toward them at the back of the store.

aOh,a he said with a nod of understanding. aSo, um, I was just coming by to see if you maybe wanted to go check out a movie tonight, or something.a He gave her his best smile, which Remmy found charming, though completely ineffectual. Wrong tree, big dog.

Remmy opened her mouth, about to answer when the chime above the door rang out again. The brunette saw a handsome black woman enter the store, her navy pantsuit well-fitting and crisp. She walked up to the counter where Mabel met her.

aHello. Iam Detective Grace Cowan, and I was wondering if you can tell me if Remmy Foster is working today?a Mabel nodded, and without a word, she pointed to the brunette, who felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach.

aYou in trouble?a Roman whispered as he and Remmy watched the dark woman head right toward them. Remmy said nothing, only shaking her head no.

aRemmy Foster?a Grace asked, looking into cautious blue eyes.

aYes,a Remmy said, unsure what to do or think. Her mind raced, trying to think of the last time she screwed up, and if she had already been caught for it. Did that clerk ever turn me for stealing the loaf of bread in San Francisco?

aIam Grace Cowan, a detective with the Woodland Police Department. Iam working the Julie Wilson case along with Detective Brian Wong, whom you spoke with. Iad like to do a little follow up of that conversation, if you wouldnat mind.a Glory be! Off the hook. Remmy nodded. aSure thing.a ***

Pamela closed her eyes, letting out a soft sigh as the last of her two hands were enclosed once more in the hard, cold metal handcuffs. She could smell Sergioas aftershave as he leaned in, placing a soft kiss to her cheek before his warmth was gone. Eyes slowly opening, she saw him move over to the newest addition to their little fucked up family. She was blonde, pretty cute-nice body, petit, without an ounce of fat on her, unlike Roxie to her left, who was plump. Well, had been when shead arrived, but was now pretty much skin and bones, her tits hanging nearly down to her belly button from all the kids shead had. Pamela hadnat even bothered to look at her own body in more months than she could recall. She was scared to see.

Julie watched the man finish up, two empty bowls loaded back onto the tray, followed by two empty Styrofoam cups. He grabbed the loaded tray from the floor and turned toward her. She was terrified, but her stomach growled almost uncontrollably. She wasnat sure her expression, but she prayed it wasnat too desperate.

aIall be right back,a the man said to her, backing toward the door and naked bulb, watching her for a moment, then he was gone.

Remmy and Grace sat at a cement table at the back of the store, near the parking lot for employees. Cigarette butts lined the sidewalk, some stuffed in the old, rusted Folgers can placed next to the back door for that purpose. Remmy was nervous, she almost wished she could pick up a half-smoked butt next to the toe of her shoe and light it up.

aSo, from Detective Wongas notes, I saw that you said you have visions.a She studied the pretty girl sitting across from her. aIs that true?a Remmy nodded. aYep. Had a dream, then when I was in Julieas car, I had another one. Vision, not a dream,a she clarified.

aYou told Brian you were positive that Ray Lambert had nothing to do with it, correct?a Grace asked, pulling a small pad of paper from the inside pocket of her jacket. She glanced up at her companion in time to see her nod.

aThis is true,a Remmy nodded emphatically, watching as the detectiveas pen raced across the page. aYou know heas not guilty in this, donat you?a Grace looked at Remmy, hearing the statement hidden in the question. She knew she couldnat lay her cards out on the table for this odd girl, so she gave the girl a casual smile. aWhy do you think that?a aCause heas not,a Remmy said with a shrug. aJulie doesnat know her abductor, Detective Cowan.a The passion in the brunetteas voice certainly got the dark womanas attention. aIam telling you, sheas scared right now. Very scared.a aSo, you believe sheas still alive?a aOh, yes,a Remmy said, again nodding vigorously. aWithout a doubt. Sheas alive and sheas scared.a Grace decided to lay one card down. aWe found her blood at the scene, Remmy.a The brunette looked at her, un-phased by the news. aDoes that mean anything to your visions?a Grace wasnat sure what she thought of Remmy Foster, or her visions. If she were honest with herself, the practical, logical police officer in her wanted to say the girl was out of her tree, and looking for attention. She did not feel that Remmy was involved, but all the same, had to get as much information from her as was possible. Julie Wilsonas life may depend on it.

Julie blinked a few times, her head pounding. Groaning, she turned her head, shocked to see a window, the sun shining in. Flimsy drapes hung on either side. She realized she was lying down on a bed in a medium-sized room aOkay,a a male voice rang out, garnering the blondeas attention. aTime to take a shower.a Julie felt like she would throw up as her wrists were grasped, and she was pulled to a sitting position. The man from the little room was there, though now she could see him fully. A handsome man, if she saw him on the street, but now, to her he looked like Satan, himself. She noted the neatly trimmed and combed dark hair with well-taken care of sideburns. The skin of his face was tan, or he was of a darker racial background. Either way, he was pulling her to her feet, her weakened form leaning heavily on him.

He got her to a smallish bathroom-toilet, sink with vanity and a tub with tiled walls, and clear glass doors, which one side was already slid open. Julie was helped to step into the tub, the water turned on for her. She gasped as ice cold spray hit her back, her body instinctually moving to the far wall. The man grinned.