The Collector - The Collector Part 18

The Collector Part 18

The world ceased to exist for Remmy as she held Julie, their bodies flush as one hand held her close, the other gently combing thorough thick, blonde hair. She felt Julieas tears stop, a soft sigh brushing against her neck as arms snaked around her waist.

Julieas eyes slipped closed, the steady beat of Remmyas heart beneath her ear calmed her like nothing else shead ever known. She had all but forgotten the extreme stress from moments ago, allowing herself to get lost in the warmth that surrounded her, her mind clearing of any fear, any discomfort, of anything.

Remmy could feel her heart beginning to pound, and suddenly worried that Julie would be able to hear it. Reluctantly, she pulled away, uncomfortable as her body began to burn. She smiled down at questioning green eyes.

aAre you okay?a Remmy asked, trying to desperately to hide her bodyas reaction, which stunned her.

Julie nodded, pulling away and running her hands over her face. Her skin felt hot. aIall be right back,a she murmured, heading into the kitchen and wetting a paper towel, placing it on her face and cooling herself off. She heard Remmy enter the kitchen, noting that she rested with her shoulder against the arched doorway. aI forgot I was making dinner before Ray showed up,a she said, a small smile on her lips when Remmyas gaze settled on the pan on the stove. aCanat say Iam real hungry anymore.a aYou should eat, Julie. You canat let any of this rule you.a Julie nodded, knowing Remmy was right. aHave you eaten? Will you join me?a Remmy shook her head, patting her stomach. aGod, no. I filled up on apple pie.a Julie laughed, but turned the stove on. Back to Remmy, she asked, aWill you stay? Maybe have a Coke with me or something?a aOF course.a Remmy didnat have to be asked twice.

As Julie prepared her dinner, chatting about her day, and about a couple more outfits shead bought Remmyas thoughts turned inward, and toward what had just happened a few moments ago. She was no stranger to the passion of a woman, but never, ever had she thought of Julie in that way. But tonight, standing there holding her, shead wanted nothing more than to lift Julieas face and kiss her. She felt such a passion for Julie, but until a few moments ago, hadnat recognized it as anything near sexual. She was protective of Julie, she liked Julie, and she felt such a connection to her. Such a closeness.

aHey,a Remmy was startled by the soft voice, and the even soften fingers that gently ran through her hair. She looked up, finding Julie standing next to where she sat.

aAre you okay?a the blonde asked, luxuriating in the thick softness of Remmyas dark hair, allowing her fingers to play. Remmyas eyes closed, her head resting against Julieas side.

aYeah. Iam really tired,a Remmy said, which was partially true.

aLong day?a At Remmyas nod, Julie leaned down, placing a soft kiss on the top of the dark head. aYou wanna stay here tonight? Iave got the bed back up in the second bedroom.a Remmy grinned. aI know. I moved it in there for you.a Julie chuckled. aYes, you did, and I believe I thanked you with a big steak dinner.a Remmy smiled, allowing her eyes to close as the fingers continued to comb through her hair. It felt wonderful. aI think youare spaghetti is boiling over,a she murmured, nearly falling asleep.

aOh, crap!a Julie hurried over to the stove, turning the heat down an blowing on the boiling froth. Deciding the noodles were tender enough, she strained the boiling water into the sink. Within moments Julie joined Remmy at the table and began to eat her dinner. As Julie ate, her thoughts returned to earlier events. Glancing up, she shyly met Remmyas gaze. aHow did you know?a Remmy ran her hands through her hair, shivering slightly at the memory of Julieas fingers, which had been there moments before. aI felt it,a she said simply. aI knew you were afraid.a Julie nodded, not able to meet Remmyas eyes. She didnat understand it, but tonight she had seen it first-hand. There was no other way for her to know that Julie had been in perceived trouble. Grace presence with Remmy helped to seal the deal. What on earth was behind Remmyas gift, anyway? It didnat matter. aIam glad you came, Remmy. Thank you.a aAnytime.a

Part 22.

Chapter 44.

Remmy blinked a few times, reality coming back to her. The white sound of TV snow filled the room, the black and white patterns throwing strange shadows on the walls and floor around her. She felt a weight against her, and looked down-she was lying stretched out on the couch, head resting against two stacked throw pillows, Julie using her as a pillow, the blondeas body squeezed in between the back of the couch and Remmyas own body. Julieas head rested on Remmyas upper chest, an arm thrown across Remmyas stomach.

Her bladder screaming at her, Remmy figured she should probably wake Julie and get her into her own bed, or shead have one hell of a cramp in her back the next morning. Remmyas body was already screaming at her. She thought back to their night, remembering after Julie had eaten, theyad settled into the living room to watch TV. Remmy had known she was tired, exhausted, actually, from a long day at work, working a double shift to cover for the new guy, who hadnat shown up, again. Also, the mental gymnastics shead been putting into Graceas new case was catching up to her, too.

She laid her head back down on the pillow, grabbing the remote control from the coffee table and muting the sound on the TV. She returned her attention back to the woman who slept against her, Julieas body relaxed and warm. Remmy brought up a hand, lightly running her fingers through soft, blonde hair. Julie sighed and readjusted her body, but didnat wake. Remmy smiled, hearing a soft snore as Julie fell back into a deep sleep, her fingers subconsciously gripping a handful of Remmyas t-shirt.

A soft kiss was placed to Julieas forehead, then the fingers that had been in her hair made their way across soft skin, outlining dark blonde brows, relaxed in sleep, down the slope of Julieas nose, then back up again, running quickly from the softly parted lips.

She was absolutely loathe to move her, but Remmy had to pee desperately. Slowly, she moved out from underneath Julie, not sure what kind of a sleeper she was, and if shead wake or not. A small bit of protest, but then Julie was right back into the Sandmanas realm.

Remmy hurried to the bathroom, sighing heavily as her body thanked her. She ran her hands through her hair, and tried to wake herself up fully. She should probably go home. Glancing at her cell phone she saw that it was after two in the morning, and the rain was still coming down, though not as fierce as it had been earlier. The idea of trudging home in the rain didnat exactly appeal to her, so she decided to get Julie to her bed, then shead crash on the couch again.

Julie was exactly where shead left her, and Remmy was absolutely charmed, squatting in front of the couch, studying her friend. Her eyes trailed over Julieas features, never realizing just how beautiful she truly was. Remmy knew she needed to get her mind out of the direction it was headed, as it was ridiculous. This was Julie, for Christas sake!

Even still, Remmyas thoughts ran back through her history. Shead never had a girlfriend, never staying anywhere long enough to allow messy emotions to get in the way. Shead had a fling or two that had lasted longer than a night, but even that hadnat been in a very long time. She hadnat been with a woman in more than a year. Shead never cared for anyone the way she cared for Julie. She just felt so safe with her, so accepted and cared for. The closeness she shared with her was unheard of for her, even with Monica. She felt so many different things click into place every time she was around Julie. And when she touched her? Remmy sighed heavily, her heart saddened for a moment as she knew that as wonderful as her time with Julie was, it was all it would ever be. And, she realized, that was fine with her. After all, she didnat stick around long enough, she reminded herself, so what did it matter?

Julie had become her best friend and the most important person in her life, and she wanted to protect her from anything that would put a frown on those beautiful lips, and to eradicate anything that would bring her the terror she had experienced tonight. She could feel the anger just under the surface when she thought about Ray. What the hell had he been thinking, attacking her like that? The man obviously had no heart and didnat give a shit about Julie.

Later, when theyad been sitting quietly on the couch watching TV, Julie had told Remmy about her relationship with Ray, and how unhealthy it had been. He had tried to control and possess her, much like head been trying to do when Remmy and Grace had shown up. The sadness and confusion in Julieas eyes had nearly broken Remmyas heart. Her heart did break when Julie told her she planned to just live for herself, her brother and nephew, and her career, as soon as she got it back on track. She had no desire to allow another man in her life, and certainly not into her heart or her bed. Remmy thought it was tragic, someone so young and beautiful as Julie, who had so much to offer someone, was going to lock that part of herself up, and apparently throw away the key. A tremendous loss.

Remmyas thoughts were cut short when green eyes slowly blinked open. Julie looked at her, trying to focus tired eyes. Finally she sighed, turning to her back and stretching, Remmy smiling at the cute little squeak that escaped.

aWhy are you sitting there watching me?a Julie asked, raising herself to her elbows.

aI was contemplating on whether I wanted to wake you or not. You looked so comfortable. And, I donat know, your little snores were just too cute.a Julieas eyes opened wide. aI do not snore.a Remmy shrugged, a smirk curling her lips. aI beg to differ. You drool, too,a she lied, tugging at her t-shirt collar. aI think you mightave farted a time or two, too.a Julieas mouth opened, though nothing came out, her eyes still wide. Remmy couldnat do it to her anymore. She burst out laughing. aIam teasing. Come on. Letas get you to bed so I can crash on the couch.a Julie sat up fully, running her hands through her hair to get it out of her face. She glared at Remmy and swatted at her playfully as she stood. aSnoring, drooling and farting,a she muttered. aI donat think so.a She grabbed Remmyas hand, yanking her toward the stairs, catching the power button on the TV as she went. aAnd I also donat think youare sleeping on the couch. Thatas ridiculous when Iave got a whole bed upstairs for you.a aOh, Julie, thatas not necessary. I donat want to make a mess for you, I can sleep anywhere-a Julie stopped suddenly, Remmy nearly running right into her. Julie turned, looking up into Remmyas eyes from the darkness in the upstairs hallway. aStop,a she said softly. aYou donat make messes for me, and even if you did, you are always welcome here, and my house is truly your house.a A soft smile covered her lips. aAfter all, you did help me remodel it.a Remmy smiled shyly, nodding. aOkay.a aGood. Get some sleep,a Julie said, reaching up and cupping Remmyas cheek for a moment before letting her hand slip away, and she headed to her own bedroom, the dogs following quickly behind.

The dishwasher roared to life, the smell of freshly scrubbed floors-Pine Sol. The dishrag in her hand, she finished wiping down the counters. Good thing lunch is finished. Taylor will be asleep soon. Maybe she can catch Oprah today. She reached for her juice, intending to finish it. Thirsty.

A crack. Break. Something falling to the floor. She turned and looked, surprised, unsure. She had questions in her head. Why is he here?

Remmy gasped, shooting up, her pillow falling to the floor with a material thud. aShe knew him!a she yelled, chest heaving and breath yanked painfully from her chest. Her eyes were wide, unseeing as she could still feel the frightened familiarity of her dram. Her vision. She glanced over at the floor where her pants lay in a heap. She carried around a rattle taken from the crime scene by Grace, giving Remmy a tangible link to the victim.

The bedroom door pushed open, Julie hurrying to the bed. aAre you okay?a she asked, sleep-tousled, but very much awake.

Remmy still hadnat gotten her breath back, her heart racing, fear still in her eyes. aShe knew him,a she said again, looking up at Julie, pleading for her to understand.

aWho, Remmy?a Julie asked, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking both of Remmyas trembling hands in her own.

aShe did. She knew her killer. I gotta call Grace. I gotta tell her-a aShh. Remmy, sweetie, shh.a Julie brought a hand up, pushing dark hair away from terrified eyes. aYou need sleep.a Remmy shook her head, trying to bring some saliva back to her dry mouth. aNo. I gotta tell her. She knew him.a aRemmy? Remmy, honey, look at me. Focus on me.a Julie waited until blue eyes were trained on her, clear and awake. aHoney, telling Grace in the middle of the night isnat going to do the case any good. Sheas dead already, honey. Sheas not going anywhere.a Remmy blew out a breath, long and shaky. She could still the womanas fear, and it scared her. She heard Julie pick up her pillow, placing it back on the bed, then she was being pushed back onto the soft mattress. She tried to fight the hand that rested on her upper chest.

aShh,a Julie cooed, lying beside her. aCome here, Remmy,a Julie said, hand squirming under Remmyas shoulders. Taking several deep breaths, the younger woman finally moved into her arms, resting her head against Julieas shoulder. Julie lay there, wide awake, able to feel the fear rolling off Remmy like heat. She buried her hand in long hair, placing a kiss to Remmyas forehead. aYouare trembling,a she whispered.

aShe was so afraid, Julie,a Remmy whispered, eyes staring blankly at the wall, still seeing the kitchen, so neat and clean. aShe knew him.a aWho was he?a Remmy shook her head. aI donat know.a Julie was quiet for a moment, a myriad of questions swarming through her brain. She was mixing memories of her own case with the few facts she knew of this one. aDid you see it? Or did you just feel it?a aBoth.a Remmy readjusted her head, finding the softness of Julieas left breast, feeling the fullness under her cheek. Julieas arms tightened around her.

aSo, this is almost like a delayed reaction? I mean, this woman was murdered, so youare experiencing what happened in the past.a Remmy nodded. aYes. Thatas usually how it works.a She raised her head, resting it in the palm of her hand as she glanced past Julie and out the window that was above the headboard. aExcept with you.a Julie studied Remmyas face, noting the way the moonlight shone into her eyes, making the color almost disappear. She felt the urge to reach up and trace the proud jaw, set and hard right now. She wished there was something she could do to ease her tension.

aWhy was it different with me?a she asked softly, meeting Remmyas gaze as the brunette looked down at her. Remmy shrugged.

aI really donat know. With you, it was so strange. There was one time when you were in the basement, I guess it was. You were looking over at Pam.a aHow do you know?a Remmy smiled, though it was somewhat sad. aBecause I could see her, too, through your eyes. That was when I told Grace that there were more than just you there. She started to do a little investigating and digging in the nearby counties. She found out about Pam and Roxieas cases.a She grinned. aI really think she thought I was completely nuts.a aHow many nights did you wake up from the dreams, when I was there?a Julie asked, her voice nearly a whisper. She wasnat sure why she asked the question, or if she even wanted to know. She could see that haunted look returned to Remmyas eyes, and it made her so sad. She wondered how much of herself did Remmy lose every time.

Remmy heard the question, but didnat answer for a moment. Instead, she gazed down at Julie, memorizing her face and the look of unshielded concern and affection in her eyes. She didnat want Julie to know the truth, to know that she nearly lost her mind during those very dark months. Instead, she smiled. aA few.a Julie knew Remmy was holding out on her, but didnat press. She was getting tired again, her adrenalin going, leaving her feeling exhausted. aCome here,a she said, bringing Remmyas head back down to lie against her. aGet some sleep, Remmy.a She placed a kiss on top of her head. aLet me watch over you tonight.a

Chapter 45.

Grace was getting frustrated, Remmy could tell. The dark woman kept her gaze on her, watching carefully for any change in her expression, a twitch of an eye, anything. Finally Remmy sighed, pushing the pictures away. aI donat think heas in here, Grace,a she said, leaning back in her chair.

Grace sighed, impatient. aWe havenat gone through all of them, Rem. There are still about three pages of pic-a aHeas not in here,a Remmy said, tapping the photo book with her finger. She looked into dark eyes. aIam telling you. Heas not.a aWell, how do you know, dammit?a Grace asked, pushing away from the table and snatching her coffee, heading over to the maker and pouring herself more. It was her sixth cup since eight that morning, just two hours ago. So much for trying to curb her caffeine intake.

aHow do you know the skyas blue? How do you know youare drinking liquid mud?a Remmy asked, indicating the cup in Graceas hand.

The dark woman looked down into her cup, then met angry blue eyes. aI just know,a she aid, sheepish.

aBingo!a Grace sighed, walking back over to the table Remmy stood next to, their suspect photo book still lying face-open on top. She slammed it closed with finality. aYou said she knew this guy. How do you know? Did she say his name?a aNope.a Remmy perched on the edge of the table, grabbing Graceas mug from her hand and sniffing before taking a drink. aJesus, thatas gross!a she exclaimed, handing it back to her.

aYeah, well it keeps me awake. Thereas a Coke machine in the hall, or a drinking fountain near the bathrooms.a aNah, thatas okay. I need to get back to work. Besides, Iave got dinner over at Julieas tonight.a Grace studied her friend for a long moment, to the point of making Remmy uncomfortable.

aWhat?a Remmy asked, feeling like a bug in a lab.

Grace shook her head, a knowing smile on her lips. aNothing. Okay, so tell me how you know she knew this guy.a aHe came into the house. Was the door locked?a At the shake of Graceas head she continued. aI could tell she was afraid, but more curious of why he was there. Oh, and last night, while I was restocking the maxi-pads, something else came to me. If you can find the murder weapon, I really think itall lead you right to this guy.a aAlright, and any ideas of what weare looking for in said weapon?a Remmy grinned pushing away from the table. aNow that, Grace, is why youare paid the big bucks to be Perry Mason, and Iam the lowly convenience store clerk.a She grabbed her wallet and phone from where shead set it on the table. aI gotta go. See you later.a aThat kidas gonna be the death of me,a Grace muttered, heading back to her desk. This case was driving her mad.

Yvonne and Clive Bailey had been married for six years, seemingly happily so. Cliveas alibi had checked out, water-tight, as head been at work at the Post Office that entire day, seen by no less than fifty people during the hours the murder and abduction took place. They had no serious debt, no problems, and no enemies. A well-liked couple, Yvonne 28, Clive 34. Their son, Tyler, was 22 months old, and very loved and wanted by both parents.

Grace and Brian had thought that the crime was random, though the missing baby had put a chink in that theory, and now Remmy telling her that Yvonne knew her killer, well, that just blew the theory right out of the water They were back to square one. She knew better than to doubt what Remmy had to say.

Blowing out a loud breath, she tossed her reading glasses to her desk, rubbing at her eyes. It would be anther late night.

Chapter 46.

aI think youare lying,a Julie said, her tone matter-of-fact. She didnat bother turning around to see Remmyas expression. Instead, she stayed where she was, watering her flowers in the backyard with the hose. It was May, and a gorgeous day. Summer was upon them, that was no secret, but the heat hadnat been turned up full-blast yet, so it was easy to enjoy a beautiful day outside, the temperature in the mid to upper seventies. Perfect weather.

aYou think Iam lying?a Remmy asked, turning from where she crawled around on her knees, weeding the flowerbeds that lined the back fence. Julie was across the yard, dressed in a tank top and shorts. Her legs were already getting a nice bronze color from working tirelessly in the yard. It showed, as the grass was pristine, the flowers coming up beautifully. She figured there were two reasons for the gorgeous yard and tanned flesh. One: Julie was trying to enjoy her time at home before she had to start working again in late summer. Two: she was trying to keep herself from puling her hair out from boredom. Julie was a worker, and staying at home wasnat her bag.

aYes. I donat believe for a minute that you have a tattoo of Woody Woodpecker on well, on your body.a Remmy smirked. aYou mean on the inside of my thigh?a aWell, the inside of your thigh is on your body, smart ass.a Julie glanced at her friend, brows drawing behind her sunglasses. She watched as Remmy set her left hand down to support her as she stretched her long, lean body out to reach a weed that was tucked back near the fence. Her breath caught for a moment, the image reminding her of a graceful panther or tiger.

aWhy donat you believe that?a Remmy asked, pausing mid-stretch. She glanced over at the blonde, surprised when Julie quickly looked away. Sitting back on her haunches, she rested her hands on her thighs, bare knees covered in dirt and mild scratches from crawling around on her knees all day.

aBecause! Who in their right mind would get a damn tattoo in the inside of their thigh?a Julie released the trigger, the water stream cutting off. She faced Remmy. aThat would hurt like crazy.a aIam sure it wouldave. If Iad been sober.a Remmy grinned, pushing to her feet and wiping her hands on the long legs of her cargo shorts. She began to walk over to her friend. Actually, walking isnat entirely correct. Remmy sauntered over to her, hips swaying in exaggeration, making Julie laugh. As she made her way over to her, she began to unbutton her shorts, an evil grin on her face.

Julie watched her, slowly backing up, not sure what Remmy was doing. aUh, Remmy a.

aNah, Iall show you.a Remmy was within three feet of Julie, slowly pulling the zipper down on her fly.

Julie felt a flush rise up her neck, realizing what Remmy was about to do. She felt a wave of heat rise through her, and became suddenly extremely uncomfortable. She did the only thing she could think to do.

aAh! Julie!a Remmy ran away from the ice cold stream of water that hit her square in the stomach, tugging her shorts up as she ran.

aSo, when do you go in and get your classroom and all that, ready?a Remmy asked, sitting at Julieas kitchen table munching on a sandwich, a bath towel wrapped around her waist as her shorts tumbled in the dryer.

aUsually not till about a week before classes start.a Julie popped a chip into her mouth.

Remmy nodded, sipping from her iced tea. aI bet your boss is happy youare returning. I bet the kids are, too.a aHell, Iam happy to be returning. God, this has driven me crazy, staying home like this. Talk about cabin fever.a Finished, she pushed her plate away, sighing with contentment.

aWell, Iam sure youall go in there and kick ass, Julie. Youave got the parking lot knocked out, anyway.a Remmyas grin was met with a sheepish look. aWhat?a aI still canat get out of the car,a Julie said, her voice little girl-shy. She had driven to the parking lot twice since shead gone with Remmy, and both times shead been able to pull in just fine, the second time even parking where her car had been parked last August. But when she tried to open her door and step out, she had begun to shake, then cry out of both frustration and feeling like a child.

aWhy not?a Remmy asked, shoving her own plate away, sandwich forgotten.

aItas stupid, Remmy. Itas really not worth talking about,a Julie said, waving the subject away. Conversation closed.

aOkay,a Remmy agreed. She could bide her time.

The ice cream was heaven on Julieas tongue, the cool, early evening breeze playing with the tendrils of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail. She had decided not to cut her hair after all. She hadnat had it long in nearly ten years, so decided to try something different. Probably not wise though, right before summer, to grow it out. Either way, she enjoyed having more options with it-put it up, leave it down. It was nice. Remmy seemed to really like it, too. She often caught blue eyes watching the way the sun would gleam on it, making her hair turn to spun gold.

Remmy stretched her legs out, the cool grass tickling her bare calves, a few blades sneaking inside the opening of her shorts, making the backs of her knees itch. She rested back on one hand, the other holding her chocolate cone. She watched as Julie-sitting cross-legged next to her-dug into her sundae with a child-like excitement. She glanced out over the park, the sun still having a couple hours to play before it was time to relinquish another day and let the moon rule itas nocturnal domain.

aWhen we were kids, Matt and I used to ride our bikes to this little ice cream stand that was about a mile from our house. I used to get bubblegum ice cream,a Julie said between spoonfuls of ice cream and gooey hot fudge.

aBubblegum ice cream? That sounds disgusting,a Remmy said, licking around her cone until she had a very fine tip at the top, which inevitably fell over to a curl.

aOh, no. It was so good! It was basically vanilla ice cream, but it had these tiny little square pieces of gum inside, about the size of a chicklet. Made the ice cream taste bubblegummy, too. I used to shove the pieces of bubblegum into my right cheek.a She laughed at the memory. aIt would be bulging by time I was done.a Remmy smiled, easily able to visualize Julieas words. She took a bite of her ice cream, in thought as she allowed it to melt on her tongue. aWhat were you like as a kid?a aEvil.a Julie grinned, her eyes twinkling and mischievous. aI used to get in all sorts of trouble, letting Matty take the fall for me.a She laughed outright at the memory.

Remmy studied her, so happy to see Julie excited and bright, her eyes alive and so filled with life. It was intoxicating and completely contagious. aDo you ever wish you wouldave had more siblings?a Julie thought about it for a moment, licking fudge out of the corner of her mouth. aNo. I donat think so,a she finally said, meeting Remmyas gaze. aI think the two of us got into enough trouble as it was. Anymore of us, and world beware! What about you? I know you had Monica, but do you wish you had more family?a aSometimes,a Remmy said honestly. aI have no idea what itas like to have parents. I wish I did sometimes.a aThe holidays?a Remmy shrugged. aIave never celebrated Christmas with anyone other than Monica, Julie, and this past year was the first time Iave celebrated it in wow, maybe seven years or so?a aOh, now that is a crime. I wish you had been in Woodland this past year, Rem. You wouldave joined us.a Julie met Remmyas smile. aThis year,a she said strongly.

aYep. This year.a aI absolutely love driving this car!a Remmy said, shifting the little car into another gear, the Miata purring over the streets of Woodland.

Julie chuckled. aThis little car is the only thing Iave ever truly spoiled myself with.a aWhy white?a Julie shrugged. aI love white. Itas pure, itas natural, and a sign of good things to come.a aYeah, but red!a Remmy said, low and dramatic. aNow thatas a color.a aWell, that may be, but how many friggina red sports cars do you see on the streets? Too many,a Julie said, waving away the idea. She looked around, realizing where Remmy was headed. aWhy are you going to the school?a she asked, voice slightly nervous.

aWho said Iam going to the school?a Remmy asked innocently.

aWell, maybe the School Zone sign we just passed?a Remmy grinned, not saying another word until she had pulled into the parking lot. aWhich one?a she asked, indicating the spaces before them. Without a word, Julie pointed. Remmy eased the little car into the space it had been parked in the previous August. She cut the engine, glancing over at her passenger who was looking out over the lot, the setting sun sending out an intense golden red to the day.

aWhy are we here?a she said quietly.

Remmy turned the key, allowing the radio to be turned on. The Driftersa Under the Boardwalk was playing. aPerfect.a Remmy opened her car door, stepping out into the beautiful night. Julie watched, her heart pounding, eyes wide with fear.

aRemmy!a she hissed. aGet back in here!a Remmy ignored her, beginning to move to the wonderful classic. She backed up enough so she could see Julie in the low car, her lips moving as she sang along with the words.

aRemmy, please,a Julie whispered, trying desperately to fight back her tears. She watched Remmy as she danced her way in front of the car, the headlights shining doubt spotlights on her for just a moment before she made her way to Julieas door, puling it open. Julie pulled her hand away, out of Remmyas reach.

aaUnder the boardwalk, down by the sea, yeah aa Remmy sang, reaching in again until she had a firm grip on Julieas hand, gently tugging. Julie took a deep breath, but allowed herself to be pulled from the car. She was trembling as Remmy placed a hand on her waist, the other clasping Julieas shaking hand.

Remmy began to move, pulling Julie along with her as she danced back in front of the car, knowing that the van had been parked two spots to the left of Julieas Miata. She got them over by her still-open door, the music filling the night.

Weall be falling in love Under the boardwalk Boardwalk She pulled Julie close to her, expertly dancing across the parking spaces, singing as finally Julie looked up, meeting her gaze. A ghost of a smile found its way to her lips. She was safe she knew, especially in Remmyas arms. She allowed herself to hear the song, allowed her body to move with Remmyas. She felt herself being led back, across the spaces, her eyes squeezing shut as they danced in the space where the van had been.