The Collector - The Collector Part 17

The Collector Part 17

Remmyas gaze drifted down to the tiled floor, next to the almond-colored fridge. There was blood, a couple puddles, as though someone bleeding had been lying there.

The next picture showed one wall of the kitchen, a phone hanging on the wall, the light blue chord twisted. Next to the phone was a wooden frame with slanted shelves, as though for phone messages or notes. But what caught Remmyas eye though, was the blood spatter. It was obvious someone had been hit, and hard.

The third picture brought a hand to Remmyas mouth, leaving her to try and swallow down her nausea. It was a repeat of the first picture, although the body had not been removed, yet. The woman lay on her stomach, head facing to the side. Her eyes were open, and wide with fear. Blood stained her shirt to the point where the floral pattern could no longer be seen in places. Her feet were bare, jeans also stained with blood. Her hands were up by her face, the fingernails of her right hand chipped and torn. This woman had fought for her life.

Remmy set the picture aside, taking several deep breaths. She glanced over at the chair in the corner, and for the life of her, she couldnat figure out why she wished so badly Julie were sitting in it.

Taking several more breaths, Remmy turned back to the pictures. So far nothing had touched her, nothing had called out to her. Shead never attempted to get anything from photographs before, and wasnat sure if shead be able to. It was like she was able to send herself out, as there was nothing to reach back.

Blowing out a loud breath, she tossed the picture to the bed, grateful to get it out of her sight and out of her hands, which somehow felt dirty. She rubbed her fingers together, grimacing. She swore they felt wet and sticky. She even looked at them, wondering if Grace had spilled coffee or something on them before sliding them into the envelope. Nothing. She brought her fingers to her nose, closing her eyes as she inhaled. She gasped, eyes flying open. She looked at her fingers again, the coppery stench of blood still fresh in her nostrils.

Large hands, fingers spread, a small cut on the pad of the thumb. The glint of a ring on the pinky, large, bulky. Stained with blood. In the distance, the cry of a child.

Remmy gasped, grabbing onto the comforter underneath her to steady her. She heard something crumple and looked. Tucked into her right hand was another photograph. Taking several deep breaths, she flattened the paper out, smoothing its image. At the center of a photo was an empty play pen, a childas toy lying on the carpet just beyond it.

Chapter 42.

Remmy followed Julie into another store, hoping that maybe this one would be the one. Julie glanced back at her shopping companion, chuckling at the bored look on her face.

aOh, come on!a she said, tugging playfully in Remmyas sleeve. aThis isnat that bad, Remmy. Jeez. You act as though weave been at this for a week.a Remmy met her gaze, a dark brow raising. aWe have.a aOkay, so we have. But what can I do? If Iam going to start teaching this fall, I have to have clothes.a aUh, Julie?a Remmy said, dutifully following the blonde through racks of clothing.

aYes, Remmy?a Julie said, holding a button up blouse for her to examine.

aDonat you have clothes from last school year?a Julie slowly hung the shirt back up, turning to face Remmy, unable to meet her gaze for a moment. Finally she met amused blue eyes, which quickly lost their smile at the seriousness in Julieas. aIave lost a lot of weight since last year, Remmy,a she said softly. aI just canat seem to put it back on. A lot of my clothes donat fit me anymore.a Remmyas eyes softened immediately. aIam sorry,a she whispered, glancing away. She felt cool fingers bring her face back until she met Julieas gaze again. Julieas smile nearly broke her heart. Why couldnat she have prevented all of this? What good is her ability if she canat stop things? Especially since she had seen Julieas danger.

aRemmy?a Julie said, the fingers underneath Remmyas chin turning into her hand cupping her cheek. aIam not entirely sure whatas going through the brain specifically, but I know it has something to do with Sergio Venti. Am I right?a Remmyas briefly downcast eyes told her all she needed to know. aIam okay. Alright? Iam here, and youare here, and everything is okay.a Remmy nodded, doing her damndest to give Julie the bravest smile she could muster. Julie smiled in return, though it was more of a humoring one than that she actually believed Remmy for a minute.

aCome on. Help me find something to wear on my first day. Okay?a A little while later, Julieas trunk filled with bags and packages, they drove through Woodland, a comfortable silence filling the space. Remmy was still amused to be sitting in the passenger seat, thinking back to her last time: just entering Woodland, unsure what the future held for her, unsure if shead even stay in the town. Not half an hour after getting out of the Miata, she had a job and a place to live at the Maple Tree.

aSo, are you excited to start classes in August?a she asked, returning her attention back to the present. Julie was quiet so long Remmy wondered if shead heard the question. Finally the blonde blew out a breath, but did not look at her passenger.

aYes and no.a aWhy no?a Julie looked sheepishly over at Remmy. She felt stupid. aI still havenat been to the school. I canat-a she cut herself off.

aCanat what?a aI canat pull into the parking lot. I havenat been able to even go into the school.a Remmy nodded, knowing that was where Julie had been abducted. aHave you tried?a she asked softly.

Julie nodded. a A couple times. Shit, I park across the street, and canat even turn into the lot.a She sighed, angry at herself. She felt a warm hand on her leg. Looking down at it, then following the arm until she was looking into Remmyas eyes, hidden by her sunglasses. The hand squeezed lightly.

aLetas go,a Remmy said quietly.

aOh, no, Remmy. No, I canat.a Julie felt a bit of panic flutter in her stomach, sweat beading between her breasts and her palms sticky on the steering wheel. The hand squeezed again.

aLetas go.a Julie felt almost sick to her stomach as the car idled across the street from the school-her typical parking spot when she tried to convince herself that she could do this. She felt Remmyas presence next to her, and that almost gave her the courage. Almost.

Remmy said nothing, instead studying Julieas profile. She could feel how scared Julie was, and she wanted so badly to be able to take that away, but knew she couldnat. This was a demon Julie had to face on her own, but shead be with her every step of the way.

aAre you ready?a she said quietly, resting her hand on the back of Julieas seat. Julie blew out a loud breath, nodding.

aI can do this.a She turned and looked at Remmy with pleading eyes. aCanat I?a Remmy smiled, shoving her sunglasses to the top of her head. She knew that Julie needed to see her eyes, needed to be able to read the confidence there. aYes. You can.a aOkay.a Julie pulled away from the curb, looking both directions about five times each.

aThereas no one coming, Julie,a Remmy murmured, amused at the stall tactic.

Julie grinned. She shouldave known better than to think she could get one over on Remmy. She pulled the small car onto the street, the entrance to the empty parking lot not twenty yards up. Her heart was racing, her lunch threatening to make an encore performance. She calmed slightly at the feel of Remmyas hand returning to her leg, rubbing up and down, almost as though calming a skittish colt.

aYou can do this,a Remmy said softly, watching Julie the entire time.

The sports car neared the entrance, Julieas foot automatically slamming down on the break, almost shoving Remmy into the windshield. aSorry,a she whispered, feeling the sting of fear behind her eyes.

aDonat sweat it,a Remmy said, getting readjusted in her seat. aYou can do this, Julie. You can.a Julie let off the brake, the car lurching forward again. To a passerby, it looked as though Julie were getting a driving lesson as the car hiccupped its way through the final ten yards. Julie couldnat watch as she hit her turn signal, signaling her turn into the parking lot.

Remmy felt the heat rolling off Julie in waves, her fear nearly all-consuming. She wondered for a moment if maybe they should abort. But, to her surprise, Julie pulled the car into the parking lot, easing the car to a stop diagonally across two spots. Glancing at her, Remmy realized it was because Julie had her eyes closed.

aJulie?a she said. No response. aJulie, honey?a Green eyes opened, focusing solely on her. Remmy smiled. aYou did it.a Julie looked around her, noting they were three spaces to the right of, and two behind, where she had been parked that day. She let out long, slow breath, her heart still pounding, but calming ever so slightly as she still felt Remmyas hand on her leg. She reached down and covered it with her own. aI did it,a she breathed, eyes returning to Remmyas, seeing the proud grin on the brunetteas face.

Remmy pulled her hand out from under Julieas, instead taking the smaller woman into her arms, feeling Julie collapse against her. It wasnat long before the tears came with the embrace. aIave got you,a she whispered. aIall never let anything happen to you again. I swear it.a

Part 21.

Chapter 43.

Grace sipped her coffee, patiently waiting for Remmy to get off her shift at the store. She was late, but that was okay-Remmy had told her she might be. The detective had considered having this meeting down at the police station, but decided it was best to be more comfortable, not so stodgy and sterile. The coffeehouse seemed the best place to go. Plus, they had the best muffins of anyone in town.

She was on her second, having skipped lunch, by time Remmy stepped through the door, some of the scattered patrons bidding her hello. aDo you know them?a Grace asked, amused, nodding toward the older couple with a smattering of bird-watching magazines spread out over their table.

Remmy shook her head as she pulled the chair out. aNot a clue.a aI think youave become a legend, my friend.a Remmy glared up at the dark woman, then both cracked a smile. aSomehow I donat think so. I imagine theyave seen me at the store.a Grace shook her head, waving the young waitress over. aThatas a negative, captain. They donat just embrace new folk here just cause you happen to sell them gas and lottery tickets.a Remmy looked away, feeling embarrassed and shy. aStop,a she said with a dramatic wave of her hand, making her friend laugh. They both looked up, seeing the young waitress, accompanied by an older man, whom Remmy recognized as the owner of the place.

aRemmy, you tell Michelle what you want, and itas on the house.a His grin was big and solicitous.

aOh, uh, thatas not necessary-a aSure it is! Our very own hometown hero!a aWhat about me, Ron?a Grace asked, looking somewhat wounded.

aYou want a refill, Grace?a he asked, completely missing the meaning of the question.

Grace glanced at Remmy-so not fair!- then handed her cup to the manager. Remmy gave her simple order to Michelle, and the girl came back with the mocha breve, and half of an apple pie. Remmyas eyes lit up, grinning at Graceas glare.

aAlright, Iam assuming youave had time to look at the pictures?a Grace asked, back to business.

Remmy didnat say anything for a moment, then glanced up at the detective through her bangs. aThe babyas still alive, Grace,a she said softly. aThough I really donat have any idea how much longer.a Grace sighed, running a hand over the tension at the back of her neck. She figured the baby was long dead, just like his mother. aThe killer did a good job of covering his tracks. I think he used gloves. Not a fingerprint anywhere.a Remmyas brows drew. Again she could see the bloody hands. Shaking her head, she sipped from her drink. aI donat think so, Grace. Or at least he messed up somewhere. There is a fingerprint at that house, I know it-a The ring glinted in the light, blood splattered on it. Large ring. Hefty ring. Look at the stone, look at the stone Remmy shook herself from the vision. aHe wears a ring. Iave seen it twice now. A big ring a Remmyas voice trailed off as she looked around at the patrons surrounding them. She was trying to find something, anything that reminded her of what she saw, the fingers of her right hand wiggling of their own accord as she felt the weight of the ring on her own finger. Finally she spotted a boy sitting at a table by himself, working on homework. aLike that!a She rose from her seat, headed over to him, Grace following.

aJerry,a the detective said as the boy looked up at them with questioning eyes. aCan I see your ring for a sec?a aUh, sure, Grace.a He grunted as he tugged at his high school ring, the silver finally giving way. He handed it to her. Grace handed it over to Remmy, who studied it intently.

aA class ring, yeah,a she breathed, no longer seeing the details of Jerryas ring, but those in her mind.

aWhatas going on?a Jerry asked, watching Remmy.

aWorking on a case,a the detective murmured, not wanting to break Remmyas train of thought.

aItas gold,a Remmy said, turning the ring around and around in her fingers, but every time she tried to turn the face of the ring to her mindas eye, it became blurred. She shook her head, mildly frustrated, handing the ring back to Jerry. aI donat know. But itas like that, just gold.a aYou feel this ring is important, donat you?a Grace said, as they made their way back to their table.

Remmy nodded. aIt keeps coming back to me.a She grabbed the fork Michelle had dropped off with the pie, and began to dig in, moaning at the exquisite explosion of tastes. aHave you found the murder weapon, yet?a Grace shook her head. aNope. Our victim, Linda Hartman, was beaten to death, blunt force trauma, but weare not sure with what. Nothing was missing-perfectly clean hammer in the garage. No wood lying around. Very neat, tidy residence, actually.a Grace watched Remmy eat. aHow do you know the babyas still alive?a Remmy met her dark gaze. aCause heas crying in my head.a ***

Julie chuckled as Bonnie nearly ran into the wall as she shook herself completely dry after the bath and toweling shead received. Her brother followed, sniffing where some loose water droplets had splattered the wall in the hallway.

aYou guys are nuts,a she murmured lovingly, heading past them and down the stairs to get all three of them some dinner.

It was a beautiful night in April, most of her windows standing wide open, as theyad been for a good part of the day. Shead probably be closing them soon, however, as though beautiful, the night was stating to cool down. Once in awhile she caught the scent of rain on the incoming breeze. That, alone put a smile on her face. She loved rain, always had. Once upon a time rain had eased her body into a wonderful state, making her skin tingle as she craved to be touched. In short, rain made her horny as hell.

Somehow she doubted that would be the case anymore, as she had no desire to ever be touched like that again. Other than friendly affection, her body had become something that she held sacred, and couldnat imagine allowing anyone to touch again. The temple her mother used to talk about, that is what Julieas body had become to her. She had not even allowed her fingers to wander. Never again.

In all honesty, though, she had to wonder if denying herself sexual touch was actually quite the loss someone else might perceive it to be. Shead had plenty of sexual partners over the years, and she definitely felt desire and need, but more often than not, she was left wanting and unsatisfied. She could probably count the times on one hand that one of her boyfriends had ever brought her to climax. Typically she just took care of it herself after theyad rolled over and gone to sleep.

Julie pushed the thoughts from her mind-a subject that no longer mattered in her world. She filled the dogsa bowl, then set about looking in cabinets and the fridge to see what she had to make herself.

aSeems like you and Julie have began a true friendship,a Grace observed, sipping her bottle of water, coffeead out.

Remmy nodded, shoving the nearly empty pan of pie away. She hadnat eaten all day, and the dessert really hit the spot. aSheas wonderful. I donat think Iave ever had such a close friend in such a short time before.a She shrugged. aI really enjoy the time I spend with her. Even if it is usually helping her out with something.a Grace returned her grin. aYouave become her handyman.a aSomething like that. I love it, though.a Grace had watched them together, and it always brought a smile to her face-not just because of the happy ending of Julieas ordeal, but because it was more than obvious the two have a real connection, a bond like shead never seen between two people before. aDo you still feel her? Like you did before?a she asked softly.

Remmy nodded, sipping from her third breve. She knew shead be up al night, and probably with a stomach ache from the strong brew. aI wonat allow myself visions, though. Itas not right. It would be like invading her personal space, you know?a Grace nodded.

Pasta already beginning to boil, Julie looked back and forth between the jar of marinara and Alfredo sauces. She chewed on her lip in her indecision. Finally her hand reached out for the marinara. Alfredo was so rich, and she just wasnat sure her stomach could handle it tonight.

Closing the cabinet door, she set the jar of Prego on the counter and reached for a rubber spatula from the holder on the counter when she heard a knock at the door. Dark blonde brows drawing, she turned the stove down and headed for the front door, Bonnie and Clyde beating her there as their tails wagged in anticipation of a new friend.

Julie looked through the window, seeing a dark-colored car parked in her driveway. She groaned when she saw Ray Lambert standing on her front porch, blinking rapidly from the suddenness of the porch light. Unlocking the locks, Julie pulled the door open, leaving the glass screen door between them.

aHey,a he said, holding up a hand in greeting.

aWhat are you doing here, Ray?a she asked.

aI came to see you, see how youare doing. My daughter told me about everything that happened.a aThat was months ago. Why are you here now?a aJulie, can I come in, please? Itas starting to rain, and Iam not too keen about having a discussion with you through a glass door.a Against her better judgment, Julie flipped the lock and turned away from the door, Ray pulling the screen door open and following her inside. aI think itas going to be a pretty good storm tonight,a he said, glancing outside over his shoulder. The night sky was starting to light up as lightning raced across the sky.

Julie ignored him, stopping in the middle of the living room and turning to face him, arms hugging herself. Ray stepped to a few feet of her.

aSo, how are you?a he asked, genuine concern in his voice.

aIam fine. Doing well, actually.a Her heart was pounding, and she wasnat sure why. She could feel sweat beginning to gather and tingle under her arms and between her breasts.

aGood. Thatas really great t hear. Iam sorry I didnat come by before, but Iave been working on a new plant in Florida for the past six months so a.

aThatas good. Sounds exciting.a Julie tried to sound interested, but she could think of nothing but the fact that she wanted him to leave. She hadnat forgotten about the problems shead been having with Ray just before shead been abducted. And that plain and simple fact that their relationship was very much over, and she had no desire to see him, not even on a friendly level.

aSo, what happened to you? Some guy snatched you or what?a Ray asked, walking over to the couch and sitting down.

Julie swallowed her anger. aI donat want to talk about it with you, Ray. You can read about it in back issues of the newspaper, Iam sure.a aWhy? Why canat you just tell me? Iam really curious.a aAnd Iam really talked out. Please leave.a ***

Remmy was headed toward the door of the coffeehouse. She had wanted to get home before the storm stared, but it seemed she and Grace had stayed talking too long.

aCrap,a she muttered, watching as the heavens opened up.

aIall give you a lift home, Remmy,a Grace said, tugging her jacket into place as they stepped out onto the sidewalk.

aOkay. I appreciate it.a They walked toward the green Ford Explorer when suddenly she slowed, fear creeping up her spine and lodging itself in her throat. She could barely swallow over the lump.

aRemmy? You okay?a Grace noticed the look on the younger womanas face, the skin pale, eyes wide. aA vision?a Remmy shook her head. aNo. Julie.a ***

aRay, I really want you to go. Iam not comfortable with you being here.a aWhy not?a Ray had gotten to his feet, moving around the room in agitation. aWhy did you never return any of my phone calls? Why the hell did you end our relationship without even so much as a a'fuck you, Raya?a Julie did everything she could to try and keep her breathing even, her heart pounding. This was the Ray she was afraid of, the Ray head turned into halfway through their relationship. aI canat take this. Please just go,a she whispered.

Ray walked over to her, following as she backed up from him. aSee? You need me, Julie. Youare afraid of your own shadow without me here.a His gaze traveled over the sleek torso, taking in Julieas heaving breasts before sliding down to her legs. He didnat remember her looking so good. aHe placed his hands on her arms, rubbing the soft skin he found there. He looked into her face, shocked to see terrified green eyes staring back up at him. aWhy are you afraid of me? Baby, I love you, remember?

Julie wanted to scream, she was screaming in her head, but no sound would escape her clenched throat. She couldnat take her eyes off his face, almost feeling faint from the lack of breath. All she could do was shake her head, tears beginning to escape, rolling lazily down her cheeks.

Ray stepped closer, about to wrap his arms around her. aLet me comfort you.a The next thing he knew he was grabbed by the shoulder and turned around. A fist made perfect contact with his right cheek, and he went down, the carpet burning his palms as he tried to stop the fall. Stunned, he looked up to see a tall woman with dark hair and blue eyes filled with fire looking down at him, her hands still balled up in fists. aJesus Christ!a he yelled, anger filling him. He was about to get to his feet when another woman stopped him with a hand to his shoulder. He met the stern gaze of Grace Cowan. aWhat the hell are you doing here, Detective?a he asked, bringing a hand to his cheek, checking for blood.

aJust stay away from her for a minute, Ray,a Grace said, glancing back over at Remmy and Julie.

Remmy turned to Julie, who was looking at her, past her, through her. She looked terrified, as though she were about to bolt. She hugged herself, her already petit frame seeming to nearly disappear within itself.

aHey,a Remmy said softly, stepping into Julieas line of sight. aJulie? Honey? Itas me. Itas Remmy.a Somewhere inside Remmyas voice penetrated the fear, the words muffled as though spoken through cotton. Julie tore her gaze from the past, Sergioas face fading into the darkest recesses of her mind, concerned blue eyes filling her gaze. Realization broke through, and Julie lost it.

Remmy caught the sobbing body in her arms, holding her as she glared over at Ray who now stood near the door, talking to Grace.

aI didnat know shead freak out like that,a Ray muttered, grudgingly realizing head really scared Julie. aBut that bitch still didnat need to hit me.a He met Remmyas glare.

aRay, just leave, okay? Remmy was just trying to protect Julie. Thereas nothing here for you. Go home,a Grace gently coaxed. She reached for the front door, pulling it open. With one more glance at Julie, Ray left. Grace turned back to the women, almost feeling like she was intruding as Remmy held Julie, whispering words to her that were not for Graceas ears.

Deciding Remmy was fine where she was, Grace made her leave, quietly shutting the door behind her.