The Botanic Garden - Volume Ii Part 19

Volume Ii Part 19

Cyclamen buries its seeds and trifolium subterraneum

Pits dug to receive the dead in the plague

Lakes of America consist of fresh water

The seeds of Ca.s.sia and some others are carried from America, and thrown on the coasts of Norway and Scotland

Of the gulf-stream

Wonderful change predicted in the gulph of Mexico

In the flowers of Cactus grandiflorus and Cistus some of the stamens are perpetually bent to the pistil

Nyctanthes and others are only fragrant in the night; Cucurbita lagenaria closes when the sun shines on it

Tropeolum, nasturtian, emits sparks in the twilight

Nectary on its calyx

Phosph.o.r.escent lights in the evening

Hot embers eaten by bull-frogs

Long filaments of, the cause of bad seed-wheat

Chinese hemp grew in England above 14 feet in five months

Roots of snow-drop and hyacinth insipid like orchis

Orchis will ripen its seeds if the new bulb be cut off

Proliferous flowers

The wax on the candle-berry myrtle said to be made by insects

The warm springs of matlock produced by the condensation of steam raised from great depths by subterranean fires

Air separated from water by the attraction of points to water being less than that of the particles of water to each other

Minute division of sub-aquatic leaves

Water-cress and other aquatic plants inhabit all climates

Butomus esculent; Lotus of Egypt; Nymphaea

Ocymum covered with salt every night

Salt a remote cause of scrophula, and immediate cause of sea-scurvy

Coloured spatha of Arum, and blotched leaves, if they serve the purpose of a coloured petal

Tulip-roots with a red cuticle produce red flowers

Of vegetable mules the internal parts, at those of fructification, resemble the female parent; and the external parts, the male one

The same occurs in animal mules, as the common mule and the hinnus, and in sheep

The wind called Harmattan from volcanic eruptions; some epidemic coughs or influenza have the same origin

Fish killed in the sea by dry summers in Asia

Hedysarum gyrans perpetually moves its leaves like the respiration of animals

Plants possess a voluntary power of motion Loud cracks from ice-mountains explained

Muschus corallinus vegetates below the snow, where the heat is always about 40.

Quick growth of vegetables in northern lat.i.tudes after the solution of the snows explained

The Rail sleeps in the snow

Conserva aegagropila rolls about the bottom of lakes

Lycoperdon tuber, truffle, requires no light

Account of caprification

Figs wounded with a straw, and pears and plumbs wounded by insects ripen sooner, and become sweeter

Female figs closed on all sides, supposed to be monsters

Basaltic columns produced by volcanoes shewn by their form

Byssus floats on the sea in the day, and sinks in the night

Conserva polymorpha twice changes its colour and its form

Some seed-vessels and seeds resemble insects

Individuality of flowers not destroyed by the number of males or females which they contain

Trees are swarms of buds, which are individuals