Air-balloon of Mongolfier--Arts of weaving and spinning--Arkwright's cotton mills--Invention of letters, figures and crotchets--Mrs. Delany's paper-garden--Mechanism of a watch, and design for its case--Time, hours, moments--Transformation of Nebuchadnazer--St. Anthony preaching to fish Sorceress--Miss Crew's drawing--Song to May--Frost scene--Discovery of the bark--Moses striking the rock--Dropsy--Mr. Howard and prisons
Witch and imps in a church--Inspired Priestess--Fusseli's night-mare--Cave of Thor and subterranean Naads--Medea and her children--Palmira weeping Group of wild creatures drinking--Poison tree of Java--Time and hours--Lady shot in battle--Wounded deer--Harlots--Laoc.o.o.n and his sons--Drunkards and diseases--Prometheus and the vulture--Lady burying her child in the plague Moses concealed on the Nile--Slavery of the Africans--Weeping Muse
Maid of night Fairies--Electric lady--Shadrec, Meshec, and Abednego, in the fiery furnace--Shepherdesses--Song to Echo--Kingdom of China--Lady and distaff--Cupid spinning--Lady walking in snow--Children at play--Venus and Loves--Matlock Bath--Angel bathing--Mermaid and Nereids--Lady in salt-- Lot's wife--Lady in regimentals--Dejanira in a lion's skin--Offspring from the marriage of the Rose and Nightingale--Parched deserts in Africa-- Turkish lady in an undress--Ice-scene in Lapland--Lock-lomond by moon light--Hero and Leander--Gnome-husband and Palace under ground--Lady inclosed in a fig--Sylph-husband--Marine cave--Proteus-lover--Lady on a Dolphin--Lady bridling a Pard--Lady saluted by a Swan--Hymeneal procession --Night
Seeds of Canna used for prayer-beads
Stems and leaves of Callitriche so matted together, as they float on the water, as to bear a person walking on them
The female in Collinsonia approaches first to one of the males, and then to the other
Females in Nigella and Epilobium bend towards the males for some days, and then leave them
The stigma or head of the female in Spartium (common broom) is produced amongst the higher set of males; but when the keal-leaf opens, the pistil suddenly twists round like a French-horn, and places the stigma amidst the lower set of males
The two lower males in Ballota become mature before the two higher; and, when their dust is shed, turn outwards from the female
The plants of the cla.s.s Two Powers with naked seeds are all aromatic
Of these Marum and Nepeta are delightful to cats
The filaments in Meadia, Borago, Cyclamen, Solanum, &c. shewn _by reasoning_ to be the most unchangeable parts of those flowers
Rudiments of two hinder wings are seen in the cla.s.s Diptera, or two-winged insects
Teats of male animals
Filaments without anthers in, Linum, &c. and styles without stigmas in many plants, shew the advance of the works of nature towards greater perfection
Double flowers, or vegetable monsters, how produced
The calyx and lower series of petals not changed in double flowers
Dispersion of the dust in nettles and other plants
Cedar and Cypress unperishable
Anthoxanthum gives the fragrant scent to hay
Viviparous plants: the Aphis is viviparous in summer, and oviparous in autumn
Irritability of the stamen of the plants of the cla.s.s Syngenesia, or Confederate males
Some of the males in Lychnis, and other flowers arrive sooner at their maturity
Males approach the female in Gloriosa, Fritillaria, and Kalmia
Contrivances to destroy insects in Silene, Dionaea muscipula, Arum muscivorum, Dypsacus, &c.
Some bell-flowers close at night; others hang the mouths downwards; others nod and turn from the wind; stamens bound down to the pistil in Amaryllis formofissima; pistil is crooked in Hemerocallis flava, yellow day-lily Thorns and p.r.i.c.kles designed for the defence of the plant; tall Hollies have no p.r.i.c.kles above the reach of cattle
Bird-lime from the bark of Hollies like elastic gum
Adansonia the largest tree known, its dimensions
Bulbous roots contain the embryon flower, seen by dissecting a tulip-root
Flowers of Colchic.u.m and Hamamelis appear in autumn, and ripen their seed in the spring following
Sunflower turns to the sun by nutation, not by gyration
Dispersion of seeds
Drosera catches flies
Of the nectary, its structure to preserve the honey from insects
Curious proboscis of the Sphinx Convolvoli
Final cause of the resemblance of some flowers to insects, as the Bee-orchis
In some plants of the cla.s.s Tetradynamia, or Four Powers, the two shorter stamens, when at maturity, rise as high as the others
Ice in the caves on Teneriff, which were formerly hollowed by volcanic fires
Some parasites do not injure trees, as Tillandsia and Epidendrum
Mosses growing on trees injure them
Marriages of plants necessary to be celebrated in the air
Insects with legs on their backs
Scarcity of grain in wet seasons
Tartarian lamb; use of down on vegetables; air, gla.s.s, wax, and fat, are bad conductors of heat; snow does not moisten the living animals buried in it, ill.u.s.trated by burning camphor in snow
Of the collapse of the sensitive plant
Birds of pa.s.sage