The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 774

Chapter 774

After Albert spoke, people began to huddle in a horizontal line, encircling Albert in an arc and a half.

There are many people here who have no real experience facing Bogut. Fred, George and Lee Jordan are not in the team.

The three of them had already practiced with Bogut in the same dormitory as Albert.

"This is a rather novel experience."

Angelina stood at the forefront of the team, holding a magic wand in her hand, looking nervously at the swaying box ahead.

After the box was opened by Albert, a letter floated in front of Angelina, grinning and talking, probably meaning that Angelina was not admitted by the Quidditch Club.


Angelina waved her magic wand and crumpled the letter into a ball of paper, very relieved, but obviously not very effective.

"Attention everyone."

Albert frowned and reminded aloud: "If you want to defeat Bogut, you must force Bogut to become a ridiculous look of your own imagination, so as to eliminate the fear it brings to you. You can think about it first. What do I fear and how to deal with it."

"Okay, next one."

After Angelina stepped back, Arya stepped forward to face Bogut.

After a crackling sound, Bogut turned into Alia wearing a wedding dress.

Alia's mouth twitched, and she raised her wand and shouted at herself in front of her: "Funny!"

The wedding dress tripped Alia and caused her to fall to the ground in embarrassment.

"Next," Albert called.

Shanna stepped forward over Alia. After seeing Alia Bogut's impression, she was suddenly a little afraid of being seen by others as her Bogut.

This time, Bogut became the corpse of a middle-aged man, lying on the cold ground.


Shanna's expression became stiff when she saw the corpse. She raised her magic wand and pointed at the corpse of the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man put on a tuxedo and stood up and bowed slightly to everyone like a gentleman.


This time, the practice of dealing with Bogut was very interesting. Everyone was afraid of all kinds of things, and it was simply a public execution.

Cedric's Bogut is Qiu Zhang. This lovely girl said that he did not like him, as if to further discourage Cedric. Bogut became Qiu Zhang and said in public that he liked Albert.

Katrina was afraid to let Albert know that she liked each other.

There was a whistle in the room immediately.

"It's really you." Fred and George put on Albert's shoulder and said, "It's still popular as always."

After Cedric, Katrina's cheeks are as red as an apple.

Ron's Bogut is still a big spider. He puts the spider's feet on roller boots. This poor big guy directly performed an eight-legged split on the spot for everyone.

Hermione's Bogut was also very interesting. It was Professor McGonagall. She took a piece of parchment and told Hermione that all her exams had failed!

It caused a burst of cheerful laughter again.


Next came Harry Potter, who obviously wasn't facing Bogut for the first time.

Albert thought Harry's Bogut would become a dementor. However, this time there was an accident. Bogut turned into Voldemort's appearance, making the atmosphere in the room full of laughter uncontrollable. Stagnation, everyone held their breath, for fear that once they breathed, they would be killed by Voldemort in front of them.

Just as Voldemort was walking towards the crowd, and many people were about to scream loudly, an untimely voice suddenly sounded: "Is this guy a mysterious person? He looks really ugly."

Then, everyone heard the click and saw that Albert did not know when, took a camera, and took photos of Voldemort from several angles.

Everyone stared at Albert who was taking pictures of Voldemort in amazement. The fear in his heart was fading. Instead, it was a desire to complain. They all hoped that this genius would respect the Dark Lord.

To be honest, this was the first time Albert had seen Voldemort. On the whole, it was similar to what he saw in the movie.

Due to the division of the soul many times, Voldemort's facial features have become very vague. Generally speaking, they are ugly and ugly to the public. It's not an insult to use the noseless monster to describe it, because Voldemort does not have a nose at all. Two flat air holes.

"Well, Harry, it's your turn, don't be scared, it's just Bogut." Albert encouraged.


Harry asked Voldemort to put on an Irish dress and perform a tap dance in front of everyone, but everyone couldn't laugh. After all, it was Voldemort, and even if he knew it was Bogut, few people dared to laugh.

Voldemort's matter was just a small accident, but it also covered a layer of cloud over this test, and then dealing with Bogut would not be as happy as before.

Albert put Burdt in the box again, stood in front of everyone and concluded: Bogut is a deformable creature that will become the thing he fears most when facing a person.

"When dealing with Bogut, it's best to go in company. This will confuse him, because when facing multiple people at the same time, it must decide which person to become the most afraid of, so it is often in order to be scared at the same time. Everyone becomes a nondescript thing."

"However, you need to face Bogut alone during the exam, so just think about what you are afraid of, and then try to defeat it here. This is not difficult." Albert looked around everyone and continued: "It is really difficult. The thing is to face Bogut without any mental preparation. At that time, you may be confused by what Bogut has turned into. As long as you recognize it, it is not difficult to solve it."

"Of course, you can't despise them because of this. Bogut can become a magical creature or object, which can replicate its ability to a certain extent. Although this copying ability is very weak, you still need to be on guard. Once Bogut changes I became a giant and suddenly gave you a stick. God knows if it will knock you into a concussion."

"Well, that's it for today's party. Next time we will still face Bogut again. You need to figure out how to overcome and defeat it in advance. With advance preparation, I think this is not a difficult task. Albert looked around the crowd and continued, "If you can't even overcome this, I can only wish you good luck in the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam."

"Okay, please leave the secret room in an orderly manner." Albert said again, "If someone was frightened by Bogut just now, you can come to me to get a tranquilizer."

"You are well prepared." Shanna said with a smile.

"Sorry, I didn't expect..." Harry also knew that he was in trouble just now, and Voldemort's appearance apparently scared many students.

"Do you want it? I can give you one, but I can't pass it around." Albert smiled and shook the photo in his hand.

"Aren't you afraid?" Harry couldn't help asking.

"Not afraid." Albert asked, looking at the girl beside him, "Sana shouldn't be afraid."

"Not afraid. Although I know what mysterious people do, I haven't experienced it or grew up in the magical world. I am not afraid of this name like other people." Shanna said honestly, "He is ugly."

"Yes, and I don't have a nose yet," Fred teased with the photo. "The five senses feel like they are melted. It's ugly to a new height."

"Harry, I heard that the mysterious man was handsome when he was young." Albert asked.

"Well, very handsome."

"Compared with Albert?" George asked curiously. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com

"Albert is more handsome, and that guy looks ugly and hideous when he gets angry." Harry lowered his voice.

"Ahem, don't judge these things here, just go back and rest." Albert gave a light cough, indicating that everyone was gone.

"Unexpectedly, you still want to take a picture of it. Can you give me one?" Lee Jordan suddenly wanted the whole school to see Voldemort's reaction. That must be very interesting.

"Don't be dead, I don't want to be called to confinement by Professor McGonagall."

"I'm curious how the mysterious man turned into that ghostlike look." Shanna was shocked, especially when Harry said that Voldemort was very handsome when he was young.

"Probably to study the relationship between black magic." Albert said, "black magic is a bit very evil, and mysterious people have tried it on themselves before turning themselves into that kind of ghost."

"If I become that ghost, I will definitely go crazy." Fred pointed to the person in the photo and said, "Look at his nose, there are actually two holes left."