The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 773

Chapter 773

"Weasley, would you like to see my new pet."

Malfoy smiled and waved to Ron. He also took out a glass bottle from his robe pocket. The glass bottle contained the spider he had just caught at school. He stretched the glass bottle in front of Ron and asked maliciously. : "Look, this is my new pet recently. Isn't it cute?"

With that, Malfoy poured a spider out of the glass bottle and handed it to Ron. Ron couldn't help but step back and almost fell over.

Ron's embarrassed appearance made the people headed by Malfoy laugh proudly.

"Get out of Malfoy."

Harry stepped forward and stood in front of Ron, stopping the spider that Malfoy had handed him.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Poor Weasley seems to be afraid of spiders. They say that their house is so tattered. There should be a lot of spiders. How can they be afraid of spiders?" Malfoy smiled and put the spiders back into the glass bottle. Here, ridiculed unscrupulously.

"You must have just gnawed stool in the toilet in the bathroom, and your mouth is really smelly, or did you drink too much chamber pot water last time and the bad breath hasn't gone away?"

George didn't know when he would show up next to Malfoy, put his arm around his neck, took a piece of gum from his pocket and handed it in front of Malfoy, and said with a grin, "I have a gum for treating bad breath here. Would you like a piece of gum? , It can treat mouth spraying."

"Go away."

Malfoy pushed the gum out in disgust, as if it were something terrible.

"George, you shouldn't waste high-class goods on such people."

Fred reached out and took the chewing gum that George was about to hand Malfoy. After unwrapping the paper, he threw it directly into his mouth and chewed, not forgetting to blow a bubble at Malfoy.

"Well, the gum that can treat bad breath is gone, it's a pity."

George loosened Malfoy's neck and pushed him to Gore next to him and shook his head: "It is shameful to have bad breath. If you want to buy a gum for treating bad breath, you can come to us. Effective and can quickly solve your bad breath problem."

"Fred and George are right, Malfoy's mouth really smells bad." Harry covered his nose in disgust, dragged Ron and walked away, as if Malfoy was a mass of dung.

"you guys"

Malfoy was mad with anger, but had nowhere to vent.

"Malfoy's mouth really smells bad." Ron felt that Fred and George were too right. "He must not brush his teeth seriously every day."

Sitting aside, Hermione wanted to laugh a little. She was unpacking the Easter eggs sent from home, and she reached out and took out a chocolate-flavored marshmallow and threw it into her mouth. The sweets made Hermione's mood a lot better recently. .

Of course, there is another reason. Hermione received Albert's help not long ago, and the pressure of studying was greatly reduced.

Moreover, she has already planned to give up divination and Muggle research and obtain a normal homework schedule.

Hermione carefully put away the Easter eggs, planning to find an opportunity to share with Albert, thanking him for his help.

"Are you going to join the Defense Association next time?" Hermione said to Harry and Ron, "I heard that this time it might be a practical exercise."

"Defense...what?" Harry looked at Hermione in confusion, "Go to your Defense Against the Dark Arts club?"

"Didn't that thing disbanded last year?" Ron said puzzledly.

"Is it the Defense Society?" Hermione corrected: "It is a gathering organized by Albert. It is said to help everyone better pass the Ls exam. I heard them say that the last time Albert told you about Defense Against the Dark Arts. The focus of the exam is which knowledge points may be tested."

"How can he know what will be tested. Oh, yes, he can predict. Did Albert directly predict the future test questions?" Ron suddenly felt that learning divination is also very important. If they can predict the future test questions, they There is no need to worry about exam questions at all.

"Please, can you not think of the prophecy so low, okay?" Hermione was speechless, and asked, "Are you going to go together?"

"When?" Harry asked.

"It should be at 8 o'clock in the evening." Hermione is looking forward to this gathering. "Everyone says that you can learn a lot of useful things from Albert, and it's more useful than reviewing Defense Against the Dark Arts by yourself."

Hermione's wish came true quickly. The last party was at 8 o'clock in the evening the next day. The three quietly rushed to the seventh floor of the castle and found that a group of people had gathered there.

"Are you also going to join the Defense Association?" Harry stepped forward to greet Angelina.

"Yes, today is a practical class." Angelina said excitedly.

"Anderson seems very popular? I just saw a few Slytherin students." Ron whispered to Fred.

"Albert never mind other people coming to the class."

"Aren't you afraid that they were deliberately making trouble?" Ron had no doubt that the Slytherin students could do such a thing.

"Of course not afraid. If necessary, we believe that others will throw them out for us." Fred stood in front of Edgar Straug's portrait and waved to several students further away.

"The password to enter the secret room is surreptitious. However, if you come here outside of the party, you may not find the secret room. Don't ask me why, Hogwarts Castle is so magical." Fred said the order and opened the secret. Entrance, let everyone in.

Many people came to the party for the first time, and they all looked around curiously.

Hermione's eyes were more attracted by the light source in the room. She saw a light source that was as bright as an electric light, and her mouth widened.

"What's wrong, Hermione?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"That..." Hermione said, pointing to the magic lamp above her head, "I dare you to say this must be a prop invented by Albert himself."

"Okay, be quiet, the party has begun." Albert's voice sounded in the room, and everyone looked in his direction.

"Originally we were going to explain part of the cracking spell and defense spell today. UU reading" Albert reached out and patted the box under his **** and said, "However, you should have heard of it. I received one a while ago. A gift."

"Bogut?" someone raised his hand and said.

"Yes, so you have to face Bogut today." Albert stood up from the box and continued, "Bogut has always been one of the must-test questions for the Ls exam, whether it appears on the test paper, It's still a practical test. I think it's best not to lose points for this kind of obvious sub-question."

"Well, line up and face Bogut in turn. I think this shouldn't be too difficult for you. At least, you should have a psychological expectation that you will not encounter it during the exam. Panic."

"Of course, I don't expect all of you to agree with my point of view." Albert looked around at the whispering people and continued, "If you think I have something you disagree with or cannot accept, you can stand aside and watch. You can leave, or leave directly, the door is over there, you just leave quietly. Don't disturb or waste other people's time, otherwise they will definitely send you out. I believe some people are happy to do so."

"Okay, everyone is lining up, it's time to start."