The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 627

Chapter 627

On the other hand, Harry decided to re-study Tom Riddle's diary with Albert's tap. Although Ron thought it was a waste of time, Harry didn't care at all and racked his brains. Recall some key clues that I have left behind.

For this, Harry wasted an entire afternoon, even skipping the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and finally grasped the fleeting inspiration in his brain.

It was a small memory that Albert had secretly planted into Harry's mind. He still remembered the last time it seemed... He accidentally dripped ink on the diary, and as a result... Harry quickly turned over the blank pages. There is no trace of ink on it.

This is a small memory that Albert has secretly tampered with, but it must be said to be very useful.

As if to re-verify his memory, Harry took out the ink bottle from his backpack and dipped the quill pen in it. After thinking for a while, he randomly wrote something on the first page of the diary:

Hello there.

An unbelievable thing happened. This line of text actually flashed on the paper, as if it was sucked in by the paper, and it disappeared without a trace in an instant, without leaving a trace.

Harry was so excited that he thought he might have discovered the secret hidden in Tom Riddle's diary, with an unconcealable smile on his face, and quickly dipped the quill pen in ink, and continued to write:

[My name is Harry Potter.

[Can you tell me what secrets are hidden in this diary?

Harry wrote his doubts on the paper in one breath. He was convinced that this diary absolutely contained some secrets from fifty years ago.

These secrets are like treasures, waiting for him to dig.

After waiting for a long time, a miracle finally appeared, and some words suddenly leaked out of the blank paper.

[Hello, Harry Potter. My name is Tom Riddle. How did you find my diary?

In fact, Tom Riddle, who is hiding in the diary, is still very depressed. Since contacting Gildro Lockhart, he has inevitably doubted whether everything is now a conspiracy designed by the other party against him.

Although Tom really wanted to meet Harry and figure out how he defeated the greatest wizard ever when he was a baby without using any special magical spells, but this person in front of him is really the savior Harry. Potter?

Isn't it a trap that Guidro Lockhart prepared for himself?

No matter what you think, I feel suspicious!

Curiosity finally defeated caution, and Tom Riddle responded to Harry Potter.

[Someone wants to throw it in the toilet.

After Harry hurriedly finished writing these words, he had an inexplicable hunch that he might really be able to find clues to the opening of the secret room 50 years ago in Tom's diary this time.

There was an extremely long silence.

[This diary records some hidden past events, some terrible past events that happened at Hogwarts School, and there are always people who don't want these things to be known.

Tom Riddle is very good at deceiving people's hearts, easily perceiving what Harry Potter can't wait to learn, and accurately finding the entry point.

It's just that he can't believe it, how could Lockhart throw his diary into the toilet at will, even if he wants to insult himself, after doing this, he won't let others take the diary easily. .

This fact is too suspicious.

Is it a trap?

Damn that bastard!

If it wasn't the person Tom was sure to write in the diary, it would not be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor named Lockhart, but just a twelve or three-year-old young wizard.

Of course, Tom hadn't thought about it. He had never seen the Guidro Lockhart who had never written by himself from beginning to end. Since he had never seen each other personally, how could he know that the guy who had sullied himself was Lockhart, and not the person in front of him now?

Tom Riddle could not think of this, obviously it has something to do with his lack of brain and thinking.

[Do you know anything about the secret room?]

Harry asked impatiently, completely unaware that he was in a few short words before being led by Tom's nose.

[When I was still in school, the secret room was opened, the monster attacked the student in the castle, and finally killed one. Later, I caught the man who opened the secret room and he was expelled. The school gave me a gold medal afterwards to warn me not to talk nonsense, but I knew that this kind of thing would happen again, because the monster was still alive and the person who opened the secret room was not locked up, so I left a diary and used it To remind posterity.

Tom Riddle disguised himself well, trying to win Harry's favor and trust.

Harry's heart was beating wildly, and he hurriedly wrote on the paper:

[Now that things happen again, no one knows who planned the attacks.

At this moment, Harry felt that he was closer to the truth, even his handwriting became messy and scribbled, he couldn't wait to write:

[Who was it last time?]

Tom Riddle was satisfied with the result, and he was silent for a moment before replying:

[If you want, I can show you. You don't need to read the text I wrote. I can bring you into my memory, into the night I caught him.

Harry obviously couldn't refuse, nor would he refuse such a good thing, he couldn't wait to see the result.

Finally, under the guidance of Tom Riddle, Harry Potter got his wish into Riddle's memory and saw how Tom caught the man who opened the Slytherin Chamber.

However, the results were not pleasant.

Because, Harry was shocked to discover that the prisoner was Hagrid. This incident was simply unacceptable to Harry. He even regretted why he wanted to investigate this matter and why he read Riddle's diary.

Is it really Hagrid who opened the Slytherin Chamber?

Harry didn't know, but Hagrid was really suspicious.

Because, after Hagrid was caught and expelled from the school, the attack ceased. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Tom Riddle to win the school's award.

Because of the suspicion of Hagrid, Harry quickly connected many things together.

He didn't forget that when he strayed into Knockoff Alley during summer vacation, he met Hagrid there. This matter was suspicious. What did Hagrid go to Knockoff Alley for?

And, as everyone knows, Hagrid has a soft spot for huge monsters. Last year, he tried to raise a dragon in a small wooden house, and he also raised a three-headed dog that he called "Lu Wei".

If it was fifty years ago, what about the reckless young Hagrid?

When I heard that there is a monster hidden in the castle, UU reading will definitely do everything possible to find it, just like they looked for the Philosopher's Stone last year. Then, releasing the imprisoned monster at night and letting it have a chance to move around is not a strange thing.

Of course, Harry was equally willing to believe that Hagrid would not deliberately kill people.

All the evidence now points to Hagrid.

Is he really going to report Hagrid again?

Harry couldn't do such a thing. Hagrid was his best friend.

Should I go and talk to Hagrid about this?

No, no!

He decided not to say anything to Hagrid.

Now Harry couldn't wait to talk about this with his two friends, otherwise he was worried that he would be stunned by it.

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