The Alchemist Of Harry Potter - Chapter 626

Chapter 626

After learning that Hermione had revealed the Riddle's diary to Albert, Harry was still expecting some good news from Albert at first. However, after more than half a month, Albert remained quiet, as if nothing had happened.

If you are not disappointed, it must be fake.

However, Harry also knew that it was a bit stupid to put his hopes on others.

Recently, the annual wizard card finals are about to begin again. Several of Harry's roommates couldn't stand the temptation of championship rewards. They signed up for the wizard card competition, but they were not lucky enough, so they were brushed off during the knockout. Up.

As the organizer, Albert is still busy with the game.

Harry, who had just finished his homework and came out of the library and was about to return to the Gryffindor common room, saw a translucent figure floating across the end of the corridor. He hurriedly ran up and hurried to Nick to leave. Before calling the other party.

"Hey, Nick!"

"Good afternoon, Harry."

Nick heard someone calling himself, stepped away from the wall, and greeted Harry with a smile. While speaking, he withdrew his remaining body from the solid stone wall, waiting for Harry's next words.

"Nick, I have something to ask you, okay?"

"Oh, all right." Nick, who was almost headless, agreed. "If I know."

After hesitating for a moment, Harry asked, "Do you know Tom Riddle?"

In fact, Harry wanted to ask Nick who opened Slytherin's secret room fifty years ago, but he didn't think he should be anxious.

"Tom Riddle?" Nick repeated the name.

"That was the name of a certain student fifty years ago." Harry said what he knew.

"The name of the person fifty years ago?"

Nick frowned, then shook his head in confusion and said, "Sorry Harry, I don't know who he is, but I think the name Tom is very common. As far as I know, there are students in Gryffindor I have a fat cat named Tom."

Harry opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Anything else?"

"How much do you know about Slytherin's secret room legend? It is said that fifty years ago, Slytherin's secret room was opened and the culprit was expelled from the school." Although Harry hadn't reported much expectations about it, But still try hard.

"It did happen," Nick nodded after trying hard to recall: "It seems that a student was still dead at the time, and finally the principal at the time took the blame and resigned."

"Do you know who opened Slytherin's secret room?" Harry asked.

"I don't know, Harry." Nick shook his head.

"Isn't the Slytherin heir caught?" Harry said.

"Unfortunately, I don't remember it very much. It's been too long. If it is not particularly impressive, most ghosts will not remember too much." Nick thought for a long time, but finally did not expect, "Our minds Here are usually memories from his lifetime. But if you want to know, you can ask Principal Dumbledore, maybe he still remembers what happened fifty years ago."

"Sorry to bother you." Harry said.

"do not worry about it."

Nick left, leaving Harry there, staring blankly at the wall where Nick disappeared.

When Harry had just turned to leave, he saw Ginny Weasley with a pale face.

"Are you all right?" Harry asked worriedly.

"It's okay."

Ginny Weasley's mouth shook slightly, then turned quickly and walked away.

"You don't look okay," Harry muttered, looking at Ginny's disappearing back.

"Harry, what did you do to Ginny, I just saw her..." Hermione and Albert asked when they appeared at the corner of the promenade, looking at Harry standing there.

"I don't know what's going on." Harry also couldn't figure it out.

"Don't you refuse Weasley's confession?" Albert quipped.

"I have something to go." Harry walked away awkwardly.

Hermione couldn't help rolling her eyes at Albert, thinking that his joke was a bit too much.

"Ginny is only a few years old now, how could it be..."

"Ginny wrote a Valentine's Day card to Harry." Albert said solemnly, "I think it's not difficult to see that Ginny Weasley actually admires Potter!"

"How did you know that she wrote a Valentine's Day card to Harry? I remember that you seemed to..." Hermione was interrupted by Albert before she could finish her words.

"His eyes are green like freshly pickled toads..." Albert began to recall the songs Fred and George sang in the dorm room. "He is as black as a blackboard... I hope he is mine, he Really handsome...a warrior who conquered the Dark Lord."

There was a moment of astonishment on Hermione's face, and then she looked at Albert with a weird expression, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Do you think that besides Ginny Weasley who admires Harry Potter, anyone will write him this Valentine's Day card?"

Even Hermione had to admit that Albert's words made sense. Although Harry was the so-called savior, he was not as popular with girls at school as Albert is now.

Well, I seem to have written a greeting card for Albert, and when I think about it, Hermione suddenly feels a little uncomfortable. She quickly turned away from the subject and asked, "How did you investigate the incident about Tom Riddle?"

"The situation may be a bit complicated."

"What's called is a bit complicated." Hermione also realized that Albert had investigated the results.

"Since your confidentiality is really bad, it is not suitable to tell you now." Albert has no intention of telling Hermione about Hagrid for the time being, because Hermione will learn about it from Harry soon. .

Well, Albert did do something to Harry.

It should be said that a little memory was modified in Harry's mind, which would help him discover the secrets of the diary.

"What on earth did you find?" Hermione couldn't help but ask after being itchy by Albert's words.

"The secret room incident fifty years ago." Albert lowered his voice. "Tom Riddle caught the Slytherin heir. The school gave him a so-called special contribution award in order to stop him."

"Do you know who opened the secret room fifty years ago?" Hermione couldn't help but her eyes widened. It's hard to believe that Albert was able to investigate so much information in a short time.

He is amazing!

"The hapless guy who was fired is just a scapegoat. UU reading" Albert noticed Hermione staring at his gaze and shook his head, "I can't say his name yet, I promised this. I will keep it secret for him for the time being, I think you should know it soon. So don't ask anything now, just wait quietly."

Hermione suddenly wanted to hit Albert.

"By the way, this is for you." Albert suddenly took a small mirror from his pocket and handed it to Hermione.

"What do you do with this?" Hermione asked after taking the mirror questioningly, looking up and down.

"When passing the corner, if you hear any strange noise, use a mirror to probe the corner of the promenade." Albert reminded Hermione to beware of the basilisk.

"You mean Slytherin's heir will continue to attack." Hermione soon realized what Albert meant.

"Be prepared." Albert shrugged. "After all, we are all Muggle wizards and we need to be prepared."

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