That Person. Later On… - Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Dont get involved with me any more.

When I return to where the girls are, they recieve me with wide smiles on their faces.

That felt good. (Sarona)

I felt refreshed. (Tata)

Fufu Serves him right. (Naminissa)

He called himself a hero but hes not a big deal, unlike Haosui. (Narelina)

Small fry. (Haosui)

My Onii-chan is the best in the world!! (Kagane)

I cant see the depth of your strength, Otto-dono. (Maorin)

The depth of my strength? Probably a strength that pierces through the stars.

The girls unanimously express their joy.

I think you overdid it But saying that is unnecesary.

You did well, little brother!!

I understand Navirios stance but, arent you getting a little overjoyed, Princess Eris? But well, who can blame her. This pretty much confirms that she and Navirio will get married.

To think that my son-in-law has this much power Its even more than what I heard!! But still Kukuku What a fascinating way of winning!! I hadnt laugh that hard in a while!! Itll become a lerning experience for that Hero.

Ara ara, Narelina and Naminissa got a really good person as husband. With this, our retirement can be peaceful.

I think you are way too happy, Givirio-otousan. But well, I wont deny it. Mirelina-okaasan, Ill be sure to make Naminissa and Narelina happy, and Ill take care of you two, their parents, so please live peacefully.

At that moment, I steal a glance at the Iscoa side, and see the father of Princess Eris, King Rusona looking at the sky and pressing the bridge of his nose with his fingers and having a resolute expression. Hes probably coming to terms with Princess Eris wedding Or more likely coming to terms with getting related with the Mabondo family.

And about the Hero

He was still burried.

The knights, butlers and maids that were observing the fight just now, are trying to dig him out.

Dont worry, I didnt kill him so hes still alive. But if you dont dig him out quickly, hell asphyxiate.

The male warrior of the Hero Party thats looking at it is giving a roaring laugh and the girl magician is, for some reason, looking at me while applauding.

Are the people from the party going to get angry? Or are they of the same opinion as Givirio-otousan and think that itll become a learning experience for him? I really dont care if the Hero has that attitude only towards me or towards everybody else but, I hope he learns from this and never again appears in front of me. On the other side, Aria is with the other people giving her best to dig him out. When I see her earnestly digging without looking over here, I realize that she really loves the hero and at the same time I got surprised at how calm I am at looking at that. It seems that my feelings for Aria have completely faded.

For the time being, I hope that they learn from this and neither the Hero nor Aria get close to me ever again. Or rather, I really want them to not get involved with me again because its a pain in the ass. This time I didnt kill him but, if this happens again Especially if they ever do something to cause trouble to the girls I DONT KNOW WHATLL HAPPEN.

I have the feeling that Im looking at Aria and them with cold eyes

While raising the corners of my mouth with my hands as to change the mood, I turn to look at the girls. And there, seven faces were looking at me with troubled expressions.

You don&rs

quo;t have to force yourself, you know?

You can always borrow my chest.

It is bad to hold it in.

You can act spoiled with us at your hearts content.

Rather, get charmed by us.

Should we kill them?

If it comes to destroying this country, well give you a hand.

Everyone nods at Kagane and Maos words. Thats dangerous.

Its okay, its okay!! I dont care anymore!! As long as they dont bother me, thats fine Well, if they come to pick a fight then Ill destroy them Moreover, let me show off for you.

As I say that, I lightly put my hands over everyones heads.

So, can we leave now? I dont want to stay here and start getting falsely accused of something

Yeah, Im sorry for getting you involved in something like this

Its okay, I did it for you, Nii-san.

Thank you. Ill tell the King of Iscoa to tell the hero to never again get close to you. What are you going to do now?

Thanks. Lets see, I think for starters, I want to meet my parents that live in this castle town and explain them about everybody and afterwards well go to Motanpe. Well look for a temporal residence in there. As you could expect, I dont want to live here.

Got it. Then you can live in the house with us. We are already family so its okay, right Father?

Its fine.

While giving a smile to Givirio-otousans light answer, I took upon their offer. I exchange a firm handshake with Navirio and everyone else, and I leave the castle together with the girls.

And for some reason, Freud is following us

Its okay if you want to stay with Givirio-otousan.

My master is Wazu-sama.

No, no, no.

Yes, of course.

Once we return to the castle town, I stretch myself. I might have been unexpectedly nervous. I feel relaxed after a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Now, lets go back to my house for once.

When I say that, everyone else becomes restless.

Were about to meet Wazu-sans parents.

Im feeling nervous.

My personal appearance My personal appearance Onee-sama, do I look fine?

No matter where you show up, youll never embarrass yourself On the other hand Im worried about me.

The moment has finally come.

Please, let Onii-chan dont get angry at me.

Im proud of my ears and tail but, will they accept me like this?

I have the feeling that only Kagane was feeling restless for a different reason.

You are worrying too much Itll be fine, Ill introduce you all to my parents and have them approve of you.

I hug them tightly to make them feel at ease. I do that until they all calm down. The eyes of the peanut gallery is kind of embarrassing but Ill endure.

For me, the most important ones are everyone here But not Freud, okay?

I wait until everyone calms down and once again look at their faces.

Now, lets go.
