That Person. Later On… - Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Small fry.

At the same moment the veteran butler gave the start signal, the Hero unsheathes a sword from a gorgeously ornamented scabbard. The sword is also gorgeously adorned as to not lose to the scabbard and from the blade a pale blue light shines.

Is that a Holy Sword?

The Hero lunges at me with the Holy Sword.


At once, I avoid that sword and retreat backwards.

The Hero gets on stance again after a swing and grins.

Fu! As I expected, this sword is efective against evil. Ill tear you to pieces with this Holy Sword!!

That was dangerous. This has become a nuisance That Holy Sword I cant let myself be cut with that Holy Sword

Of course, Im not Im an evil person so it wont have any effect in me as the Hero said. But still what a nuisance. I mean, that Holy Sword

Is the only one in this world, right?

In other words, I have to avoid destroying that Holy Sword no matter what. Its not that Im doing it for the Hero (lol), but for the people of this world, I need to leave them this sword. And that being said I have to avoid that Holy Sword touching my body.

Because, I dont know if a Divine Sword, that surpasses this Holy Sword, can leave a scratch on me

Or rather, wont it break by just touching me for an instant? So besides a nuisance, how can you call this situation?

Ahh what a bother

HAHAHA!! What is it?! You can only run?!

Because Im greatly avoiding the Holy Sword, the Hero got cocky and started slashing at me. Im not!! Im thinking about the future and avoiding getting touched by the Holy Sword!!

Or rather, the movements of the Hero are dull

Eh? His movements makes you wonder if he really is a hero.

I mean, thats what a hero is, right? The one that saves the world, right?

Eh? Eeh? Was he this weak?

He cant even hold a candle to my wife Haosui who has the greatest figthing power, you know?

He might even be lower in status that Tata who has the lowest status among them.

Tata might win with her knife

Ahh, Is he not giving his all yet?

Does he have a hidden strength?

Is he going to awake his dormant power?

That seemed even less likely.

Far from it, right now he is heaving his shoulders greatly.

Thats what you get for putting on airs of greatness and star swinging your sword like that after getting cocky because I was sticking to evasion, you know?

Or rather, to lose your breath over just this much

Can it be that after you defeated the Demon Lord, you stopped training?

Now that I think about it, you have lots of wives.

Were your hands full with them?

But thats a shame. There is no time to think so I wont show any mercy.

Bastar!! Cant you do nothing more than escape?! Fight me fair and square!!

Fair and square This kind of people tend to say this a lot, isnt that strange? I mean, everybody has their way of fighting, so to fight fair and square depends on every person, right? And yet, whenever something is not fair and square for you, you always say those words Why is that?

For the time being, I want to first say that its not fair and square to grandiously draw a Holy Sword and lunge at a person you consider a commoner.

Ah! I just thought of something nice. If the Hero is really a hero then it there wont be any trouble.

I aim at the wrist of the Hero that keeps swinging unrefinedly at me.


With a typical word I give him a cho

p and the Hero drops the Holy Sword due to pain. I immediately grab the Holy Sword and stab it into the ground with great force. After confirming that, I retreat some steps away.

By the time the Hero turns to glare at me from pain, the Holy Sword is already stuck in the ground and only the handle protrudes.

You bastard!! What are you doing?! Do you even realize what that sword is!?

The Hero is filled with rage but I feel relieved. Or rather, thats the Holy Sword, right? A weapon thats close to it? That would be the knife of our Tata. I cant see any more value in it other than that.

The Hero gets close to the Holy Sword crawling, he grabs the handle and pulls with all his strength but the Holy Sword doesnt budge.

AHAHAHA!! It seems you can pull it out!! So that means that you are not the Hero!!

I tried saying something a villain would say.


The hero tries to pull it from the floor with a red face but it doesnt give a sign of moving from there. Or rather, cant you fight without the Holy Sword? Come at me empty handed.

I raise my sight from watching the hero, and notice that the people on the Iscoa Side are dumbfounded. Well, thats to be expected. They never thought that their hero would lose. Aria has her mouth open and has an expression that she cant believe it. The veteran butler has an unfazed expression. Well, he is a butler.

On the Motampe side the girls are giving a refreshing smile seeing the comical way the hero is behaving, Navirio is giving a wry smile as if to restraining himself from laughing, Princess Eris and Givirio-otousan are laughing out loud.

Mirelina-okaasan and Freud are, as always, nonchalant.

After confirming that much, I return my sight to the Hero and see that hes still fighting with the sword stuck in the ground. Just give up, that just means that you are not the hero.

Lets end this already

I take a breath and in an instant move in front of the sight of the Hero, I give him a kick with enough strength as to not kill him by mistake and send him flying, I catch up with the Hero thats up in the air and, with my hand into the shape of a blade, I cut all of the Heros equipment.

After I have cut enought, I turn to punch him towards the ground.


When the dust generated by the crash to the ground clears, the lower body of a person can se sprouting from the ground, and that lower body has nothing in it other than its birth suit Of course, it is facing the Iscoa side. I cant show something filthy to the girls.

And then I hide the scarp of the mant that I cut thats falling from the air

Instead, that appearance looks more tragic.

The winner, the Mabondo Family.

The veteran butler cooly says that while raising his hand to our side. As expected from a butler Nothing like some fake butler from somewhere.

Haa I feel much better.

I feel somewhat satisfied and return to the side of the girls that are waiting for me.