That Person. Later On… - Chapter 179

Chapter 179

Chapter 179

Chapter 179 If you are coming, let us know first.

What do you mean with Counterfeit beings?

I ask Shiro who is sitting in the desk while facing against him and his harmless smile deepens even more and happily answers me.

Of course I will tell you, thats why Ive been waiting for you here. But before that, let her introduce herself to you.

With Shiros words, Fake Aria that is leaning agains him stands up, turns to me, takes a step foward and while standing before Shiro, her body gets covered in a black light.

I get dazzled by that light but when my view returns I see that Shiro is still sitting in the desk but the Fake Aria that was in front of him is nowhere to be seen. In her stead was a woman with a hair so black that looked like from a painting that reached the floor and with beautiful features but from her eyes I can feel cruelty and coldness. Her well proportioned body was covered by a black dress. Is just that from that woman I cant feel a human presence, if I were to say, her presence feels close to that of the Goddesses.

The woman elegantly bows towards us.

Nice to meet you in this form Im one of the pilars who is called the Goddess of Darkness.

Darkness Thats why she had a presence similar to the Goddesses. Im fine from just feeling her presence but when I turn to look at the girls behind me are pursing their lips as if to endure something and they seem unable to move by themselves. They seem to be trembing. They must fear the Goddess of Darkness of whom they know nothing. For the time being lets confirm it while I feel relieved from seeing they are okay.

The only one thats able to move right now is me so I have to protect the girls

I put myself in front of the girs to cover them and turn to look again to Shiro and the Goddess of Darkness.

I understand that you are the real deal from your presence That means that you are the same kind of being as the Goddesses, ri ght eh?

The moment I said that she was the same kind of being the Goddess of Darkness hangs her hed down and starts to tremble as if enduring something. And somehow, from the Goddess of Darkness a black aura starts to rise up I dont know why she got like this and wondering what should I do, I turn my face towards Shiro, and sensing my look, Shiro makes a troubled face and gives a defeated smile.


Mh? Just now, I heard something breaking

Bastard!! Dont lump me together with those brats!!

The bellow of the Goddess of Darkness reverberates. From her face dyed in rage and her blood-curdling expression I realize something

Ah, I stepped on a landmine

That Goddess of Light is nothing but gluttonous yet she has her own religion! That Goddess of Earth acts motherly but actually is an extreme masochist! That Goddess of War claims to rule over war but cant fight herself! That Goddess of Sea has a heart as wide as the sea? Ha! Is as narrow as a little pond! That Goddess of the Sky has the most power but doesnt lift a finger! Dont say that Im the same kind of being as those little girls!! In the first place, our births are different and I have live longer that them!!

Ehh I didnt say that. Or rather, the Goddess was actually the Goddess of Light and there is also a Goddess of the Sky whom I havent met For you to get this angry, how much do you hate them?

While I was being perplexed by the transformation of the Goddess of Darkness, from my breast pocket my guild card suddenly flies out and sta

rts to emit light.


The room gets bathed in a warm light and I see the Goddess standing putting on airs while grabbing between her fingers my guild card no wait, she is the Goddess of Light. Im facing the back of the Goddess of Light so I can see her expression but I can see that the Goddess of Darkness has an even darker expression The girls were released from the pressure of the presence of the Goddess of Darkness but with the appearance of another Goddess, they humbled themselves and were still unable to move.

Uhm Goddess?

I timidly call out to her and the Goddess of Light turns to me and giving me her best smile returns to me my guild card.

Wazu-san Wait a little bit! Ill just dispose of that trash that knows to only put on years really quick afterwards lets make out.

After saying that, the Goddess of Light turns once again to face the Goddess of Darkness.

I was listening in silence but you are still the same, right? OLD LADY, have you prepared yourself?

Just at the right moment! You bratty little girl!! Lets see if you have the guts!!

The Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Darkness slowly get closer.

Ohh, Ohh, Ohh!!

Ohh, Ohh, Ohh!!

Two of the pilar goddesses wrinkle their brow and get even closer, and even when they are 1 cm appart, they continue glaring at each other.

Ill end your life right here, right now!! (T/L: Life written as divine life in contrast to human life )

I want to see you try!!

I thought their stand-off would continue but they threw a powerful right punch at each other but they stopped the others punch with their left hand and got grappled like that.



Seing they competing with equal force I thought something.

As I see this ugly fight, I get worried Is the world going to be okay with this kind of Goddesses?

While I was thinking that I suddenly cross looks with Shiro Nothing will come out from looking the hideous fight of the Goddesses so Ill continue my talk with this guy

The thing about the Counterfeit Beings bugs me a little