That Person. Later On… - Chapter 178

Chapter 178

Chapter 178

Chapter 178 Our conversation with that person.

For the time being let me congratulate you!! You finally came to the Imperial Capital! I wanted to meet you!

The man dressed in all black was clapping towards us, I immediately threw him a punch.

But my fist stopped 1 cm before him. I couldnt go any further.

Hahaha, its no use!! You cant injure me!!

Guh Why cant I get through?

I gritted my teeth and put all my force in but I was unable to move any further. The man looked at me and without changing his smile continued talking.

Because in this room I put a No damage barrier.

No damage barrier? I jumped backwards from there and got together with the girls. When I look to see what the girls are doing, Naminissa, Narelina and Haosui, who have met him are glaring at him and Sarona, Tata, Kagane and Mao have faces that ask Who is him?. Haosui was the most affected one by him so I try to soothe her. Meru is also looking at the man while slightly growling.

After I lightly explain the girls what happened, I ask Naminissa.

Naminissa, do you know the No dammage barrier?

No damage barrier? If Im correct, its a barrier where any attack becomes nullyfied, that aplies also to the other party so its mostly used in peace talks between countries You need a magic item to be able to cast it

No matter where I look, I cant see something like that. So that means that he cast it by himself? I turn to look at the man but as always he has a smile on his face and lifts his chin up as if to look down on us.

Hahaha, thats right, thats almos right actually! This No damage barrier makes it impossible for a person to hurt another person so as long as you are a person you wont get hurt. (T/N: Person as in human.)

He gave us an explanation Is this guy stupid? He is giving us an explanation of this to us who are clearly hostile to him But why did he stressed so much the person part?

Eh? You still dont get it? That means that as long as you are a person you would be unable to hurt me. As long as you are a person that is.

This bastard I get what he is trying to say. In other words, as long as your race is marked as human (T/L: Person) you would be unable to do anything. That means that this bastard knows about my deification Did he saw me somewhere fighting?

But as long as he is in my view it doesnt matter. If I do him in, is the same as him not knowing. Lets stay prepared to activate deification when needed.

You dont have to be so guarded. The other day I was running short on time so this time I want to talk with you at ease.

I have nothing to talk to you. If you still have that sphere then hand it over to me. Ill break them all.

That would be a problem Or thats what I want to say but I have only one red ball and one black ball left what should I do~?

This bastard Thats it Ill use deification and leave him powerless

Dont be so hasty!!

The man puts his hand in front as to stop me. Ive been thinking that he seems to perceive my movements and its disgusting.

You have some business with her, right?

The man snaps his fingers and from behind him a single woman appears.


Naminissa raises her voice and tries to run to her but

Shes not her. She is the impostor we met earlier.

I deny her calmly. Maybe due to my voice being calm, Naminissa stops her feet and I grab her by her arm and pull her behind me.

Ehh You really can tell Thats surprising!! Not me, the hero or anybody was able to tell Is this the power of love?

I wonder

Fake Aria shows a thin smile and answers the mans question.

Yes, thats it. I was surprised too as to be expected

I was unable to hear the last part but Fake Aria leans towards the man.

Did you wanted to make sure of that?

No, no, I said this from the begining, didnt I. I wanted to meet you! I wanted to talk with you where nobody could bother us. I also had other things to do so I wasnt that free so I waited for you here. Thats why the moment you entered the Imperial Capital, I gave the Adventurers Guild the information that this Fake Aria was in here. I thought that you would certainly go ask the Adventurers guild first. But while I was investigating, something surprising came up! Who would have thought that you knew the Hero partys Holy Woman Aria!! Ah, dont worry, I have some presents for you!!

I dont know if its his way of talking or his existence itself that gives me unpleasant feelings As if he is someone I dont want to recognize Or get involved with

And, what do you want to talk with me?

Before that I have to properly introduce myself. Ill talk about the important part afterwards Are? Or shouldnt I? Well, who cares! Nice to meet you or probably It has been a while? Who cares too! My name is Shiro. The origin of my name is because this hair.

As he says that, the man calling himself Shiro lowers his hood and from inside comes out a hair white (T/L: You already probably know but shiro means white) as snow with some black at the ends and we can see a face of an innocent cute child.

Ah, you dont need to introduce yourself, I looked you up Its not like we are strangers now so I call you Wazu-kun!! I mean, after all we are twins, Wazu-kun!!


Just kidding!

I want to hit this bastard so hard. I was about to go question my parents.

And?! Did I suprise you?! Did I scare you?!

Asked Shiro sensing my restlesness.

Ah that was fun. But now with the serious talk Wazu-kun and I are counterfeit beings.

Counterfeit beings?