That Person. Later On… - Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Is This Clear? What Become Of My Power

There are 8 status that shown on guild card. They are HP (Life Force) MP (Magic) STR (Attack Power) VIT (Defense Force) INT (Magic Attack) MND (Magic Defense) AGL (Agility) DEX (Dexterity). After that are name, race, age, individual-specific skills and learned skills.

First of all, the general knights and large number of C-rank adventurers average stauts are :

That is.

However, the status that are displayed on my guild card are :

Skill :

Extreme Cannibalism (specific)

Abnormal State Nullification

Goddess's Sympathy (specific)

Sponsored by Goddess.

That is.

The hell Sponsored by Goddess . I guess the things described on my guild card are Goddess-sama doing. Then let me tell her something

Write it in number~~~~~~~~!!!!!!

Even with magic system I didnt know whether Im strong or not. No, I would be strong, or maybe Im ridiculously strong!!! I didnt know!!! Its difficult to understand!!!

Ha~..... Ha~..... lets calm down.

First of all, lets verified one by one..... the skill details should be found there..... Ha~.....

Lets see, nothing wrong with my name and age. The race is, what the hell withHuman (80%)? What do you mean? Am I only 80% human? Or the 80% is different things? Which is it? Whats written there made me really uneasy.

I found out there was no MP, but the HP value say I can withstand anything. Grand magic or Ancient magic, will I not die even receiving a direct attack fom any of that continuously? No No No such this is impossible, right? I was afraid to confirm it myself!!!

STR value say my blow shattered a stars? is the meaning same as it? In other words if I hit seriously, nothing I cant break? For real?

VIT value say will breaks even the Holy sword..... is that even possible? I mean its a Holy Sword right? The fact that it could break, it means no kind of weapon could harm me? So thats why I cant cut my fingertips with a single knife.....

INT value say I cant use magic. I understand where it comes because the MP say zero. The HP say I can withstand anything..... so there is no meaning for MND, right?

AGL value, please tell me the words followed afterlight. Dont cut it in the middle. Im interetsed now, maybe I will try in secretly later.....

Isnt it fine to use a numerical value for DEX status. Why was the sentence? Did it according to other status? I dont need such attention Goddess-sama..... well, I know that I am quite dexterous..... even the clothes Im wearing right now, I made it myself..... Haa.....

My head is hurting.....

Lets take a look at skill description now.

Extreme Cannibalism: You can eat every kind of thing and it will taste delicious. Bizarre objects, poisons, monsters, etc. will taste delicious. The higher rank of things you eat, your status value will increased (maximum)

(TL : This skill at maximum level, I think)

Is this from that time, when I lived in the mountain? Because I couldn't choose what to eat..... at that time I ate anything to stay alive. I wonder if this is an after-effects? Well it makes sense..... probably my status is abnormal? I think its the cause..... but, high ranked things? I wonder if I eat something like that.....

Abnormal State Nullification: Every abnormal state will be canceled. One state is excepted.

I wonder if this is aslo the influence of the mountain? Its because the environment was severe, you can find any abnormality there..... and then an abnormal state which wasn't in the mountain and will work on me..... only liquor that comes to my mind..... but its still on a tolerable range. Next problem is.....

Goddess's Sympathy: I do not know what happened but you are crying and crying so much..... but its allright!! There will surely a good thing! ! So please brace yourself up!! Because I granted you with all my blessing that will help you!! Do your best on your life!!!


What is this? Is Goddess-sama sympathize with me? look at this, it became painful in reverse! ! life is so hard.... from now on, I wonder if a good things will happen..... uuu!!!

Thus I have confirmed it all. In other words because I have received full sympathy from Goddess-sama, Im no longer a genuine human race. I cant use magic but Im incredibly strong. Under the influence of a skill, I can say that I wont die unless from an old age, right?


I cant let out a sigh anymore.....

As I thought, its dangerus to disclose my status..... I cant show it carelessly..... not many poeple can become S-rank adventurers but with this I think I can do it, its just probably though.

I became strong rather suddenly so I didn't know any more what to do now.

** If you have anysuggestion or finding fault in my translation feel free to tell me**

**Proof reader : Truffle**