That Person. Later On… - Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - It's One Of My Dream To Come Here

Right now, in front of me was a soldier who inspected an ID card of a person who was about to enter the town. And then I just noticed it for the first time,

Huh? I..... didnt have it..... Aah!

I always kept my wallet inside a pocket safely, but while in the Elf village I usually put my ID card and other things at Yuyuna and Ruruna house. Thats right..... its because I left just as it..... damn, I felt like crying right now.....

[Then, the next person please]

The soldier called me. I approached him cautiously. I steeled my heart, for the worst case I will camp outside the town.....

[Please show me your ID card]

[..... Well, actually..... the thing is..... I lost my ID card.....](Wazu)

[I see, we need to ask you some question if you want to issued a temporary ID card, will you take it?]

[Yes please](Wazu)

Oh? An interview? Is that all?

The fort city Rinikku

Thank goodness..... my hometown, Imperial City was in the center of the south continent. Anyway I was relieved, I wont go to the south for now.

I had begun to walk along the main street to the Adventurer Guild just like that. This is the fort city, things are quite different from my hometown. I advanced while seeing the vicinity restlessly.

I went to the place Orlando informed, there I saw a three-story large building. Adventurers Guild Rinikku Branch was written on a big signboard at the entrance of the building. I took a deep breath before entering the building.

Once I was inside the guild, there were a receptionist desks and stairs at the center back. On my right side, there was bulletin board with the requests listed on it. On my left side was a simple dinning place. I prepared myself and went to the reception desk while looking around restlessly

[Hello, welcome to the Adventurer Guild of Rinikku branch, may I help you?]

[..... Yeah, adventurer registration please](Wazu)

[Adventurer registration, is it..... then please fill out this form]

I received a quill pen and paper that has been proffered. Name, age, hometown, I continue to fill it one after another.

I heard that receptionist of Adventurer's Guild had many beautiful woman, so it was true. Receptionist-san in front of me has fluffy pink hair that extended to shoulder, also lovely figure and gentle eyes. I was slightly stunned.

[Are you done? Let me see first.......... Yes, it is okay. Then how about I give you an explanation about adventurer until your guild card is finished]

[Yes please](Wazu)

[Well then.....*cough*I will tell you a simple explanation. Adventurer's guild is functioned as intermediary between adventurers and clients who put a request, a client will pay the rewards for a request you have completed. You can find available request at bulletion board, hand the paper of a request to a receptionist, when receptionist gives you permision you can accept the request. Report to receptionist when you have completed the request. In addition, there is a rank system for the request and adventurer, from the highest to lowest are S A B C D E F. Everybody will be started from F-rank. First issued guild card is free. If you lose it you can re-issued after pay 5 gold coin, please be careful. Also, you can accept a request one rank above your adventurer rank. In this case, you will need our examination. Do you have any question?]

[Is there something necessary in request achievement?](Wazu)

[It depends on the contents of request, like a specific monster's part for subjugation proof, or completion signatures from a person who put a request. Please use those and give it to receptionist. We will examine it, after that the process will be finished]

[How does a rank rise?](Wazu)

[If you have achieved a defined number of request for each rank, we will tell about the rank-up. Its ahead of story, however please work hard because there is a test when you go up from D-rank to C-rank]

[I see, I roughly understand. When there is something I didnt understand, I will let you know](Wazu)

[Please do so. Ah! Also, there is a lot of violent adventurers..... so please avoided them as much as possible..... as long you did it..... things defintely.....]

[Yes, I understand. Ill becareful as not to make receptionist-san worry](Wazu)

[Please do that!! A guild card is done, so please hang a drop of your blood so the card can't be abused by others. Crime prevention and status will be indicated on the card and procedure will end with that]

I received the card from receptionist-san. I trying to draw a drop of my blood with knife to the card that has been drawn with a big F. But somehow the knife cant hurt my fingertips. On contrary the sharp part of knife

After that my status emerged, and I was struck dumbed.....