Talisman Bay - Angel In Moonlight - Part 2

Part 2

Lita smiled lightly. She was warm, comfortable and for the first time in her life completely content. The man she loved slept next to her, their hands tied together, his head nestled into her hair, his body heat better than any blanket. Only one thing hampered her joy.

She had less than seventy-two hours left with him.

Returning to Polgara was an unfortunate given. But there was no way to explain that to Ben without causing a vicious fight. How could she tell him that she was a Pleasure G.o.ddess and that she gave freely of her body? He wouldnata"couldnata"understand. And even if she did tell him, what good would come of it? Under the best of circ.u.mstances head be given access to Polgara, and they could see each other on occasion. But what kind of life would that be for him?

As she pondered their quandary, she looked above at the Christmas tree. A crystal angel hung from a branch just within reach. Something about it called out to her and she reached up, taking it into her unfettered hand.

Air left her body in a swift rush as a vision filled her mind. Ben, decorating a tree, surrounded by three children. Laughter rang out as the kids took turns asking their daddy to lift them high to put their favorite decorations on the tree. Then the littlest one, a young girl with her daddyas smile, handed Ben the angel ornament Lita held now, and said, aDaddy, tell us the story of the angel. How she saved you so you could be my daddyaa Tears filled her eyes and the vision faded. She wanted to curse the G.o.ddesses, to scream at the unfairness of it all. Her visions, while infrequent, were never wrong. Ben would have a family, he would find a woman who could love him, give him children, be with him forever. The fact that their hearts were linked must have been a mistake. Although shead known she couldnat stay, and she wanted Ben to be happy, to be so clearly shown that the man she loved would find love with someone elseait was more than she could bear.

In his sleep, Ben murmured, aI love you, Lita.a He kissed her cheek and squeezed her tightly.

A small glimmer of possibility flickered in her heart. Maybe she didnat have a choice about returning to Polgara, but at the very least, she and Ben deserved these next three days. She would have to give and take what she could, love a lifeas worth in that time.

Lita ran her free hand over Benas back, memorizing the smooth feel of his flesh beneath her fingertips. He stirred, but did not awaken. She loved this man and nothing would ever change that. If all she had was three days, then shead give him her everything in that time. No regrets.

Chapter Seven.

aShopping? But I thought men didnat like to go shopping?a Lita asked on Christmas Eve morning.

Ben grinned at her, looking just like a little kid. It was a sad reminder of the children he would have after she was gone. She brushed those thoughts away. Today was her last day with him and there was no room for painful thoughts when every second had to count.

Ben had told her he wanted to give her a Christmas to remember. Two days with him had already sped by much too quickly. It seemed the more Lita tried to hold onto her time with him, the faster the seconds slipped through her fingers.

Theyad spent a day lazily learning each otheras bodies all over again. Touching, tasting, loving. In between the lovemaking, they talked about their year apart, the changes in their lives. But Lita couldnat bring herself to tell Ben that shead be leaving him on Christmas. Guilt gnawed at her gut, but she didnat know how to start.

Theyad visited the Mathersa that first night and picked up her belongings, then Ben had taken her to his favorite caf. The angels hanging in the window told them they were in the right place.

The next day theyad gone to one of Benas favorite escapes from the city, making snow angels, tobogganing, and having a s...o...b..ll fight that escalated into a quickie in the snow. It was one of the best days of her life.

And today they were going shopping. Grinning from ear to ear, Ben wrapped his arm around her, leading her toward the door. aItas a family tradition. Gail and I wait until the last minute to get our Christmas shopping done, then we run around frantically trying to find the perfect gift. Letas go. Thisall be fun.a Christmas music played over the speakers as employees in Santa hats rang up the seasonas final purchases. Hand in hand, Ben and Lita walked through the crowded stores, laughing at the last minute gift ideas each store was offering. They picked out a gorgeous hand-knit sweater for Gail and the newest books by all of her favorite authors. Ben bought a singing Christmas cactus and an ugly reindeer sweater for himselfa"another tradition he promised her, to buy things he could laugh about the rest of the year.

aSo weall meet back here in an hour, okay?a Lita glanced up from the bin of Christmas ornaments she was digging through. aWhat? Where are you going?a A sparkle in his eyes, Ben cupped his hands around her a.s.s and yanked her against his body. aI canat shop for you if youare with me.a He winked, dropped a kiss on her forehead and stepped away. aOne hour.a aOne hour. Okay. Iall be here.a Lita watched Ben walk away. One hour seemed like forever when all they had was half a day left together.

She wandered up and down the aisles, trying to find something she could get for Ben while cursing herself for not telling him she was leaving. Just when was she going to break it to him? Five minutes to midnight when she grabbed her belongings, kissed him goodbye, told him it had been fun and walked out the door and back to Polgara?

Suddenly, a strong hand clamped over her mouth and an arm swept around her waist, sweeping her off her feet and dragging her into an empty storage room. Fear rocketed through her body. She fought against her a.s.sailant, biting down on his hand, screaming silently in rage.

A smooth golden voice purred into her ear. aDammit, Lita. Shhh. Itas me, Ty.a He lowered her to the ground and she spun around to meet his eyes.

aTynan? What are you doing here?a The question was barely out of her mouth when realization struck her. He was a Shadow Tracker. There was only one reason head seek her out. She scrambled backward away from him until she hit a wall. aNo. I wonat let you take me back. Not now. I still have twelve hours!a Tynan stalked toward her and Lita crossed her arms, staring belligerently into his penetrating gray-green gaze. aI said no.a His long silver-streaked black hair fell wildly around his shoulders as he shook his head and gave her a wolfish grin. aTake it easy. Iam not here to take you back, Lita-love. Tresca asked me to warn you.a aTresca? But how? And why? Warn me about what?a Tilting his head to the side, he looked at her curiously, a frown creasing his brow. aI spent a session with Tresca yesterday. Thereas big gossip going on that you broke some pretty serious rules. Hundreds of newspapers around this dimension are running a story about a healing angel and the man who loves her. Reporters are researching your past. And you know what that meansa"too many questions are coming up without any shred of an answer.a Cold fear shot down Litaas spine as she slumped to the floor. She swallowed hard, trying to speak past the lump in her throat. aThe Controllers are going to erase my memories, arenat they?a Ty knelt down next to her, caressing her face, sorrow reflecting from his eyes. aYes.a * * * * *

The diamond ring was perfect. Ben had looked in all three cases, but as soon as head seen this one, head known it was the one for Lita. A glistening solitaire with a baguette on either side. Simple but beautiful.

He completed the transaction and put the velvet box in his pocket. Tonight he would propose to her under the Christmas tree then convince her to marry him immediately. Next week. Tomorrow. The sooner the better.

But then sudden fear gripped his entire being. Lita was in trouble. Letting instinct guide him, he bolted to the back of the store.

Crashing through a door, he saw Lita in the arms of a long-haired man. b.a.s.t.a.r.d! She wasnat fighting and didnat seem afraid any longer, but she was clearly shaken. The man glanced back at him before giving Lita a pointed look and taking off through the depths of the storage room.

Ben rushed to her and she looked up at him, her eyes wearyadefeated. Whatever that b.a.s.t.a.r.d did to her, he swore, heada. His thought was left unfinished as she wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulder. aWhat was that all about? Whatas going on? Angel? Are you okay?a aBen. I donat know how to tell you, but I know I have to.a She spoke so softly he could barely hear her words. aLetas just go homeaand talk. I donat ever want to be away from you. I love you too much for that to happen.a His heart did flip-flops in his chest. Was she going to leave him again? His worst fear realized twice in his life? aI love you, too, Lita.a The cab ride home was spent in silence but his thoughts whizzed loudly around in his head. From thinking everything was somehow going to be okay all the way to how stupid could a man possibly be to allow himself to be strung along like this. Lita just buried herself as close to him as possible. His heart went out to her, but he feared what she had to tell him would only hurt more than her silence.

When they finally set foot in his living room, it was everything he could do to keep himself from holding her. He needed the distance for clarity, otherwise head lose himself in her again.

They sat on the couch and she stared at her hands, as though afraid to speak. He asked her with his eyes and through their link to just talk to him, promising that no matter what she said, he would hear her out. But that wasnat an easy promise to make, especially with so much on uncertain ground. With each moment, head been simmering and the anger was getting harder to hold at bay.

Then she spoke. aIave got nothing else to lose.a aWhat?a He tried to keep the anger from his voice, but he couldnat completely remove the harsh edge. He softened and took a deep breath. aAngel, I just need to know what the h.e.l.l is going on?a Lita took a shaky breath, then looked up into his eyes. aIam not an angel, but Iam not a human either. Iam from a different dimension. A place called Polgara. The night we met was my first night on this dimension. I was given one year here, and tonight my yearas up.a Stunned speechless, he backed away from her, his jaw agape. What the h.e.l.l was she saying? Different dimensions? Although that would explain her curiosities about everything, her simple joy in things he took for granted. But no, that was absurd. Maybe she was just as lost as he had been when shead found him.

But an inkling of belief wove its way through him. He knew she was telling the truth. h.e.l.l, head known from the moment he first saw her that she was different. And what they shared was different. Head accepted it because he wanted it, but the connection they shared, that wasnat normal either. But it was right. Or at least it had beena aI wasnat supposed to fall in love. Ben, where Iam from, the emotion of love doesnat exist to the depth it exists here. Iam a Pleasure G.o.ddess. I give of my body, but not of my heart or soul.a She paused as though flailing through what she was telling him.

Did I fall in love with some kind of weird inter-dimensional prost.i.tute? Each word falling from her lips was another blow to his heart.

Lita locked her gaze with his. It was obvious she was trying to remain strong, but her lower lip had begun to tremble. aThe moment I saw you everything changed. Youare my heart link. That connection that brought us togetheraPolgarans donat get that type of connection. But we have it! I know you feel it. Please tell me you feel it.a A few tears streamed down her face, her eyes begging him to admit aloud that he indeed understood.

But he just couldnat bear to hold her gaze. He looked down and turned away. aI donat know what to make of any of this. Youave made claims that should be impossible and to top it off, you were going to leave me without saying anything. Just like before?a Hurtful words were brewing in his thoughts, but he couldnat find it within himself to start flinging them at her. Shead know how he felt. She would feel it through theiraheart linkaas she called that gnawing magnetic unexplainable connection which was the source of his greatest joys and harshest sorrows.

As she spoke, he looked back into her violet eyes. aNo, Ben! I just didnat know how to tell you. I didnat want to fight. I ran away from you that first night because I was afraid, but it wasnat fear for what I felt for you. I couldnat explain how I healed you. And Iam not supposed to tell anyone about who I am or where Iam from. But I screwed up. The reporters the other night, they spread our picture, our story over newspapers everywhere. The High Controllers on Polgara saw it. Theyare going to punish me for my indiscretion. Ben, theyare going to wipe my memory of my entire time here.a At that, her tears finally broke. aTheyare going to make me forget you.a He pushed back across the couch and pulled her onto his lap, wrapping her in his arms. Her anguish through their link as strong as the betrayal he was feeling. aLita, Iaa just donat know what to say. Iam so confused. So hurt. So in love with you. But I can never have more than a few short days and nights with you. How cruel can my life get?

aIam so sorry, Ben. I didnat know this would happen if I came here. I just wanted to see what human life was like. I didnat want to get involved or attached oraI never wanted to hurt you.a She buried her head against his chest.

aWhen must you leave, Angel?a He soothed her with gentle caresses.

aI am supposed to return to Polgara just after midnight, but Iam not going to. I canat. I need to be with you.a aThen donat go to them. Stay here with me.a Head been afraid to speak those words before, afraid shead leave him if he forced it, but now, there were no holds barred. aLita, stay with me forever if you can. Donat go to them.a aTheyall find me. The man who came to me today, heas a tracker. He came to warn me of what is to happen. If I donat return, theyall send more trackers after me. Thereas no escape.a aBut you said theyall just wipe away your memories of me, right? We can start over, Lita. If we really are linked, no one can separate us. No one. I donat care how strong. No one. I wonat allow anyone to take you away from me again. Angel, you are mine.a She lifted her face to his and kissed him, needing him as close to her as possible. aBen, I am yours.a For hours, they sat in silence, kissing, touching, watching the clock tick the minutes by. Night came, and they sat in the dark, not moving, just holding each other.

Near midnight, Lita shifted in his arms, and he felt something in his pocket press against his hip. The ring. Head been so caught up in the maelstrom, the gift had slipped his mind.

He removed the box from his pants, and slipped the ring into his hand before dropping the box to the floor. aAngel, love. I need to ask you something.a Lifting her head from his chest, she gifted him with a small smile. aAnything.a aMarry me?a Before she could respond, he placed the ring on her finger then brought his mouth to hers. Her answer was in her kiss, and the urgency between them. In a mad rush, they removed their clothing and Lita lowered herself onto his c.o.c.k. The loving was simple. No words were necessary. They were together, nothing else mattered.

Midnight struck and they didnat move, completely meshed with each other.

Then his angel was swept away from him. He tried to hold on to her, but everything in his world faded to empty blackness.

Chapter Eight.

The tall, majestically engraved doors opened, affording Lita entrance into the High Chamber. She walked down the long stretch of open s.p.a.ce, toward the tables where the Controllers presided, her back straight, head held high. Her hands were clenched into fists at her side, the engagement ring Ben had given her turned inward so she could feel the diamond pressing into her hand. Never forgetanever forgetanever forgeta Lita stepped onto the interrogation platform, automatically shifting into her stance of obeisance as the Herald announced her presence. She didnat even listen to his words. She knew why she was there.

Two weeks had trudged by since the night Polgaran security had ripped her from Benas arms. Shead spent that time in the solitary loneliness of her room, suffering a range of human emotions, grief, pain, disbelief, love.

Now she was angry and scared. She couldnat fathom not having any memories of Ben. It was bad enough that shead lost him, but to lose her memories, tooa Imorgaas voice rang out in the chamber. aBy my lead, Lita, you may naturalize.a Lita lifted her head at the command to see Imorga regarding heracuriously? No, that couldnat be right. The look disappeared as Imorga continued. aYou may speak to these offenses.a Lita squeezed her fist, feeling the sharp sting of the diamond digging into her palm. Never forgetanever forgetanever forgeta aI am aware of the consequences of my actions. Not only did I bring undue attention upon myself, compromising Polgara and its entire people, I also did not willingly return at the end of my designated time. I did all of this with the complete knowledge of the punishment due me upon my return. But with your permission, before you remove my memories, may I tell you a story?a Imorga nodded her head thoughtfully. aIt would please me to hear tell of your experiences.a Trembling both inside and out, Lita met Imorgaas eyes and began to speak. aI spent a year among humans, embracing their emotions. I witnessed the give and take of humanity, saw the best and worst that their world had to offer. That world became a home to me, accepting me, teaching me.

aAnd I fell in love. Deeply, pa.s.sionately, beyond anything Iad ever imagined love. Ben is my heart link. I can feel him, a part of me even now, no matter how far away he may be. I know he loves me, that he misses me, that he needs me, just as much as I do him. Not even erasing my memories will change that. When youare done, I may not remember his name, or his voiceaa Lita choked on a sob but forced herself to continue. aBut the connection between us will always be there. I will always love him, even if I donat know who he is.a The Controllers were silent in their regard. Lita wiped the tears from her cheeks and returned their stares. Never forgetanever forgetanever forgeta Imorga got to her feet, and walked down the few stairs from the dais toward an open doorway. aCome, Lita. It is time.a Lita wanted to protest, but knew it would be to no avail. Shead said her piece, there was nothing left for her to do but follow Imorga out of the chamber and accept the punishment she had earned for falling in love. Anguish slowed the blood running through her veins until she felt as though she were moving in slow motion. They entered a hallway, lush carpets blanketing the floors, engravings and murals covering the walls. They walked in silence, moving through a maze of hallways.

After several minutes, Imorga opened a door and stepped inside. Lita squeezed her hand around her engagement ring again and took a deep breath. Never forgetanever forgetanever forgeta She entered the room, then froze, her eyes widening, her whole world going topsy-turvy all over again. Lita turned in a circle, soaking it all in. Paintings covered the walls of the room, in brilliant, vibrant color. Her life with Ben. Their first night together in the bed at Gailas place, their bodies awash in moonlight. Under the Christmas tree. Bathing together. Playing in the snow. Each scene meshing with the next, a timeline of love.

aG.o.d, Angel, I missed you.a Was that really his voice? Lita turned to the sound, afraid to believe it could be possible, until Ben stepped into the room behind her.

Then she was in his arms, not ready to question how or why, just so thankful he was there. Needing to remember his smell, his touch, and the way only he could make her feel just by being near him.

His warm mouth lowered over hers. The kiss began soft and tender, a gentle caress of lips, a whisper of breath shared between them. But an urgency to make up for the last two weeks filled her and she nibbled on his lips then pressed her tongue deep into the sweet recesses of his mouth. He groaned and pulled her closer, the kiss becoming a duel of desire.

Their heart link shimmered in stunning glory, unwilling to be denied, almost blinding in its brilliance. Lita felt the warm glow of Benas love heating her to her core, filling her up inside. She returned the love tenfold, and knew he felt it, too.

A gentle cough was the only reminder that they were not alone in the room. They separated their mouths but not their bodies, turning ever so slightly toward Imorga.

aBen is an admirable artist, Lita. His use of light and color to bring his subjectas emotions to life is stunning. Yet even more admirable is his devotion to you. That was made very clear over the last two weeks. I instructed him to tell me his side of the story. He looked around the High Chamber and requested permission to paint the story instead. An unusual request. But one which followed your initial unusual request. My permission was therefore granted and much deservedly, I might add.a Ben nodded to Imorga then, meeting Litaas gaze, winked and dropped a kiss on her forehead. Smiling, she turned back to Imorga, the questions beginning to flow from her lips. aWhat is to happen? Whata"a aVery few things are more powerful than Polgaran law, Lita. You see, not even High Controllers can deny a bond between two heart links. For Polgarans that connection is a rare jewel, an anomaly not to be ignored. But youraa Imorga pursed her lips as though she tasted something sour, aindiscretions on the human level caused us great concern. You, I have little fear, will commit no further such indiscretions, however we in turn, questioned whether Ben could be trusted with our secret. As I gaze upon this room once more, I am quite pleased to inform both of you that our concerns have been allayeda"his allegiances lie within the best of intentions. I trust he will do nothing to harm you or the Polgaran people. Lita, although Polgaran by birth, you are free to live life with your heart link. You must continue to keep Polgara a deep secret within your soul, and live as a human, again and forever.a Tendrils of joy crept from her heart, filling her body, until only one tiny little bit of fear remained. aI have only one question, High Controller Imorga. I had a vision, of Ben with children of his own. My visions have never proven wrong, but Polgaranas canataa Her question trailed off as a grin grew wide across Imorgaas face. It was the first time Lita had seen her smile, and it made her beautiful and radiant and not someone to be feared.

aLita, the moment you met Ben, the rules changed. A Polgaran G.o.ddess cannot be impregnated by anyone but her heart link. I do believe the family you envisioned has already begun.a Imorgaas eyes sparkled, as she lowered her head knowingly toward Litaas stomach. Then her expression became serious once again. aLita, of the Damescine sect, high Platine quadrant, you are hereby relieved of your duties as Pleasurer and are free to live the life which fate has gifted you for it is a rare experience indeed.a Imorga turned and left the room, leaving Ben and Lita alone.

Lita turned to Ben as he lifted her hand. He twisted the ring such that the diamond was no longer clenched within her fist. Then, he kissed her palm as though trying to remove the indentations etched from the diamond. His eyes locked hot on hers. aI love you, Angel. Marry me?a Laughter bubbled up inside, the joy filling her completely. aYes, Ben. Yes. I want to be Mrs. Lita Stanton.a Sweet and tenderly, his hands lowered to her belly. His eyes glowed with wonder. aA baby? Is that what she meant, Angel? Are we really going to have a baby?a The heart link between them pulsed even stronger, and Lita focused on it, soaking in all the love between them. Then she looked closer at their heart link, and smiled at the tangential lines forming there. New souls finding life from their love. She laced her fingers with his and looked up into his smiling eyes. aYes, Ben. I do believe some day, weare going to have five.a

About the author:.

Sometimes two people meet, become good friends, and share a lot in common. When you're really lucky, you meet someone who understands you, who thinks like you, can finish your sentences and together, the both of you can create whole new worlds.

Ashleigh Raine is the pen name for two best friends, Jennifer and Lisa, who share a pa.s.sion for strong alpha males that succ.u.mb to the women they fall in love with. These two met in junior high where they were band geeks (but they swear they really were coolathey were percussionists after all!) But love of the arts didnat end with band. By high school, the two had a small following of fans for their stories and the characters they createdacharacters that would become the inspiration for their Talisman Bay series. They want to thank those fans for their continued support and interest. They couldnat have done it without them!

Both Lisa and Jennifer are married to their soul mates, who are the best support and inspiration. As Ashleigh Raine, this duo has many stories to tell, as their collective mind never stops creating fantasies that must be written down. They write larger than life stories, with adventures, hot s.e.x, peril, hot s.e.x, mystery, and more hot s.e.x...but most a.s.suredly they have a happy ending, usually with hot s.e.x. Watch for many t.i.tles coming soon from this duo who are glad to have found their niche in writing erotic romances.

Ashleigh welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Elloraas Cave Publishing at P.O. Box 787, Hudson, Ohio 44236-0787.

Also by Ashleigh Raine:.

Love In Pictures 1: Acting On Impulse Mesmerized Talisman Bay 1: Loveras Talisman Discover for yourself why readers can't get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora's Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.
