Talisman Bay - Angel In Moonlight - Part 1

Part 1




To Honey and BeeBie, wead never have made it this far without you holding our handsaand our heartsa To Gail, for opening her home.

To Bree, for crying happy tears.

To our Fake Reality group. For being there everyday, for the unending support and for always demanding more. You keep us smilina.

Chapter One.

The tall, majestically engraved doors opened, affording Lita entrance into the High Chamber. This was her first time within these walls and for some reason, shead thought it would be different. Lita had imagined the room as cold and devoid of color, but the warm lighting and murals of Polgaran life adorning the walls were actually somewhat welcoming.

She forced her feet to propel her forward, down the long stretch of open s.p.a.ce, toward the tables where the Controllers presided. They sized her up, scrutinizing her so closely she could feel their heavy stares right through her skin to the very core of her body. For the first time in her life, she wished her clothing offered a bit more modesty. She took a deep breath, keeping her jitteriness at bay, forcing herself to remain cool and calm on the outside as protocol required. This was her only chance to ask for what her heart truly wanted so she willed her excitement not to screw this up.

Lita stepped onto the interrogation platform. Many lives had been judged on the very same white square of marble beneath her feet. Her nerves raged to explosive proportions. Imorga, High Controller, nodded toward the Herald. Lita immediately bowed her head and clasped her hands behind her back, showing the proper respect for the Controllers as the Herald began. aLita, of the Damescine sect, high Platine quadrant, first time requesting audience of Controllers. Humbly pet.i.tioning permission for withdrawal from Polgara.a At the Heraldas words, some of the Controllers burst into laughter. Lita cringed. She had known her pet.i.tion would be considered unusual. Everyone wanted to come to Polgara; no one wanted to leave. Amid the fading chuckles, Lita heard clicking and sliding and snapping. It sounded like they were looking her up in the main directory, seeking something in her past that would explain her desires. But they wouldnat find it in their directories.

Lita remained in her stance of obeisance, waiting for the Controllers to give her permission to move. If it didnat come soon, her calm, collected exterior was going to be rattled away by her shaking, quaking interior.

aBy my lead, Lita, you may naturalize. I would certainly benefit from seeing your eyes as you stand before me while pet.i.tioning such a large request.a Lita took a deep breath and lifted her head to meet the penetrating stares of those who held her fate in their hands. Her attention rested on Imorga as she continued.

aWe will consider your pet.i.tion if you would express your reasons for requesting departure from our fine world. You are aware that this may be your lifeas only chance to speak in our presence.a Lita nodded in reply as she tried to find the right words. aI seek knowledge of other worlds. I have the desire to learn how other beings live outside of our dimension, to further discern what brings others to Polgara.a She couldnat tell the Controllers the full reason she wanted to leave, because they would never understand. For twelve years, her companion, Stephan, had sought her out each time head come to Polgara. They had shared their bodies, their pa.s.sions and their desires, but love was never involved until the last time he visited. But it wasnat love for Lita. Stephan had found his heart link and Lita had sensed the depth of the love Stephan would share with his woman. Although Lita was quite happy for him, the joy also made her hunger. Human emotions were so much stronger than Polgaran and Lita wished to identify and experience them for herself.

Imorga shook her head. Litaas stomach clenched. Was she being so quickly dismissed? aHave we not respected and cared for you as Pleasurers require? Why would you seek to learn the darker, non-pleasurable side of existence? There is no place as perfect as Polgara.a aYes, High Controller Imorga, I have been treated with great esteem as befitting my station. What I seek is to understand the differences between Polgara and other dimensions, to offer that regard to my future companions. I would like to visit a human dimension.a aYou want to experience human emotions? In a human dimension? Have you no idea how cruel humans can be? I a.s.sure you a human existence is nowhere near the exaltation you afford it. Be that in day-to-day activity, emotion, or environment, a human existence can be quite chaotic and potentially dangerous.a Imorga cast a glance down the table at her fellow Controllers and they nodded in agreement.

Litaas pulse raced. They were going to deny her. She had to convince them otherwise. Although far from rational, Lita knew she absolutely needed to experience more than a life of l.u.s.t and pleasure on Polgara. aPlease understand, I do not seek to leave forever. I want only to experience human emotions for all their splendor and reckless abandon. I cannot do that here on Polgara. I know it displeases you that I seek to leave Polgara, but High Controller Imorga, if this was not so paramount to my vitality and experience, I would not waste what could be my lifeas only chance to speak in your presence.a Gliding her fingers back and forth over the table in front of her, Imorga met the eyes of all her peers. Lita watched, hopeful, near desperate. Shead never desired something so badly in her life.

Imorga returned her stare to Lita. aI shall grant you one year in a human dimension. You must return promptly at the end of that time. If we are forced to retrieve you from that dimension, you shall forfeit all memory of your life away from Polgara. Do not forget, the existence of Polgara and the Pleasure G.o.ds and G.o.ddesses that serve here are a secret most of humanity is not privy to. If you in any way compromise our existence, if you bring undue attention to yourself, the same punishments will apply. I should hope your trip provides all that you seek. Lita, you have one year. You are hereby dismissed.a

Chapter Two.

Lita knew she was going to die. Shivers wracked her frozen body, and her teeth clacked together uncontrollably. Ice-cold wind pierced her clothing, the flimsy material of her dress offering no protection from its harsh attack.

Something, somewhere had gone horribly wrong. Whenever Lita had questioned Stephan about his dimension, head spoken of beautiful twilights over water and waves crashing onto sandy beaches. When shead asked him where he would go if he could ignore his Shadow Walker duties, head talked about tropical islands where the sun shone all the time. So shead chosen an island as her final destination on this dimension.

This place was not at all how Stephan had described an island.

Everything was miserably frigid and covered in an icy substance. If her travel bag hadnat included her toothbrush and other non-clothing essentials, she would have dropped it in a trashcan somewhere because none of the clothing shead packed stood a chance against the chill.

Lights beckoned in the windows of the buildings towering over her. Although her feet were numba"her soft leather slippers completely soaked througha"she forced herself to keep moving forward, hoping that she might find somebody who could help her, someone who could explain how Manhattan Island could be so cold.

A loud blaring noise caught her off guard and a bright yellow vehicle sped past, drenching her in dirty ice water. She looked down, not surprised to see small bits of ice clinging to her hair, and her nipples frozen peaks stabbing through the front of her dress. For just one moment she wanted to sit down and give up, or tread back into the trees where shead arrived and beg the Controllers to let her return to Polgara.

But even though shead never been so wretchedly cold, something about this world enigmatically called out to her, even through such misery. She turned down another street. If she didnat find some kind of shelter soon, shead likely turn into an ice sculpture.

Another vehicle like the one from earlier stopped in front of her and a heavily bundled woman, arms full of bags and brightly colored boxes, emerged from its depths. One of her precariously placed parcels slid off the pile and into the ice on the ground. The woman didnat seem to notice as she headed toward a building.

Lita bent to retrieve the fallen item, her frozen fingers fumbling to grasp the small, cheerfully wrapped package. aWait. You dropped something.a The woman pushed the door open with her foot, and threw a glance back over her shoulder. aWhoa, thanks. You startled me. I didnat see anyone over my pile of goodies. Give me a sec to set these down and Iall grab it from you.a The woman disappeared inside.

Lita stepped closer to the open door. Heat poured from inside and another involuntary shudder wracked her small frame. She closed her eyes and tried to soak in as much of the warmth as possible, reminding herself that if she ever got the opportunity to go to another dimension again, she would take the time to do some solid research.

Without any warning, strong arms surrounded her and she was lifted off her feet and pulled into the thawing heat of the building. She tried to grab hold of something to anchor her, instead dropping the package and her small bag of belongings. Lita opened her eyes to see a booted foot kicking the door shut, closing out the cold.

In the back of her mind an unfamiliar instinct kicked in, that she should fight, run, hide, that she should be scared. But her empathic abilities kicked in as well and she knew without a doubt that this man was not someone she needed to fear.

Pressed against his body, Lita welcomed his warmth into her. She fought the urge to nuzzle deeper into the pleasurable heat. Looking down at the large arms surrounding her, she felt the strange compulsion to cover them with her hands, to see what they looked like together. As though head read her mind, he took her hands in his and began rubbing the life back into her fingers with a touch so gentle and caring, it nearly took her breath away.

She tilted her head back, wanting to see the face of the man whose touch echoed throughout every inch of her body. But all she could see were his eyes, such a dark blue they were almost black, staring down at her, calling her to him. Lita became lost. There were layers of life in his eyes. Something lost, and something desperate to be reclaimed.

aBen?!a The voice echoed loudly in the empty hall, painfully jerking Lita out of the manas compelling stare. He cautiously separated himself from her, then disappeared down a hallway, a door closing quietly behind him. The expression on the womanas face was one of pure astonishment. aWell, Iall be G.o.dd.a.m.ned. My brother, Benahe hasnat shown interest in anything or anyone sincea. I donat know what got into him. Iam sorry if he frightened you. Ummmaare you all right?a Litaas mind and body spun dizzily from the aftereffects of his touch and the look in his eyes. Shead felt as though she were being pulled within his mind, and if she were to let go and fall into him he wouldnat hesitate to catch her, drawing her so deep within him she wouldnat ever want to resurface. Her words came out as a whisper. aYes. Iam okay.a Lita looked down the hallway where Ben had disappeared. aHe didnat scare me at all.a She returned her attention to the woman and gave her a small smile. aHe just wanted to take care of me.a aYeah, heas like thataoraused to be like that. Heaa The woman let out a soft sigh and slowly shook her head, then her gaze returned to Lita and her eyes lit up with concern. aWait. Is that all you were wearing? Itas below freezing outside.a She hesitated then reached for Litaas hand. aWhatas your name, hon? Iam Gail Stanton.a Lita let Gail take her hand. Her touch was sweet and caring, like her brotheras. aIam Lita.a Gail gently squeezed Litaas hand. aSuch a pretty name. You know, itas Christmas Eve and wella Would you join Ben and me for dinner tonight?a Her face lightened in a sweet smile. aI understand if you have other plans. Itas just that you brought some life back to my brotheraplease, let me give you something in return. I know Ben would be delighted to have a guest. Christmas was always his favorite holiday.a aIad like that very much. Thank you.a Comforting warmth swept through Lita as Gail took her by the hand and led her into the apartment.

Lita had never expected she would begin to experience stronger emotions after such a short time among humans. There was such freedom in knowing she was on her own, that she didnat have to answer to anyone but herself.

Even though shead only met two humans so far, their hearts were good, and far from cruel like the Controllers had warned her about. Gail was a beautiful and kind soul, offering Lita food, clothing, and even opening her home.

Ben was still a mystery. When Lita thought of him, it was as though she was stepping into the unknown. There was confusion and astounding beauty swirling together in a paroxysm of chaos.

Lita leaned forward and stared into the mirror, which was still foggy from her recent shower. She almost expected to see some type of visible change in her appearance. Other than the thick white sweater and leggings Gail had given her, she still looked like the same Lita. But inside, she felt so much. Confusion, joy, laughter, sorrow, antic.i.p.ation, fearaeven desire. Did all humans feel so much all the time? It was overwhelming, but she felt more alive than shead ever felt before.

With a new bounce to her step, Lita opened the door and walked out of the bathroom. The mingled scents of dinner practically engulfed her, prompting her stomach to growl appreciatively. If her time in this dimension was starting with a meal that smelled this good, she knew it was going to be a great year.

Walking into the dining room, Lita stopped in her tracks, soaking in the awe-inspiring sight before her. It looked as though Gail had cooked a meal to feed hundreds of people. Or was this just another difference between here and Polgara? Did humans really consume that much food? There were plates and platters and bowls full to overflowing. A couple bottles of wine graced the table as well. Until that moment, she hadnat even realized just how thirsty she was.

Then her eyes met Benas. Just like earlier, she felt drawn to him, and as though pulled by an unseen hand, she walked around the table and sat down next to him. aIs it okay if I sitaa Her sentence remained unfinished. Somehow she knew he wanted her close to him.

aMerry Christmas, Lita.a Gail laughed as she came into the dining room with a plate of sliced ham and set it in the middle of the table. aDid you enjoy your shower?a aIt was wonderful, actually.a Lita smiled up at Gail. aThis all looks so delicious. Thereas so much food.a aFamily tradition. We always have good leftovers during the holidays. But truthfully, this was easy to throw together. You should see our place during Thanksgiving. I cook for days.a Gail grinned and sat down across from them both.

Litaas attention shifted to Ben as he poured wine into a gla.s.s and held it out to her. Gailas gasp echoed in the sudden silence of the room.

Lita took the gla.s.s from him, letting the tips of her fingers graze over his. With just that little touch, the deep pull between them began in earnest and she lifted her gaze to his. Fear, pain, need, desire. Rampant emotions hurled toward her and she placed her free hand above his wrist, her anchor in the storm. He needed help. He was trapped inside. What had happened to him?

Lita forced her gaze away before she became lost. She took a deep breath to regain control, then managed a small smile. aThank you, Ben. You read my mind.a She tried to remove her hand from his arm, but he covered her hand with his, stroking her fingers like head done earlier, soothing and calming. An apology.

Gail let out a ragged sob, pulling Lita further out of the trance Ben held over her. She looked at Benas sister, who watched them both, her eyes wide in wonder, one hand fisted over her mouth, holding back her sobs. Gail lowered her hand to the table and nervously ironed out imaginary wrinkles in the tablecloth. Her voice was a soft whisper as she spoke. aYou must be a miracle worker or something. My brotheras been little more than a sh.e.l.l for over a year now.a Tears streamed down her face. aWho are you?a Lita froze. How could she answer that? aJust someone who understands what itas like to be trapped. How long has Ben been like this? What happened to him?a Gail swiped a hand across her face, wiping away her tears. aI donat really know for sure. He was coming home from work, just like usualaheas a senior graphic designer. That night he was supposed to meet some co-workers for a drink but he never made it. I was beside myself with worry for the next three days because he was nowhere to be found. I looked everywhere I could think of. On the fourth morning I opened my door and he was just sitting there on the steps like he didnat know what else to do. I almost wasnat sure it was him because he was just gazing offalike he was completely lost in thought. I got him to come inside, but heas never spoken. And the doctors canat find anything wrong with him. He eats, takes care of himself, showers, gets dressed every morningabut he doesnat interact with anyone. Itas like heas in his own world. Until now.a Litaas mind raced. Shead heard stories of demons that fed off the creative minds and souls of others. Usually, the victims ended up dead, or the small part of them remaining was so weak they could never find their way out again. But there were some that were strong enough, and their souls repaired themselves. Could that have been what happened to Ben? She knew he was trapped inside himself, that who he was still existed. She felt it. Maybe he just couldnat find his way out?

Gail took a deep breath and looked across the table at her brother. aThe doctors think that one day heall just snap out of it, that itas all in his mind. And maybe it is, but I canat imagine what couldave happened to him to make him lose his way like this.a Gail reached out her hand and placed it over Litaas free hand. aLita, my brother wasais a good man. Everyone loved him. He had a good life. And heas all I have left. Whatever you have with himaa Gail lowered her head. aI know I sound crazy, but itas just that for some reason my brother is responding to you when he hasnat responded to anyone else. You give me hope.. And for that, I thank you.a Lita smiled at the beautiful woman across from her and squeezed her hand, before pulling away from her grasp. Lita held up her wine gla.s.s in toast. aMerry Christmas, Gail. May all your hopes come true.a The two women clinked their gla.s.ses as Lita silently prayed that she could help Ben find his way home.

Chapter Three.

aAre you sure you donat mind sleeping on the couch?a Gail asked as she carried a stack of blankets into the living room. aI can sleep here if you want to crash on my bed.a aIam sure. Youave already given me so much. Iam not going to kick you out of your bed, too. Besides, I like it here. Iave never slept next to a tree covered in lights before. Itas beautiful. And so many gaily wrapped packages. I think I like this Christmas thing.a Lita moved to the couch to help Gail lay out the blankets.

aI still canat believe youave never experienced Christmas before. Where did you say you were from?a aA place far from here in spirit and location.a Lita paused as Gail gave her a funny grin. aBut Iam really happy to be here now.a aFull of mystery, arenat you? Okay, if you have nowhere else to go, can I convince you to join us in our celebration tomorrow? Eggnog, and carols, anda"a Lita laughed. aIad love to spend more time with you and Ben. Thank you for everything. Youave both been so kind.a Gail finished making up the couch and turned and embraced Lita. aYouare welcome. Thereas something special about you. I just know it.a Gail stepped away, a light blush covering her cheeks. aIf you need anything, just holler. Iall see you in the morning.a She turned off the overhead light on her way out of the room.

Lita settled on the edge of the couch, not ready to snuggle comfortably under the blankets. Ben filled her every thought. The man he used to be was locked deep within himself, fighting to come out. But was there anything she could do to help him?

She wasnat a healer by conventional definition. Her touch couldnat fuse a broken arm or close a wound. But as a Pleasure G.o.ddess, her hands healed in other ways. She gave pleasure to soothe, and to help the mind, body and soul relax.

Would it be enough to bring Ben out of his locked-in state? He wanted his life back. She knew this by his touch and the look in his eyes. But to give him that chance, shead have to walk a fine line to avoid calling attention to herself. The Controllers would pull her back to Polgara, erase her memories of this dimension and maybe even punish her further if they felt shead compromised Polgara in any way.

For some reason, none of that mattered. Shead help Ben however she could and suffer whatever consequences came of it. Her mind made up, Lita rose to her feet, ready to head down the hall to the room shead seen Ben retreat to earlier.

He was watching her, standing in the shadows at the edge of the living room. Somehow, she wasnat surprised. Ben knew her movements before she made them.

Silently, he walked toward her, still dressed in the dark green dress shirt and black slacks head worn to dinner. She stepped around the couch to meet him halfway. When they were close, Ben reached out and took her hand in his.

Emotion stirred within her, the lonely chaos shead briefly sampled earlier. But a beacon of hope shone through as well. She couldnat let him down.

Together they walked down the hall and into his room, unsure of who was leading whom. They stopped at the edge of his queen-sized bed, a pool of moonlight washing over them with a subtle glow. Ben took both of her hands in his, and cautiously, Lita lifted her gaze and lost herself in his eyes. Her heart pounded painfully, making it difficult for her to breathe. For the first time, she was afraid of what she was going to do. What if she couldnat bring him out of his locked-in state? What if she made things worse?

Ever so carefully, Benas hands slid up her arms then neck, until he was cradling her face. With the softest of touches, he lowered his face to hers, until they were resting forehead to forehead.

Desire flooded through Lita. A desire to help himabut also so much more. A desire to be with him, love him, and take away his chaos. A desire to make everything in his world okay.

Lita raised her hands to his temples and began ma.s.saging his scalp. Every touch was meant to stimulate the senses and relax the body. She combed her fingers through the soft brown locks curling at the base of his neck. His slow exhale burned hot against her throat and she arched into him.

Oh G.o.ddess, she needed this man, needed him to be healed, to be with her completely. Moving her hands to his face, she ran her fingers along the line of his jaw. The rough sandpaper feel burned against her fingertips. She wanted to feel that roughness as he kissed her neck, the sc.r.a.ping sting as he possessed her body with his mouth. She wanted to hear his voice growling out her name, feel him thrusting hot and hard inside her.

Lita stopped in mid-caress. This was a healinganot a seduction.

Then his arms circled her body, further pulling her against him. She trembled at the full body contact. Even through her clothing, his touch excited her. And her touch obviously stimulated him. His rock hard c.o.c.k pulsed against her stomach. She had to regain control, to remember exactly what she was trying to do.

aBenaI need you to look at me.a He lifted his head, still keeping their bodies close. His eyes sought hers and she shivered under the onslaught. With raging intensity, his thoughts pummeled her. Chaos still reigned inside of him, his yearning to be free battling for survival. But the strongest emotion was his need for her.

Lita had felt craving and desire from her clients in the past. But she had never felt this depth of attachment, the feeling that his thoughts, even in the chaos, completed her. aYou feel it too, donat you?a she whispered.

He answered by lowering his head and kissing her.

Any idea that she could remain in control disappeared as his kiss lit her senses. She stood in a whirlwind of tangled emotions, his and hers, joining together, filling her. It was impossible to tell where his thoughts ended and hers began. Resolutely, she let herself lose control, realizing that to bring him back, she had to merge with him without restraint.

The taste of him burned hot on her tongue, a mixture of peppermint and the sweet wine from dinner. Yet at the same time, she knew the way she tasted to him. It was an exchange of thoughts and hungers. All in one kiss.

In the back of her mind, behind the l.u.s.t and pulsing desire burning her core, she saw a cord strung tight between them. A solid connection merging them together. Litaas heart rate sped up. It had to be a mistake.

Ben was her heart linkaher soulmate. Shead seen it before in others, had known when a connection burned true between people. But Polgarans didnat have heart linksa"it went against their nature to be linked to only one other. Yet there was no denying it, and nothing could make it go away. They were bound forever, no matter the consequences.

And if Ben discovered that link within himself, he could use it to find his way out.

She didnat know where she found the strength to stop kissing him. When he tried to pull her back, she shook her head. aNo, Ben. Undress me. And let me undress you.a As though head only been awaiting her invitation, his hands swept under her borrowed sweater and carefully pulled it over her head. She wore nothing underneath. His eyes glowed appreciatively and he knelt down in front of her and kissed each pebbled nipple.

Litaas knees grew weak at the simple touches he bestowed upon her. Years and years of s.e.x with hundreds of people, and shead never felt like this or craved so deeply. Why this man? Why now?

Love. It was that simple. His touches were more than just physically pleasurable. They reached to her soul, filling the emptiness inside of her shead never before realized existed. How would she be able to return to her duties as a Pleasurer? s.e.x with anyone but Ben would be coldameaningless.

But she couldnat think about that now. Now she wanted to feel loved and love in return.

Ben lowered his thumbs beneath the waistband of the leggings, and tugged them off her body. He stayed on his knees, his hands holding her hips. Gently he placed a kiss at the top of her slit. Lita let out a soft whimper and sank down, letting his hands guide her to the floor.

Her hands shook as she unb.u.t.toned his shirt. Inside her mind, she felt him pulling closer, using their heart link as a handhold, working his way fully out of the madness head been locked in for over a year. It was as though head wrested the control from her, and she was getting lost in his chaos. But this new experience didnat frighten her. Her body wanted him, yes. But so did her heart and soul.

When the shirt was removed, she discovered the strong muscles of his chest, shoulders, and tight stomach. He was lean but toned and everything about him beckoned to her. She wanted hours to explore his body, days to learn every place he loved to be touched. Unable to stop herself, she moved closer, straddling his legs, and ran her face over his chest, loving the feel and smell of him. She tongued his flat nipple, delighting in his masculine taste. He groaned and fisted his hands in her hair, holding her against him.

Lita could feel his c.o.c.k throbbing through his pants, against her open p.u.s.s.y. Slowly she ground down against his c.o.c.k, soaking the fabric of his pants with her juices. They both let out quiet moans.

In one swift movement, Ben stood up, taking her with him. He lowered her onto the bed, and then hurriedly removed his pants and briefs, freeing his c.o.c.k from its confines. Newfound exuberance rippled through her body. Then he surged over her, the flesh of their bodies touching from head to toe. But he didnat enter her, not yet.

Lita knew there was more she was supposed to be doing. This wasnat about s.e.x.

And then he kissed her and everything made sense. It wasnat only about s.e.x between them. What they were going to share went far beyond anything that simple. Their minds and bodies were merging as they fought together to bring his soul out of where it was hiding.

This was about bringing him home.

Lita spread her thighs beneath him, wrapping one leg around his waist, inviting him to come inside. This was the first time shead ever wanted a man so badly she thought shead die without him inside her. One of his hands skimmed down her body and slid between her legs. He dipped a finger inside of her, slowly thrusting, pressing. Lita arched into his thrusts, wresting her lips from his so she could speak. aBenaplease. I need you. I need this. Come inside me. Iam yours, now. Free your mind and find me.a Benas fingers grazed along her skin, lighting a fire everywhere he touched. Finally he brought his hands back to her face, caressing her jaw, cheeks, even brushing his fingers lightly over her eyes. It was as though with his touch, he was memorizing her.

His hands came to a halt in her hair, holding her still beneath him. Then he looked down into her eyes. Lita gasped as the cord inside her pulled taut and a tidal wave of unleashed emotion rushed through her. The black chaos that filled him crumbled into nothingness as he sank into her, mind, body and soul. Head broken free.

Heady outbursts of emotion rocketed through her. Hers, his, theirs. There was no separating them. Their thoughts mingled as their bodies mated. His c.o.c.k filled her p.u.s.s.y, pressing against her womb with every downward stroke. She tightened her sheath around him, stopping him from pulling out, not wanting their joining to end. She could feel how badly he wanted to fill her with his sperm, and knew he could feel her tension building inside. Back and forth, emotions, thoughts, desires flew and within moments they were both panting on the edge of fulfillment.

His hands cradled her face, holding their gazes steady as his thrusts increased in speed. The slick glide of his c.o.c.k in and out of her became a branding on her soul. No lover had ever taken her so high. Lita stifled her cry as the first o.r.g.a.s.m hit her, bursting inside her with explosive intensity. She kept her gaze locked with his and she knew he felt her pleasure.

He spoke then, the first words shead heard from his lips. It came out in almost a growl, his voice hoa.r.s.e from disuse. aAngel. Mine.a Then he sealed his mouth over hers as his come flooded her c.u.n.t. Lita wrapped her arms around him. Holding him to her, feeling his pleasure, coming again with him, knowing shead never be the same.