Chapter 48
Chapter 48 Invincible General
IF YOU IT THEN STOP READING SING TEXT READEROn the next day after that night, a certain room in Nelsons Mansion was wrapped by a confused atmosphere . The escort soldiers group, who had accompanied Valetta and Valin to Grisea Village, had returned while taking along the bandits who had attacked the village . READ THE TRANSLATION at
. comIs Valetta-san and everyone alright!?(Kazura)
Here is a poem for your trouble:When Kazura heard that Grisea Village were attacked by a group of bandits, he unconsciously half stood up from his chair behind the long desk and asked the escort soldier . Nititur, ut profugae desint alimenta senectae:Everyone in the Grisea Village are uninjured . On the contrary, 10 of the 13 bandits that came attacking the village were killed . Only the bandits leader and 2 others ended up being arrested . (Soldier)Heu! quanto est nostris dignior ipse malis!After hearing the escort soldiers report, everyone in that place, except for the escort soldier, showed a surprised expression . He works so there might be no succour for an aged fugitive: Even though being assaulted by 13 armed men, it was the group that get annihilated instead? Furthermore, the villagers were unharmed?(Zirconia)ah, how much more he himself deserves my misfortune!I have confirmed it personally, so there is no doubt about it . Furthermore, half of the killed bandits died from a single attack to their vital spots, there is also a bandit that was decapitated, and also a bandit who had been cut from the shoulder to the stomach from one attack . (Soldier)Di melius! quorum longe mihi maximus ille est,The escort soldier answered . Zirconia sent a quick glance at Kazura . Kazura still had a stern expression, and stared at the escort soldier silently . Qui nostras inopes noluit esse vias . Is the village attacked during the day time?(Zirconia)The gods are kinder! And to me Hes by far the greatest,No, they aimed when the villagers had already asleep, and attacked the village chiefs residence late at night . Valin-dono had said that he escaped the bandits attack and then rouse the villagers, then they counterattacked the bandits as a group and annihilated them, but(Soldier)who did not wish my path to be that of poverty . What is it?(Zirconia)Huic igitur meritas grates, ubicumque licebit,The escort soldier only speak until that point when he hesitated, before Zirconia press him to continue . Pro tam mansueto pectore semper agam . I had confirmed the battle location, but it wasnt consistent with Valin-donos story . Some of the bandits have battle marks on their weapon or armor, but the other bandits didnt had any battle mark . (Soldier)So let thanks be expressed for that, whenever possible,There is no battle marks?(Zirconia)and may I always deal with so merciful a heart . Yes . (Soldier)Audiat hoc Pontus: faciet quoque forsitan idem,Battle marks were chip or crack on the weapons or armors that was produced during the battle, or signs of resistance on the body . If this marks were missing then it was as if they were killed in one hit, or they were nonresistantly killed when surrender . Terra sit ut propior testificanda mihi . Is it like they were killed without being able to resist?Pontus might hear it: perhaps might see to it too,Thats right . Furthermore, they were instantly killed by one attack, that aimed at their vitals spot or severed their neck from behind . In addition, the wound was from edged weapon, not an arrow wound . Zirconia-sama, with all due respect, if I had to say it, I think(Soldier)that the earth nearest me acts as my witness . Zirconia-san(Kazura)At tibi, calcasti qui me, violente, iacentem,Just when the escort soldier was going to say something , Kazura who just listened quietly since then, suddenly addressed Zirconia . Qua licet ei misero! debitus hostis ero . Yes?(Zirconia)But may you who trample on me, violently, in my fall,Its earlier than the schedule, but I will return back to Grisea Village right now . Isaac-san, Havel-san, please quickly make the preparations for the journey . (Kazura)be made wretched for it! Ill be your dearest enemy . As your order . (Isaac)Isaac receive the order with sweat dripping on his face . We will prepare it immediately(Havel)So was Havel who couldnt stop tremblingThe Second Corps of Noble Guards will act as the bodyguard . Isaac, go to the barracks and use my name to tell the Commander to prepare 100 people for this task . Bring equipments for 10 days journey, and taking servants is acceptable . Until I arrived, I transfer the right of command to Isaac . Do this as soon as possible . (Zirconia)Zirconia said this with a weary expression vivid with frightYes, Maam!(Isaac)He only able to wring a small vo