Super Soldier System - 29 Nothing Seems To Go Righ

29 Nothing Seems To Go Righ

"The s.h.i.+p is right infront of us, are the counter measures prepared?"

"Yes, the lighting crystal and specialized magic bomb are prepared"

"Good, now tighten the noose and prepare to attack"

"As you command"

The subordinate witch then left and rejoined formation.

Delilah looked in front of her, she had confirmed that The Prince was currently flying in this s.p.a.ce, so she just needed to not let it escape and get rid of Jun.

"Are you sure there not gonna give us a surprise?"

Suddenly another witch approached her and seems to be of different standing from the other witch.

"Pel, there are only the little prince and 7 other boys in that s.h.i.+p, what kind of surprise can they give us?"

The witches name was Pel, she seemed to be friends with Delilah.

"Just a hunch"

Pel shrugged and the said seriously.

"The Queen isn't naive as you think Delilah, this is the same princess that won the throne, she'll be more careful than this"

"You think i don't know that? I know she isn't to be underestimated, but my plan is fool proof"

Delilah said confidently.

Pel stared at her friend for a while before sighing.

"All right i'll trust you"

"That tone makes it hard to believe that statement of yours"

"No, i definitely trust you"

"Then let's get this job over with, then i'm buying sweets!"

"Really? You can't take that back!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

Delilah just smiled in exasperation at her friend.

******************Jun's POV******************

Meanwhile on the s.h.i.+p, Jun was preparing a surprise for the witches.

"System, summon up their gear next to them"


Suddenly tactical gear suddenly appeared next to the 7 and Jun's gear just appeared on his body, a new function of the System he had just found.

"Gear up boys, better safe than sorry"

The 7 nodded and got to wearing their military fatigues, body armor, mask, helmet and


"Switch to infrared, the enemy is using cloaking devices"

As he said so he changed his own googles to infrared and immediately met with heat signatures surrounding them.

"What distance are they System?"

(75 yards and closing)

"Let's wait until 50, everyone ready?"

"Sir, Yes Sir"

Jun nodded and simply said.

"Await my orders"

The 7 also nodded and focused on the heat signatures closing on them.

Jun also waited and aimed at the closing enemy force coming from the rear, with Hans beside him.

(70 yards)

(65 yards)

(60 yards)




"Open Fire!"

And thus all h.e.l.l broke loose.

****************Pumpkin's POV***************

A few moments before they crossed 50 yards.

Pumpkin was nervous.

She was nervous because of the target of this mission.

This was a Prince we're talking about! Aiming for him meant treason!

"Why are you nervous Pumpkin?"

A fellow witch asked beside her concerned.

"I-it's just that...this is royalty, Mena, if we..."

Her name seemed to be Mena.

"I know it's a Prince but we're working for the 'Real' Queen of Keland, and that Prince is a sign of that, have you heard of a Queen giving birth to a son?"


"Yes, no, because they are blessed by the G.o.ddess to give birth to powerful female mages, and everyone knows that, so you don't have to be worried"

Seeing Mena try to calm her, Pumpkin felt less nervous now.

"Thank you, Mena"

"You're welcom-"


Suddenly loud bangs could be heared and before anyone could react, witches started dropping.

Including Mena herself.

She had a hole on her chest which quickly started bleeding.


She coughed out a mouthful of blood, looked at Pumpkin with shock written on her face...

Stared her right in the eye...

Before she slowly closed her eye's and dropped out the sky from her broomstick...

Pumpkin looked on with sk.o.c.k too.

She watched it all in a dream like state for a moment before waking up.


She screamed on the top of her lungs.

But no one was surprised at her reaction, for they too had the same reaction.



Screaming the name of their now dead sisters, full of grief was their voice, it was music to Jun's ears.

"Keep Calm You Idiots, Attack The s.h.i.+p, They Discovered Us!!"

Delilah ordered loudly.

Her shouting woke up the witches to reality, they turned they're grief to anger.

The attack came from the cloaked s.h.i.+p's direction, that was the reason they lost they're sisters.

"Attack The s.h.i.+p!"

"Kill The Prince!"

Even Pumpkin joined, all her nervousness washed away by blinding anger.


She roared.

"Use the lighting crystals to absorb the lightning, it's The Prince's main form of attack and get close to set up the specialized magic bomb to take out the barrier!"

Delilah ordered.

The witches sped up their brooms to attack the s.h.i.+p.


Suddenly lightning appeared and attacked the witches.

But a witch just raised a crystal and it seemed to attract the lightning to it.

The lightning was then absorbed inside the crystal.

That's the key word here, Absorb, which means it has a capacity, so they have to do this quick and kill Jun before it fills up with energy.

The witches quickly reach the s.h.i.+p...

But at a cost.

They lost 20 sisters in those short moments, how long has it been, 5 seconds to get close to the s.h.i.+p?

In the span of those 5 short seconds, they almost lost half of they're force.

"Quickly set up the bomb, don't let our sisters death be in vain!"

It wasn't Delilah this time, surprisingly it was Pumpkin who said that.

A witch then found The Prince's barrier and put a device on it, it seems this is the bomb they we're talking about.

She then flew away from the bomb.



The explosion was powerful, but it was nowhere close to a dragon attack, it was just a specialized bomb developed to take out an airs.h.i.+ps barrier and this one is approximately 4 times more powerful, accounting for the better quality of The Prince.

After knocking out the barrier and waiting for the dust to clear, they we're met with an empty s.h.i.+p deck.

"Check below, find the Prince, we have sacrificed too much to fail now, and find him quickly"

"As you command!"

The witches got on board the s.h.i.+p and immediately started searching.

Not knowing the ill fate that will meet them...