Super Soldier System - 28 The Party Begins

28 The Party Begins

But then i opened a can of whoop a.s.s, and beat them.

Right now their laying on the floor, unconscious obviously.

"What's next after this..."

We are still at the basics, so let's list down what we've done so far...

Physical training, target practice, formations and CQB training...

"CQB training doesn't just mean hand to hand fighting, we also have to train on how to fight in close s.p.a.ces like buildings and we might have to adapt and add sword training, luckily i learned Arnis in addition to martial arts..."

As he was thinking of the next step training for the 7 the System alerted him.

(Warning, some things tailing us)

"Huh, but we're cloaked"

(I know but it's definitely tailing us)

"Another plot?"

(Seems so)

Jun thought for a bit and said.

"How much ammunition do we have?"

(Minus the ones you used in training, you have one crate each left of both types of ammunition, and this is your last free ammunition, the rest you have to buy)

"Good enough, wake them up, we got to continue shooting practice"

(But an enemy is currently following us)

"They won't attack, we're too close to the capital, they'll wait until we're at a distance and in the cover of dark at the least before they even think of attacking, now wake them up"


Suddenly the 'corpses' start to spasm and suddenly rise.

"Get up, we still got target practice"

"Yes sir..."

'We got some time before they attack, might as well have them practice their aim for later'

*****************Delilah's POV****************

Wearing a cla.s.sic witch outfit and currently flying on a broom is Delilah.

She is part of a group loyal to Jun's unknown Aunt, and which is named, if you haven't guessed already, The Witches.

She is currently tasked to track The Prince, currently cloaked and is also flying, but she actually did it.

Might be related to a skill of hers.

But back to the story.

"The Prince is definitely traveling in this direction and i can detect faint magic energy 500ft above"

Delilah looked at the seemingly empty sky and took out something from her mage hat.

"I found it"

"Good, then go as planned"

"As your wish"

Delilah then put the device back and took out an identical one.

"Make a perimeter around this area, prepare for a night attack, ready the witches"

"As you command"

Delilah once again out down the device and muttered to herself.

"Poor little Prince, thinking your safe in your little s.h.i.+p, but actually are in the jaws of death without knowing about it, The 'Queen' is naive if she was thinking those defenses are enough to protect you, but we have our ways"

She turned and flew in the opposite direction, not knowing that she wasn't the only hunter...

******************Lilian's POV*****************

Lilian of course being the overprotective mother she is, won't just let her son be in danger and definitely won't just rely solely on The Prince's defenses.

"Are the preparations ready?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the fleet is on stand by and is waiting for them to reveal themselves"

"Well done, outstanding as always"

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty"

'Lets see if there are anymore rats hiding in the shadows that we missed'

"You may go now"

"As you wish"

The servant bowed and then left.

And so a deadly game of cat and mouse is being played.

With Jun being used as a prize.

******************Jun's POV******************

Time pa.s.sed fairly quickly in the virtual s.p.a.ce, with me and the 7 just doing target practice.

It already was around 7 according to the System, of course we took breaks when we had lunch and snacks but that's about it.

So lets go back to the explanation on our training progress.

Not just stationery one's though, we also had targets moving at different speeds and some even fly.

All to better their accuracy, and it seems to be really effective.

Not only their accuracy, their proficiency in handling firearms have drastically improved.

Their reloading faster, shooting faster and acquire targets faster.

As expected of geniuses.

And i also benefit from this, for sharing experiences goes both ways, which means, if they get better i get better.

But that's not important right now...

(Large numbers of hostile forces slowly converging on all sides!)

The Exp's finally making their move.

"All right boys, looks like your baptism of fire is coming earlier than expected, you may be inexperienced, but our weapons give us an advantage, so let's give the h.e.l.l oorah?"


"Nice, System get us out here!"

Jun and the 7 immediately disappeared and immediately awakened on the s.h.i.+p's cabin, scrambling to their feet and grabbing their rifles.

While Jun summoned up the ammo and started distributing it.

"Lock and Load!"

The 7 started loading their rifles and pistols, while Jun acquires more about the enemy.

"How many are there?"

(Counting 50 total units)

"Ha, the more the better"

"Locked and Loaded, Sir!"

"Great, now here's the plan, Hoch, Kaiser, you set up at the bow, Steiner, Schwein, Karl and Otto you defend our port and starboard sides, Hans your with me, we'll take the stern, everybody got that?"


"Now, go, go, go!"

Immediately they ran to their designated positions and waited.

"Hans, follow me"

"Yes sir"

They went outside the cabin of the s.h.i.+p and started walking up the stairs to the stern of the s.h.i.+p.

"We're the best shots out here, Hans, so our jobs will be to cover the rear and support the rest when they get in too disadvantageous of a position, got that?"


Turning back to look back at the other 6 and then at the surrounding seemingly empty skies, Jun said.

"Let's get this party started, shall we?"