Super Soldier System - 20 Masochistic Training

20 Masochistic Training

"Alright bois, let's get to sleep, we got a busy day tomorrow"

"Sir, Yes Sir!"


And so with that, the 7 and me got into our blankets for i decided not to sleep in my bed for a better bonding experience with my men. Now that i think about it i haven't slept for the last two days, i was just spending my time in the virtual s.p.a.ce really, so this is my first real sleep in another world.

"Good night bois"

"Good night sir"

"Good night System"

(Good night Host)

And thus i closed my eyes and fell asleep...




(5 AM, it's time)

*"Reveille" bugel call plays full blast.


"What's that!"

"Who's playing the bugle?!"

The 7 were thrown into chaos thanks to the sudden rude wake up call.

"Good morning gentlemen, time to wake up!"

The music then stopped.

"Huh, but what time is it sir..."

Hans answered drowsily.

"You wake up when i tell you to wake up, got that private?!"

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

Hans suddenly stood straight as he replied, he didn't know why but something suddenly compelled him to straighten himself and reply, he was fully awake now. Probably a function of recruitment.

"Good, you're learning to be good soldiers, now line up, single file, we're going out for a run"

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

And so the 7 just like what Hans had experienced a moment ago were compelled to do so and got in single file and got out the door following Jun.

On the way they met Vivian.

"What are you doing Big bro, and who are these people?"

Vivian tilted her head cutely as she questioned.

"Ahem, this are my men and we're going out for a jog"

"Ohhhh, but wait, that's not why i came here, is it true you're leaving?!"

"Yeah...Ma said it's not safe here no more so i have to go"

Hearing that it was true Vivian pouted adorably as she complained.

"Why didn't anyone say anything earlier, i could have prepared a parting gift!"

"That's okay, you still got some time, i dont think we'd be leaving this early"

"I'll go prepare something right away!"

Vivian happily skipped back.

"Why are you awake at this time anyway?"

"Cause i wanted to ask you really badly so i woke up early"

Vivian answered while looking back before returning to skip happily.

"Sigh, alright let's do this"

Jun and the 7 then got outside and Jun instructed them.

"Wear these bracelets and drink these Syrums"

This were of course the Systems training bracelets and training syrum that increase growth, and so after wearing the bracelets it got extremely heavy all of the sudden.

"Ahh, so heavy"

"It feels like im carrying boulders"

"What do these things do System?"

(They constrict you to only 10% of your strength and weigh you down accordingly)

"By how much weight?"

(Around 50 pounds for you while the recruits get 25)

"This is m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic!"

(And the only way for you to be super soldiers, and it will be more tolerable if you drank the syrum)

And so i didn't hesitate to drink the syrum and immediately after that my body brimmed with energy.

"Everybody drink the syrums, training starts now"

So the 7 drank the syrum and got ready.

The training was a standard week 1 military training exercises.

Day 1

Walk-jog for 20 minutes (jog for 2min, walk for 2min, etc)

1 x press-up max score.

2 x 5 dorsal raises.

2 x 5 tricep dips.

1 x sit-up max score.

Rest 30-90sec between sets.


And as expected, after the training the boys were like wet rats and panted like dogs, bordering collapse, if not for the syrum giving them energy.

"*Panting, alright everybody, *inhale, take a bath you all stink, so follow me, there's a small hot spring over there"

"Sir, *panting, yes sir..."

After crawling most of their way there the group eventually arrive at a small indoor hot spring, i bet this was because of the influence of some j.a.panese MC, but i didn't have time to care for that. And so we entered, and the sight we were meet was gorgeous, it was every other world hot spring cliche combined, and i loved it for that.

And so we took off our bracelets which immediately disappeared with the System storing them back, we immediately did proper procedure, taking a rinse before getting in the spring, like any good gentlemen, i walked over to the edge of the spring and dumped the bathing solution which turned the normal spring to a herbal bath.

"Time to relax bois, uurah"


And so we immediately got to relaxing after training.

******************Lilian's POV*****************

"Everything is loaded, Your Majesty"

"Good, where's Jun?"

"The prince is in the Hot Springs with his friends"

"Hot Spring's eh, what were they doing before that?"

"They seemed to be training, Your Majesty"

"Training, he seems to be taking his little retinue seriously, that's adorable"

Lilian then turned her attention to her head to the window.

"What do you think about Orena's death?"

"I thi-"


Lilian emphasized.

"Umm... I think that b.i.t.c.h deserved it for threatening the prince"

"d.a.m.n straight"

Lilian smiled at the servants answer.

'That b.i.t.c.h deserved die for threatening my darling baby boy'