Super Soldier System - 19 Stereotypical German Names

19 Stereotypical German Names

And so after getting them in suits i immediately brainstormed for the most stereotypical german sounding names.

And here's what i got, Karl, Otto, Steiner, Schwein, Hoch and Kaiser.

Hans already had a name so i only had to think of 6 names but anyway, Karl is a normal looking kid, Otto has great features, Steiner was pretty smart for his age, Schwein was chubby, Hoch is the tallest among us at 128 cm and Kaiser had n.o.ble aura.

And so after naming them, i decided to start introducing myself.

"Listen up, My name is Jun Valheim Kalek, i am your new boss and as of today you are my soldiers, you got that maggots?!"

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

They stood up straight as they loudly replied.

"What, i can't hear you?!"

"Sir, Yes Sir!!"

They more loudly answered.

"Good, i thought i gone deaf there for a second, now you introduce yourselves"

"Sir, I am Hans, Sir!"

"Hans, will you accept being in my army?"

"I would gladly so sir!"

(Do you wish to recruit: Hans)

A screen suddenly popped out as Hans said his answer.

"What's this System?"

(It is a function of mine to eradicate the risk of betrayal)

"I don't know how to feel about you anymore, sometimes your reliable, other times your a goofball, but that's aside the point, what are its other functions of recruiting?"

(It has the functions of linking thoughts for easier communication, sharing experiences as for easier training and now anything they kill you can gain experience from, but only experience)

"Ohhhh, those are nice functions, yes, recruit Hans"

(You have recruited Hans)

(Hawk Eye(Innate): Like a Hawk, no movement escapes my notice. Increased Eye Sight)

"He has a skill? And here you are saying their rare System"

(Nope, you just have protagonistic luck)

"Yeah right, Steiner how about you?"

"I have no opposition to it, sir"

(Do you wish to recruit: Steiner)


(You have recruited Steiner)

(Genius(Innate): A literal Son of Heaven, there is nothing he can't do. Increased Intelligence)

"The rest of you lot?"

"Please let us join, sir!"

(Do you wish to recruit: Karl, Otto...)

'Freakin Yes!"

(You have recruited...)


(Innocent Face(Innate): You'll never suspect me, even for the most obvious of crimes. Decreased Suspicion)


(Tactician(Innate): Playing the battlefield is just another chess match won. Increased Tactical Thinking)


(Weaponized Body Ma.s.s(Innate): I may have thick skin, that's just because their like fortress walls, impenetrable. Increased Armor)


(Intimidating Giant(Innate): I'm the guy you send to scare the s.h.i.+t out of people. Increased Fear Factor)


(Politician(Innate): Has the look, aura and mindset of an emperor. Increased Diplomatic Effectiveness)

"I knew you were s.h.i.+tting me System, if skills really were rare why the h.e.l.l are there 7 of them right now that are innate"


Not caring for the malfunctioning System, i now finished our little ceremony.

"Good, now you are my men, i will tell you our group name!"


The 7 tilted their heads at what their boss was saying.

"Like something to identify as, something that set's us apart, we will be called..."

Pausing for dramatic effect i then continued.

"Die Bauern"

"The Farmer's?"

The 7 were even more confused now.

"Yes, for we will be Reaping, Harvesting and Mowing down our enemies, not specifically in that order"


The 7 then showed looks of enlightenment.

(Warning, signature tagged Lilian approaching)

"Everybody get ready, my Ma's coming!"

'The time has come to use it'

Obediently the 7 lined up side by side each other and waited.


'She's here!'

"Jun, have you finished packing?"

"Yes Ma, but i have something to talk to you about so could you come inside for a sec?"

******************Lilian's POV*****************

"Something to talk about, well ok, i'm coming in"


"So what do you"

Lilian stood there confused as to why there were 7 other boys in her son's room.


Her son came closer with his head lowered and started speaking.

"You see...I've been sneaking out and made some friend's lately...and...I don't want to leave them can they please come with me?"

He then looked up only to reveal his large blue eyes and the most adorable expression on his face.'s using it!

Large puppy like eyes that compel her to give him anything he wants, anytime he really wants something these weapons of ma.s.s destruction are always used, her doting mother instincts go against her will to be stern.

'No Lilian, steel your resolve, you can't just let him win every time he uses those eyes!'

While thinking so Lilian continued to stare directly at the same eye's as hers.


*******************Jun's POV*****************



And thus i won...

The eye's were the former's most destructive weapon against his parents...

Those eye's let him be undefeated.

The eye's do not discriminate, to be used on either Lilian or Christopher or both without mercy.

It was really a cruel weapon of war.

And so the problem of how to bring the new recruits was resolved.