Super Soldier System - 13 New Firepower

13 New Firepower

As i reach the bottom of the ladder, i jumped the rest of the way down, it was only like two feet anyway. Looking around, i saw that i was in a well lit tunnel made marble, i mean this was the tunnel to the kingdom's greatest treasures, we can't have it made of rock's while also being dark can we?

Walking in the tunnel for at least minute, i soon arrived at a large door made of gold, jewels and any other precious materials in this world, it just screamed 'There's a Great amount of Treasures lying beyond this door here'.

I took of the necklace and held it up to the door.


Immediately, the key and the door resonated, resulting in the giant door to rumble open bit by bit.

After waiting for another minute for the door to open wide enough for a person to fit through, i immediately entered and the sight that i gazed upon was nothing short of marvelous, Gold and Jewels stacked as high a hills, rare materials incased in gla.s.s, mythical weapons and armor neatly displayed in rows.

"Let's see what we can play with System"

(I agree)

Without paying attention to anything else i immediately went straight to materials section of vault. The materials were placed in gla.s.s boxes, well, what seemed to be gla.s.s.

"They've been labeled too... let's see, this is Churnom Steel, a steel produced by the Ruliv High Dwarves, a masterpiece of their smithing with only a handful being produced within a dozen years, proven to be able to kill dragons... and here we are with a chunk that's as large as a baseball..."

(Host let's definitely get this, we can kill dragon's if we make bullets out of this!)

"Yeah, but how many, im guessing we can make at least 5 dragon killing rounds with this much material"

(No, if we make the rounds Tipped instead of being made out entirely of this stuff, i can make 4 magazine's worth)

"Really, then we'll take it!"

By the way the System has now three types of ammunition, first is conventional ammo, you know, cla.s.sic gunpowder, second is specialized ammo, where the propellant is a special concoction that the System brewed up and lastly the newly added dragon killing rounds, specialized in killing dragon's, it's definitely most powerful ammo type to date.

Back to the story.

Doing the same as to the door, i let the key and gla.s.s resonate and soon the gla.s.s slowly disappeared, then with that i grabbed the chunk of steel and stored it in the Systems storage s.p.a.ce.

"To the next material"

And just like when we were at the storehouse, me and the System shopped around for useful materials with some of them being combustible and great research material for the System for his thinking of adding an extra kick to the dragon killing rounds.

Here's a basic list of what we found.

"A Tevben thigh bone, a Tevben is a creature that live in places with extreme pressure like the bottom of the ocean and are rarely seen, as tough as iron and has a great shock absorption property better than Tar'janni Tusk, which is needed cause the now dubbed 'D rounds' has quite the kicker according to the System"

"Up next is some meteoric material, it approximately weighs 3 tons and is as strong or even stronger than Churnom, but is highly difficult to forge and strangely doesn't have a dragon killing property"

"Next on the list is another material we decided to add to the D rounds, Nulled Bronze, strangely an elven creation by accident from trying to artificially make a material made out of all the elements, which were water, air, fire, earth and lightning

respectively, but all that did was make it so that it won't be effected by those elements, well to be specific it won't be effected as much anymore by those elements, like it won't just shoot through the earth just because it isn't effected by it as much anymore, it will stop at some point"

"Next up is a Fel'kein Gla.s.s, a product of the Frevus this time, is considered the best gla.s.s in the world and commonly used in the best telescopes, to which the System turned it into a scope with insane magnification, i can now snipe dragons 45 miles away"

Git Gud Son, Get On My Level.

And so the moment we've been waiting for has arrived after 1 and half hours of shopping, the actual building of the rifle.

"...Build it, but make it gun black this time and no engravings!"

(Tsk, you have no sense of aesthetics)

"Im being tactical, why do i need aesthetics for?!"

(Alright, alright im building it, im building it)

(Processing... a.s.sembling... Done)

And so a Cheytac Intervention appeared in my hands, it is a gun black color, fitted with a canted sight, a green laser and a normal silencer, yes, a normal silencer for we couldn't find a sound dampening material like whisper wood, but this would do for now.

*Bolt being opened

"Alright, im locked and loaded, now time to kill me a b.i.t.c.h"

*Bolt being closed

Changing back to my 'Diver' series full light body armor, my military fatigues, putting on my reaper mask, my googles with led lights for eye's and wearing my helmet. I ran out the vault but not before closing it, climbing back up the ladder which took me 12 minutes according to the System and putting my bed back over the trap door to hide it, i jumped out my window and with new strength skill i jumped the wall and ran to my targets villa located half a klick away.

"The Hunt is on"