Super Soldier System - 12 Vaul

12 Vaul

"Clean this up"


Her body then disappeared, i grabbed the chair she was tied to and put it back, i took off my gloves and stored it in the System. Taking a seat to relax for a bit and then waited for my parents to arrive.


'They're here'

I thought as i got up and walked to the door.

"Ma, Pa, why are you here?"


Christopher was the first to speak but could only let out one word.

"Jun honey, we need to talk about something important"

This time it was Lilian speaking.

"Talk about something?"

"Let's talk inside"


And so we stepped inside my room, sat down in my bed and talked.

"...Jun, it's no longer safe here, you'll have to leave this place"


"You... don't you hate that you'll have to leave this place?"

Asked Christopher with a confused tone.

"You say it's not safe, so it's safe here, if even you, the king and queen of this country, say that you are not certain of protecting me in the safety of the royal palace, then it's definitely not safe here"

I said with seriousness tone, but then switched to a happy tone.

"Besides... you're only caring for my safety, why would i complain?"

The couple looked at their son, wondering when did he learn such words and then at each other, then smiled together.

"Yeah, you're right, we're over thinking it... just pack up your clothes, we will prepare everything else for you, also here..."

Ma then gave me a necklace.

"This is the key to the vault, pick up anything that might be useful to you"

"The vault?"

The Vault, the place where the real treasures of the Keland royalty is, filled to the brim with mystical materials, materials i need to make my rifle.

"Yes, take anything you want"


I put on the necklace and decided to check it out later.

"Well, don't let us bother you, go on pack your thing's, we still have a lot to do."

Clapping her hands and getting up from the bed Lilian said.


Watching them walk out of the room and disappear from sight, i finally asked.


(Coast is clear Host)

"Alright, let me inspect what i got system"

(Processing... Done)

(Warped Perception(Innate): Time, what is time, to me it is warped and so is to you. slow time for 3 seconds (Trainable)(Unlocked)

Life force: +78

Memories downloaded.

"s.h.i.+t, isn't that basically bullet time?!"


"Why didn't she use it?"

I asked in a confused tone for this skill could have saved her life.

(Probably because it was locked, all locked skills once plundered are automatically unlocked for use)

"This is an OP a.s.s skill, how come Sophie had it?"

(Innate skills are something that just randomly manifest in anybody, while the possibility is rare, some are born with world shaking abilities but are unable to unlock it)

"Ok... next question, how do you train this skill?"

(By training perception of time, so basically just study the laws of time, anymore questions?)

"Yeah last one, how the h.e.l.l do you know this?"

(It's just in my database)

"Alright... ah wait, we're getting sidetracked, System, find the mastermind behind this all this s.h.i.+t"

(Already done that a while ago)

The System pulled out a video screen.

"Play it"

Thus the video played, it showed Sophie sitting in what seems to be a n.o.bles private study and across her is a woman in her 50's, i can't be sure, the concept of age in this world is pretty darn warped, just look at me im 6 and im already killing people.

"Sophie, you only have one job and that is to turn off the palace defense's for a short time so as to not alert anybody"

"Yes, Mistress Orena"

"Orena... i know that name"

Sure, the former might not have been educated in the ways of n.o.bility, he was still informed of who is who in hierarchy of n.o.bles, so it was normal for him to remember a name or two. And Orena is a pretty big deal in the circle of n.o.bles, so of course the former would know her.

She is as conservative as could be and one pain in the a.s.s to my parents, they always complained about her, calling her by all sorts of names, so that left a deep impression on the former, her standing is equal to my parents in the eye's of those conservative n.o.bles. Of course, my parents have allies in the court, but they are outnumbered.

And it's this old wh.o.r.e that wants me dead.

"Don't fail me"

"Yes Mistress"

And so the video ended.

"Well, two can play at that game Orena, System can i choose what kind of Bolt-action i want?"

(Actually yes, the thing with the glock was a precaution as to have you armed with a simple but reliable weapon and is only a one time thing)


(Which Bolt-action is it?)

"Cheytac Intervention"


And so i was pulled into the virtual s.p.a.ce a second time.




I grabbed the book.

"Gunsmithing for dumdums: Bolt-action edition"

An Hour later.


(That was fast)

"I found out that even if i just scim through a book i still remember the contents"

(That physique is really handy)

"I know right, but back to work, bench pls"


"That's a lot of parts..."

3 Hours later.

"And... finally done"

It only actually took me two hours to make the gun itself, but then i had to make some accessories like a canted sight.

"Let's go to the Vault System, see what we can find"


And so i exited the virtual s.p.a.ce, got up from bed and headed to the vault, to which only royalty know of it's position and being the prince, of course i would know where it is, plus it's actually quite near to me.

Guess where the Vault is?

You can't?

That's ok, n.o.body could have guessed anyways.

It was specifically built somewhere no one would think it would be, like the royal magic tower.

The Vault...

Is right under my bed.

That's right, under my bed is the resting place of Kelands greatest treasures, it is the most unexpected place so it is the most obvious choice to put treasure. And as to why i didn't know of the storehouse's existence but knew of the position of the vault, it's because the former didn't really like to explore outside, at best he'd go out to run around, he was content staying inside.

And so i pushed my bed out of the way and ripped apart the carpet, revealing a trap door.

"Just you wait Orena, im coming"

I opened the trap door and proceeded to go down the ladder leading down to the vault.