Super Detective in the Fictional World - Chapter 1382 - The Legendary Troublemaker, and the Need to Be Tough

Chapter 1382 - The Legendary Troublemaker, and the Need to Be Tough

Chapter 1382: The Legendary Troublemaker, and the Need to Be Tough

A moment later, at their masters signal, the four shorties crowded around Princess Black Cat, to try the pizzas.

It didnt matter if she was part of the conversation or not. In any case, Luke would definitely record it, and she could watch it at any time.

Compared with the little turtles decisively surrendering to the magic of ten cheese pizzas, the female reporter, April, was very conflicted.

As a woman, she really wanted to make nice with Back Cat.

As a reporter, however, Batman and Splinters conversation was undoubtedly more enticing.

Old Gray Splinter was the calmest. Although his nose twitched nonstop, as if he was tracking the scent of cheese in the air, his eyes didnt waver as he looked at Luke calmly.

While they were having pizza, the conversation officially began.

Especially after Luke took out a tranquilizer dart and knocked the female reporter out; all the messy apprehensions disappeared.

When Luke threw the dart, Splinters eyes flickered, and he raised his hand slightly, but didnt stop him.

When April fell asleep, he had a strange expression on his face. Luke couldnt tell if it was gladness or helplessness, but he nodded slightly. Thats good.

Luke smiled behind his mask. It seemed that even this good-tempered old man couldnt handle the female reporter.

Luke got straight to the point. Given Splinters amiable personality, the conversation ended in less than 20 minutes.

That was because the whole thing hadnt been too complicated.

Splinter was a lab test rat that had crossed the sea from Japan to America, and the little turtles were four test Brazilian turtles.

Aprils father, Dr. Kirby ONeil, had been in charge of a research program over ten years ago. After obtaining initial results, he suddenly destroyed the lab and all the research materials.

When the lab was on fire, April rescued Splinter, who had still been a rat at the time, but already had memories and intelligence, as well as the four little turtles.

She placed them next to a sewer entrance outside the lab, and Splinter hid in the sewers with the four little turtles.

Since then, Splinter realized that he was changing day by day, becoming more and more like a person, and the four little turtles grew up like human babies.

Thus, he became the father and master of the four little turtles.

For 15 years, using his innate sensitivity to martial arts, Splinter taught himself and became a master fighter. He even imparted these skills to the little turtles.

Guns? Splinter said that he didnt like them and was terrible at using them. There was also no place to practice shooting in the sewers.

On the other hand, there were suitable places to hone ones skills and body.

Growing up in the sewers in the dark, the little turtles had beaten up many bad guys who tried to do evil, and had become one of the many horror stories in the sewers.

Like how there were clowns or robots in the sewers, and Batman and Black Cat were recent additions these were the turtles in disguise.

Of course, they werent very good disguises.

However, both the people who were beaten and who were rescued had no time to pay attention to that, and so only added to the ghost stories, which made everyone else sneer.

Splinter led a tough life in the sewers with the little turtles, but it was a harmonious family.

On Aprils side, her father, Dr. ONeil, died in the fire, and she bore the grief of the loss.

But according to Splinters investigation in the last few years, Dr. ONeils death probably hadnt been an accident, but was caused by Eric Sacks, the boss behind the experiments.

Because it was Dr. ONeils research which led to who Splinter and the four little turtles were today.

Lukes heart jumped when he heard that.

Turning animals into human beings, giving them intelligence and certain gifts that far exceeded that of humans, was a truly terrifying invention.

The five finished products in front of him were originally an ordinary rat and Brazilian turtles, but they were now terrifyingly strong.

If the boss behind the scenes got this research, he would probably be able to form an animal army with super abilities!

Although the experiments may not necessarily increase their strength or quality, as long as they had enough wisdom and the abilities of certain animals, that was already very groundbreaking.

For example, Lukes Sharp Nose hadnt been as good as a police dogs in the beginning, and it was indispensable in battle.

With their extraordinary strength, dexterity, and physiques, the turtles were born to be fighters.

If Luke was moved by their innate gifts, the boss behind the scenes called Eric Sacks would be even more so.

Moreover, using animals as test subjects was less troublesome. Animal activists were always the minority. It was already hard for ordinary people to live their own lives; it was already good enough if they werent abusing animals.

On the other hand, human experiments were an absolute taboo, and no authority would dare take the blame for it.

Ultimately, if an animal super soldier died, it was only a loss of experimental funding, but if a human super soldier died, compensation and medals had to be given out commensurate to their level.

Luke could already imagine what Eric Sacks must have felt like when the lab was burned down it would definitely be like someone burning tens of billions of dollars of their own money.

The furious Eric Sacks thought that everything was ruined, and killed Dr. ONeil.

More than ten years had passed, and everything shouldve disappeared.

A few days ago, however, April had come into contact with the four little turtles, and had accidentally seen Eric Sacks on the news, which evoked some memories of her youth.

She searched the videotapes from back then and found that the little turtles had the same names as the four test turtles she had raised as pets.

But when she took her news leads to the TV station, her boss didnt believe such mutant turtle nonsense.

Then, she went to find Eric to confirm her guess.

This action got her and the four little turtles exposed. She had been blindly carrying around the name card which Eric gave to her.

If it wasnt for the fact that Donnie had been studying the burner phone which Luke had given him and it had detected a tracker in the card, Splinter and the little turtles wouldve been wiped out.

Eric Sacks hadnt given up. He was trying to catch April and the four little turtles.

Hearing that, Luke calmly glanced at April, who was still sleeping, and decided that he couldnt let the little turtles know too much about him.

Wasnt this female reporter the legendary troublemaker?!

Splinter and the little turtles were tolerant toward her because she had saved their lives before, but he wasnt.

An excessive sense of justice and excessive curiosity were forever risks to ones life.

It was even more dangerous when someone who wasnt very strong had them.

To let the female reporter do as she pleased, her teammate had to be very tough.

Thinking that, he couldnt help but look at the little turtles. These four did have hard turtle shells.

Luke readily agreed to Splinters request to protect April until everything was over.

But he had already made up his mind: He couldnt let this April wake up the entire time. He would just knock her out and throw her into the dark room at the seaside villa.

Ever since Ivan was released, the dark room had been empty. There was food, water, TV, the Internet, and even exercise equipment, but no external contact.