Super Detective in the Fictional World - Chapter 1381 - Big Black and Old Gray, Requesting Help and Pizza

Chapter 1381 - Big Black and Old Gray, Requesting Help and Pizza

Chapter 1381: Big Black and Old Gray, Requesting Help and Pizza

Several days later, it was already the middle of July, but there was no news from the four little turtles.

Luke, who was busy, found it odd, and sent an inquiry online.

In the end, Donnie replied that they and their master had been busy with another thing recently, and couldnt spare the time to meet him.

Luke frowned.

It wasnt strange that this master and disciples were busy, but what could it be? At most, it was just fighting the Foot Clan.

It wasnt that he looked down on the Foot Clan, but in this world, one of the gangs he was more focused on was Hydra, mainly because it had more heads; cut one off, and two would grow.

The High Table was another. It had the advantage of numbers and had many factions; it could keep him in points for eight to ten years.

Finally, the forces controlled by Kingpin could be considered another. They were very vigilant and could hide. They were very good at restraining themselves, and even after going into hiding for half a year, they didnt collapse.

Putting government entities and foreign forces aside, Luke had yet to encounter other gangs.

While Luke was mulling over this, Donnie sent another message. Thank you so much for your phone and safety guidelines; its only because of those that we discovered those bad guys trackers in advance; otherwise, our base wouldve been surrounded.

Luke was stunned.

The phone he had given Donnie was a smartphone version of a burner phone. It had various functions like anti-surveillance, anti-tracking, electronic detection, and anonymity online.

Of course, Luke could lock down a general location with this phone.

However, he had basically never done this with the phones he had given to his allies or teammates before.

After chatting with Donnie for a while, Donnie told him to wait a bit.

A moment later, he received another message. Big Black, this is my master Hm, Old Gray, talking to you.

Big Black was, of course, Lukes online alias, while the little turtles used the color of their eye masks for their codenames. For example, Donnie was Little Purple.

Old Gray, the little turtles master, was very polite. He first greeted Mr. Big Black and expressed his admiration for Mr. Big Blacks valiance and willingness to help others.

Luke replied casually, then got straight to the point. Mr. Old Gray, if you have something to say, just say it. I have a lot of things to do, and I wont decline if I can help.

After a brief silence, he finally received a message. I would like to ask Mr. Black to help me protect an innocent girl.

Luke frowned. Why? Enemies? Time limit?

The other party was silent for a long while, as if unused to such succinct questions. The Foot Clan wants to use her as a hostage to threaten us. Well definitely beat them in a month. Then, we wont have to trouble Mr. Black.

Luke scratched his head and mumbled to himself, Itll take a month to take care of the Foot Clan? What a joke.

Unless the gang members were scattered and they had to spend time searching for them, a single night in a head-on battle was enough.

But after thinking about it, he roughly understood the problem that the little turtles and their master had they couldnt be seen.

The four little turtles liked to fight with cold weapons, and were at a disadvantage when it came to firearms.

There was no bottom line for gangsters who were pushed into a corner. If they couldnt deal with their opponents with regular firearms, they might use the less frequent large caliber sniper rifles, stun grenades, and rockets.

If things blew up, the little turtles would also be in a lot of trouble.

Thinking for a moment, he replied, Lets talk when we meet. In any case, I can guarantee that Ill properly arrange things for that girl.

After hanging up, Selina said excitedly, Im going too.

Seeing the strange look in Lukes eyes, she coughed and said, I told them last time that I would be giving them pizza as a gift. I have to keep my word.

Luke thought that made sense, but he couldnt help but warn her, Now that you have Gold Nugget, dont be half-hearted and fall in love with someone else.

Gold Nuggets ears perked up. Hm?

Selina said, Of course not. I just find the four little turtles interesting. Also, if anyone should be jealous, it would be Dollar Gold Nugget isnt a pet.

Luke was suspicious. Then what is Gold Nugget?

Selina hesitated for a moment, then looked at the dog head tentatively. A confidant?

Gold Nugget was speechless.

Luke was also stunned. But Gold Nugget isnt female, right?

Its not male either, Selina said disdainfully. Besides, whats wrong with a male confidant? Its not male or female doesnt that make it even more suitable as a confidant?

One person and one dog looked at each other. Feeling that there was no way to verify this illogical statement, Gold Nugget decisively abandoned the thought of quibbling with the woman.

In any case, Im not the one whos the confidant.

Muttering to himself, Luke tossed the matter to the back of his mind.

After the shock, Gold Nugget quickly turned apathetic.

Its identity was forever changing. At first, it was a pet on the same level as Dollar, then it turned into an undercover thug, and now, it was an undercover teammate.

Becoming a confidant or whatever wasnt a big deal to it, as long as money wasnt involved!

That night, Luke and Selina appeared in a sewer in Brooklyn.

By the time they arrived, there were already people waiting inside.

Luke, however, shook his head inwardly. These little turtles didnt understand the dangers of human hearts. This master was cautious, but not cautious enough.

This meeting place was less than a kilometer away from their base, and wasnt safe at all.

But there was no point in saying that now. He could give Donnie a private reminder after the meeting.

As this thought flashed through his mind, he focused on the short figure in front of the little turtles.

The little turtles were about 1.6 meters tall, but this figure was less than 1.4 meters tall, and the robe it was wearing hung loosely on it; it was clearly very thin.

Lukes blood-red lenses flashed, and he was astonished. Really? Anything could happen in this world.

Under several LED lights in the corner, the stooped figure had a rats head.

Was it a rat spirit, a mythical species? Or a rat-like beast, a product of genetic experimentation?

After Luke and Selina stopped, the short rat finally saluted them. Mr. Bruce, hello, Miss Bastet.

They nodded, and Luke asked, How should I address you, Mr. Old Gray?

The rat spirit: Just call me Splinter.

Luke looked at the young woman who was subconsciously reaching into her pocket for her phone. Miss April ONeil? Is she the girl you want me to protect?

This female reporter was over 25 years old. Wasnt it a little too pretentious to call her a girl?

He felt that it was more fitting to call Selina a girl. At the very least, she wasnt as annoying as a female reporter.

Splinter nodded. Yes, please have a seat.

Luke nodded and sat down in an old chair.

Thankfully, the chair was made of solid wood. It creaked twice but ultimately didnt collapse.

Selina waved at Mikey. Mikey, come here. Didnt you want cheese pizza last time? I brought you ten first.

The four little turtles button eyes lit up.