Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 62 Secret Wars Part Xi

62 Secret Wars Part Xi

However, it seemed that it had little to no effect on him, the Ghost-Spider slowly made his way over towards Mysterio, step by step, the ground beneath him lit up in blue ghostly flames. Mysterio started to freak out as he intensified the illusions, tearing into the Ghost Spider's memories, however, once the Exemplar came across the memories of h.e.l.l, something absurd happened.

Mysterio's eyes glowed as blue-fire began to shoot out of his eyes, destroying his fishbowl helmet in the process, he screamed out in pain as Ghost-Spider touched his face and said, "Shatter!" Misterio's body went limp as he fell to the ground.

"That one has the power of a Fallen Angel coursing through him!" One of the Elder G.o.ds shouted, making the rest of them tense up because, if they didn't win at least one of the matches they would have to leave earth forever and use primitive animals to recreate the bet of the Octessence.

He walked back and hopped over next to everyone who looked at him with a bit of fear, and fear was to be expected when dealing with the Ghost Rider Spider-Man, after all, it's not every day that one gets a glimpse of h.e.l.l! Peter trembled a little as he stared at Mysterio and said, "I don't envy him at all."

"Yeah, h.e.l.l can dive even the G.o.ds mad," The Beyonder Spider-Man said as he disappeared and reappeared next to his target, "This Spider-Man was smart to choose me to fight Styx, this way no one had to die."

As soon as the battle began, Beyonder Spider-Man snapped his finger and shattered Valtorr's relic, as the powers drained out of Styx he snapped his fingers again and turned him into a dog. Everyone's jaw dropped as he walked back to them holding the now Immortal Dog Styx.

Voltorr's relic reforged as it seemed the Beyonder Spider had no intention to permanently destroy the object, after all, the deal would be void if he did.

Even Peter's jaw was dropped as it was his first time seeing reality warping on that scale, he thought of his own Merlin Gem and s.h.i.+vered before saying, "Reality Warpers are scary!"

Next up was Richi V.S Gorgon, Everyone cheered him on as Richi flew over to him and started their fight, "Kick his a.s.s, son!" Peter said with the rest of his other versions, "Man this is weird, wait until I tell dad what happened." He raised his hand to his chest and tapped on the Eye of Agamotto, as the eye opened, Gorgon began to throw out mystically embued chains, Richi smiled and opened up his bag of infinite s.p.a.ce and started to pull in the chains.

Gorgon's body moved like a blur, he appeared behind Richi and his entire body inflated with muscle as he swung the blade of his katana at Richi's neck, Richi's Spider-Sense helped him out as he stepped forward and appeared behind Gorgon, Richi then punched out with many powerful spell circles surrounding his arm, the air around them blasted out shaking the environment.

To avoid the attack Gorgon jumped back and surrounded himself in his chains, he threw out his arms like a maestro leading an orchestra as the chains began to fly out of his body and chase after Richi.

Richi jumped around dodging the chains as best he could, every once and a while, he would teleport to avoid their a.s.sault. He suddenly started to fight back as a power violet colored webbing covered with spell circles shot out from his wrist, Gorgon used his chains to intercept the webbing's onslaught, but before they connected a portal appeared around the two lines of webbing and altered their course.

Gorgon seeing this had to react quickly as the portal open next to him, he moved out of the way and redirected his chains to defend, however, Richi had once again created another portal and shot through the barrier.

This continued on for some time; right up until the entire battlefield was covered with a complex, tangled, structure of chains and webbing. They looked each other down as they stood across from one another on a line of Gorgon's chain, and Sorcerer Supreme Spider-Man's webbing. "Well now, isn't this a strange predicament we find ourselves in?" Gorgon said as he started to lift the bandana that covered his eyes.

"Look into my eyes!" Gorgon shouted.

"You first!" Richi responded as he suddenly activated his trap, all of their webbing and chains were actually in the shape of a ma.s.sive spell circle, Richi had used his webbing to hold to force Gorgon to help him create it by positioning the attacks strategically leading him around the battleground, the moment Gorgon revealed his eyes he felt he could no longer stop, as a strange mirror appeared in front of him, "Mirror of Punishment!" Richi shouted as Gorgon's ability started to turn his body into to stone.

After a few minutes only a statue of Gorgon stood in place, Richi then jumped back as he shouted, "Krakkan's Eternal Prison!" The chains started to rattle as the webbing forced them to surround Gorgon until it crushed down to a human-sized box. He stared at the elder G.o.ds and bowed, "I win!" Krakkan was furious, to have his own power seal in his Herald was a great insult, it was like he defeated himself!

He then headed back to everyone to be met with cheers of joy, "Great match son!" The Peter's said in unison, making everyone laugh. The Elder G.o.d's were fuming when they suddenly decided to bank it all on Kraven, they turned to Farallah and said, "Give him the full limit of the relic's power!"

Farallah frowned and said, "Fine!"

Kraven suddenly shouted in agony as his body began to morph into a large behemoth like creature, two long horns curled around the side of his head, and a cattle-like tail appeared out from his back, Kraven's legs turned into hooves as the rest of his body started to grow fur. A wolf-like snout appeared from his face as his claws resembled a fierce lion's talons.

He sent out a roar that showed he was losing his sanity, not that this Kraven displayed much from the beginning, feral red beast eyes formed as he howled like a madman, the vibrations from his voice shook the surroundings, Kaine looked on and thought, "This guy too!? I guess I can't hold back in this one."

Kaine jumped down and started walking towards them, his body then started to grow in size as six spider legs shot out of his back, they were still covered in the suit's fabric, and they couldn't see the Other's form so he could focus on the fight and not worry about freaking out his family.

He charged at his opponent as they began to fight like a wild beast, two large fang-like stingers appeared from his wrists as he slashed out towards Kraven's neck, Kraven's claws s.h.i.+ned as he cut away at Kaine's body. Blood sprayed across the grounds as they traded attacks like madmen possessed, neither of them backed down.

Kraven lept back on all fours and began to jump around at insane speeds, Kaine chased after, shooting out gigantic webbing, they started to cover the battlefield in several large cobweb-like structures, Kraven was slowed down slightly as he had to claw his way out of the traps he fell into.

Growing frustrated the beast howled as a red glow surrounded his claws, with a single swipe of his hand, the whole nest of webbing was cut in half, Kaine jumped over at him dodging over the slash, as they collided they rolled around on the ground grappling, biting, clawing and hitting each other.

Everyone was shocked by the sheer brutality of their fight, the two continued to struggle, when all of the sudden, Kraven's body started to grow, it didn't stop until he was 10 feet tall, however, Kaine also continued to grow as he grew four more arms and almost reached 12 feet tall, two spider-like feelers grew out from mouth as the suit opened up an opening and grew 4 more eye slots.

The battle continued as they charged at one another, Kraven was still far faster than him as it flew by biting and eating chunks out of Kaine's shoulder, Kaine's body began to heal as he spun in a circle shooting out giant webs that were around 4-feet thick, Kraven started to jump at the s.p.a.ce in between the webs and claw the ones in half that almost reached him, however, the entire battlefield was slowly filling up with webbing.

Kraven's foot stepped in some of the webbings as Kaine grabbed two giant cords of webbing and used them to slingshot over pouncing onto Craven, he grabbed both his arms and legs and stretched them out, Kraven opened his mouth, ready to create a sonic boom with his voice, Kaine, however, was ready, a stream of webbing shot out of his spare hands, filling up Kraven's mouth, it traveled throughout his body, locking up his organs and muscles from the inside, after there was no more s.p.a.ce he continued to web until Kraven's entire body was covered up in webbing like a fly.

Kaine shouted in pain as his body morphed back into a more human shape, he shrunk down and held on to his body face down on the floor. After a few minutes of him enduring this agonizing pain, he finally returned to his natural form.

The Elder G.o.ds look on in fury as they had lost the bet, they turned to the Spider G.o.ddess and said, "You haven't heard the last of us Kokyangwuti, you realized you just made enemies of us all!?"

Kokyangwuti looked at her Strongest Spider and said, "I don't think you'll be able to bother me, after all, My Strongest Totem can easily just kill you all, even I could swat you all with the entire power of the multiverse, but as you know that's not what I'm about. Leave now, I'm losing my patience."

From Peter's perspective, it looked like the Elder G.o.d's were acting like spoiled brats stomping their feet, whining, and crying about their loss. The eight relics began to glow and rise higher into the sky before shooting across the cosmos like a bat out of h.e.l.l, the image of the elder G.o.ds started to fade when Peter noticed that the powers from the Exemplars weren't disappearing.

"Hey, why aren't they being depowered!?" Peter asked in frustration.

"That wasn't part of the deal." One of the Elder G.o.ds mocked as they disappeared.

The Beyonder Spider-Man walked over to Peter said, "Can we go home now!? I could help with the hole depowering thing if you want, but when a person alters reality on this level permanently, it usually has a ton of negative consequences when it comes to G.o.ds of Chaos." as he snapped his fingers returning Styx to human form and bound in glowing webbing.

Peter sighed as he said, "If you could just make a device that seals their powers that would be better."

Beyonder snapped his fingers as 8 thin leather-like collars formed around their necks and suddenly forced them all to lose their Exemplar powers, they were now just regular old humans.

Kokyangwuti smiled down at her Totems and watched on as they said their goodbyes, they spent a few hours conversing and taking a few pictures, when Kokyangwuti waved her hand opening up a portal that led to each of their universes, Beyonder Spider-Man smiled and said, "It's been fun, and really good to see you again." He stared at Ben and his parents, "Later!"

And with that, they all left saying their goodbyes one by one.

"It's been cool hanging with a younger version of you Dad! Mom! Later!" Mayday gave her family a group hug as she flew into her portal.

"I'm glad to see there was a responsible version of Ben in this universe," Ghost-Spider said as he headed into his portal.

"I think I come back an visit some time!" Warlock Spider-Man said as he waved goodbye, vanis.h.i.+ng inside the door made of light.

"I can't wait to tell dad and see the look on mom's face when I tell them that you're with Aunty MJ in most realities." Richi giggled mischievously, "Be nice to me!" Peter shouted out, when MJ laughed, "Give em h.e.l.l kid."

"Let's not do this again!" Kaine said as he waved his hand behind his head and walked into his portal.

"I'm glad that's over!" Peter said as he fell on to his b.u.t.t, "Now what do we do about them!?" MJ said pointing at the Depowered Exemplars