Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 61 Secret Wars Part X

61 Secret Wars Part X

Peter V.S Juggernaut

MJ V.S Inferno

Mayday V.S Mordred

Warlock Spider V.S Stonecutter

Ghost-Spider V.S Mysterio

Beyonder Spider V.S Styx

Richi V.S Gorgon

Kaine V.S Kraven the Hunter

Peter went up first, he stared down Juggernaut and said, "I guess I should finish what I started." Peter cracked his knuckles as he stepped up to Juggernaut, who looked down at him and said, "You think you can take me!?"

"Not too different than fighting a bull, so yeah, I can beat you!" Peter responded with a grin on his face.

The Elder G.o.ds suddenly shouted begin, Peter took off, he jumped up towards him, getting him up close so he could prevent Juggernaut from gaining any momentum, he punched out as the wind cracked around his fist, Juggernaut smiled and countered.

The two's fist touched and sent out a shock wave, Peter felt every bone in his arm shatter as it shot back from the recoil, he then grinned as he then started to exchange punches, blow after blow, the grounds shook everytime they made contact, Peter then used his electric form to turn his arms into lightning.

He sped up and started to dodge Juggernaut attacks and danced around him as he hit him with all of his strength. Juggernaut grunted in pain when he suddenly slammed his fist into the ground, shaking not only the G.o.d Machine Tower but even the earth below them.

Peter was blown back, thinking that he had gotten some room to maneuver he tried to charge forward, however, Peter webbed his eyes and pulled himself over punching him and making the Juggernaut stagger back, Juggernaut swung blindly, Peter then activated his Power Ruby and for the first time he stopped Juggernaut's fist, Juggernaut pulled the webbing from his eyes and the two began to brawl again.

Punch after punch, the two both felt their bodies shake in pain, Juggernaut was surprised that he could feel anything being beat into him, let alone a tiny person like Peter.

Peter webbed his face again and charged all the remaining time and energy from the Power Ruby into his leg, the s.p.a.ce around his foot started to warp as he kicked Juggernaut in the nuts as hard as he could. As it landed the force from the attack shot up, and created cracks against the elder G.o.ds barrier, all the men promptly placed their hands over their groins and winced in pain.

"Ohh, right in the Juggernuts!" Peter heard Mayday say this making Aunt May, MJ, and his mother scolded her, all the while trying to hold in their laughter, the rest of the spiders started laughing at the situation, Juggernaut, however, didn't find it funny at all, after all, he was kicked in the nads by a fraction of the entire universe's force.

His face paled as he fell to his knees, Peter grabbed the last latch and pulled it off, he stared into Juggernauts mind and shouted, "Sleep!"

Peter laughed as he stared at the helmet in his hand, "I win!" he then hoped over to the flying carpet and was crowded by his family's worried stares, "Peter, you're not hurt are you?" May and his mother checked him over, Peter rose his hands up and said, "Even if managed to kill me, it's not like I'd stay dead for very long."

Peter explained that he had a healing factor and so did MJ, "I think you guys should be happy, you're part of a very small group of family members that don't have to worry about the physical wellbeing of your children."

The family did admit, that it made them feel a lot better knowing their kids were semi-immortals, but they still didn't like the thought of them getting hurt, and after seeing Peter's strength first hand, they knew they could do nothing about it.

"Oh, Yeah!" Peter pulled out a ring that had his Spider-Man Suits, "Heheh! After I gave one to my other self, I thought that you guys should have something to protect your selves in case of danger." Peter also handed over a bunch of web shooters, "These are gifts so you guy's can stay safe when we're not around, after this whole ordeal, I think life's going to be a little hectic for a while."

Peter explained what the suits did, and when they all looked a little excited, MJ's father said, "Spider-Cop!?" To himself.

"Good match!" MJ said placing her face out and pointed to her cheeks, Peter smiled and gave her a kiss before saying, "Good luck, honey!"

Richi and May made a 'Yuck' noise, and smiled before shouting "Go get her Mom/ Aunty MJ."

The rest of the spidermen chuckled as they cheered on MJ, when all of the sudden, everyone but Kaine shouted, "You can do it, babe!" Peter gave them all a glare and laughed as he shook his head back to watch the match.

MJ was facing down Inferno, the match began as Inferno charged up a bright energy and turned the top of the G.o.d Machine into a laser light show, MJ dodged through them effortlessly when she webbed her legs and pulled them out from under her, Inferno counter by sending up a charge of deadly energy up the web line, MJ released the webbing and shot off dozens of cannons made from her suit, each a different element.

"It's all energy! Do you think I can't control it?" Inferno asked as she started to absorb the energy, MJ didn't stop, she continued to push the limits of Inferno's capacity as the bombardment of elemental explosions made contact with her body.

Seeing Inferno starting to lose control, MJ went in to strike, but as she got close her Spider-Senses went off, webbing the ground behind her, she pulled herself back as Inferno's body exploded in a surge of energy.

MJ suddenly felt the shock wave from the explosion rattle her insides, she swallowed a mouth full of blood, then used her telekinesis to create a dome of s.h.i.+elding around energy and started to close in on it, MJ was using the kinetic energy of the explosion to contain the explosion. Inferno was shocked as she felt the s.p.a.ce she could project became less and less.

She was suddenly lifted into the air and surrounded by parts made from the G.o.d machine, MJ started channeling Forge's ability, she didn't know how she was building this, but she knew what she was building it for.

Stonecutter was stunned that someone could manipulate and create something from his technology, then, as if he figured something out he stared at Peter in anger, he looked to the remaining fighters chosen to fight them, and thought that they were all probably perfect counters for their abilities.

"You know energy's biggest enemy? Containment!" The machine she made finished compacting into a bead sized sphere, as she grabbed it in her fist, she said, "I win!"

MJ walked back to the carpet and stood next to her family as they all cheered her on, Peter came up to her and gave her a hug and said, "I knew you could do it."

MJ smiled as she looked to Mayday and said, "Can you do it?"

Mayday smiled before saying, "I can handle my self Mom, it's not the first time I fought an Exemplar."

She flew over to landing next to Mordred, "Do you know why my dad picked me to fight you?"

Mordred lifted his brow and smiled back at her before saying, "Sure, why not?"

"Because I've already defeated you before." A glow of golden energy surrounded her as the elder G.o.ds shouted, "Begin!"

Mayday shot after Mordred as they two began exchanging spell and Nova energies at each other, "Winds of Watoomb!" A whirlwind of air circled around her, however, Mayday didn't panic as the blades of wind crashed against her armor, she swung her hands in the opposite direction shattering the tornado, before the winds could die down, Maydays's leg was captured by a Crimson Band of Cyttorak and was pulled towards him.

Mayday stopped in mid-air as started to pull back, when all of the sudden, a few dozen giant spears that were made of energy shot out of dozens of floating spell circles surrounding Mordred, Mayday laughed as she suddenly turned around and charged towards Mordred, throwing out her hands she started webbing up the spears with a strange energy web. Her body flexed as she tossed them all back at him. Mordred, who in response, dispelled his spears and tried to toss her aside with his bands.

A bolt of Nova energy shot at him and he raised up a force field to defend, dropping his Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. As the Nova bolt hit him, all of the sudden, the force field was enveloped by her energy webbing as she lifted it up and began to swing it around in circles.

Mordred created a portal and hopped out of the s.p.a.ce and attempted to cleave Mayday's head off with an energy sword. Mayday's Spider-Sense went off as she shot out a blast of energy from her back striking Mordred and sending him flying back, another portal opened up as he reappeared above her and he shouted, "Waterfall of Watoomb!" A geyser of water that radiated an aura of death shot after Mayday engulfing her in an intense pressure, she felt like she was trying to escape from the gravity of a star.

She raised her arms as a superma.s.sive burst of Golden Nova light shot out of her entire body, destroying and evaporating the surroundings, she charged at Mordred and hit him in the gut with a superman punch using the full weight of a star behind her. Mordred coughed up a mouth full of blood as bands made from her nova webbing filled his mouth and nostrils, she continued to weave it as it locked his body, down to the smallest finger, making it so he couldn't so much as flinch.

She then held the wrapped up Mordred and said, "I caught an evil wizard." Heading back to the rest of the group, like before they all shouted cheers of victory.

The Elder G.o.ds were looking furious, they looked to the remaining people and knew the odds were stacked against them, so against their better judgment they gave their heralds another fraction of their power.

Warlock Spider-Man headed out and stared at Stonecutter, unlike the usual Spider-Man suit, his stood out as it was golden and black, and had many techno lines running through it. He smiled and said, "I curious as to what your technology is like."

Stonecutter smiled as he took control of the entire G.o.d Tower and started to create giant cannons and targeted him, Warlock Spider smiled and said, "You know you remind me of a something, you wouldn't happen to be related to my pet rock."

Stonecutter frowned as he sat in a turret and started shooting powerful blasts of disintegration energy at him, he jumped around letting the beams strike the tower which would self-repair the damage after it was done.

Before they healed and without Stonecutter noticing, Warlock Spider-Man started to infect the tower's internal mechanics. Suddenly the tower s.h.i.+fted crus.h.i.+ng Warlock Spider-Man in between two strange devices that created a force field.

"Hahaha! I win!" Stonecutter shouted when everyone except for Peter and Beyonder Spider-Man yelled out in horror only they shook their heads knowing full well that wasn't enough to stop Warlock Spider-Man.

"He's not that easy to kill." Peter said pointing up.

Stonecutter saw that the entire dome was surrounded in golden flakes of dust, they settled into his machinery and spread throughout his tower, and then eventually landed on his suit. "Hey this is pretty cool stuff, I'm a take it." Warlock Spider-Man shouted as he voice echoed throughout the battlefield.

Suddenly the suit he was wearing and the whole tower turned golden and was taken over by Warlock Spider-Man. Next, a group of machine parts were taken from the tower and started to create a similar prison that MJ made out of the G.o.d Machine. After creating the tech to seal Stonecutter's powers, he was stuck in a box of stone with no windows or air openings.

Since he was a Herald he didn't need air or anything to live, as long as they are empowered by the elder G.o.ds they are pretty much Immortal, Warlock Spider-Man's particles gathered together and reformed into his body as he said, "I Win!"

Warlock Spider patted his shoulders with closed fists as he said, "I Know I can die through normal means, but it still hurts like h.e.l.l to have my body split up like that."

Everyone who thought he had died, was shocked as he landed over next to them, "What?" Everyone shook their heads, while Peter grumbled, "Omega Level beings are a b.i.t.c.h to kill."