Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 50 Trials Of Merlin Part Xx

50 Trials Of Merlin Part Xx

The Super Skrull grunted as he found out he couldn't move his hand, "I can't Copy your abilities?" Kl'rt said in confusion, of course, he couldn't the Super Skrull would at least need to access Peter's Genetics, but thanks to the Symbiote who was a far better Gene Manipulator he couldn't as so much touch his abilities. Peter clenched his fist, causing the Super Skrull to cry out in pain as his hand was broken, after healing his hand he looked to Peter and covered his fists the same material Ben Grimm's skin was made of, he punched at Peter and the two met fists sending shockwaves throughout the room knocking over those watching and destroying the throne room's decorations. The two exchanged fist, Peter had to admit, the Skrull was well trained in combat, however, he was no match for Peter's spider-sense, every time the Super Skrull attacked he would dodge it within inches of the blow and land a counter punch on his foe's body.

Exchange after exchange occurred as Peter countered every punch making the Super Skrull look inept at combat, Peter could feel that he was using a barrier around his body to dampen the blows, however it wasn't enough, every time he increased the density of his s.h.i.+eld, Peter would use just a little more strength to break through them, after thoroughly embarra.s.sing him Peter said, "Awe! What's the matter, big guy, you need a nap?" Peter then punched him through the wall, sending him flying out into the public eye, and like earth, the Skrull's had their own form of news and began to spread the word of what was happening.

Peter began casting a Spell that projected their image all across the planet as he shouted, "Greeting's to the entire Skrull race, some time ago you people attempted to invade and steal away my planet."

The Super Skrull came flying back at him using the full power of the fantastic 4 combined, he punched out with a single stretching fist made molten magma and stone, the Skrull's real attack was hidden as he shape-s.h.i.+fted into having multiple arms, and he hid the others with Sue's power of invisibility. Peter smiled as he dodged all of his attacks, even the ones he had hidden and webbed his chest.

"How?" Kl'rt shouted as Peter pulled him over and began pummeling his face, the Super Skrull tried to defend using layered invisible barriers but Peter's magnetic field broke them down and easily pa.s.sed through them, bones and blood sprayed across the onlookers, "You go from world to world instigating tragedies that leave nothing but senseless slaughter in your wake." Peter hit Kl'rt in the chin making his teeth fly out, "Cause the deaths of so many innocent people just trying to live their lives." A punch to his gut made him keel over, and spew green blood out of his mouth,

"Not even the children are spared from your madness, how would you feel if you were in their shoes, should I inflict the same pain upon your race so you can experience it first hand?" as he said these he grabbed the Super Skrull's head and kicked him in the chin making the public go into a panic as Kl'rt's face collapsed in on itself, Peter then kicked Kl'rt so hard in the groin it sent him flying into the air, "Your people have wasted your potential by becoming what you are today, if you had chosen to use your gifts and knowledge for good, would any of this occurred? If you had taught them and acted as friends or allies, would the countless lives you've already slaughtered have lived up to something given enough time and patience? You could have been teachers, kind and loving people who spread prosperity across your galaxy..."

Kl'rt came back growing his body until it reached 30 feet and suddenly shaped out millions of invisible smaller molten fists out of his flesh and shot it towards Peter, by combining fire, electricity, and magnetism, Peter created a ma.s.sive railgun that shot a giant hole through the Super Skrull's gut while destroying all his arms, he then punched the giant Kl'rt right in his chin sending tumbling back into a few buildings, the hole in his body started to recover very slowly and shrink back to normal size, the regenerating of his body slowed immensely because of how powerful an attack the railgun was.

Peter then webbed and pulled over the Super Skrull's battered body before he continued speaking, "If your race does not change its ways and repent for all the evil you have done, then your fate shall the same as his, because Earthlings are not weak, they are not stupid, nor are they your playthings to experiment with. We are the same as you, we feel emotions, bleed and get wounded, we grow old and die, all the while desiring to live as free people." Peter could feel the timelines diverging as if he could see the mult.i.tude of futures appearing once he killed the Super Skrull, Peter could see the lives he would save, the families that would grow up making an infinite number of realities through their choices, then he saw this world split into factions from the Skrull Race leading to a new ruler, a kinder ruler, all he would have to do is kill him.

Peter raised his hand ready to activate the Power Gem and disintegrate the Super Skrull into nothing when he stopped, "What the h.e.l.l is wrong with me?" Peter said staring at the scene before him, "I, can I really do this? Murder someone in cold blood!? Is this really my choice!?" Peter looked at the citizens of the Skrull planet and saw there terrified faces, the young, the old and everyone in between, "Even if I pick this future, will it be my own?" Suddenly a radiant orange and violet energy surrounded him, "I won't let my power engulf me, I won't choose a future that has been shown before me, I'll write my own."

Suddenly a new branch in time and s.p.a.ce sprouted solely through the efforts of his actions, not something that was not shown to him, but something he created. As the Time Opal, and the s.p.a.ce Amethyst appeared on his suits arms Webster announced, "Time and s.p.a.ce Mode Activated, 1 minute of useable energy." Peter used the power from the Merlin to turn the Super Skrull into Baby Super Scroll. He then teleported him to a world full of strife where a loving family would find and raise him. One day, when he would inhabit the true ideals of a Hero, he would save that world, leading it to salvation before returning to the cosmos.

To everyone watching it looked like he had de-aged him out of existence, s.h.i.+vers went down there spines as he stared at them, "I did not wish for this, but you have brought this upon yourself; if you want to survive then you must change." Peter then teleported away leaving the whole world reeling from shock.

Some people even began to think that he was the true G.o.d of destruction foretold in their prophecies, even the King of their people had felt despair, they had lost their champion, and every race they conquered would soon find out about it, the future of the Skrull Race had been changed and would never be the same again.

Peter arrived over the earth and shut down the Merlin stones as he flew towards Avenger's tower. He saw that the battling had stopped, it only took the earth one day to stop the Skrull invasion, "I guess humans can be pretty powerful when we're all united." Peter then landed on the top of the building and walked inside to see everyone gathered around the television.

Tony was at the White House, standing in front of a podium on live television, the cameras all focusing in on him and Captian America who was standing beside him, "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming on such short notice, I'm sure your aware of the current situation, our world was moments away from being controlled by a shape-s.h.i.+fting species of aliens called the Skrull, thanks to the Avengers efforts and our advance scans, we managed to root out every last one of them before they managed to do too much harm to our society. However, the reason I called you all here is to announce that there has been a major development in the conflict over the superhuman registration act. It is over, we have reached an agreement. The act will be administered by the Avengers, under the one man we can all trust to do their duties with honor and sound judgment." Tony raised his hand to reveal, "Captian America, ladies, and Gentlemen."

The president watching this blew up as he called Director of S.H.I.E.L.D Agent Hill, "Stark didn't clear any of this with us, what the h.e.l.l are you guys trying to pull?"

"Well Mr. President, like it or not, they just took their idea for ending this thing directly to the American people and the world. Agent Hill responded with a smile on her face.

Tony and Steve were led into the oval office and stood next to the President who was staring them down, "What the h.e.l.l did you do?"

"No disrespect sir, you would have never signed off on this if we took this plan to you," Tony said as he crossed his arms, "Your Darn right I wouldn't, the Attorney General and I have serious concerns about your plans!" The President snapped back.

Steve stepped forward and said, "Frankly Sir, and I am including Tony and myself in this...No one is completely happy with it, which is probably the best indication that what we have is good."

"There are also the latest poll numbers, an overwhelming majority of Americans support this arrangement. With all due respect sir, what matters isn't whether you like it, but whether you can live with it," Tony spoke out.

The President looked at the S.H.I.E.L.D agent beside him and said then back to Tony before sighing and saying, "At times like this, I can see what Churchill meant by saying, 'Democracy is the worst form of Government except when compared to every other form of government." The president then turned to Steve and held out his hand, "Don't mess this up, gentlemen."

When they came back out and announced that the government had agreed, the crowd in the Anverger's tower started cheering, they still hadn't noticed Peter's arrival until Jarvis said, "I believe a party is in order, correct."

"Sounds fun!" Peter said smiling, everyone turned to see him and freaked out, "He's back!" Luke shouted, as everyone crowded around, 616 Peter's family walked up to make sure he was alright, "So what happened?" Peter was suddenly bombarded by everyone's question when he jumped on to the roof and said, "So you guys want to know what happened on the Skrull planet? Okay sit back and prepare to be amazed."

Peter then began explaining everything from start to finish, making them gasp with surprise. "And then I took the Super Skrull by his head and was seconds away from ending this whole ordeal by ending his life."

616 Peter looked down in disappointment, but then he heard his counterpart say, "I didn't though, instead I pa.s.s my trial and became the master of the Time Opal and the s.p.a.ce Amythist." Peter showed the gems on his suit, and then said, "Using their power I reverted the Super Skrull into an infant and transported him to a world that would shape him into a true hero."

Everyone's jaws dropped as Peter landed on the ground, 616 Peter smiled, happy that his other could find a better way. "Now when's the Party, I'm going home after it!" Peter shouted as threw his hands into the air.