Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 49 Trials Of Merlin Part Xix

49 Trials Of Merlin Part Xix

Peter then asked, "Tony where are you going to put them? There are almost 500 people here if the numbers are more or less the same in the other s.h.i.+ps, then we're looking at around 2000 people, and not all from the same country."

"I was thinking of using a football stadium, lots of s.p.a.ce, and we can contain everyone so that we can return them to their homes at a later time," Tony said as he finally hacked into the s.h.i.+ps teleporting functions, "Sweet we got lucky, the Skrull s.h.i.+p's computer systems are all connected to the rest, let's set it up so that the moment the timer reached 0 the captives would all be sent back down to earth together, I'll notify Jarvis to travel there and take care of the situation from that point forward."

After Tony finished setting up his trap, they then traveled their way up to the bridge and got ready to begin their a.s.sault, as the timmer reached Zero, the Virus Tony planted in the s.h.i.+p activated the teleportation protocol and sent all their captives back to earth, as the Skrull commanders tired to make sense of what was happening the group busted in and started taking out their foes.

The Spider-Men jumped over and webbed every last Skrull in sight, and since Tony's weapons could damage the bridge he had to resort to melee combat only, Strange's spells kept everyone from being seen, it was like an invisible whirlwind of destruction as they moved throughout the Bridge's personal.

After a few minutes, Peter activated his communication set and said, "Avengers reporting in, Alpha Target captured."

Everyone then received similar callbacks, "This is S.H.I.E.L.D, Beta Target secured."

"S.W.O.R.D target Gamma in check."

"Reporting from S.T.R.I.K.E, Delta target is under our control."

"Alright, now let's send the targets out of the hatch." Tony was about to purge the s.h.i.+p, when Peter said, "Wait, we don't need to kill them."

Tony lifted a brow, and said, "That's not what you said last night during your little conversation with the Skrull Queen." Tony then pulled up the video of what happened, 616 Peter looked at his counterpart with a bit of a disturbed expression, "What, yes I tortured her, but this is WAR Peter, you can't be nice, besides, she can heal from that kind of damage without any problem. All that stuff about me killing her and her people was mostly a bluff to rile her up, you should at least learn to act the part, people won't learn their lessons if you just keep slapping them on the wrist."

"Then why did you say that in such a cruel way?" 616 Peter asked.

"People don't change easily, fearing us is a good start though, if we are able to make the entire Skrull Race fear Earth's forces, then do you think the Kree or any other big-time evil alien overlords will come to try and conquer our home? Even if they do, it would at least give them some pause."

"Then what did you mean by mostly a bluff?" Tony asked.

"The Super Skrull has to die! If he survives this event than, trillions of life forms all across the galaxy will be lost, including countless earthlings as well, he will team up with Thanos and help him acquire a Cosmic Cube. A huge battle will take place over the earth, and as a result, the Cosmic Cube will be fractured and end up in the hands of the Red Skull, who will in return create an evil Steve Roger's copy that was a Hydra Agent from the start, once again sending everyone back into this stupid Civil War B.S."

Peter then looked to everyone as he finished, "If you knew this was going to happen, would you kill?"

616 Peter then looked at his hands and then around at them before staring back at his counterpart and saying, "But does it have to be you? You're just a kid!"

"He's right you know, it doesn't have to be you!" Tony replied.

Peter then smiled as he said, "Tony, I've already fought in an invasion war before, and I've killed Chitauri during that time as well, me choosing to kill the Super Skrull is my mercy towards the rest of the Skrull race, and it will avoid an all-out war."

Peter then began to divulge his plan, "The Skrull's see him as an Idol to wors.h.i.+p, almost like a G.o.d, and if that G.o.d falls, then the rest of the Skrull's will lose confidence in the underlying principle that their entire empire is built on, that they are supreme across all universes. These Skrull's don't think of humans like people at all, if you don't become their slaves, then they will kill off your entire race and steal your planet." Peter didn't know where this confidence towards his prediction was coming from, it was like he could see the road being paved as he talked about it. "Is this some kind of effect of the Time Opal has on my Spider-Sense?" he thought to himself.

Peter then turned to Tony and said, "So if your done testing me, would you please, send to the prison I know you prepared for them?"

Tony laughed, "Smart a.s.s kid." He activated the s.h.i.+ps teleportation protocol and transported every last Skrull into the Phantom Prison he designed with Reed Richards.

Peter moved over to the s.h.i.+ps navigation center and said, "Okay guy's this is where you get off."

Everyone flinched at Peter placed his hand over the console and began using his Symbiote to hack into the system and locate the Skrull's current based world.

"Peter what are you doing?" Tony noticed that he lost control of the s.h.i.+p's functions, "Sending a message." Peter responded as he teleported everyone but him back to the earth's surface.

Peter then sent the s.h.i.+p flying towards the Skrull base world, it would take him a day's travel to reach the planet, and during this time he began to study the s.h.i.+p's technology with great interest.

Back on earth the 616 Peter Parker and company had been transported to the top of Avenger's tower, 616 Peter slammed his fist on the ground and shouted, "d.a.m.n it! That little, that me? d.a.m.n Me?" Stange tapped him on the shoulder and said, "He walks a different path than you, look up Peter, your city needs you." as he did Peter saw the city in breaking out into chaos, Skrulls everywhere had been outed and attacked to retaliate against their arrest, they were attacking everything in sight, 616 Peter stood up and gripped his fist, "Come on guy's the Avenger's work isn't done yet." He looked up into the sky and said, "You better come back safe."

The group then sprung into action, they were joined alongside their fellow Avengers and began to thoroughly stomp down this invasion, it took them several hours on nonstop combat to finally quell the war that had begun. Thanks to 616 Peter's power being augmented by the magic of the suit, he managed to subdue a great portion of the invading force, so much so, that Ironman begged to let him take a look at the suit when they were done.

"Oh no Tony, this is Property of the Parker Family, I don't care if it was me from another universe, what's Parker's will stay Parker's!" Peter replied as he webbed up a group of Skrulls and suffocated them until they pa.s.sed out. After moving the webbing aside and letting the Skrull breath again he looked back towards the Sky and said, "Still, I hope he doesn't have to kill."

Back on the s.h.i.+p Peter had spread out his Symbiote along the entirety of the s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p's infrastructure and said, "WOW! I can really take control of the whole thing, Webster you're amazing."

"Thank you, Peter, is there anything else?" Webster asked in response.

"Yes begin the conversion," Peter said as the s.h.i.+p started to rearrange it shape into a more earth-like construct, boasting the size of 5 h.e.l.licarriers combined and the living s.p.a.ce that could support up to 5 thousand people. He focused all the weapons on this s.h.i.+p and turned them into parts that could enhance his s.h.i.+elding and self-sustaining components to be added at a later time, Peter laughed a little as he said, "I think I'll keep this s.h.i.+p in my bag of infinite s.p.a.ce when I'm done with this.

Peter then sat at the bridge looking out into the vastness of s.p.a.ce, he could feel that connection between him and the stone leading him on as he approached the planet.

A group of flags.h.i.+ps belonging to the Royal Family approached them, "Stand down, you are entering unauthorized s.p.a.ce, if you proceed then we will have to shoot you down."

Peter raised his hands and started crus.h.i.+ng the s.h.i.+ps with his metal control and made them nothing more than paperweights flying in the sky as he carried them to the front of the largest structure on the planet. A ma.s.sive golden castle-like structure shot into the sky showing the full might of the Skrull Race. Peter walked out onto the deck of his new s.h.i.+p and stared across the army of approaching Skrulls, s.h.i.+ps, platoons, and technological armadas surrounded him.

Peter then swiped his hands causing every piece of metal, and the weapons they carried were crushed into sc.r.a.p. Peter floated down and surprised everyone as his s.h.i.+p disappeared into his bag of infinite s.p.a.ce, he then walked straight towards the royal chamber's entrance, every person who tried to stop them was webbed up like a fly and stuck to the ground or walls, he walked over to the large golden doors and kicked them down.

He came into an audience room that was surrounded by Skrull politicians and a single elderly Skrull who was wearing a fancy robe and sitting on the throne, "Who dares to interrupt our council?!" Dorrek the VII shouted, Peter then walked up to the throne chair and said, "An earthling that doesn't care for your invasion."

Dorrek looked over Spider-Man and said, "What nonsense is this?"

"Your stupid invasion force has failed to capture our planet, and now you're suffering the consequences." Peter webbed Dorrek and pulled him over to the ground and stuck his foot over his face before shouting, "Bring out the one you call Kl'rt."

The Royal Guard tired to make their move but was webbed up by Peter's organic webbing and stuck together, everyone gasped because they couldn't understand what was going on, or how a mere human could be so powerful and know of the existence of their greatest weapon. "You fool, you dare to challenge the Super Skrull!" Dorrek shouted making Peter push down on his face, a few cracking noises were heard, "Yes, I came here specifically to end his life."

Peter could feel that s.p.a.ce and time starting to split away from the reality that surrounded him, it was as if he was watching a tree grow a new branch. "A Human dares to make a ruckus on my world!" A deep and powerful voice echoed throughout the chamber, as the crowd started cheering that their superhero had arrived, "The Super Skrull is here, now you will know true suffering filthy human."

"We will invade your planet and force you to watch as we drown the earth in human blood, and your closest family and friends are executed in front of the whole society. You will crawl at our feet and wors.h.i.+p us or perish like the rest of the worlds we have conquered." Dorrek Screamed in laughter!

Peter then threw Dorrek onto the wall and webbed him up so he could watch what he was about to do, "So you're the Super Skrull, I'm not impressed."