Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 24 Avenger's Initiative Part Vi

24 Avenger's Initiative Part Vi

Luke nodded rubbing the back of his head and said, "I didn't think I could be knocked out like that."

He stood back in line with everyone else; when Peter pointed to Iron Fist and said, "You're next!"

Danny walked forward and bowed, Peter returned the favor when Danny jumped at him and began kicking and punching with every style he knew, Peter dodged effortlessly when Danny's fist started glowing gold, Peter responded by charging up his own Chi and meeting his fist, the room shook and Danny shot back, "Chi has many uses but if you only use it for reinforcement than you are wasting its potential. Peter walked over to him and held his hand healing the wounds that he inflicted in Danny, "Chi or Qi is the bio-electric energy that surrounds all life-forms. Some people have been able to train themselves to enhance their minds and bodies. It can also be used to heal themselves and others. I heard that Immortals have special techniques that defy common sense. Do you not know of any?"

Iron Fist shook his head, "I did not complete my training before returning, I can't..."

"What? Be inventive? It's your Chi, your training will consist of making your own techniques."

Peter turned to Angel and said, "Although combat is important, you should train your power. Start with control." Peter began writing down a series of training exercises that consisted of mundane actions such as heating food, target practice, and lighting candles.

"You need to familiarize yourselves with your own powers; if you can subst.i.tute an everyday action with it than do so, I don't care if it for cooking breakfast or exercising till you drop, just because you have powers doesn't mean you've reached the peak of your strength.

Peter turned to Jessica and said, "I think sparing with Luke would be the best choice for you to get a handle on your power. Once you discover the limits of your body, you can move on to flight training using the facilities at s.h.i.+eld."

Peter looked over them once more and said, "After sparing, you'll spend 1 hour in the danger room, you are to report to Agent Romanova for learning the craftwork for espionage."

Peter then sat back with MJ and watched as the future heroes begin training, Peter and MJ had to interfere in Luke and Jessica's fight, as they were destroying the training equipment. "Okay! You two need to head to the Danger Room to spar, and another thing, when fighting villains you have to refrain damaging the city as much as possible, I won't blame you if you can't help it, but if there was something you could have done to avoid it, then you better expect a lecture. The city pays for your mistakes as well, I know it sounds like a ha.s.sle, but your not the ones paying for the damages, the city's taxpayers are."

After leading them to S.H.I.E.L.D's danger room, Peter set up the most basic level 1 setting. A group of floating metallic orbs came out and started swarming the group, they could shoot small lasers that could imitate the force of a superhuman punch and had a predictive algorithm installed in it that would adjust to their fighting styles and overcome them.

Peter watched their terrible teamwork and shouted, "The danger room training will focus on your actual combat training, and teamwork exercises, from now on each of you is required to make a combination attack or create team strategies to take down your opponents. Remember these targets are supposed to represent real people if you can capture and subdue them without damaging them, extra points will be awarded."

"We're being graded?" Luke asked as he dodges the lasers being shot at him.

"Yep. The winner will be selected at the end of every month, those that pa.s.s, get to go out on patrol with us. If all goes well, and you guys perform as efficient Heroes you can consider yourself a graduate."

Everyone eyes s.h.i.+ned, as they tried their hardest not to break the materials, and hit the shut-off switch on the drones. Peter and MJ let this continue for over an hour before taking them to Agent Romanova's cla.s.ses, the group sat down and began learning spying skills from the master.

Later that day when they went home, Peter went over the files Furry had gotten him on Jessica and her family's accident, he looked through their history and it turned out Jessica's mother had worked for the head researcher for a project at Norman Osborn company for a while, what she was working on was unknown, but it had apparently taken up most of her time as she had logged in over 14 hours of work almost every day. Peter knew Osborn had something to do with their accident, but he didn't exactly have proof, and he also doubted that Osborn would be stupid enough to leave behind evidence.

"It's also a possibility that it could have been a compet.i.tor of Osborn or someone who hated them enough to target his workers. Oh what's this, she turned in her letter of resignation for the project she was working on, something made her quit 3 years of research, what did she make?"

Peter knew he would have to head to Oscorp sooner or later, but for now, he was busy training the future defenders. They continued to train in a harsh manner for a few weeks while balancing their superhero lives, and school. Jessica showed the most progress in her powers, and Powerman had been a great help to her. Having someone she could go all out really made it so she could find her limits easier. He flying training wasn't going so well, in the training room which consisted of a few giant fans that mimicked high alt.i.tude flight she performed great. However outside when she could look down at how high she was she began to get airsick, making everyone else laugh at her a bit.

Peter woke up one morning and saw the calendar, and smiled before saying, "Today's MJ's 16th Birthday, what should I get her?" Peter thought of the fact his birthday was next week as well, "It's already been a year since I became Spider-Man. I wonder when the Invasion will begin."

Peter walked downstairs and had breakfast with May and Ben, they had wheat-cakes again, Peter's favorite. Since it was the weekend, Peter thought of heading to Reed to get her a present that he'd been saving up for. Peter had made it through his 3rd Paycheck from his patents, making him 1.8 Million dollars, and MJ's clothing material and brand name had taken off, so she had plenty of money of her own, buying something for her seemed kind of impractical. After learning from Reed and his new mentors at school he decided he was ready to make the unstable particle for MJ's symbiote to absorb. And he even made her some new web shooters, the Spinnerets were altered so that they could form far more complex structures and switch between the different webbings much quicker.

The most personal thing he made was out of his magnetic training, thanks to him nabbing a tooth from good old magneto Magneto, he managed to copy his X gene and gain his power. However, ability had proven much harder to use than the other elemental forms he could access. When he did he became lightning, and fire making his understanding of the ability quite good, but Magneto didn't have anything like electromagnetism vision, he had to sense them over time, and Peter just started out on this path.

However he had managed to control metal pretty well, he fas.h.i.+oned a necklace out of a piece of gold he bought and added a spiderweb design to the surface of the metal and put a heart pendant with a single small diamond decoration on it.

Peter arrived at the Baxter Building and had Reed help make a batch of unstable molecules, then he invited Angel and Johnny to MJ's birthday party. He also invited Liz, Harry, and Jessica, they were going to meet up at Central Park to have a picnic slash birthday party.

Peter made sure to give her the special birthday presents early, after receiving them MJ jumped into his arms and kissed him, "Thank you! I love them, Tiger!" MJ said smiling while looking at the last wrapped present in his bag, "What's that one?" MJ asked with a mischievous smile on her face. "The present I'm handing out at your party."

"Can't I just get a peek!?" MJ pouted, Peter gave her a kiss and said, "Sure, at the park with everyone else." and ran off to get ready and go with May and Ben.

After a while they met up with everyone at the park, MJ's parents were there as well, and everyone brought presents. May took care of the cooking, which everyone loved, especially her lasagna. MJ blew after eating they brought out the cake and MJ blew out her candles, "What you wish for?" Peter asked, MJ gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "That's a secret."

Peter smiled as everyone brought out her presents, Johnny got her an advanced wrist CPU, that would basically take the place of her cell phone. "I heard you like tech, so I had Reed and Sue help me whip this up."

MJ smiled and thanked Johnny, and then Angel gave her a new dress that she thought was cute, it was a black shoulder strap one piece that was actually made from MJ's material.

Jessica gave her an old camera that they used to use for the club and some of their Jr. High pictures. MJ thanked Jessica and gave her a hug.

Peter laughed a little and handed over his present, MJ opened it at took out the necklace, holding onto it, she smiled and said, "It's beautiful Peter, I love it." Peter smiled as she handed it to him to put on.

Placing it around her neck, she held onto it with a blushed face. Johnny looked nodded his head and gave a thumbs up to Peter, who in return swayed his head side to side and sighed.

Her parents got her a car, for when she gets her license, and Johnny blew up and started promising that they should give it one h.e.l.l of a tune-up.

The group went home after celebrating till the sun started to set, Peter and MJ held hands, as he walked her home, unfortunately, their romantic evening was cut short by a random mugging. MJ sighed and said, "This a.s.shole just had to go and ruin my day." With a quick suit up the two stopped the muggers and went out on patrol for the rest of the night.

As they stared over their city from the highest building in the area, Peter held his arm around her shoulder as they sat with their feet hanging over the ledge and said, "After we graduate, I think we should look for a place to live. We both have money, but I don't want anything too big."

MJ smiled and said, "I know, what's with those people that live in giant houses, too much work, you'd have to hire cleaners, and it would feel lonely when no one is home."

Peter and MJ continued to talk about their future, after a while they decided to head home.

Tomorrow they took out the first Superhero that they trained to see if they could handle a simple patrol. Iron Fist and Luke had managed to score well enough to take them on a mission.

Peter decided to test them and had Fury a.s.sign them a mission, they were to infiltrate an underground weapon smuggling ring and take them out without making a mess.