Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker - 23 Avenger's Initiative Part V

23 Avenger's Initiative Part V

Peter read over the contract and said, "Why is Fury such a. . ."

"Good leader. Why do you think I chose to work for him?" Natalia responded.

Peter replied with, "I was gonna say know it all, but yeah he's not half bad as a leader."

Peter had checked over the contract, Fury was helping him in a lot of ways, for one he tied this to a strictly business deal for training agents, he even managed to hide what he was paying Peter with.

Peter smiled as Natalia said, "He said you were worth investing in, not your technology, but you."

Natalia handed them a key card to the s.h.i.+eld Base they've been training at, "These are your pa.s.ses to the base, they'll meet you there after school. Oh and Peter you shouldn't think about graduating early just yet, I think you'll find the higher education cla.s.ses this year are really special."

Peter lifted a brow, when he asked, "Could you do me a solid?" Peter wrote down some information, and handed it over to Natalia, "I need some information on this one."

Natalia read the note as Peter left and headed to his next cla.s.s, only to discover that instead of the usual teacher, it was none other than Doctor Otto Octavius. "Wait a minute! This school doesn't have the kind of cash that could attract a genius like Doc Ock, did s.h.i.+eld arrange this." Peter took a long good look at him and realized this wasn't the Ultimate series but the new video game that came out just before he died.

In that world, Osborn and Otto were partners that had a falling out, after going his own way and leaving the company they started together, he started surviving off of grants, and s.h.i.+eld offered him a big one to teach at a high school. At first, he thought something was strange about the deal, but after his lawyer went over with him and discovered nothing out of the ordinary, he decided to take the deal.

"Oh G.o.d, please don't end up as a villain in this world." Peter gulped, as he took a seat beside MJ, and even Angel had joined this cla.s.s. Peter didn't know but Angel was a very bright student in her own right. There where only a few other kids in the cla.s.sroom, but Peter looked forward to a mind like Otto, even though he was a villain in the comics, he was considered to be one of the most intelligent people on the planet.

The cla.s.s began and quickly drew in Peter's full attention, Peter only had one word for Otto, "Genious!" Peter couldn't get enough as he continued to write notes as fast as he could, MJ was into it as well, Otto was talking about Nero pathways and connecting them to mechanical devices, he was even in the middle of developing his famous psionic metal, programming metal to respond to the human's brain waves, so that they can avoid dangerous surgery. He hadn't figured it out yet but he already picked a name for it, Ferrokintinum. Ferrous, Kinetic, t.i.tanium Alloy. Looking at the formula Peter felt an explosion going off in his head, the next cla.s.s surprised him as well, because it was Curtis Connors teaching his cla.s.s, Luke was in this cla.s.s as well.

"Doc Ock, and now the Lizard! What's next? The Green Goblin teaching home economics?" Peter sat down, he saw that the Doc was indeed missing an arm, and his cla.s.s was amazing, the entire time Peter stayed fascinated by his work, as a previous geneticist he was deeply interested in this cla.s.s. Peter even managed to use some of his research from his past to help and surprise Curtis.

The most interesting thing they discussed was A.I operated CRISPR; Targeted Genome Editing, which would become a whole new era in Molecular Biology. The development of efficient and reliable ways to make precise, targeted changes to the genome of living cells is a long-standing goal for biomedical researchers, and Curt looked like he had almost perfected the art, however it was missing many things, and looking to be more trouble than helpful.

Peter thought of his Nan.o.bots that would work in a similar form, the thing he was building was a mechanical version of what his Symbiote was capable of, if they could figure this out, they could effectively cure cancer and even regrow limbs by altering their genetic code.

Peter smiled as he began compiling his notes, "New U Technologies is a place I definitely need to look at in the future." New U Technologies was the place where they perfected cloning technology and was the most advanced genetic lab in the U.S.A. It was also the home base of one of Spider-Man's most deadly and fearsome foes, the Jackel.

His next few cla.s.ses were also at college and university level, and it only made him happy, it appeared his boredom and feeling of wasting his time at this school had really come to an end. After school, instead of directly heading over to the s.h.i.+eld Base, Peter told MJ they were going to follow Jessica for a while. MJ looked puzzled when Peter mentioned, "I think that her parent's death wasn't an accident, the things you mentioned about her brother sound like he was trying to protect her."

"Do you think she's in trouble?" MJ asked, "I don't know, that's why we're following her." As they jumped from building to building watching over Jessica, they noticed her duck into an alleyway. MJ's jaw dropped as she saw Jessica jump up and fly towards the Brooklyn bridge. She was screaming as if she couldn't control it when Peter and MJ made their move, the two webbed out and tried to catch up with her, as she approached the river, Peter managed to web up her ankle and say, "Woah there! Need a hand?"

Hanging on his web, Jessica looked like a kite, making Peter unable to resist making a related joke, "People Kites are real!" MJ slapped him in the back of the head to see a panicking Jessica, "Just calm down. If this is your own power than you can control it, but to even start doing so, you need to calm down.

Jessica took a deep breath and felt her start to lower down to the rooftop, "Oh s.h.i.+t, oh s.h.i.+t, oh s.h.i.+~tt! Jessica started to fall towards them when MJ jumped up and grabbed her, when they landed she looked at MJ and Peter in their costumes and shouted, "You're Spider-Man, and Spider-Woman!" Apparently, even though she'd only been awake for a few months, she had already discovered and became fans of the two.

"Hi, um. .I'm Jessica." Peter started laughing when MJ gave him a pinch, "Nice to meet you, Jessica," MJ said as she put her down, "I see you're a powered person, and you've just discovered your powers recently haven't you?" Peter said looking her over, a smile crept across his face, "We're off to go train with some future heroes, if you want, you can join us."

MJ looked to Peter and said, "Are you sure Fury won't get p.i.s.sed?"

"Who cares, Jessica here needs help, and as long as we don't divulge the location of the base, then he shouldn't mind," Peter replied.

Using his webbing he fas.h.i.+oned a quick blindfold for Jessica to wear, and held it out to her before he said, "So wanna learn how to control your powers?"

Jessica's mind was reeling, when Peter said while holding out a finger, "Offer's going once, twice... "

"Yes!" Jessica shouted she wanted more than ever to control her power, she didn't want to lose anyone else, she took the blindfold and placed it over her face. MJ carried her to the facility and Peter went off to tell Fury that he had an extra member joining.

Peter entered into an empty room with only a single screen that had Fury was sitting in his chair looking at him on it, after explaining the situation Fury said, "That's all I managed to uncover about her parent's activities. So that Jessica kid you brought with you, can you handle her?"

"Jessica will be fine, now about that other thing I asked you for." Fury sighed and said, "It will arrive once you complete your a.s.signment with the rest of the materials."

Peter smiled and left the room after succeeding in obtaining the element he desired, Adamantine, different from Adamantium, it is described as the Metal of the G.o.ds, Adamantine is golden in color and has several mystical properties such as preventing both psychic and magical influences, as well as deflecting ma.s.sive blasts of concussive energy. The only problem was how rare it was, Peter only asked for a fist size piece, but even that was pus.h.i.+ng it, so he had to settle for half the original amount.

When he arrived at the training center Peter saw everyone but Jessica in gear, Jessica had cut eye holes out of the blindfold and was wearing that over her face, Peter smiled as he saw MJ coaching them like a drill Sargent and was sparing with them all while beating them down. When they saw Spider-Man enter the room they all stopped and saluted him making Peter laugh.

"Okay, at ease. Listen up every day me and Spider-Woman will be teaching you the basics of combat if you already have martial training good for you, but you still have to take part in learning new ones. If you have powers I want you to best describe them and write down training ideas to help you expand and improve on them. If you don't know if you can improve them, then you must come up with at least 3 effective ways to use your power in a different manner."

Peter pointed to Jessica and said, "She's just discovered her powers, and as you can see, she has no idea what she is capable of." Peter turned to them and said, "Tell what your monikers are, and give me a brief description of abilities."

"Powerman! Invulnerable Skin, and Super Strength."

"Firestar! I can control Radiowaves and ignite them."

"Iron Fist! I can control Chi, and summon the Iron Fist, which was gained from the strength of an Immortal Dragon."

"Jewel! I know I'm strong, fast and can fly, I don't know how tough I am, but not even a knife can cut my skin, I also heal slowly, but no matter how bad the damage is, I always recover." Jessica was referring to the time she first jumped, she landed against a large rock and broke a few ribs, however after waking up the bones had mended but remained fractured, and over the next three days, it was healed completely.

Peter thought of the time that Ironman and Vision attacked her during the Civil War Arc, she had damaged spine and neck, a detached retina, and a broken nose, and that all healed a few days later, so Jessica's healing factor could be considered to have high effectiveness in what it could heal and a slow rate recovery.

Peter then stood forward and said, "Good, now that you know each other a bit better, I'm going to point out all of your weakness."

Peter pointed to Powerman and waved his finger at him. "Your up Powerman!"

"Don't regret this!" Luke said as he charged at him, Peter easily dodged and hopped on his shoulders, "You know, it took me a while to think of a way to deal with people like you. There's this villain I fought, he has similar powers to yours, his name is Tombstone! any relation?"

Peter placed his hands on his head, "So this is the method I came up with to take down thick skinned foes like you." Peter shook Powerman's head really fast rattling his brain for a spilt second.

Powerman fell over like a bag of bricks.