Show Love System - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The leader was a man wearing a gas mask. Through his eyepiece he stared at s.h.i.+ Lingxi sharply for a few seconds then motioned to the man at his side "Take him for an inspection."

After a brief silence s.h.i.+ Linxi said again, "I'm an ability, I awakened my powers three hours ago."

The examination of psionic powers is quite different from the examination of ordinary people. The former is rough,while the latter is polite. After three years of apocalypse, the status of psionic powers has been generally recognized.

The new batch of powers as long as they survive become a party of existence similar to those of princes. In Beicheng base where power of different sizes are gathered newly awakened ability users are treated with courtesy as many forces try to rope them in.

As soon as s.h.i.+ Lingxi's words fell there was an evident s.h.i.+ft in the att.i.tude of those around him. The Leader gestured towards s.h.i.+ Lingxi "Please.."

s.h.i.+ Lingxi nodded and followed him. He was still somewhat nervous. He asked the system if it's existence would be exposed. The System affirmed that there was no chance of that happening. 

s.h.i.+ lingxi was taken to the accompanying military medical department, where tests and examinations were conducted specifically for power players. First the basic data of his body was tested. His physical ability had reached the level of an e-level power player.

The existing powers are divided into E level, D, C, B, A level and S level. Each level is subdivided into three –  primary, intermediate and advanced level. However, it is more often represented by E, EE and EEE.

Recently the the power levels were divided further and a hierarchical system was established. E1,E2,E3 consists of the primary E level; E4, E5, E6 the intermediate and E7, E8, E9 the advanced E level.

s.h.i.+ Lingxi's physical fitness rating is E1. Due to long term malnutrition the increase in strength is hardly noticeable. However his physical ordination is much better than that of ordinary people. From this perspective it can be confirmed that he is an ability user.

There are so many different types of powers. They have been subdivided into a few general categories. The most powerful is the natural system consisting of wood, wind, fire, water, lightning which is extremely rare. The second-in-command of Beicheng base, w.a.n.g Mu is a Thunder power.

In addition, there are also physical abilities, whose physical functions such as sight, smell, speed, vision etc have undergone mutations.  Such abilities are relatively common. 

Another common type is the beast type abilities or beastification, also known as ancestral abilities, which refers to the appearance of certain animal parts when the power is activated. Examples are legs turning into animal limbs, fur coat etc.

Apart from these abilities, there are also some special powers which cannot be cla.s.sified such as Lou Yuan's spiritual ability, C city leader's ability  to induce hallucinations and so on.

"After activating the power try launching an attack." A man wearing a white lab coat instructed s.h.i.+ Lingxi. His att.i.tude is a little sloppy, but overall not that difficult. He kept some distance from s.h.i.+ Lingxi which is understandable because it has been quite some time since s.h.i.+ Lingxi has taken a bath. Moreover all the toxins and impurities discharged after the system transformed his body led to a foul odour. s.h.i.+ Lingxi is quite accustomed to the smell of his body, but it is unbearable for the well protected medical staff from logistics department.  

s.h.i.+ Lingxi, according to the instructions given by the staff, slowly closed his eyes and tried to feel the energy in his body. One minute, two minutes, three minutes later s.h.i.+ Lingxi opened his eyes. His pupils rolled back, body went lax and he directly fell to the groud. 

"Beastification skill is successfully activated. Host gains olfactory ability. The sense of smell is increased by 10 times that of the original value. Proficiency 1%."

"Hey! What's wrong with him?" The leader who brought s.h.i.+ Lingxi to the medical center,who was stunned by the unexpected turn of events, asked the doctor Cheng Mu, "Did he suffer from a power backlash?"

The possibility of that happening is not nil, especially considering the fact that s.h.i.+ Lingxi awakened his powers just a couple of hours ago. 

"No…judging from his reaction I feel that he burned himself out." Cheng Mu laughed. It's also his first time encountering such a guy who fainted like this.

"Olfactory ability…which belongs to the physical category…" The leader was a bit disappointed but the feeling pa.s.sed away quickly. Such a situation is also within his expectations. Elemental abilities and special abilities which are extremely rare would have been good but it seems that it's not in their fate.  

s.h.i.+ Lingxi woke up in a small room. He guessed he was brought back to the town near the military garrison. As soon as he opened the door, he came face to face with a woman, her eyes were filled with awe. 

"Water…The water is boiled. Even though you can't drink it, it's ok to use it for a bath." In spite of Beicheng having purified tap water the surrounding towns still have to rely on methods like boiling.

"Thank you." s.h.i.+ Lingxi expressed his grat.i.tude and carried the water over to the bathroom. He scrubbed himself clean from head to toe. 

He changed into the clothes given to him. When the woman saw him she had to take repeated glances to make sure he was the same noy. After all from a dirty stinking beggar to a pale skinned beauty – this difference is not trivial.

s.h.i.+ Lingxi was not very old, just 19 years of age. To be exact, he was less than 19. 

After the system transformed his body, his skin was much whiter than the time before the apocalypse. He inherited his mothers standard fox eyes. Three years of suffering also took a toll on his body. With his average height and awfully thin body he looks quite small and pitiful. He can even pa.s.s as a 16 year old.

s.h.i.+ Lingxi walked around the yard, then went back to the room and put on the worn out clock he had with him. Although he had gained powers, he's still a weak chicken. Ordinary people can take away his life with the gun. 

In this era one needs to have good qualifications and high strength to live well. The rules of the apocalypse were embedded deep in s.h.i.+ Lingxi's mind. He pinched his nose uncomfortably. He doesn't have a strong physical ability but nevermind his sense of smell is far superior to that of ordinary people. He felt that all sorts of bad scents were rus.h.i.+ng towards him. 

"…" s.h.i.+ Lingxi's stomach grumbled. Presumably because his body has been rebuilt he feels more hungry than before.

 "Did the person who took me here leave any message?" s.h.i.+ Lingxi asked the middle aged woman surnamed Huang.

"Oh yes. They asked you to go back after waking up." She responded to s.h.i.+ Lingxi but still kept a polite distance. She is not trying to please s.h.i.+ Lingxi. With her understanding of these last few years she knows that ability users and ordinary humans are not the same category. Ordinary people have a somewhat respectful and fearful att.i.tude towards abilities.

s.h.i.+ Lingxi glanced at her, nodded slightly then walked towards the garrison. It wasn't hard to find the way. As soon as he arrived at the door someone led him in. 

"I'm Meng Fan. You take a seat." Meng Fan nodded towards s.h.i.+ Lingxi, his eyes less defensive han before. During the apocalypse zombies and mutant beasts were the common enemies of all survivors. 

"Thank you." s.h.i.+ Lingxi sat down and as a courtesy he pulled back his cape a little revealing his tender face. Meng Fan's brows shot up but the routine questioning should be conducted.

"Are you from Beicheng?"

Originally Beicheng didn't have many residents. Most people living there currently came from nearby local towns as Beicheng has one of the most powerful military forces and a base was established pretty early. 

“Yes, my parents are from Beicheng. My father is s.h.i.+ Jing, a professor of biology at Beijing university. My mother is Hu Yijun, a professor of medical science at Beijing university. Are they still alive?”

s.h.i.+ Lingxi slightly leaned forward, his voice trembling. Because he came out to his parents back then he chose to study away from home. After the virus outbreak he regretted his decision several times.

All throughout his journey he held onto the hope that his parents were still alive. But in the doomsday countless dangers exist, any kind of accidents may happen. The closer he got to Beicheng the more his heart became restless. 

 "You…? Are you the son of Professor s.h.i.+ and Professor Hu?" Meng Fan stood up all of a sudden, without waiting for s.h.i.+ Lingxi's answer he quickly rushed out. Ten minutes later, he came in with another man wearing a military uniform who was almost two heads taller than s.h.i.+ Lingxi. 

"Are you s.h.i.+ Lingxi?" He grabbed s.h.i.+ Lingxi by the shoulders and carefully looked at his facial features. "You resemble Professor Hu.."

"My mother, is my mother alright?" 

“Professor s.h.i.+ and professor Hu are important researchers of the base. They have been provided with the s-level security. They are safe in the research center of the base.”

He added, “Three years ago, our boss came to Xiamen on a mission to bring you back, but we couldn't find you before we evacuated.”

“Ha ha ha, when the boss comes back, he must praise me!” Xiong Kun laughed and Meng Fang gave him a side eye implying that he's the one who found s.h.i.+ Lingxi.

s.h.i.+ Lingxi had a sense of relief on his face but he was trembling on the inside. His parents are still alive. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi was going to talk to him when the System suddenly sounded “System A236 alerts the host that the mission target is approaching, 1 km, 900 m, 800 m … 300 meters, 200 meters, 100 meters … 50 meters. The target is no longer moving. Please take the initiative to pursue the target. “

Pursue the target for what? To make Lou Yuan touch his head? s.h.i.+ Lingxi's forehead was filled with black lines. He raised his eyes to look the giggling Xiong Kun, through the window he saw a striking figure. But more eye catching was the pink heart floating right above the figure. s.h.i.+ Lingxi felt that his eyes were stinging. 

He suddenly had a sense of crisis, he felt that the weirdness of the system has just begun.