Show Love System - Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“Ding… Ding … Ding! System A236 loading is complete. System A236 successfully fuses with the host…”

“System A236 is binding task target for the host. Binding target in 10, 9, 8… 1. The target is determined:

Lou Yuan, Male, 27 years old, physical fitness AAA, mental strength SSS, endurance AAA. Potential rating SSS…“

“Novice task: Get Lou Yuan to take the initiative to touch the host. 

Task rating: E (simple)”

“Please asks the host to complete the initial task within three days to receive the novice gift package. Failure to complete the task within the prescribed time limit will result in an E1 level punishment.”

s.h.i.+ Lingxi woke up to a series of mechanical sounds. He felt that his head was about to be blown off due to the pain. He hugged his head in his hands and resisted the urge to bang his head against the wall. He felt it too painful even to think. It didn't take a long time before the pain eased and he began to think of his current situation.

“Apocalypse… Zombie! Mutant beastl! Yes I was bitten! I got bitten by a zombie first, then by a mutant beast… “

s.h.i.+ Lingxi's eyes suddenly widened, he quickly pulled up his pants to look at his ankles and calves where he was bitten by the zombie and the mutant beast. The skin was smooth and flat. Not to mention the bite marks even the traces of the last three years have been eliminated. He continued to pull up his pants. Not just the lower legs, even the upper parts,his arms and other body parts were devoid of any wound marks he acc.u.mulated throughout the years. At the same time there was a layer of dark brown impurities attached to his skin, the stench was intolerable…

s.h.i.+ Lingxi raised his hands to take a sniff. He has not taken a bath for half a month. And after fighting with the zombie and the mutant animal it was even more stinky. Due to the last three years he is well acquainted with the smell of rotten flesh. The stench from his body seems to be different from that.

When s.h.i.+ Lingxi thought about the problem his expression was a little dull. He continued to think for a while and then his attention scattered to his surroundings. 

He was in a dark cave. Not far away from him was the E2 level beast he had killed. Before he fell into a coma he a.s.sumed it would be his first food after his death. He was somewhat curious about his future life as a zombie. 

Now, not only his wounds were healed, but also his body and mind were not infected. Which is almost impossible. 

In the last three years this common knowledge is almost universal. Except for advanced abilities who have less than 10% resistance, once the ordinary people are infected with the virus, within two hours they will become a zombie. 

“What the h.e.l.l is this?” s.h.i.+ Lingxi's eyes widened again, as he saw a set of pink characters appearing on the E2 beast.

Name: E2 level mutated carnivorous canine (juvenile fox)

Does it has a power core? 1 E2 level power core (used)

Rating: E+ (life threatening to the host)

“I'm hallucinating?” s.h.i.+ Lingxi dragged his body over and looked at the data carefully. But he was sure that he saw the pink figures floating on the mutated beast. 

“What a strange color…” As always s.h.i.+ Lingxi's focus is always somewhat different from normal people.

He still couldn't move, but the pink colour made him feel weirder than the data itself, as if he was inside a pink bubble. In this rotten cave, in the era of apocalypse where people are not as good as dogs, it's quite abrupt and disharmonious. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi continued to rest against the wall till he was able to regain control over his body. 

He moved to the corpse of the mutated beast and checked it briefly. With his current physical level he could at most cooperate with others to kill a level E1 beast. Under normal circ.u.mstances he is bound to die in the face of this E2 level beast. He was able to kill it because a strange energy burst through from his body and shattered it's beast nucleus thus killing it. 

“Well, later take it out for a detailed autopsy and maybe you can find the reason.” He now has insufficient tools and can only reach this preliminary conclusion. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi's gaze finally fell on the data. There is no doubt that this data exists. There are only two possibilities. One, his eyes have a problem. Two, the world has changed again. However, no matter the reason, s.h.i.+ Lingxi didn't feel much, or he had become numb.

Three years ago s.h.i.+ Lingxi was just 16 years old. Since his parents were both university professors he went to school early. At the age of 16, he was admitted to the university. But on the day their military training was over b.l.o.o.d.y rain fell from the sky. The rain lasted for three days and when the sky cleared it was also the beginning of the change. 

That rain changed the future of all life on earth. The living beings infected by the virus underwent a genetic modification from the red rain resulting in two completely extreme changes – zombification and mutation. 

Zombification is similar to the zombies in movies and novels. They lose their sanity and vital signs, leaving only the instinct to hunt. Animals other than human beings were also killed.

Mutation changed the gene structure of the some humans while retaining most of the vital signs resulting in a new type of humans and is called ability or power human. Some animals and plants have also undergone mutation. These people and species are the darlings of this apocalypse era. 

But this happened to a very small and lucky percent. Most of the survivors are ordinary humans with no abilities. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi is also one of those ordinary people. He spent three years following the flow of people, travelling from Southern part of Xiamen to Beicheng. However, in a small town near Beicheng city, he was betrayed by his companions, chased into a forest by zombies. While escaping he stumbled and fell into a cave. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi still doesn't understand how he managed to survive after being bitten by both zombies and a mutant beast. 

“System A236 reminds the host that there are still 2 days and 23 hours left until the deadline of the novice task. Please hurry up and complete the task in advance. There will be an effort bonus in addition to the novice gift package. Kindly requests the host to pay attention.”

Ten minutes later s.h.i.+ Lingxi stupidly asked “System A236… where are you?”

“System A236 has been loaded into the host body and integrated with the host. The host can view the tasks using the left wrist interface.”

It's still the smooth electronic sound. If it wasn't for his experience and the anomalies around him he might have wondered if someone was joking with him. 

“Did you stop my body from being zombified?” s.h.i.+ Lingxi asked slowly lifting his left wrist. Sure enough he saw an electronic interface emerge, still the pink colour that made him feel uncomfortable. But if the system A236 that emerged out of nowhere saved him it was not intolerable. 

“The fight between the host and the mutant beast activated the fusion of powers of the system and timely stopped the zombification process. Kindly asks the host to complete the task and upgrade the system so in order to improve the systems control over zombification level.”

Then without further inquiries from s.h.i.+ Lingxi, A236, a fairly intelligent system continued to inform:

“System A236, level E1 (upgradable), curb E level zombification, adds E level mutation. Complete 10 E level tasks to upgrade to the next level. Repeated completion of the same task in invalid.”

Undoubtedly this system saved him. It also protected from E level zombie virus. The task issued must be completed, or he won't be able to survive in this doomsday world, let alone avenge himself.

 s.h.i.+ Lingxi's eyes fell on the flas.h.i.+ng word ‘TASK'. A novice task appeared in front of him. 

“Novice task: Get Lou Yuan to take the initiative to touch the host first. Task rating: E (simple).”

s.h.i.+ Lingxi who thought he had to fight zombies and animals couldn't help but stare silently. He kept on staring dumbfounded. He frowned and then protested very seriously “This is not easy!”

Lou Yuan! It's that Lou Yuan. The most powerful ability user of Beicheng base. He is also one of the best in the whole country. Although he is not the mayor of Beicheng base, he is No.1 in everyone's mind. It's impossible to get close to him.

Three days… Even if you give him three months he may not be able to do it. And touching? What a strange task! He thought there might be a problem with the rating system.

 His protest lasted for a long time but the system didn't give him any response. It seems that the evaluation mode for the rating won't change. He is not the creator of this strange system thus he has no way to correct the rating criteria. 

“Can you give me another target…” s.h.i.+ Lingxi browsed down and realised that the future tasks are inseparable from this Lou Yuan. In order not to block his future road he can only change this impossible mission target. 

” The target cannot be changed unless the host dies. System A236 reminds the host that the mission target is selected fully in accordance with the host's mate selection criteria. The human death rate is too high. There is no other candidates who meet the host's mate selection criteria in the existing population.”

s.h.i.+ Lingxi was stunned speechless by the system. His wors.h.i.+p for the strong was translated into mate selection criteria. But since it can't be changed he doesn't want to waste his breath arguing with the system. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi didn't notice that there was a heart shaped object flas.h.i.+ng in the bottom right corner of the screen. Lou Yuan's position was recorded in the spouse section. 

“We have to get out of here first.” If you can't get out of here, everything else is off the table. He didn't talk to the system anymore. He got up and looked at the entrance from which he fell into the cave. 

The exit was so narrow that when he was chased by the zombies, he was trampled, his foot bitten and then dragged down by the mutant beast in the burrow. From the smell and traces in the cave it is undoubtedly the lair of the mutant beast. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi picked up the dead animal. He took two steps back and then rushed to the wall to climb up. The process was much smoother than he expected. It was a magical feeling. His posture has not changed much, but the whole body is lighter and the coordination has improved

He was stuck in the narrow entrance. He poked his head up and looked around. The zombies chasing him were gone. He firmly planted his legs on the inner wall, his hands came out first and then he pulled himself up. 

This is the barren forest he had ran into. Not far away from here was the town where they had settled. Three or four hours had pa.s.sed since the morning he was thrown into the zombies to be killed. He looked down at his wrist. There was accurate time on it. 

May 8 2037, 13:07:38

“System A236, show me my physical data…” s.h.i.+ Lingxi whispered picking up the backpack he had lost before the fall and left the place quickly. 

The zombies and mutant animals around Beicheng base have almost been cleaned up by the army and the ability squads. But there were still some zombies roaming around. The zombies in the surrounding cities were also moving. Who knows maybe they will move here…

A large scale cleanup is carried out every two months. According to the news he heard yesterday the army and powers from the Beicheng base will arrive today. Don't know whether they are here yet.

He observed his surroundings and as he ran, System A236 answered ” The hosts body has been enhanced by level E, the data is as follows:

 s.h.i.+ Lingxi, Male

18 years 7 months and 21 days old.

170 cm in height. 

49 kg weight (extreme malnutrition)

Physical strength E-, mental strength S, endurance B-

Beastification ability B 

Beast skill 1: proficiency 0, grade A (when beast power is activated you can get a random animal part)

Beast skill 2: proficiency 0, grade C (when beast power is activated you can obtain a random beast skill)

“Power? I have an ability?” Finally a bit of surprise was added to s.h.i.+ Lingxi's overall cold response. In the past three years he has become deeply aware of the importance of power. Not only can he live well and protect himself but he can also gain some right to speak. 

Beast power… Comparing his and Lou Yuan's data he knows how it is. But he didn't feel too disappointed. From an ordinary person to ability, this is also a qualitative leap. In addition to the potential and qualification, the strength of an ability user also depends on who is using it and how.

With his previous memory s.h.i.+ Lingxi kept walking to the nearby town, all the way until he saw the patrolling army.

The presence of these troops must be related to the large number of zombies and zombie herds near the forest. s.h.i.+ Lingxi must quickly return as he will not be able to survive even a day here. Some zombie herds have a very keen sense of smell and possess wisdom. They will single out and target those who are alone.

“Who's over there?” 

Some abilities are particularly useful in investigating the surroundings. s.h.i.+ Lingxi has just awakened his powers. It's impossible for him to hide in front of these trained abilities. Moreover, there are also various kinds of rapidly developing technologies for detection. 

Within the ordinary people, scientific research talents, who all bases protect and fight for, live fairly well. s.h.i.+ Lingxi must return to Beicheng. He believes that if his parents are alive they will be well protected. 

s.h.i.+ Lingxi stepped sideways and raised his hands ” I am from Beicheng. My name is s.h.i.+ Lingxi.”

Even though s.h.i.+ Lingxi said so, several guns were pointed at him. The feeling of infrared light falling on him was completely different. He almost had the illusion that his body was going to explode.


Hi everyone. I'm new to this translation thing so it may not be 100% accurate. I also have a wattpad account:

If you're reading this translation elsewhere then it's stolen.