Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 4872: Seven-kill demonic Qi

Chapter 4872: Seven-kill demonic Qi

Chapter 4872 - 4872: Seven-kill demonic Qi

Translator: 549690339

The whereabouts of that dimensional murderer and the matter of the setting sun demonic G.o.d bow have already spread throughout the virtual sky World. All the experts are fighting over it, and Helian juezhan of the demon sovereign clan is determined to get it.

Ive just received news that Helian juezhans demon Emperor bloodline has been awakened and he has been conferred the t.i.tle of the next demon Emperor by the Helian family. This time, he has come out of closed door cultivation and rushed to the virtual sky World with seven of the demon Emperor familys strongest experts to s.n.a.t.c.h the setting sun demonic G.o.d bow. Grandfather, tell me, how could Ling Chuxi have succeeded? Shangguan myou told him all the information he knew.

Seven powerful experts? you mean the seven ultimate demonic Qi? Shangguan zhentings body trembled as he asked in surprise.

Thats right. Its them. Ling Chuxi can forget about s.n.a.t.c.hing the sunset G.o.d demon bow. Even coming back alive is a problem. Shangguan myou said contemptuously.

Then Im relieved. Ill go inform the elders and have them make preparations before taking action. Only then did Shangguan zhenting feel completely relieved.

After thinking for a while, he hesitantly sighed,Back then, Ling mofeng and I appreciated each other. Although weve always wanted to replace the Ling family, and after Yun Tians accident, he hated the Ling family to the core and wanted to uproot them, now that things have come to this, 1 suddenly couldnt bear to do it. If we dont give them a chance to live, as long as they sign a contract to leave the borders and withdraw from the ranks of the ancient clans, never to become enemies with our Shangguan clan, well let them go.

Everything will be decided by grandfather. Shangguan wuyou said respectfully, but a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Shangguan Yunxiao and his son fell silent as they watched Shangguan zhenting leave.

Lord father, is it really necessary to make a move against the Ling family? 1 dont think theres any meaning to it. After a long time, Shangguan wuyou finally said with waning interest.N0v3lTr0ve served as the original host for this chapter's release on N0v3l-B1n.

He did not have any feelings for Shangguan Yuntian. The revenge he had mentioned had always been just a pretense to s.n.a.t.c.h the treasure from Ling


Now that Ling Chuxi was far away in the virtual sky World, it would be meaningless for the Shangguan family to make a move on the Ling family.

What do you know? That senior said that as long as Ling Chuxi receives news of the Ling familys danger, she will definitely rush back to the Ling family with all her might. At that time, we will attack her together and kill her. The treasure will naturally fall into our hands. Shangguan Yunxiao scolded.

So thats how it is. I didnt think of that. Shangguan wuyou slapped his forehead and said in realization.

Alright, you should go and get ready. This is our last chance, so dont be careless. Shangguan Yunxiao said.

Yes, father. Shangguan wuyou nodded heavily.

The two of them then left the room.

However, no one noticed that a moment later, a figure appeared like a ghost at the place where they had been. A cold smile appeared on his elegant face, and then he disappeared like a ghost.

The Stardust shuttle was as fast as lightning, flying in the direction of the wind Thunder sects ruins. As it gradually approached its destination, more and more cultivators were flying in the same direction on their spirit swords.

Everyones face was filled with excitement. Many of them were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with strong self-confidence. When they saw the others, their eyes were obviously filled with hostility. If they were not afraid of delaying and letting others take advantage of them, they would have already taken action halfway to make their potential compet.i.tors retreat..