Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 4871: If he had known this would happen

Chapter 4871: If he had known this would happen

Chapter 4871: If he had known this would happen

Translator: 549690339

All the domain Lords are trapped in the void. The Qing Yu is in danger. Is it appropriate for us to attack the Ling family now? Shangguan zhenting said hesitantly. Even though he hated the Ling family to the bone, the old man didnt lose his mind when it came to matters of great importance.

Its exactly because of this that we have to take action, Shangguan wuyou said.

Thats right, father. I didnt expect that the ruckus on the blue cloud shuttle would actually help Ling Chuxi. The husband of that woman surnamed Xia is actually a descendant of the xietian region master. Now that zone leader xietian has stated clearly that he no longer has anything to do with the Shangguan family, our greatest reliance is gone. Once Ling Chuxi becomes a weapon Marquis in the future, who can save our family then? Shangguan wuyous father, Shangguan Yunxiao, also stepped forward and said.

Theres no need to wait for the future. As far as 1 know, the blazing heaven region master and the eternal Sky region master value Ling Chuxi very much. They even gave her the important task of s.n.a.t.c.hing the sunset demonic G.o.d bow alone and sealed off the news from the outside world. If it werent for the fact that someone had seen the dimension Slayer, we would still be in the dark.

Lord grandfather, if Ling Chuxi were to obtain the setting sun demonic bow this time, what do you think would happen to our Shangguan family? Shangguan wuyou continued to add fuel to the fire.

Al, how could it turn out like this just for a marriage? if I had known this would happen, I wouldnt have taken revenge for Yuntian. Shangguan zhenting said with a sigh.

Great grandfather, even if we dont have to avenge second uncle, uncle Liang, and uncle he, our Shangguan family and the Ling family have long been irreconcilable enemies. Once Ling Chuxi gains power, will she let us off? Shangguan mmyou said with a worried look.

But the Ling clan is already powerful. Putting Ling mofeng aside, Ling xuanqin and Ling Xuantong are both G.o.d-level experts, and I heard that two other elders might have also advanced to the G.o.d-level. In addition, theres also si kouye who joined the Ling clan previously, and his strength isnt much weaker than ours. Furthermore, theres the a.s.sistance of the feudal lords of the sea of death, and theres also the mysterious ye geyin whos secretly protecting us. It wont be easy for us to destroy the Ling clan. Shangguan zhenting was finally moved, but after comparing his strength, his expression became gloomy again.

Grandfather, you dont have to worry about that. With the various domain Lords in trouble, the few domain Lords of the sea of death have already rushed back. Ive also invited a few hidden experts to help us. This time, well definitely be able to destroy the Ling family. Shangguan Yunxiao said with confidence. The inception of this chapter's publication is linked to N0v3lb11n.

Really? Whats the strength of the experts youve invited? Shangguan zhenting suddenly sat up and asked.

Even the weakest of them is at the peak of the divine level, while the strongest have already reached the venerable level. With this kind of power, even if the feudal lords didnt leave, we would still be able to destroy the Ling clan. Shangguan Yunxiao answered with confidence.

Where did you find such an expert? Shangguan zhenting asked in surprise and confusion.

Its a friend introduced by master worriless. His master was also very angry about the adjudication great selection last time and wanted to show Ling Chuxi what he was capable of. Shangguan Yunxiao answered.

So thats how it is. However, theres one more thing. If Ling Chuxi gets her hands on the sunset G.o.d demon bow, what would happen if she takes revenge later? After all, Shangguan zhenting was the head of the family, and he had to consider things carefully.

Grandfather, you worry too much. Shangguan wuyou shook his head and continued to comfort him..