Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 2075

Chapter 2075

Chapter 2075

2075 Finally reunited after 20.75 million years of waiting

Mother, mother, stop! It hurts! At this moment, Ming Ye Wu no longer had that calm and unfathomable appearance. She was now begging for mercy with a bitter face.

Ling Chuxi was dumbfounded as she watched from the side.

But forget it. Since you sent your aunt to me, Ill be magnanimous and not be angry with you. However, since youve injured your little aunt, you should apologize quickly. Liang yunru let go of Ming yewus ear and said with her hands on her hips.

Little aunt?

What aunt? Ming yewu and Liang yunhuai were both stunned.

Of course its Chuxi! Ive decided to become sworn sisters with Chuxi. Of course, Im the elder sister. You two unfilial children, hurry up and pay your respects to your aunt! Liang yunru glared at him.

What? Im not doing it! Liang yunhuai was the first to jump up. What kind of joke was this? after spending so much time with Ling Chuxi, he understood her character very well. She was a two-faced and venomous fellow. He only saw her as a friend. Now, he was one generation lower than her. How could that be?

Greetings, aunty. Im really guilty for being disrespectful to you before, and I hope youll be magnanimous and not hold it against me. Contrary to Ling Chuxis expectations, Ming yewu did not object at all. Instead, she bowed and apologized to Ling Chuxi with a solemn expression.

Ling Chuxi was dumbfounded as she looked at Ming Ye Wu who was so serious. Oh my, Mr. President, Im more used to you being so cool and flamboyant. Now that youre suddenly so respectful, I really feel that youve been possessed by a ghost. Of course, he couldnt say this out loud. He just had to think about it.

I feel that Chuxis expression is saying that big brother is more used to him drawing his sword at her. Liang yunhuai was indeed worthy of being by Ling Chuxis side for so long. She was able to guess Ling Chuxis thoughts in an instant.

Shut up, you brat. Call me aunty. This time, the one scolding Liang yunhuai was Cang Yuan.

Dad, why are you like this too? Liang jinhuai shouted. Although this was the first time he and Cang Yuan had met each other, the kind of kins.h.i.+p that blood was thicker than water made the father and son feel as if they had been together for a long time.

Your mother is always right. If you two dont listen to Your Mother, Ill break your legs. Cang Yuan said arrogantly. He then looked at Liang yunru with a pampering gaze, before turning around and glaring at his two sons. These two extremes made Ming yenwu and Liang yunhuai speechless. Did he have to despise his own son so much!

Ling Chuxi didnt know whether to laugh or cry when she saw this scene. She was even more emotional. Even a blind man could see Cang Yuans love and pampering for his wife.

Father will do what he says. Little brother, be obedient. Otherwise, Im going to beat you up. Ming yewu said expressionlessly. However, her clenched fists made cracking sounds, which made Liang wanhuais skin tighten. Liang yunhuai didnt doubt her older brothers words at all. When she was young, she had never been beaten up by her older brother. A wise man submits to circ.u.mstances.

Yes, yes. Greetings, aunty. Liang yunhuai quickly lowered her head in a bow.

Haha, youre welcome, youre welcome. Ling Chuxis forehead was covered in cold sweat. She felt that this familys future life would be very lively. However, it was filled with happiness.

After ten thousand years of waiting and longing, they were finally reunited today. In the future, all she had to do was to cherish every day they had together and never separate again.

Alright, Chuxi. Come with me. I have something to say to you. Cang Yuan suddenly said to Ling Chuxi with a solemn expression.