Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss - Chapter 2074

Chapter 2074

2074 Chapter 2074-youve grown wings

By the way, sword spirit, your six remnant wills have been combined into one. What about the last remnant will sword principle? Ling Chuxi asked.

Cant you tell? Ive already formed a physical body, and Im no longer a spirit body. In fact, Ive been trying to comprehend the ancient sword intent in the heavenly meteor stone all these years. I want to comprehend the extreme Dao of martial arts, but Ive always been missing that one tiny bit of opportunity. When you comprehended the ultimate Dao of martial arts, I realized that the ultimate Dao of martial arts is the Dao of life and death. Life and death follow the life of all living things. The ultimate Dao of martial arts is to kill and not to kill. It can kill and it can also stop killing. This is the ultimate Dao of martial arts.

After comprehending this, my final sword Dao of the remnant will was able to be combined into one and reconstruct my physical body. Cang Yuan said with emotion.

In other words, you have been resurrected! Hes really resurrected. Ling Chuxi said in surprise.

Yes, its all thanks to you. However, I wont be able to follow you in the future. Your path will ultimately have to be walked by yourself. Cang Yuan looked at Ling Chuxi like an elder looking at a junior. His eyes revealed a bit of love and reluctance.

Dont worry, I can take care of myself. Thinking about how Cang Yuan had helped her, Ling Chuxi also felt a little reluctant.

Everyone, Xia Yin Tianqi has left, and the human realm has returned to peace. I, Cang Yuan, have finally returned to the world with the seven wills. If you dont mind, please come to my residence for a gathering. Cang Yuan turned around and said heroically to clan leader Ling and the others.

Then Ill accept your invitation. Feeling the unprecedented stability in the human s.p.a.ce, and the absence of turbulence in the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, clan leader Ling and the others were in a good mood. Naturally, they would not refuse Cang Yuans invitation. Furthermore, everyone wanted to befriend this legendary top expert of the generation.

Very quickly, people followed behind Liang yunru and walked towards Jing an city.

Sect master bi, why isnt my big brother here? Ling Chuxi had just noticed that all the sects sage realm experts had come out, but she had not seen the figure of her elder brother, Ling Wushang. She had not had the time to ask earlier, but now she could no longer hold back.

Your big brother was originally with us, but he suddenly left alone. Then, a strange phenomenon appeared in the sky above the temple. When your big brother returned, he was seriously injured and said goodbye to us. Before he left, he asked us to tell you that he would be back soon. When you advance to the sage level, you will have a chance to see him again. Bi xuanshan said.

Big brother has returned. Ling Chuxi was stunned for a moment before a smile appeared on her face.

Bi xuanshans words were a little nonsensical, but she understood what he meant. The strange phenomenon above the divine temple should have been when her mother appeared. It was obvious that Ling Wushang had something to do with her mothers ability to step through the restriction of the spatial law to save her. He had also been seriously injured because of this, but from what he had said, he had already followed her mother to the heaven domain. Ling Chuxi could finally put her heart at ease.

When the disaster was imminent, everyone in the city had been settled in a safe place in advance. Now that the crisis was over and people were back, the city gradually returned to its former bustling and noisy state.

Looking at the peaceful scene in Jing an city, everyone was a little curious.

Liang yunru let the housekeeper arrange a banquet. Everyone raised their cups and drank to their hearts content, talking freely about martial arts, and it was quite harmonious.

After the meal, Liang yunru arranged for everyone to rest, leaving Ling Chuxi, Ming yewu, Liang yunhuai, and Cang Yuan behind.

Cough, cough, stinky brat, youve really grown up. He ran away for so many years and didnt even send me a message. Ling Chuxi was present, but Liang yunru did not give her eldest son any face at all and directly pulled his ear.