Many things happened during the year that i've been training to become stronger.
The most notable thing that happened is my Secret Training has been exposed.
Not exposed, exposed. But to be precise 3 persons knew that I'm training alone and one of them new that i was practicing at the back of the Uchiha compound secret training ground.
The first was non other than Itachi nii. It's been a miracle that we haven't encountered each other for the first 3 months that s.h.i.+sui Aniki thought me.
The reason was Itachi trains there every other day, during my rest days.
We encountered each other when i decided to train an extra day during my day off.
Itachi questioned me how i was able to find the training ground, but after I just answered that Shusui Aniki allowed me to train here in secret.
When he heard that it was s.h.i.+sui Aniki he just pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. After that i asked him if i could spar with him.
He agreed after pestering him for a few hours, he agreed while saying that he won't hold back.
Itachi nii is not as fast as s.h.i.+sui Aniki but he is clearly as strong as him. After being defeated by him i can see that his expression is a slightly different one than his usual stoic face.
There's a slight shock expression in his face but after that he smiled at me that i rarely see. After that i asked him if i could spar with him every now and then and he accepted if it's just every end of the week when he doesn't have missions.
After that i spar with him every now and then and he even taught me how to use a storage scroll when he gave me one since i always hide my Tanto and any ninja stuff i have under my bed. Also he doesn't know it but i've been secretly watching him practice with his Tanto while comparing it with my own.
Also for the past few months i've dabbled on the basics of Fuinjutsu.
Then the next person was none other than Hinata. Well i don't know if its real or if its just my imagination but 'Is she stalking me?'
I always think that I'm being stalked when i walk around the village. One time she saw me carrying my bag of gears while i was on my way home from the training grounds.
I saw her at a farside corner on my way back home seemingly hiding from me and when i asked her what she was doing she said that it was nothing and asked me what was inside my bag since there's a protruding kunai on one corner that I picked from the various training grounds.
I facepalmed myself and just told her that i'm practicing ninja stuffs.
She just answered with a nod since her father has been teaching her their Hyuga techniques so she thought that its fine.
She's been doing better than her anime counterpart but Neji is still better than her. Also Neji is still a destiny maniac even though his father was not killed at the Hyuga Incident. But she doesn't verbally abuse Hinata. As a matter of fact their actually civil with each other.
The last one that saw me practicing my ninja stuffs is another possible "stalker" well both of them are more like admirers than stalkers because their both cute. But what their doing is still stalking. Well she's no stalking me per se but what she's doing with the other girls are still stalking.
The one that saw me was none other than Ino.
The first time i was able to talk to her was when i was playing with the Naru-s.h.i.+kCho trio.
They were having a contest named "Build the Highest Sand Tower Contest" at the sand pit in the Children's Playground when she talked to me.
She've been talking with me everytime i go to the playground after that first encounter. But after talking with me for a while she'll just go with her friends to play "Sasuke Stalking".
And as for how she knew i was secretly practicing, well i wanted to do some meditating exercise and i wanted to do it on a waterfall. Well it just so happens that the waterfall where i meditated was actually near the Yamanaka Clan and the Nara Clan.
She said that when she finished her at their flower shop she saw me entered the woods behind around their compound and followed me up until I reach the waterfall.
When i entered the waterfall she screamed when i was engulfed by the waters of the falling rapid water. She thought that i was crushed by the water pressure.
When i heard her i picked my head out of the water and saw her having a scared and pale expression. After i exit the waterfall to come near her she rushed and hugged me as hard as she can while crying.
She said that she thought that i died. Yes kids and their young minds. There's no such thing as being crushed by the falling water of a waterfall. I'm correct right?
She then told me that her father always tells her not to go under that waterfall because she could die.
Well her father's not wrong since sometimes logs or big stones crashes from the waterfall.
Well i told her that i'm okay that i was just training under the waterfall. I even added a lie that she is the only one that knows that i'm training secretly and it would be our secret.
Every now and then she would come and watch me train whenever I decide to meditate under the waterfall since my chakra is increasing everyday.
Also as time pa.s.sed, i've been growing stronger and stronger due to the spars that i have with Itachi nii. I can now last a full hour fight with him without his sharingan and not end in defeat. But i haven't defeated him even ones.
If it's a real fight i can just hold him off for about 5-10 minutes. But if i want to i can just escape him due to my Vanis.h.i.+ng Shuns.h.i.+n I call Shukutchi.
Right now i'm 8 years old and in a few days i'm about to attend the Ninja Academy.
I'm currently practicing my Kenjutsu in the Secret Training Ground when i heard a fast whistling projectile coming my way.
I quickly deflected it with my Tanto, backpedalled, coursed lightning chakra on my blade and readied a defensive stance s.h.i.+sui Aniki taught me.
"Well well well! My Otouto is learning! Nice defensive stance and fluid chakra blade coating." The a.s.sailant said.
"Well your way of saying h.e.l.lo is as lethal as ever Aniki." I said.
He shuns.h.i.+ned in front of me with a huge smile on your face.
"Well Aniki where was your 'I'll be checking on you from time to time' promise." I said.
"Well i've been given a secret mission so i can't tell you the details Otouto." He answered.
"How about a quick spar before you go Aniki?" I said with a huge smile.
"As much as i would like to take you up on your offer Otouto, but i need to prepare for an upcoming huge mission. Perhaps another time. I just wanted to see my cute little brother and tell him how proud i am. In a few days you'll be attending the Ninja Academy. I know that you'll ace everything in there but can you promise me something Otouto." He said.
"I'll hold you on your words Aniki. You owe me a spar. Also anything for you Aniki, as long as i can do it." I said.
"Well don't show off as hard as you can okay? Enjoy your days in the Academy because once you become a genin, there's no turning back. Don't follow mine and Itachi's path. Learn well and train harder, create connections with your peers and live a happy life, okay?!" He said.
"I'll try not to show off as much as i can Aniki. But why are you telling me this like your saying goodbye Aniki?" I asked.
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"No, this is not goodbye. I still owe you that spar remember. But before i go Otouto, here! A farewell gift for now." He said and threw a scroll at me.
"What is it with you and throwing me Gifts Aniki!" I said while i caught the scroll and looked at the t.i.tle.
"Summoning Contract"
"Well i got that from a previous mission alongside another contract. I got those from a young beautiful lady that made me promise to give it to someone worthy of the summoning contracts. Also as a gift she told me that i can sign my name in 1 of the summoning scrolls. The first one was the Crow Summoning Contract which me and itachi both signed our names and offered it to the Clan. The only Uchiha who can write their names on it is a person that both me and itachi approves. The other contract the one your holding is the other one that i kept if myself and Itachi find someone worthy to sign their name on it. Well Itachi said yes if you want to know if he knows that i'm giving it to you." He finished.
"Well what Animal Summoning Contract is this s.h.i.+sui Aniki." I said.
"Since you've told me that as an Inuzuka, a Nin Dog is essential to learn your clan techniques and since the only animals that can tolerate your presence is Carrot a maybe hybrid bunny, which tells me why is Carrot not with you this time?" He asked.
"Well she's resting at home. I train with her every now and then but whenever i transform for the past few months she always feel drained for some reason but after that she recovers after a few days and she seems to grow stronger." I answered.
"Well enough of that cute Rabbit of yours. Well since the only animal you can interact with is Carrot and Kuro which is your mom's Nindog. Well i give you that to check if you'll be able to contract with that Animal Summon."
"Well is this the Dog summon Aniki?"
"No, that's a lot more powerful Summon Contract. That's the Wolf Clan Contract!"