I wake up earlier than usual today. Maybe it's because i'm excited to have my first ninja lesson from another person either than my mom.
I got out of bed and washed my face. I then changed to my jogging clothes and wore my training weights and started my morning routine.
I ran around the village 5 times more than my usual laps because after the beat down i received from s.h.i.+sui, my physical powers increased again.
I also met Guy again during my jog. As usual his still as energetic as ever.
After i finished my morning exercise i went home, took a shower, ate my breakfast and then bolted out of the house after Hana and Mom left.
I went to the training ground where s.h.i.+sui and I fought.
This training ground is really good since the only people that trains here are Itachi nii and s.h.i.+sui nii. So secrecy is not a problem.
When i arrived at the training ground I practiced my katas for about a few minutes then i my senses spiked. I crouched as i dodge an incoming kunai.
"Hey s.h.i.+sui nii! What was that for?!" I yelled.
"Well you were engrossed in your own world so i wanted to know if your still aware of your surroundings while practicing." He said.
"What if i got hit by that kunai!!" I yelled with a tick on my head.
"Well it didn't right! Hahahaha" He finished.
'Is this what Naruto feels like whenever i jumpscare him.'
"Well do your Katas again so i can see if there are any problems with it."
I then performed my own Katas in front of him. After i finished my last form for the 3rd time he said.
"Well this Katas that you created base on your clans taijutsu manual is good. But there are a lot of holes in it that we can work on. But your Katas greatly depends on overpowering your opponent Otouto. That's why i was able to counter you last time easily since i have a more powerful physique than yours." He said.
"Well to be Honest with you 'Aniki' i have a unique transformation that boosts my strength a lot but it takes a huge toll on my chakra. That is why i can only hold it for about 10 minutes. After that i would be useless in battle." I finished.
"What's with the Aniki! Well if you say that it is a Kata for your transformation. Then why the h.e.l.l do you use it on your normal form?"
"Well you called me otouto so i'll call you aniki and to answer you other question. I'm a 6 years old kid turning 7. I already created an original kata, what makes you think that i hadn't tried creating an original for my normal body."
"It's because i mainly use my claws when i transform, and i also use my claws in my original form, so i thought don't need another one because it would be counter productive." I finished.
"Well your Katas highly depends on close combat, speed, flexibility and strength. You clearly aced flexibility, you have a pa.s.sing score in close combat, but strength and speed? Not so much. So we will also train on handling that transformation of yours."
"Also have you decided on using weapons? Because that would surely broaden your moveset." He finished.
"Well i have my claws right? I also have a large chakra for my age so i can specialize in ninjutsu. So why do i need weapons?" I said.
"Well Ninjas live in a world full of deception right? Also a versatile ninja is a Great Ninja. What would you prefer? A Ninja that has mastered 1 skill? Or a Ninja who mastered his skills and is proficient in others?" He said.
"Well you have a valid point. So what kind of weapon are you talking about Aniki?" I said.
"Here!" He tossed a small blade sheathed on a black sheath.
I caught it by the handle then i release it from its sheath.
"A Tanto?" I said.
"Yes. Well i consider myself as an expert Tanto wielder. So i will teach you my original Techniques with a Tanto. I normally use it with my Shuns.h.i.+n. Also you have heightened senses so you'll be able to parry, dodge and go for the kill with right precision and timing." He said.
"Also i will teach you atleast basic Bukijutsu since you'll need those to Graduate at the ninja Academy."
"I know that they will teach it to you over there. But with this, you'll have an edge with your peers when you enter the Academy." He finished.
"Well is this mine now?" I said while waving the Tanto.
"You rascal! Ofcourse not! That's my signature Tanto! Buy your own one!" He said.
"Aniki is being stingy!" I pouted.
"Your a clan heir Otouto! I'm just a simole commoner!" He sweatdropped on my comment.
"Before we proceed in Kenjutsu or Bukijutsu. Stick this on your forehead." he said while giving me a leaf.
I did what he said with ease.
He sighed when he watched what i did.
He then pointed at the nearest tree.
I nodded at the unasked question.
He then pointed at the nearby small river.
I also nodded.
He sighed at my response and whisphered "Prodigies and their monstrous talent!"
I then thought! 'You're one too dumba.s.s!'
"Okay so here's what we're going to do today. Do you remember that Aerial thingy you did? Can you lower the output of that Jutsu?" He said.
I nodded again as an answer and said 'Hn' this time.
"Am i the Uchiha or are you the Uchiha? Or maybe you're an Aburame? Answer in words d.a.m.nit!" He said.
"What a drag!" I answered lazily.
"Hoyyyyyyyyyy! Your an Inuzuka not a Nara!" He shouted.
I laughed at his reaction then he also full blown laughed.
After a few minutes i tried to channel Aerial Shock on the ground as little as possible.
I hovered inch by inch and when i reached a foot high he said.
"Maintain that height."
I focused on the amount of chakra that was needed for that height. After 2 minutes i lost my concentration when he threw a rock at me.
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"What the h.e.l.l!" I said.
"That will be your next Chakra Control exercise. Hover a foot above the ground then i will threw stones at you every now and then." He said.
For the a whole hour that's what we just did.
I hovered, he attacks. After an hour i was able to dodge for about 5 minutes before falling down. Seeing my progress he said.
"Wear this."
He gave me a black blindfold.
"We will train your awareness and that instinct of yours at the same time as your chakra control." He said with a devilish smirk.
After he gave me the Blindfold, hovering was easier than before because i'm not getting distracted. After a few seconds a rock hit me in the forehead then i crashed at the ground.
After that i tried focusing more on an attack after i hovered for 5 seconds. Then i landed on my feet at the ground because i lost focus on my chakra output.
'This is harder than i thought' i thought.
We practiced up until lunch. Then when my stomach growled, i took off the Blindfold and saw a sleeping s.h.i.+sui with a bored shadow clone throwing rocks at me.
"Hey! Shhhh." I said at Aniki's clone.
I gestured at the shadow clone to come near me then i said. "You want revenge on the original for giving you a boring task right?"
The clone nodded. I then wore a devilish smile. I jumped at the river and hovered on top of it. I then Subst.i.tuted with s.h.i.+sui.
He fell into the water and then rosed up a second later gasping for air.
I laughed really really hard at what happened. The clone near me then released from his technique while laughing like a maniac.
s.h.i.+sui wore a tick mark on his forehead while walking above the water.
"You little devil! Mark my words, i'll have my revenge." He said with a scary grin.
We then ate our bento then after that i resumed the exercise.
Time pa.s.sed and it's time to leave.
"We'll resume the training again the day after tomorrow Otouto, okay?" He said.
I nodded then i said. "Same time?"
"Same time." He answered with a smile.
After that i went home to rest.
Days gone by quicker than the speed of light and it's already a day before my 7th Birthday.
"Time do pa.s.s quickly while you're enjoying them." I said.
For the past few months, s.h.i.+sui taught me many different things.
At first he checked my Elemental Affinities and the result was we had the same Chakra Nature. Lightning, Fire and Wind.
In his case fire is his main chakra nature. While mine is Lightning.
He taught me the different basic training exercise for the elements. For Lightning i need to wrinkle a leaf as much as i can, while for fire i need to burn it to ash, and for wind i need to slice it in half.
During doing this exercises s.h.i.+sui taught me a very helpful jutsu. He said that since i have a large amount of chakra for my age he decided to teach me the Legendary Shadow Clone Jutsu.
Before he taught me the said jutsu. He made me promise to use it in great moderation. He also said that if i use them for training, i need to dispel the clones every 30 minutes to train.
With the amount of chakra that i have i could barely create 2 clones at most for now.
I used the clones to master the elemental exercises that s.h.i.+sui taught me. After that he taught me different kinds of Jutsu. Raiton: Lightning Bullets and Lightning Clone for lightning, Katon: Fireball and Smokescreen for fire, and Futon: Wind Breakthrough.
He also taught me the basic of kunai and shuriken throwing, while we almost practice with his tanto kenjutsu and my transformation everyday.
After that one week before now he showed me how he controls his Shuns.h.i.+n and while we were practicing something awesome happened.
"Ne, Aniki. Can i add chakra nature on my shuns.h.i.+n?" I asked.
"Well technically yes. The Raikage adds lightning affinity in his Shuns.h.i.+n. Even the mist ninjas add mist in their Shuns.h.i.+n also here in konoha the most common shuns.h.i.+n is added with leaves." He replied.
Since i have finished my first level of lightning manipulation and it is my most powerful affinity. I tried to add it on my shuns.h.i.+n.
I sparked for a bit then i vanished and arrived a bit farther away from my previous spot.
"Wait wait wait! Can you try that again?!" Said s.h.i.+sui.
I nodded, then i tried to try it again and then i sparked for a little bit and i vanished from my spot.
When i looked at s.h.i.+sui he had his Sharingan open while he watch me do my Shuns.h.i.+n.
"How is that possible. When you used your Shuns.h.i.+n i can tell that you just vanished in and out of existence." He said.
"Isn't that how shuns.h.i.+n works?" I asked.
"No shuns.h.i.+n is similar to Swift Release, a kekkei genkai that allows the user to move at high speeds. Meaning the person who shuns.h.i.+ns doesn't really Teleports, they're just too fast to be seen by the naked eye."
"Mine also works like that. I move too fast that even most of my fellow Sharingan users can't track my movement. But yours, yours looks like a s.p.a.ce time ninjutsu, even with my sharingan i wasn't able to track your movement. Just like what i said, you just vanished." He finished.
I thought for an answer, then it hit me. Was it because of the lightning chakra?
'Boruto's rasengan did vanish when he accidentally mixed lightning chakra in the creation phase of rasengan.'
"Maybe it's because of the lightning release. I can feel that i didn't teleport Aniki. I moved just a bit faster with my normal shuns.h.i.+n." I said.
"Possible but i'll try to check for it later okay. Well Otouto i've got something to tell you. Well i'll be busy this coming months because of missions and other stuff, but i'll try to come every now and then to check on your progress okay?"
"Also here, this scroll contains most of my Kenjutsu Skills and Bukijutsu that i've been creating for the past few years."
"Thank you Aniki. I'll try to finish learning this scroll by the time we meet again." I said with a smile.
He ruffled my hair like he usually do then he threw something at me wrapped in a white and black paper.
"Here, Advance Happy Birthday Otouto." He said.
I then opened the present and saw a white furred scabbarb with a blacke handled Tanto. I then unsheathed it to see a beautiful blade s.h.i.+ning while it reflects the sunlight.
"This is beautiful Aniki. Thank you so much." I then bowed at him.
"Oy oy! Stop that! Youre my Otouto right. It's just right that i give you a gift for your Birthday so no need to say Thanks okay?" He said.
"Well i need to go now. Be a good boy and become strong, Okay! Daisuke Otouto." He said in like a goodbye manner.
"I will Aniki, so be safe and comeback home alive after the mission, Okay! So you can see how i surpa.s.s you someday." I said.
After that he ruffled my hair again and shuns.h.i.+ned out of the training ground.
I stared at the Tanto that he gave me. I then didn't notice that there were tears in my eyes.
"Be safe s.h.i.+sui Aniki. I'll grow stronger as fast as i can. I'll won't let you die in this lifetime." I said then i held at the Tanto as hard as i can.
This was the first time i've ever had an older brother like person in my 2 lives. Itachi nii doesn't count because i rarely interact with him. I only call him Itachi nii because i always call Izumi, Izumi nee.
And for the past 3 months that i've been with s.h.i.+sui Aniki, i've been with him longer than the 3 years that i've known Itachi nii.
I then looked up at the sky, cloud watching like a certain Nara.
Seeing that in a few hours i need to comeback home for dinner i then stood up, released the Tanto located at my back and practiced the Katas that s.h.i.+sui Aniki taught me while promising to become a Great person fitting my Name.