Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 The Important Thing is to Know Your Next Move

Su Yuxin very likely came to this town during the golden week. Furthermore, Jiang Han could clearly detect traces of poisoning on her after her trip.

Finally, he now had a lead for his investigation. All the victims of this strange illness in Jiangsu City were wealthy man. All of them had previously ate something containing ingredients produced from Dongjianzhen right before the symptoms flared up. Moreover, if he could confirmed that Su Yuxin did indeed come here during the golden week, then his hypothesis would be formed.

This mysterious illness was clearly related to the food produced by Dongjiangzhen. The strange thing was, if this was the cause of the illness, then Su Yuxin should already be affected. Since she was here during the golden week, then she should have consumed those ingredients before those that were affected back in the hospital.

Furthermore, according to the crew-cut man, he ate the same thing with his daughter, and while he was lying in the hospital, his daughter was completely fine. Within Jiangsu City, the rich weren't limited to just the man, there were definitely woman who had eaten those dishes as well.

Then why was it that every reported incident was confinedto just the man, while the woman were all fine. If he were to hazard a guess, then it would be that this poison which caused this illness would incubate for a longer period of time in a woman's body as oppose to the man where the symptoms would erupt within a much shorter frame of time.

All these were merely conjecture at this point. Jiang Han took out his phone and saw that the time was still rather early. Su Yuxin should not be asleep yet and so he sent her a message to ask her if she did indeed come to Dongjiangzhen during the golden week for her holiday.

It did not take long for Su Yuxin to respond to Jiang Han's messages. She told him that she had indeed accompanied her parents to this town and that she was really curious as to how Jiang Han found out about this since she was pretty sure she did not mentioned this before.

Jiang Han told her that he was currently on the way to Dongjiangzhen and that he was here to investigate a certain matter. Moreover, he told her that his investigation was related to the matter of the poisoning earlier on the train and that he was now following a lead.

Lastly, Jiang Han made sure to reassure Su Yuxin that if she still has not felt any discomfort then although she was poisoned, she would be fine. He told her not to worry and that he would definitely find a way to help her.

Su Yuxin who was in her room at home, placed down her phone. She had initially thought the incident on the train was a farce. It was likely that Jiang Han wanted to court her and thus came out with such an event. The matter of him jumping onto the train was already dramatic enough, not to mention the matter of her being poisoned. This turn of events was even better than ordinary television show plots and was not something that normally occurred in real life.

She initially did not take any of it to heart as she only wanted to see what Jiang Han would do next. Since he had put so much effort into it, she was happy to play along. However, her interaction with Jiang Han earlier made her feel that the situation might not be as she thought.

Was it possible that Jiang Han wasn't joking around? Was she really poisoned right now?

Su Yuxin wasn't in the best of mood as she was no longer sure what was going on right now. She left her room and walked downstairs. At this hour, her father was sitting in his usual spot reading some documents.

When her father saw Su Yuxin walked down with a sour face, he placed the documents in his hands down and waved at her, "Come over here, who pissed you off?"

"No one did." Su Yuxin pouted her lips, rolled her eyes and fell onto the sofa.

"If you're not going to tell me, then Ill just have to start randomly guess." Su Yuxin's father stood up, walked right next to her and sat down.

"Aiya, stop guessing, there really isn't anyone." Su Yuxin tugged at her father. She formed a fist with her hand and lightly pounded on his palm, like she was throwing a tantrum.

"Alright, I won't guess. The last time, you agreed to leave me a piece of steak but turned around and ate it all. Since we've got some time today, let's settle the score right now." Su Yuxin's father did not cling on to the subject and changed topics.

"What's eaten is eaten, what is there to settle. Wouldn't it be fine if I just treat you to it tomorrow?" When she heard her father, she secretly stole a glanced at him and couldn't help but laugh.

During their golden week retreat at one of their dinners, Su Yuxin's father just so happen to walked away to answer his phone when their food was served. Su Yuxin pounded her chest and promised to leave her father the best dish. That dish was the Dong River Steak that was personally prepared by the resort's head chef.

However, after she finished her portion, Su Yuxin couldn't resist and ate her father's share as well.

"I would love that, but here in Jiangsu City, whose skills could compare to those of Dongjiang resorts' head chef's? Furthermore, I don't have the time to eat with you tomorrow." Her father smiled and shook his head, this wasn't the first time he's heard her cheeky remarks.

He did not mind that he wasn't able to eat that steak. It didn't matter who made it, he wasn't bothered about it at all. The only reason he brought it up was to make his daughter laugh and he has now achieved his goal.

"Forget it, I'm not talking to you anymore. I'm going back upstairs, goodbye!" Su Yuxin moved her father's hand onto the sofa, stood up and walked back upstairs while waving her hand.

Whenever she was feeling down and did not know what to do, her father was always fortunately by her side. Warm and understanding, he never told her what to do, he merely tells her what's important was for her to think about what she should do.

Every single time, no matter what setback she faced, she stayed true to herself with every decision she made and moved forward with no hesitation or regrets.

Meanwhile, 100 km (62 miles) wasn't really considered a long journey. However, it wasn't possible to get to Dongjiangzhen directly from the highway. Pass the toll booth, there was still roughly 20 km (12 miles) to the town. The condition of the road on this leg of the journey wasn't very good. With the town's financials, it doesn't seem like they could not afford to work on it, rather it seemed like they left it in that state on purpose.

Humans all had the same disease, and that was the harder it was to obtain, the more it was desired. The mayor of Dongjiangzhen evidently had this in mind. He made sure that anyone who came here for their produce or for a getaway would have to first experience this horrible road.

Not only did the town saved on road repairs, they even made any guest to their town feel a sense of accomplishment. The premise that made this possible was that there were a lot of people that were willing to go through all that to get here.

Fatty's driving skills were really remarkable. The off-road vehicle was always able to travel through the most efficient routeunder his control. Jiang Han did not really feel any discomfort as he sat in the car. This was the most directly observable criteria to evaluate a driver's skills.

This last leg of the journey felt much longer than the previous 80 km (50 miles) because the road condition was really bad. After more than an hour of bumps and wobble, they finally arrived at the entrance to Dongjiangzhen.

"Big brother, this is Dongjiangzhen. It's quite late right now, we should get some rest now and carry on tomorrow." Fatty did not turn off the engine, clearly he did not want to get off the car just yet.

A look at the time indicated that it was indeed rather late at night right now. Even if they wanted to, they would not be able to do much at this hour. They could only get some rest for now and continue the next day.