Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Chapter 37 Living on the Edge

It could be seen that from this encounter, Jiang Han had entered into Fatty's life. No one knew what effect either of them would have on the other, but the end of the day, they were both together right now in the same car.

After hearing Liangmu's story, Jiang Han couldn't help but acknowledge that despite how crazy Liangmu's thoughts were, he had led an interesting and exciting life. His experiences over the years were some that most people would never even have the chance to encounter their whole lives.

Looking at him right now, he definitely has no regrets. As he knew where the end of his life lay, and that his days were numbered, Liangmu chose to live his limited time left to the fullest. It was difficult for anyone to say if his way of thinking was right or wrong, it all depended on the individual.

All his life, he had been on the receiving end of numerous criticisms and cold-eyes. Even those around him was scared of him. Nevertheless, he had never once waivered, and continued to live his life the way he wanted without hesitation and without fear.

Taking into account that he became a chowhound and was now quite big in size, including his earlier obsession with the need for speed, coupled with Jiang Han's initial impression of Fatty at the restaurant that he was kind of a glutton, Jiang Han initially felt that he was someone who was boorish and apathetic of his own appearance. But now that he looked at it, it wasn't as if Fatty was uneducated or lacking manners. Quite the contrary, the various etiquette within Fatty's grasp was likely something even an encyclopedia would find wanting.

It was just that when he ate, he had the mind to eat to his limits. His entire life was all about chasing his limits and getting closer to the edge. In hindsight, earlier when he refused to be overtaken by the vehicle behind them, it was similarly a sort of edge for him. His whole world was dedicated to getting closer to the edge.

It has to be said that this was really crazy and it was difficult for anyone to comprehend but it was at the same time really brave. Not everyone could take this step, to let go of so much and to risk even more. But at the same time, what they would get in return was incomparable.

"That is to say, you only have nine more years to live?" After Fatty's story, they were both deep in thought for a while. In the end, it was Jiang Han who took the initiative to break the silence.

"To be accurate, there's not even nine years left." Fatty did not look like he was affected by Jiang Han's question at all.

"I study medicine and when I have the time later, I'll take a look at you." Jiang Han pondered on it. For the heart to have a naturally born defect was quite a rare condition but it wasn't to say that it was the first of its kind. It was typically rather difficult for anyone with a birth defect to have any hope of a viable treatment. However, that was just ordinary common convention, but right now, Jiang Han was anything but ordinary.

Fatty had no reaction to Jiang Han's words. He clearly did not have any hope or expectations. After all these years, he had seen numerous renowned and distinguished medical experts. He's tried both western and Chinese medicine, and had even tried unconventional and somewhat mystical methods of healing, but in the end, nothing worked.

That is to say, current medical advancements were insufficient to treat Fatty's congenital heart defect. Because of various reasons, the condition of his heart made a transplant impossible as he would meet a violent death, much less live to 30.

At any rate, Fatty still thanked this big brother of his. Despite the brief time they've known each other, Fatty was certain that Jiang Han genuinely wanted to help him. Regardless if it actually worked out or not, with Jiang Han's kind intentions, he still had to show his gratitude.

"Hey, from the look on your face, you don't seem to have much faith in me. Even though I have no way of proving it, but the medical skills I've learnt are not your typical ones. Perhaps it would be unexpectedly effective. Just wait and see." How could Jiang Han not know what Fatty was thinking from the look on his face, but he also did not want to expose the matter of the Shaman's Legacy that he had on him.

If that was what Fatty thought, then so be it. If he could actually help Fatty then it wouldn't matter if he understood the reason or not. After all, it was his duty as a doctor to save people.

They both eventually changed the topic and talked about other things in the car. Fatty told Jiang Han that Dongjiangzhen was a rather extraordinary place. Because of its unique location and environment, there were a lot of rare and precious ingredients that could only be found here.

Even though it was just a small town, the town had a rather considerable reputation. Especially within the gourmet food community, it was considered a sort of holy ground. Furthermore, the mayor of the town was a rather astute person.

When the mayor found out that his town was home to a lot of rare and precious ingredients, he did not wantonly farmed and harvest this ingredients. Instead, he chose to limit the supply available for exportation. This act of his was rather vicious as it clearly cuts out the middleman and the town directly dealt with the restaurants. Those the town found unfamiliar could not purchase any even if they had money.

Not only did this method not reduce the town's income, but because of the limited supply, the price of these ingredients inflated excessively. Eventually, only high-end restaurants were able to afford this small town's ingredients.

Moreover, only those with money were patrons of such high-end restaurants. Therefore, the only ones that could eat this town's produce were society's elite. In this manner, Dongjiangzhen's status within the circle of the wealthy increased unequivocally.

Many of these high-end restaurant's signature dishes had elements of quality ingredients from Dongjiangzhen. If one wanted to eat this dishes, they would have to make a reservation at least a month in advance as the market demand far exceeded the supply.

Jiang Han didn't understand the mindset of the wealthy, but he wasn't too bothered about it. In the end, he felt that the rich had their own lifestyles and the poor had theirs. If they could not understand each other then it would be fine as long asthey didn't mixed together. There was no need to get in the way of other people's happiness.

"Dongjiangzhen even developed their own holiday resort. This is the real holy ground of all vacation spots." Fatty had one hand on the wheel and while the other switched gears.

"From the sound of things, this Dongjiangzhen seems like quite the place. For them to produce such incredible ingredients, the surrounding land and water must be amazing." Jiang Han had a fair bit of understanding towards Chinese herbs and plants when he previously researched the legacy in his mind.

Many of these precious herbs only grew in places where spiritual energy was abundant. Since Dongjiangzhen is able to produce all these various incredible ingredients, then it must be a place where the concentration of spiritual energy waspretty high.

"What Big brother said is correct. I've been to Dongjiangzhen a couple of times and the town has the mountains on one side and water on the other. It surroundings has not been developed, therefore its scenery is undoubtedly amazing." Fatty had led an illustrious life, so he definitely had been to this town's high-end luxurious holiday resort before.

"I see. Well it's nice to have such amazing scenery accompany us on this trip of ours." Jiang Han lowered his head to think. Why would such a place produce ingredients that would cause such a mysterious illness.

According to what Fatty said, this town was likely filled with spiritual energy. If one were to consume the local produce, even if it could not strengthen and heal the body, it should not develop any of those side-effects.

As Jiang Han pondered on the issue, he had a sudden enlightenment. Previously when he woke up from his failed attempt to breakthrough into the 2nd stage of Qi Absorption and went through his friend's social media, he remembered looking at Su Yuxin's pictures.

He recalled that day's conversation and she seem to have mentioned that she accompany her parents to some holiday resort for a couple of days during the golden week. Jiang Han also knew that Su Yuxin's family had a rather high social status.

Now that Fatty said that this Dongjiangzhen's resort was a high-end luxurious place, then wouldn't that mean