Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 The Meaning of Living

It didnt take too long for Fatty to get ready. He walked out of the house with a huge bag on his back and into the courtyard.

Big brother, come give me a hand. This thing is rather heavy. Fatty was carrying a bag that as tall as half a man and he looked like he had over exerted himself.

Jiang Han walked over to give him a hand. Ever since he succeeded in absorbed Qi into his body, the quality and coordination of Jiang Hans body had increased with each passing day. However, his strength was the only thing that hadnt seen much improvement.

When he cultivates to the second level of Qi Absorption, then his strength will improve marginally and it would be quite a bit of help with his fighting strength. Even though Jiang Han currently hadnt really needed strength for fights, but it didnt mean that he wouldnt need it one day. When it came to things like this, it was always better to be prepared.

Despite this, Jiang Han was current a lot stronger that most other grown man. With his help, Fatty was a lot more at ease and with his directions, they slowly made it to the garage.

Fattys family garage itself was much bigger than the houses of ordinary folks. There were numerous cars parked inside and since it was night now, without the lights on, Jiang Han couldnt make out the manufacturers, but it wasnt likely to be bad.

Fatty lead Jiang Han forward and they walked for a bit to a large off-road vehicle. After stuffing the big bag into the back of the vehicle, Fatty let out a heavy sigh of relieve as he leaned on the neighbouring wall while breathing heavily.

Oh my gosh, that almost killed me. Said Fatty who was leaning against the wall.

That was a really big bag, what did you pack in it? Jiang Han was curious. Why did Fatty had to bring so much things just for this short trip.

Big brother, dont you know that it doesnt hurt to be prepared. When a need arise, we can only lament if we were lacking what we needed. Thats why I brought everything that we could possibly need. Fatty said as he slowly made his way to the front of the car.

Jiang Han did not felt any misgiving about Fattys reasoning. Since they were personally driving, the more they brought, the more prepared they were. In the off chance that what they packed was of use, then it would be a lot more convenient.

Fatty started the car and opened the garage door with the engine humming. With that, the two young men drove the big off-roader out into the courtyard.

In the car, Jiang Han rang up Tao Lei and said that he had a fever and that he needed a couple of days off work. The other side could not refuse, especially considering Jiang Hans relationship with Jiang Peiqi and could only tell him to have a good rest and to return back to work when he was feeling better.

Jiang Han himself did not think that it would be this easy. Regardless, it was definitely a good thing and so he was able to leave on this trip with peace of mind.

Fattys driving skills wasnt exaggerated at all, and he handled every leg of the journey with ease. The speed of the vehicle wasnt slow at all but it was very steady and stable. They dropped by the supermarket to purchase some items before leaving Jiangsu City.

Jiang Han really did not understand why they needed so much items on a simple trip to Dongjiangzhen and Fatty was rather secretive about it. He obviously knew something, but he wouldnt say.

After they passed the toll and got onto the highway, Fatty asked Jiang Han to make sure he had his seat belt on because the centrals 14thbachelor was about to soar. Without waiting for Jiang Han to stop him, the vehicles engine had already began to scream.

The car was like a cannon ball roaring through the air. The vehicle accelerated really quickly and within a few seconds, the speedometer showed that they had exceeded 140. They were definitely speeding. Jiang Han actually felt pretty good when he saw them continuously leaving other vehicles in the dust.

Jiang Han turned to look at Fatty and saw that he was fully focused on driving. Every action of his was done meticulously and he looked different from his usual happy-go-lucky face so much so that Jiang Han did not dare to disturb him. Even now, they were still accelerating and if they were to get into an accident, there would be no suspense as death was the only outcome.

After a awhile, Jiang Han noticed from the side mirror on the right that there was a vehicle right on their tail. Looking carefully, he was glad that it wasnt a cop car. However, this vehicles driver was rather crazy because right now the speedometer was steadily resting at 180.

Speeding at 180, if caught then one would have to surrender their driving license. Even though Fattys vehicle was pretty good but it was still just a car and at this speed, a sort of floating feeling could be felt. Furthermore, the vehicle behind was anything but ordinary as it was constantly right on their tail. Was speed really this fun?

Every competent driver had to be mindful of their rear mirror and if Jiang Han noticed the car behind them then naturally Fatty did as well. When Fatty saw that someone wanted to overtake him, he naturally felt uncomfortable. He had just only boast of his driving skills to Jiang Han, and now there was someone here challenging him. If he were to be overtaken now, it would be akin to slapping his own face.

Fatty put his foot down and floored it. When Jiang Han saw that they started to picked up speed again, he couldnt help but jumped out of his own skin. Their current speed was already extremely dangerous and furthermore this wasnt some specialise racing track. This was one of the countrys main highway and there would be vehicles on this highway at all times.

Unfortunately, the only person that seemed to be concerned about this was Jiang Han. It wasnt just Fatty that was determined to have a heavy foot, even the car behind seemed to have bitten down on a bone and wouldnt let go. From the looks of things, they both seemed to be locked in some sort of competition.

It had been only about two minutes since this cat and dog chased began, but to Jiang Han it felt more like two hours. He was internally rather worried and he tried to get Fatty to ease of the throttle and that it was no big deal if they were overtaken.

Big brother, what did you say? Let him pass? Let me tell you, when it comes to cars and food, I will not yield. You should just sit tight and relax. Fatty said uncharacteristically. Even though he called Jiang Han big brother, but this time he completely ignored what Jiang Han said.

Thats enough, right now your just playing around with peoples lives. Jiang Han wasnt angry but he felt that he couldnt let Fatty to continue with this.

Ha ha. Big brother, are you scared? Fatty said laughingly to Jiang Han without turning his eyes away from the road.

Jiang Han was taken back, was he scared? He should be. If he wanted Fatty to slow down to avoid getting into an accident then this could be considered that he was afraid. Before Fatty posed this question, Jiang Han had never considered this before. He didnt want to get into an accident and that was why he told Fatty to slow down. This was common sense and there was nothing wrong with it, but in essence, wasnt this just fear.

Jiang Han couldnt imagine that Fatty would spout such a sharp line. But wasnt this just common sense, everyone would be naturally afraid of death. Was life only worth living when one lost all sense of reverie towards ones own life?

Jiang Han discovered that he did not know how to answer Fattys question.

Big brother, Im afraid every single time. But dont you feel that its only at this time that we really feel alive? If I dont experience this at least a couple of times, then I wouldnt know what meaning the rest of my life would have. Fatty saw that Jiang Han didnt say anything and continued. He actually shed a tear as he said those words.

Jiang Han was deep in thought. The meaning of living was a very deep question. It could be said that any living person would eventually need to find a sort of meaning to life. However, most people would not be able to figure out the answer to this question even when they are six feet under.

Was this Fattys answer, then what would be his own answer to this question?