Shaman's Awakening - Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Central's 14 Bachelors

"Liang mu, that's right, Liangmu. Are you saying that this Dong River Steak are produced from the same place as the main ingredient from the dish I wanted to order earlier?" This question was critical to Jiang Han.

En, that's right. Most people don't know this, but I'm not most people. Big brother can just call me Fatty, no need to be a stranger." As expected, he was the overly friendly type. With this, he had essentially helped Jiang Han to regard himself as his own.

Jiang Han could say nothing against this, after all it was not a bad thing to have another friend. Furthermore, Fatty seems to know a lot, perhaps he could be of great assistance with this matter at hand.

"Fatty, then do you know"

Thereafter, Jiang Han brought up all the unique dishes that all the patients, which he had recently examined in regards to that mysterious illness, had ate prior to the incident. Fatty explained everything he knew as he ate.

Among all these dishes, not all of the main ingredient came from Dongjiangzhen. Including the Dong River Steak and the dish that Jiang Han had wanted to order, there were only a total of 3 dishes where the main ingredient were produced in Dongjiangzhen. However, all of the mentioned dishes had a component that was from Dongjiangzhen.

It was absolutely impossible for this to be a mere coincidence. This was great, as with Fatty's personal vouch of the information's authenticity, Jiang Han didn't need to personally investigate the rest of the dishes. For this, he truly felt grateful to Fatty.

This was because only after coming here to this restaurant that he realise his investigation would not be that easy. First and foremost, just at this restaurant alone, he didn't have sufficient money to even order a single dish.

Without money it is truly difficult to accomplish anything, true story.

After about two hours, 90% of the dishes on the table was inside Fatty. Jiang Han was shocked, how did he accomplish this. Even if was a big eater, the stomach was only so big, how was his stomach able to contain this much food?

After their meal, Fatty handled the staff his card without delay and he also sensibly made it so that Jiang Han walked in front while he followed along slightly behind him.

When they got to the main entrance, one of the staff promptly returned Fatty his card and with a swipe of his hand, the card was hidden on him. After they left the restaurant, Fatty kindly invited Jiang Han to his house.

"If my old man knew that I brought a friend home, I thinkhe would be ecstatic." Fatty rubbed his belly with a face full of smiles.

"How about we take a rain check. I need to pay Dongjiangzhen a visit for a rather troublesome matter." Jiang Han rejected Fatty's invitation without batting an eye. Right now, his mind was occupied with issue of the mysterious illness, he didn't have the mind to visit anyone right now.

"Ah, there's no wonder that you're the Big brother. How could I not think of this, if we were to head to the production area then we would be sure to be able to taste the most authentic ingredients." Fatty misunderstood Jiang Han and thought that he wanted to go to Dongjiangzhen to eat because he already had the misconception that Jiang Han was a gourmet foodie.

"No, I have business to attend to there." Jiang Han was speechless, the only thing on Fatty's mind was food.

"That's fine. Big brother, bring me along. You can work while I'll support from the back. Even at war, there's a need for the quartermaster to support behind the scene. That's right, I'll just be your quartermaster and definitely won't get in your way." Fatty's point could not be easily dismissed. Once he heard that Jiang Han didn't really want to bring him along, he quickly found a counterargument.

"This won't do, aren't you afraid of your old man." Jiang Han shook his head, he was going on official business. If Fatty were to tag along, it would be rather inconvenient as he had an hidden secret on him.

"You don't have to worry about this. If I were to tell my old man that I was going out with a friend, he would be sure to jump for joy so you can be at ease. In that case, it's decided." Fatty smile and spoke. Whatever came out of his mouth had blocked any chance of a rebuttal from Jiang Han.

"Alright, but you'll have to listen to me." Jiang Han thought about it for a while and decided that it wasn't such a bad thing. He intended to visit Dongjiangzhen but he had yet to formulate a solid plan. Furthermore, he had one major issue and that was that he was running out of money. Just the expenses alone for this trip was an obstacle. With Fatty tagging along, this wouldn't be much of an issue.

This wasn't Jiang Han taking advantage of Fatty as he really wanted to be friends with him. It just so happens that he was rather wealthy. As long as the relationship's priorities were made clear then the significance and implication would be different.

Despite all of this, Jiang Han still had a question on his mind. This Fatty called Liangmu had mentioned a number of times something about, "If my old man knew that he had a friend". From the look of things, his father was quite supportive of him making friends. Could it be possible that he did not have a single friend?

The possibility that this was the case was rather high, but Jiang Han did not voice his thoughts. Even though Fatty was the overly friendly type, Jiang Han was not. It hadn't been long since they've met and he felt that it wasn't appropriate to ask such a personal question.

"Fine, you're the big brother, naturally I would listen to you. Let's go, I'll just need to pack some stuff and then we can drive there." Fatty saw that Jiang Han had agreed and was so happy that the fats on his face was visibly shaking. If it was a beautiful woman instead, then the metaphor of a 'lovely scene of blossoming flowers swaying in the breeze' could be used to describe her.

"Drive?" Jiang Han said in surprised.

"That's right. Dongjiangzhen is more than a 100 km (62 miles) away from Jiangsu City. If we don't drive then should he walk?" Fatty couldn't understand Jiang Han's surprise.

Clearly, Jiang Han had no intention of walking, but he also hadn't thought of driving there. Because he grew up in poverty, Jiang Han's family did not own a car. While in university, he single-mindedly studied to be a doctor and have never thought of getting his driving license. Therefore he had absolutely had no experience driving a car and this was why when Fatty brought up driving, he was a little surprise.

"What I meant was, Fatty, do you know how to drive?" Jiang Han asked.

"Big brother, you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Despite my appearance, if you've heard of Jiangsu City central's 14 bachelors, just know I'm one of them. Not only can I drive, I can even street race." As Fatty spoke about this things, his eyes clearly shone with indescribable pride.

"Then what are we standing around for, let's go." Jiang Han ignored Fatty's self-praised and interrupted him from continuing.

"Ah, big brother, don't you need to return home to pack?" Fatty was a little alarmed that Jiang Han was so spontaneous.

Shortly later, Jiang Han explained a little of his situation to Fatty. He told him that he was here in Jiangsu City for his residency and that his family and home was not here in the city. He was going to Dongjiangzhen on official business and did not need to bring anything. Once Fatty was ready, they could leave anytime.

Subsequently, Jiang Han followed Fatty to his house. Tonight, Fatty's parents had originally wanted Fatty to accompany them to an important function but in the end Fatty managed to wiggle himself away from it. It was only after his sister came after him and saw that he was indeed with Jiang Han that she left.

At this time, Fatty's family had yet to return and it was only when Jiang Han got off the cab that he understood how truly big the house of the wealthy was. Such a huge mansion with its huge grounds, complete with every imaginable facilities was only typically seen on the television.

Jiang Han knew that Fatty came from money but he couldn't imagine that they were this rich. Such a mansion wasn't something that could be obtain with just some money. Just the daily operating expense itself was a huge sum.

t/s notes: