Char. Many times Madam
Cleo. I am paid for't now: lead me from hence, I faint, oh Iras, Charmian: 'tis no matter.
Go to the Fellow, good Alexas bid him Report the feature of Octauia: her yeares, Her inclination, let him not leaue out The colour of her haire. Bring me word quickly, Let him for euer go, let him not Charmian, Though he be painted one way like a Gorgon, The other wayes a Mars. Bid you Alexas Bring me word, how tall she is: pitty me Charmian, But do not speake to me. Lead me to my Chamber.
Flourish. Enter Pompey, at one doore with Drum and Trumpet: at another Caesar, Lepidus, Anthony, En.o.barbus, Mecenas, Agrippa, Menas with Souldiers Marching.
Pom. Your Hostages I haue, so haue you mine: And we shall talke before we fight
Caesar. Most meete that first we come to words, And therefore haue we Our written purposes before vs sent, Which if thou hast considered, let vs know, If 'twill tye vp thy discontented Sword, And carry backe to Cicelie much tall youth, That else must perish heere
Pom. To you all three, The Senators alone of this great world, Chiefe Factors for the G.o.ds. I do not know, Wherefore my Father should reuengers want, Hauing a Sonne and Friends, since Iulius Caesar, Who at Phillippi the good Brutus ghosted, There saw you labouring for him. What was't That mou'd pale Ca.s.sius to conspire? And what Made all-honor'd, honest, Romaine Brutus, With the arm'd rest, Courtiers of beautious freedome, To drench the Capitoll, but that they would Haue one man but a man, and that his it Hath made me rigge my Nauie. At whose burthen, The anger'd Ocean fomes, with which I meant To scourge th' ingrat.i.tude, that despightfull Rome Cast on my n.o.ble Father
Caesar. Take your time
Ant. Thou can'st not feare vs Pompey with thy sailes.
Weele speake with thee at Sea. At land thou know'st How much we do o're-count thee
Pom. At Land indeed Thou dost orecount me of my Fathers house: But since the Cuckoo buildes not for himselfe, Remaine in't as thou maist
Lepi. Be pleas'd to tell vs, (For this is from the present how you take) The offers we haue sent you
Caesar. There's the point
Ant. Which do not be entreated too, But waigh what it is worth imbrac'd Caesar. And what may follow to try a larger Fortune
Pom. You haue made me offer Of Cicelie, Sardinia: and I must Rid all the Sea of Pirats. Then, to send Measures of Wheate to Rome: this greed vpon, To part with vnhackt edges, and beare backe Our Targes vndinted
Omnes. That's our offer
Pom. Know then I came before you heere, A man prepar'd To take this offer. But Marke Anthony, Put me to some impatience: though I loose The praise of it by telling. You must know When Caesar and your Brother were at blowes, Your Mother came to Cicelie, and did finde Her welcome Friendly
Ant. I haue heard it Pompey, And am well studied for a liberall thanks, Which I do owe you
Pom. Let me haue your hand: I did not thinke Sir, to haue met you heere, Ant. The beds i'th' East are soft, and thanks to you, That cal'd me timelier then my purpose hither: For I haue gained by't
Caesar. Since I saw you last, ther's a change vpon you
Pom. Well, I know not, What counts harsh Fortune cast's vpon my face, But in my bosome shall she neuer come, To make my heart her va.s.saile
Lep. Well met heere
Pom. I hope so Lepidus, thus we are agreed: I craue our composion may be written And seal'd betweene vs, Caesar. That's the next to do
Pom. Weele feast each other, ere we part, and lett's Draw lots who shall begin
Ant. That will I Pompey
Pompey. No Anthony take the lot: but first or last, your fine Egyptian cookerie shall haue the fame, I haue heard that Iulius Caesar, grew fat with feasting there
Anth. You haue heard much
Pom. I haue faire meaning Sir
Ant. And faire words to them
Pom. Then so much haue I heard, And I haue heard Appolodorus carried- Eno. No more that: he did so
Pom. What I pray you?
Eno. A certaine Queene to Caesar in a Matris
Pom. I know thee now, how far'st thou Souldier?
Eno. Well, and well am like to do, for I perceiue Foure Feasts are toward
Pom. Let me shake thy hand, I neuer hated thee: I haue seene thee fight, When I haue enuied thy behauiour
En.o.b. Sir, I neuer lou'd you much, but I ha' prais'd ye, When you haue well deseru'd ten times as much, As I haue said you did
Pom. Inioy thy plainnesse, It nothing ill becomes thee: Aboord my Gally, I inuite you all.
Will you leade Lords?
All. Shew's the way, sir
Pom. Come.
Exeunt. Manet En.o.b. & Menas]
Men. Thy Father Pompey would ne're haue made this Treaty. You, and I haue knowne sir
En.o.b. At Sea, I thinke
Men. We haue Sir
En.o.b. You haue done well by water
Men. And you by Land
En.o.b. I will praise any man that will praise me, thogh it cannot be denied what I haue done by Land
Men. Nor what I haue done by water
En.o.b. Yes some-thing you can deny for your owne safety: you haue bin a great Theefe by Sea
Men. And you by Land
En.o.b. There I deny my Land seruice: but giue mee your hand Menas, if our eyes had authority, heere they might take two Theeues kissing
Men. All mens faces are true, whatsomere their hands are
En.o.b. But there is neuer a fayre Woman, ha's a true Face